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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Baby Yoona🩸
And Her
Crazy Nanny

By:Soma Lee

Tags: Love,h@ťě,comedy, fight,love triangle

Theme: Taming Her Temper



Chapter 68🌹 69


“No my nanny cannot die”! Yoona screamed as she woke up from her sleep immediately starting another round of tears. She ran to the door and open it running on the stairs with all alacrity. As she about to go out from the sitting room, Maxwell carried her immediately.

“Drop me down I need to see my nanny” she yelled but he held her tightly.

“Your nanny is fine stop crying please” Maxwell said as he tried to console her.

“She’s not. I had a… dream about her how she…was shot. Is all my fault. Show me my nanny I want to see her”!! She screamed kicking her leg on the air.

“She’s fine. Your father will bring her back to you trust me” he assured her though he was having some strange feelings about it.

“Will my daddy save her? She hiccup as she stare at him.

“Yes. He will” he replied.

Hwasa entered into the living room with water and some fruit and placed it on the table.

“Yoona please eat this. You haven’t eaten anything since you came back from school”she said as she tried to touch her but she slapped her hand away.

“I will eat when i see my nanny”she refused as she buried her face on Maxwell chest.

“Yoona please eat. Your nanny will scold you when she comes back. So eat and stay strong for her” Hwasa persist trying to make her to eat but Yoona refuse still sobbing slowly as Maxwell patts her back.

“She will eat later” Maxwell assured Hwasa who sigh sadly.

“If I was told that she will be in this state before of her nanny,I won’t believe it because she h@ťěd Yuna back then. I’m so surprised seeing how she got along with her in a weird way” Hwasa said as she hissed out loudly sitting beside Maxwell.

“Me too. Seeing how like this makes me want to get angry at her if she had close her little mouth,Yuna wouldn’t be kidnapped. But on the other side,I won’t blame her because she wasn’t trained by a mother figure” he added as he sighed sadly.

“I pray she survive. I missed her so badly” Hwasa said as she wiped the tears that fell from her eyes.

“Me too” Maxwell said as he fought back the tears that thr_@tening to fall from his ears. He shouldn’t be crying among this females seeing him as their only comforter.

“Please be safe Yuna” he muttered inside of him.

“I’m sorry Yuna” Yoona whispered in her sleep as Maxwell and Hwasa exchange meaning glances.

“Irene! Irene! Irene!” Kim Min Yu tapped her on her shoulder as she jerk from his touch. She has drifted off in thought again, seeing her actions made him to suspect that something is totally wrong with her.

“Irene for the last time what is wrong with you? Kim asked already fed up with her attitude.

“Nothing is wrong with me… I’m just stressed out” she lied avoiding his gaze.

“Irene” he walked closer to her and stood in front of her as she avoided his gaze.

“I have got to know you so much that even if you lie to others,I can still dictate that it was a lie. And now you are lieing to me that everything is okay when it is not. You met someone at the mall that changed your mood today. But pray I don’t set my eyes on that person that put fear into you cos if I do,I don’t mind ki||ing that person and give his or her to the lions at the zoo to feed on”he said seriously as Irene was forced to look at him seeing the mysterious side of him that she have never seen.

“Are you willing to tell me or should I force you? He said sternly as she shifted backwards avoiding his gaze.

“I…saw…I .saw Kira… she..” she was Interrupted by him

“Kira” he said as he folded his fist in pure anger.

“What did she tell you”? He yelled as she flinched.

“She…told me that she like the baby when I bumped into her. I didn’t know that she was the one…tii she told me her name. I’m scare she will come back into your life and take Jungkook away from me and making me a fool in your life”she said as tears fell from her eyes.

“Do you trust me Irene”? He asked suddenly as she locked gaze with him.

“I trust you but… I’m scare that you will dump me for Kira when she comes back to you. I’m sorry that my trust is not…”

“I’m glad that you trust me but I want you to know deeply that no Kira or her shadow nor her spirit nor her body can stop me from loving the woman I want to love. I love you Irene and no one will come in between us. As for Kira her time on earth is up. She will not see or carry the child that she abandoned at the hospital. That was the oath I took in that hospital” he said as Irene notice the glimpse of blood shot that appear and disappeared immediately from his eyes. That’s to show how serious he was.

“Relax your mind…” He was interrupted by the ringing tone of her phone. She brought it out from her pocket and click the green button.

📞”Eomma (Mom)” she said.
📞”Yuna has been kidnapped”
📞”Oh my goodness when”!
📞”This afternoon and she haven’t been found. Her father and Felix went in search of her with her boss. We are hoping for the best”
📞”Who is behind all these”? She asked
📞”From the look of think all the evidence is pointing at Mrs Sarah the senator’s wife.
📞”Please stay safe and pray for her return”. They ended the call

“What is it? Kim Min Yu asked immediately she dropped her phone.

“Yuna has been kidnapped” she said.

“Kim’s daughter’s nanny”? He asked to confirm if what he heard was true.

“Yes and Lady Sarah is the prime suspect”she added.

“The senator’s wife. Hmm I pray she’s okay because that girl tame his daughter” he said sincerely.

“She’s crazy in nature. I love her. I pray she comes back alive” she prayed silently.
Inside the shaman place,Felix was quick to sight a bow of an arrow which was hanging on a statue,as he was about to grab the bow he tripped and fell alerting his father who came out from where he saw an arrow sticks. He rushed to him and lend a hand of help.

“Are you okay”? He asked with concern not wanting anything to happen to him.

“Yes. I mistakenly step on this” he bent down and picked a fresh licked banana peel. He immediately locked eyes with his father who seems to understand that look which was someone is also here with them.

They quickly diverted their gaze to their right side where they saw a huge man resting his back on the wall with his two hands folded under his chest.

“What are you doing here? Perhaps you are here to save your daughter? The man asked lazily as if he was forced to make a sentence.

” Yes. Where is she? Mr Choi asked not minding the amusement look on his face.

“Where is she”? He mimicked. “Do I look like someone who obey someone. Beside your daughter is having a great s3x of her life with two men. Isn’t it wonderful? He smirked. Hearing his daughter being f-__-ked by two useless bastard made his heart boiled in anger.He quickly grabbed the gun he gave to Felix from his pocket and shot at the man but he dodge the bullet bringing out his gun and shot at Mr Choi who dodged and pushed Felix away, throwing the arrows to him.

The huge man came directly to Mr Choi and tried to punch him on his face but he dodged and landed a blow on his abdomen. The man stare at his abdomen with a blank expression before punching Mr Choi directly on his face.

” aah”! He groaned in pains as he bled through the nose.

“Appa”! Felix shouted as he tried to run to where he was but his father stopped him with his hand.

” Don’t come closer” he warned as he gradually stood up from the ground. The huge man face Felix as he took a slow step towards Fekix who shifted backwards in fear, as the man was about to punch him, Mr Choi hit him hard on the head with a glass flower vase as it broke on his head making the huge man to bleed from his head.

The man slowly turned and backed Felix who used that opportunity to $h00t him an arrow that came out from his chest as Mr Choi planted a bullet on his head finally sending him to hell where he definitely belonged.

“Well done Felix”! His father complimented him as he smile.

” Let’s go find Yuna” he said as thet duo left the shaman place.

As they went outside,they saw dead bodies of the gang members lying on the floor. A gunshot was heard as the turned to the other side to see male cop $h00ting one of those hit men that nearly $h00t Felix.

They quickly ran to the door as Felix pushed it with his leg. They were about to enter when Kim Soo huyn ran to them with a gun in his hand.

“Kim” Mr Choi called as Kim faced him with a guilty face.

“Let’s save my daughter first and then i will listen to wh@ťěver you have to say” he said as Kim nodded. They entered inside the hospital through the hall way which was covered with cobwebs and a little darkness. They pass through many wards in search of Yuna.

“This hospital has many wards. At this rate I think it has an underground” Felix complained.

“It has an underground. I’m thinking that is where Yuna is” Kim said as they about to move further,they heard a voice.

“This voice belong to Sarah.Let’s traced it” he said as they were moving, five boys prevented them from moving forward.

“Mr Choi,you go in search of Yuna while Felix and I will take care of them” Kim instructed as Mr Chio nodded. Mr Choi ran to the other side distracting them. The three of them followed him but Kim was quick to ki|| them with his gun as Felix combated with the remaining two. He did a back flip and kicked the both of them on their groin before $h00ting the one on his left with an arrow that penetrated through his right eye and came out from the back of his head.

The second one manged to stand but a bullet ran into his skul. Felix turned and saw that the bullet was coming from a female cop.

“Thanks”he appreciated.

“You two should go and look for Yuna. My team and I will finished rest” she instructed as they ran quickly to the stairs.

Mr Choi walk through the empty passge and saw a door slightly opened as he was about to enter,he saw a boy guarding the door. He thought for what to distract the boy,he saw a stone and threw it on the opposite direction as predicted the boy diverted his attention to the direction of the stone. Mr Choi used their opportunity to hid in a corner where he positioned his gun and destroyed his head with a bullet. He smiled to himself and ran to the door. As he opened the door quitely,he saw a boy dragging Yuna’s pant,it angered him that he didn’t know when he pulled the trigger that claimed the life on the unfortunate bastard.

The person that was shot was Blue as he fell lifelessly on the ground.

Aaaaaaah”!!!! They ladies screamed in horror as Mr Chio came in view.

“Was I late Yuna”? He asked with a sad smile

“Ani appa” (No father) Yuna replied weakly as she returned the smile. Mrs Sarah saw that Chio was carried away by his daughter and brought out her gun from her bag as she was about to pull the trigger, a sound gunshot was heard as someone’s head blew off.

As Sarah wanted to $h00t Mr Choi,Kim Soo Hyun directly positioned his gun from the door,as the bullet rammed into her skull scattering and shattering her worthless brain on the floor as Kim smile proudly to himself.

“Eomma!! They twin screamed in horror as their mother’s lifeless body just fell on the ground. They slowly raised their heads as Mr Kim came in view. Their eyes were raining with tears as they look at Kim h@ťěfully. Felix quickly rushed in and saw the state of his sister,he felt like crying. Her face was messed up and pant been dragged down. He closed his eyes as he removed his hoodie to cover her Varea. He took his arrow and begin cutting the rope used in tieing her down.

Fire used that opportunity to escape.

Seeing the lifeless body of Sarah brought smile to Mr Choik face as he embraced Kim in a heart warming hug. Though he wanted to give her a painful death but he had just made his work easier for him. More reason why he should be happy.

“Thanks Kim” he whispered. Yunji took the gun from her mother and pointed it to Mr Choi but Kim was quick to position his gun to her.

“If you tried to pull the trigger I can assure you a peaceful death. Now dropped that gun”he ordered but she was not giving in as her eyes were bloodlust filled with revenge. Mr Choi look at her with anger.

“Your mother trained you badly. If you love your life drop that gun unless you want to accompany your mom to the land of the dead” He said seriously which slightly affected Yunji but she tried to maintain her balance.

“You want to ki|| you daughter appa”! Nana screamed but Mr Choi furrowed his brows likewise Yuna who was now standing with the support of her brother.

“The both of you are not my daughter” he spat as Nana widened her eyes in the total denial.

“You are lying right”? She asked but he nodded his head negatively.

“I’m not lying. I was never your father and will never be. How I can I be the father to a heartless girl? Do you think that I don’t know that you were involved in the kidnap of Yuna? After everything I have done for you? I trained you and gave you all what you wanted more than I did for my biological children! I gave you all the things you set your eyes on but you still didn’t appreciate my efforts even after knowing that I was not your father! I took you away from Sarah so that you wouldn’t be like her but my guess was wrong after. I forgot that her blood runs in you. If you want to know your father,then the senator is your biological father. Young Park Shil is your father. If Sarah told that I’m your father then she lied” Mr Choi said not caring about the look on their faces.

“I’m your father. All what he had said is true” Young Shil said as he entered.

“What”? Nana exclaimed in shock seeing her resemblance in him.

“Yes you are my daughter. If you give me a chance I will explain everything in details. Please drop your gun to avoid more damage in the future” he pleaded.

“I don’t care if you are my father, but for ki||ing my mother I don’t care going to jail just for ki||ing you Mr Kim ” Nana said with all hatred as she pulled the trigger towards Kim Soo Hyun but Yuna was quick to hug him tightly as the bullet penatrated through her back. Yunji saw this as an opportunity to pay back what Yuna had done to her back then in school and pulled her trigger immediately which hit Yuna through her back as blood gushed out from her back.

“Yuna”!!! Kim screamed as tears began falling voluntarily from his eyes.

“Yuna please don’t do this please”! He said as he she smile weakly. When she wanted to talk,she vomited out blood.

“My daughter!! Mr Choi wailed ss he knelt beside Kim Soo Hyun who was holding Yuna. Yuna turned to look at him with a smile on her face.

“You tried…appa! She raised her hand weakly to touch his face. When her hand touched her face,she coughed out more blood. She slowly turn to look at Kim who was crying bitterly.

“Kim tell…Yoona that I love her and I will like …. To be her mother in the after life. I love you …Kim Soo Hyun ” she confessed as she dropped her hand lifelessly on the floor as she stopped breathing.

“Yuna”!!!!!! Kim Soo Hyun screamed in agony as the police entered the room.

“I love you too Yuna”!!!! He shouted violently as he hugged her dead body to himself.


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