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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Baby Yoona🩸
And Her
Crazy Nanny

By:Soma Lee

Tags: Love,h@ťě,comedy, fight,love triangle

Theme: Taming Her Temper



Chapter 47🌹48


As the Bentley car entered into the garage of the institute,the intakes turned to look at the car that just drove in. Yuna alighted from the car with her mini school bag hung at her back rodgely. She stared at the magnificently building with her mouth agape. The building was so huge with the name boldly written on top of the building.

“When you get in there,avoid trouble Miss Yuna!! The driver whispered bringing her out from her imagination. She chuckled as she slapped his arms stylishly.

“I will! But if I will not be greeted by trouble”

“Okay! Have a nice day at school”

“You will bring back Yoona by three o’clock” she said.

“Yes ma’am!! He bowed as he entered the car and drove off.

Yuna bounced as she walked to the already lineup que that were waiting for their names to be called. As she forced herself inside the line,a girl saw and shouted.

🗣️ That’s the girl on TikTok
🗣️Where is she?

The people turned to look at Yuna who was surprised by her action. The next thing she they did surprised her.

“Aka!!! A boy screamed.

👥IMO, Idiot Must Obey!!! They crowd shouted shocking the hell out Yuna. She couldn’t believe that she have gotten a large number of fan even before she gets popular.

“I love the way you treated that senator’s wife. I love your boldness Yuna!! A girl commented as Yuna smiled brightly at her.

“I love your smile. Would you date me? A boy asked as he knelt on one kneel with invisible ring.

👥Say yes!!! The crowd enchanted as Yuna was stunned by their craziness. She’s crazy but she never thought that she will have such crazy fans.

“Park Liam!! Park Jimin called out from the microphone as he was the one calling their names alphabetically but he didn’t get a response. He called the name again instead he was hearing”Say Yes!!!

He looked further and saw that it was random boy proposing to a girl. As the girl lifted her head,he gasped when he saw that it was Yuna!!

“Yuna! He called out of shocked as the people turned to look at him.

“What’s wrong with him? A girl asked.

Yuna smirked as she winked at him. Park Jimin immediately ran as to inform Kim Soo Hyun what was happening.

👥Say Yes Yuna!!!
👥He is handsome!!!

Truly the boy is handsome cos he seem like an half Korean,half Philippines.

“Okay I will give my answer” she said as the crowd immediately kept quiet to here her response.

“Mmm” she cleared her throat.

“I will…

“What is so special about this girl. Dude you are kneeling for a crazy girl who you don’t know but going about to beat up government officials ” a girl interrupted as everyone turned to look at her.

“This is pure jealousy. Are you that jealous because no boy here have noticed you? That is because you are ugly girl!! A boy said as the crowd erupted in laughter as girl folded her fist in anger.

“Instead of you to appreciate someone’s beauty so that God would have a change of mind in your destiny cos all what I am seeing here is already used and dumped destiny” the boy added. It was as if the spray a laughing chemical to the atmosphere cos the ground shook heavily because of their laughter. Yuna wasn’t exempted she was the one leading in the laughter.

Today was in deed a good start for her. From Yoona defending her in the morning till her crazy fans defending her again. Is God not wonderful?

Yuna walked up to the girl with a smirk playing on her lips.

“No one messes with me and go scot free but for today you are lucky that you got on my good side this morning. Don’t forget to pray to God to have a change of mind concerning your destiny girl!!

👥 Idiot Must Obey!!

“Spare me that $h|t and move away from me” the girl hissed out loudly.

“That was as why your blessing angel missed his way cos you have a very bad odour and I think is hereditary!!

👥Oh my God!!


The girl could only squeezed her face in anger as she fought back her tears.

Kim Soo Hyun was coming out from the meeting room with the board members when he saw Park Jimin panting helplessly.

“What is the matter Jimin? He asked.

“It’s Yuna. I don’t know why she’s here? She causing a fuse outside…

Jimin didn’t finish his statement when Kim Soo Hyun walked out immediately as he ran and follow him. As he stood at the podium,he took a deep breath before using the microphone.

“Can I get your attention everyone? He said calmy but the people was still chanting her name.

🗣️Miss Yuna to my office right now!!

“Immediately her name left his mouth, the crowd turned to look at him.

🗣️Is Kim Soo Hyun!!
🗣️He is angry!!

The girl that was tackling Yuna was smiling in happiness as the look on Kim Soo Hyun face shows that he was angry. Yuna took a slow step as she entered the elevator when it got to the first floor,she asked the receptionist for the floor of their boss which the receptionist told her but not without saying that she was a fan of her.

As the elevator stopped at his floor,her heart skipped as she saw him looking at her with anger. But wait! Why did her heart skipped as she saw him? She walked slowly towards playing with her fingers.

“What’s really your problem? He asked.


“Tell me. Your haven’t been introduced officially but yet,you have started introducing yourself already”.

“It wasn’t my fault that my fans introduced by themselves. And I love it dear. I want everyone to know that Yuna AKA IMO is here to take any female that will be lurking around you to mortuary” she said bold.

Kim Soo Hyun opened his mouth to say something but no words came out.

“What was he thinking when she asked her to be his daughter’s nanny?

A Ferrari car stopped at the airport as Kim Min Yu opened the
car door for Granny Ruth as she stepped out with smiles around her lips. He opened the car boot and brought out her bags as a air hostess came and took it from him.

“I will miss you granny!! Irene pouted as Jungkook responded by doing ‘Mwe’ sound.

“I will miss you too my son” she chuckled as she carried him and planted a kiss on his cheeks.

“Take care of like never before Irene” she said more like a plea.

“I will granny”she responded confidentially.

“And most importantly… She came closer to her and whispered some words in her in ear that made her to froze on her feet. She turned to look at her with shocked written all over her face.

“Do as I said at least for the sake of Jungkook” she said and held her hands.

“Do what exactly? Kim Min Yu asked when he came closer to them.

“You don’t have to know dear. Is about women stuff” Granny cautioned.

“Oops I give up!! I will miss you granny!! He muttered like a kid

“I miss you too. But I don’t want your to start eating baby food or start picking a quarell with Irene cos if you do so,I will come down here to beat you” she said sternly.

“Mm I see. If was she the one to pick a quarell with me first what should I do to her? He asked as he folded his hands on under his chest.

“Kindly report her to me” she replied as she handed Jungkook to Irene.

“I should kindly report her to you but I’m the one that deserves a beating right? He asked as he fake anger.

“Yes. I should have give a beaten before now but I will leave it for another day. I Will entered the jet now,Kim Min Yu I want you to protect Jungkook and Irene like your family,I don’t want to hear any heart breaking news from you. Man up and move on from Kira,love Jungkook with all your heart and fulfill your duty to him. If Kira eventually comes back,cos I know that she will find her way back to your life when she’s tired of her life but if she comes, DON’T NOT CAST YOUR PEARL BEFORE SWINE” after saying that,she entered the plane.

They were still there before plane took off. They entered into the car with each of them not saying anything to each other. The atmosphere was silent as the both were lost in thought. Kim Min Yu was lost as the advice of Granny Ruth kept ringing inside his head. Irene was till pondering what Granny Ruth asked her to do. Will she be able to do it? What if along the line he eventually finds out, what will he take her for? The thought of been called a Ɓîtçh crept her soul with fear.

He parked the car at the garage of his company before opening the door for Irene who came out with Jungkook sleeping peacefully on her chest. He took her bag from the back seat as they entered inside his company.

“Carry him,I need to prepare his bed” she said as she carefully placed Jungkook on his chest as she began dressing his bed. She took Jungkook from him and placed him on the bed gently making sure that he was comfortable as he slept. Some beads of sweat started forming on his forehead as she started blowing air on his face. Kim Min Yu was just staring at her from the side of his office,the way she takes care of him sometimes it amzed him. She took him as her own son, showering love and affection on him. Any time he said to himself to trust her,he will end up having the thought of her leaving him.

“Irene” he called. She turned to his direction.

“Let’s talk” he said and sat on the sofa. She did the same thing.

“What plans do you have for yourself? He asked as she turned to look at him with a confused look.

“I don’t seem to understand you?.

“What plan do you have for yourself after taking care of Jungkook. You know you need to start up something for yourself like a every other girl would do”

She took a deep breath “you know before I started working for you,I was a delivery girl who was hoping for a better change in her life up untill I met your son crying bitterly. I felt pity for him seeing a new born child crying that way. After you hired me to become his nanny,I was happy at first because it was a thing of joy to be working as nanny in the home of a billionaire. It was a great opportunity for me, because I have already mapped out a plan for myself after working here but…any time I remember how devasted Jungkook will be anytime I will leave, it brings this kind of pain in my heart. All what I wanted for myself was to have a big botique which has a salon inside of it. Then when I have made enough money,I would like to open an entertainment industry to sponsor many talents. And finally get married to my soulmate” she said.

By the time she was done talking,Kim Min Yu had a smile on his smiles.

“Anyone that will have you as a wife is blessed” he said as she smiled brightly. He poured out wine as he gave a glass.

“Cheers to the beginning of a new life Mr Kim!! She said as the clicked the glass together. She sip the wine but Kim Min Yu didn’t stop staring at her with a smile.

After promising not to cause any trouble,Yuna made her way to the large hall where everyone were already seated with a group of people standing in front of them. As she entered her fans started chanting her name.


“Keep quiet everyone!! Park Jimin yelled as the hall became silent immediately.

“Why are you coming late Miss Yuna? Park Jimin with a smirk playing on his lips. Instead of replying him,she glared at him in response.

“Did you glare at me? He asked as he like the reaction of her face. She dear not behave as if she knows him or tell people the relationship she has with Kim Soo Hyun. But he wants to use this opportunity to get his revenge on her.

“I’m sorry…I

👥 Weren’t you there when Kim Soo Hyun called for her? Her toxic fans asked him. He sharply turned to Yuna but was smiling evily.

“Go and seat” he said as she went to sit but not without her fans begging her to sit with them.

“Without wasting any of your time,I will like to introduce ourselves to you. Firstly, I’m Park Jimin the personal assistant to Kim Soo Hyun” he said proudly but non of the student clapped for him. They were looking at him blankly.

He folded his fist in anger trying to keep his cool.

“I’m Mr ChengYi,a Chinese man the head of this department” he said as he flashed them a cute smile revealing his set of white teeth.

The students applauded him loudly. Shockingly Park Jimin.

🗣️You are so handsome
🗣️I love you
🗣️My dream man!!

He was receiving lovely comment from the students especially the female ones.

“Stop the clapping. Next person!! Park Jimin yelled as the students hissed out loudly.

“I’m Sussan Modric. Your lecturer” she said as the students clap for her.

“Is okay. Get started with the teaching” he said and walked away as ChengYi followed him.

🗣️He is angry because we didn’t applauded him.
🗣️He is ugly for my liking.

“Can you all keep quiet let’s learn? Sussan yelled strictly as the hall because silent.

“You are here for a purpose and that purpose is get your imagination into reality in the world of fashion and design. Some of you can sketch a design but can’t sew, but some of you can sew but you can’t sew exactly what you have sketched. You all are welcome to KSH where you will be taught on everything as far as you have the interest. If you know how to sketch degins and don’t know how to sew stand”

Yuna and other fifty students stood up while the rest which can sew sat.

“That is good. Your assignment for today is those that can sketch desgins should sketch any desgins of your choice and hand it over to me before today’s class is over. And those that can sew,will take the sketch to produce exactly what was sketched. If your sketching and sewing are neat,ten points will added to you”


“By tomorrow,your lessons and practical will begin in full. Your time starts now. And…

“If what you sketch and sew is beautiful,it will be used for this month red carpet ceremony” Kim Soo Hyun interrupted her. Yuna heart skipped as she saw him looking more handsome than before.

“So work hard everyone!! He flashed a heartwarming smile and left.

🗣️He is so cool.

“Time starts now!!!

≈Later In The Day≈
The bell rang in Maybelline Elementary school as every child begin to rushed into the hall for the general announcement before dismissal.

“Good afternoon Pupils!! The voice of the headmistress Mis Mina echoed from the speaker.

“Good afternoon ma’am” the choursed.

“Without wasting our time, because I know you kids are already rushing home to eat at” she smiled as she continued. Next week is the national celebration of mother’s day
all over the world”

👥Yayyyyyyyyy!! The pupils screamed in excitement as they started jumping and hugging themselves apart from Yoona who kept a sad face.

“I see you all are happy!!! And Maybelline Elementary School have decided to celebrate the mothers in our school. So when coming to school next week Friday,come with your mother cos we are going to surprise them through you people. That means every class will present something tangible for the mothers. Your rehearsal starts tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your day kids” she concluded and left.

“I can’t wait to show my classmates my American mom” a boy giggled as he walked away with his friends. Yoona heard it,as tears unknowingly fell from her eyes. She rushed out from the hall before Suzy could meet her.

“She left” she muttered sadly as Kang Daniel held her hand as they walked to the car park where he met his father standing.

“Appa!! He screamed and hugged him. Lee Geuk smiled as he engulfed son in a tight hug. He haven’t be in town which made him to have a long distance relationship with his son.

“I missed you dad” he whispered.

“I missed you too son” he replied as he brought him down.

“Mom you didn’t tell me daddy was coming? Suzy asked Jisoo her mum who was smiling all through.

“He wanted it to be a surprise,is not my fault” she pouted.

“I missed you dad” Suzy said as she hugged him pushing Kang Daniel aside.

“You are sharing my father with me now?

“He is not only your dad but our dad” she emphasized on the ‘Our Dad’ as he scoffed.

Kang Daniel held Jisoo hands and did the unexplainable.

“Mom can we go for mom and son’s shopping? He asked and at that instant,she felt a joy in heart. Kang Daniel called her mom.

“Ye…as we can go” she smiled as they entered the car leaving Suzy and his father.

“Mom!! You are leaving me?? She asked as Lee Geuk whispered something on her ear as they entered the car and drove off.

The driver that Yuna assigned to pickup Yoona drove inside the school garage and saw Yoona already waiting.

“I’m sorry Miss Yoona,there was traffic I couldn’t…

“Is okay don’t call me Miss Yoona. Address me as Yoona” she said calmy.

“Huh! The driver couldn’t believe what he just heard.

“Do you…mean that I should call you Yoona and not Miss Yoona? He asked to confirm if his ears were deceiving him.

“Yes. And by the way,my nanny didn’t come to pick me?

“She’s totally busy today” he replied as he opened the car door for her.

“Uhm!! I forgot to tell you something” Yoona mumbled.

“What is that? He asked.

“Good afternoon Sir!!
.She finally greeted her driver.

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