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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Baby Yoona🩸
And Her
Crazy Nanny

By:Soma Lee

Tags: Love,h@ťě,comedy, fight,love triangle

Theme: Taming Her Temper



Chapter 66🌹 67


“Sir I can’t declare the person in question missing when it is not up to 24 hours” the female cop with a big stomach said after Kim Soo Hyun finished his explanation.

“But I do have a suspect”he suddenly as the female cop raised an eyebrow.

“Who then? She asked.

“Mrs Sarah the senator’s wife” he said as the cop looked at him suspiciously.

“Why do you say such? She inquired.

“Because she’s the brain behind her kidnapped. From the vey first day Yuna confronted her,she haven’t backed down.” Kim explained breathing heavily.

“I believed what you said but I don’t want to risk my life” the cop said slowly.

“Why? He asked sensing that she was hiding something.

“Even if I tell you, you won’t understand. It is my duty as a cop to protect the lives of people but…in this case,I can’t help you Mr Kim… I’m sorry” the cop said with an apologetic voice.

“Even if I offer you a thirty million won, won’t you accept? He asked like it was a final option let for him.

“Thirty million won? She gasped but signed slowly.

“I will do it” she later accept.

“Thank you so much”he appreciated warmly as the cop went into the Deputy officer’s office.

“Sir I want to search Mr Kim Soo Hyun mansion. He said that a thief invaded his mansion and he wants us to catch the criminal” she lied because if actually she told him the truth,he will call Mrs Sarah since the deputy officer is working for her.

“Okay. Take a few cops with you”the man said as she bowed and left his office.

After alerting some cops, they drove off from the station.

Kim was driving when his phone beeped with a message.


Kim Soo Hyun smile mischievously as the thought of doing things to Mrs Sarah invaded his head.

“The location have been seen” he said through the ear pod.

“Let’s move there”! The female cop yelled as they increase their speed.
“I’m just waiting to hear the good news from these guys” Nana said as she sipped the liquid red wine from the glass cup while swirling it.

“I’m just waiting patiently as you but I don’t think I can wait any longer to ki|| that Ɓîtçh” Mrs Sarah hissed as she dropped her glass of wine on the glass table.

“So what’s next after kidnapping her? Nana asked.

“I initially wanted those guys to sleep with her and upload the video tagging the billionaire’s name. But now plans changed” she smirked evily.

“What’s the new plan mom? Nana squinted her eyes more as she look at her mother who was smiling evily.

“I will thr_@ten Mr Chio with his daughter and ask him to sign all his wealth to us. And after that,we will become rich”!! She shouted as Nana began laughing as the thought of becoming rich invaded her mind.

“Yayyyyyy”!!! They clicked their cups together in celebration as Sarah’s phone rang.

📞 “Ma’am the deal has been done”. Fire said
📞”Is she with you guys? She asked.
📞”Yeah and we are waiting for your order”.
📞”Have fun with her a little because I’m coming there”
📞”Alright ma’am”.
The call ended as Mrs Sarah stood up gently.

“Our target is in our custody, let’s go and pay her a visit” Sarah grinned as she picked up her car keys heading towards the door when the door was pushed opened revealing Yunji who was breathing heavily.

“Yunji you took so long to come” she scolded at her.

“I’m sorry mom,I was with Bella when I saw your text message. Where is she? She asked stretching her neck to see her long awaited twin.

“Here am I” Nana said as she came in view.

“Oh my goodness,you are beautiful! Yunji screamed as they embraced themselves.

“You too you are beautiful. I missed you so much” Nana said emotionally.

“Hey girls no time for all of these. Let’s go see our target now” Mrs Sarah said as they girl disengaged from the hug but the held their hands together and walked out from the parlour. Immediately they drove off, the senator Park Shil slowly made his way to the parlour where he removed a recorder under the glass table where Sarah and Nana placed their cup.

“Your cup is full already Sarah. I can’t wait to have my kids back” he said as he brought his phone and texted Mr Choi.


He brought out his gun before going out from the house.
Felix and Mr Choi parked from the car from a hidden distance before walking slowly making sure that the sound of their feet mustn’t be heard.

“Here looks like an abandoned place of a Shaman”. Felix commented at the drawings of the building.

“Don’t be decieved. There is an abndon hospital at the left. We need to get there fast before those bastard will hurt your sister” Mr Choi said huskily as he loaded a gun and handed over to Felix.

“Hide this in case of any necessity” he advised as they began tip topping with their heads lowered. When they got to a small garden,they squatted as the started to survey the hospital that was at their left. It was an old hospital that wasn’t in use again because of what happened many years ago.

A doctor knowingly ki||ed a granddaughter to the ex president of south Korea twenty years ago and sold her kidney,liver and heart to a strong mafia group in Hong Kong. When the news got out to the world,the government of south Korea bounded the hospital and ki||ed the doctor and gave a rule that no one should ever operate the hospital again expect the government says so.

“There are camera here. For us to go in,we must destroy this cameras. If we use this gun it will alert them. What should we do? Felix asked as a thought popped into his head.

“Inside this shaman place I think an arrow should be there” he suggested as his father grabbed his hand and led him inside the shaman’s place. Immediately they left,one of the guys that was incharge of the patrol sense that there was someone but later shrugged when he didn’t see anyone.

A car drove in as Mrs Sarah and Nana walked briskly inside the hospital while Yunji followed suit.
Inside one of the old ward Yuna was,as Fire and Blue was about to dragged her pant, Sarah came in and shouted.

“STOP”! She shouted as Fire and Blue glanced at the door and stood up immediately.

“You guys are in a hurry. Relax she will be all yours my boys cos I like the sight of what I’m seeing” she clicked her tongue as Yuna glare at her h@ťěfully.

“We are sorry ma’am”! They apologized.

“You look miserable right now Yuna”….!

“Not Yuna mom but as Lady Yuna”! Yunji interrupted as they broke into laughter.

“Yes Lady Yuna. I forgot. I don’t care if you are a Lady or not what matters to me is s that you won’t come out here alive” she said evily as Yuna started laughing as if she said something interesting. Nana and Yunji stare at themselves wondering what can be the reason of her laughter.

“Just look at the way you said I won’t come out here alive as if you have made it in life” Yuna said boldly.

“What”! They gasp shockingly.

“Yes. You are the reason why your ancient generations cursed before you even before you were born because they have already known how stupid and useless you will be. At this your age all you should be doing right now is pray unto God to have mercy upon you and grant you a peaceful death but no. You are kidnapping a girl meant to your granddaughter how foolish of you old cargo” Yuna said without blinking an eye.

“You still have the gut to speak to me like this,huh”! Sarah shouted as she slapped her two times at her face.

“After slapping me,it won’t change the fact that you are stupid ma’am” Yuna laughed as Sarah slap her again more heavily than the first as her mouth burst” Yuna laughed and spat out the blood to her face.

“Arrgh!!! Sarah yelled angrily.

“Beat her up”!!! She commanded as her two daughters started to beat her mercilessly. Nana grabbed her hair pulling it hard while Yuna scream in pains.

“Argh”!!! She was tied as making look weak.

Yunji slapped so many times as she lost count of times she slapped her. Yuna’s face became unrecognizable as her eyes where all swollen.

“Stop”! She yelled as the strip beating her.

“You are a bastard Sarah just wait till I get untie…” She was interrupted with blow on her nose from Sarah as blood gushed out from her nose but she smiled weakly.

“I h@ťě her gut” Yunji said as she throw hàteful glances at her.

“Start your fun with her” she ordered as Blue clicked the play button. He joined Fire on the bed as he pulled her pant down,a gunshot was heard as someone fell down dead.

The person that was shot was Blue as he fell lifelessly on the ground.

“Aaaaaaah”!!!! They ladies screamed in horror as Mr Chio came in view.

“Was I late Yuna”? He asked with a sad smile

“Ani appa” (No father) Yuna replied weakly as she returned the smile. Mrs Sarah saw that Chio was carried away by his daughter and brought out her gun from her bag as she was about to pull the trigger, a sound gunshot was heard as someone’s head blew off.

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