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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BY: Soma Lee
TAGS: Bullies, Jealousy, Love,comedy and Fight.
“Please can you come back this night?A desperate Kim Min Yu asked.
“Mm. I don’t think is possible cos after going back to work, I will go home from there” Irene replied.
“Please any amount you want I’m willingly to pay. But at least I want you to stay with my son this night. I don’t know how you did it today, and I know once he wake up from sleep,he will like to feel your presence”. He said.
“Jezzzzz. A whole Kim Min Yu is pleading with me to stay with his son” she thought.
“I want to ask? Where’s his mom? She asked.
He sighed slowly and wiped the tears that thr_@tened to fall.
“I’m sorry for asking if it will cause you tears” she apologized quickly.
“Is okay” he replied.
She took a deep breath.
“I will stay for tonight, but I have to go and tell my mom” she said.
“Thank you so much. Text me your address cos my driver will pick you up” he said happily.
“No sir! Is okay I can come by myself” she rejected still shocked by his actions.
“I insist” he said.
“Okay I will text you the address” she accepted.
“Okay” he replied.
“Bye! She waved.
“I’ll be waiting” he replied with a faint smile.
She climbed on the bike and drove off.
“Will she be coming tonight? Granny Ruth asked immediately Kim Min Yu step Inside.
“Yes! She’s gonna come” he replied as he sat on sofa and threw his head backwards breathing tiredly.
“Your spirit,soul and body is slowly coming back to you” she said as she sat closer to him.
“Since yesterday my mind has be traveling from one point thinking about the possible ways Why Kira decided to leave me” he said.
“Is okay. You should be happy that your son Jungkook has stopped crying and has also found someone that he accepted by miracle. I didn’t believe that he could suck her Břě@Å¡Å¥. This attitude of him suprised me” She said still fazed by the incident.
“I’m also me too. I don’t think I will let her stay a meter away from him. I will do something about it. Since Kira abandoned her child, let another woman train and fill in the vacuum of a mother in his life” he said in determination.
“I hope is what I’m thinking? Granny said as she raised her brows.
He chuckled.
“Gosh I’m tired” Kim Soo Hyun yawned tiredly.
The meeting he has with the white investors has already ended after two hours of negotiation.
“Yuna” he called out and a thought came into him sharply.
He pressed some numbers on the telephone before placing it on his ear.
📞I WANT YOU IN MY OFFICE NOW! He said shortly and hung up.
After some minutes,Park Jimin his Personal assistance came inside.
“Is everything alright sir? He asked worryingly because of the way he sounded when he called him through the telephone.
“Yes everything is alright. Have a seat” he gestured him a seat opposite him.
Park Jimin stared at him weirdly because of his attitude. His boss haven’t offered him a seat to sit on his office anytime he comes in. Though he is kind hearted and good, but he doesn’t over do it.
“What the hell is wrong with you” he thought.
“Nothing is wrong with me Jimin,if you keep on standing then I will assume that you are fit to do the work of a bodyguard” he said.
He quickly sat on the chair.
“Did I say it loud? He asked.
“No you didn’t. It was your ghost that said it” Soo Hyun rolled his eyes.
“I’m not here for a chit chat. I want you to do something for me” he said getting serious as she lean forward to the table.
“What is it? Jimin asked.
“I want you to give me every information I need to know about a girl” he said.
“Who? Jimin asked curiously.
“She goes by name Yuan. In fact she’s the girl we saw at that coffee cafe” he added.
“Okay. But why do you want me to do a background check up on her? Jimin asked.
“You don’t need to know everything about me” Soo Hyun snapped.
“I’m sorry if I went overboard. Is just that I have never seen you talking or asking about a girl not to talk of making a background check up on a girl” Jimin said slowly.
“I was just playing with you and you fell for it” He said with a grinned.
“Damnit” Jimin cursed as he raised his fits.
“You wanna punch? Punch me and lose your job” He said with smirk.
Jimin rolled his eyes and relax his shoulder back to the chair.
“When you are done, you report to me. Because I have seen the cure to Yoona’s sickness” He said.
“What! Jimin shouted as his eyes widened.
He only grinned from ear to ear.
“I’m tired and famished” Lisa yawned and stretched herself.
“To be sincere I love learning but Mrs Rita class today was so boring” Yuna complained.
“Let’s go and eat, I’m tired” Lisa said as she dragged Yuna. As they were walking,the heard their names from the speaker.
“Mwo(What)” They screamed.
“What the hell! Yuna cursed and immediately went to the direction of the toilet.
“Here is the mops, toilet washer and nose mask you all will use for washing it”One of the cleaners said and left.
“I can’t believe I will have to wash this freaking toilet with my bare hands” Yunji said as she squeezed her face in disgust.
The students toilet are always dirty. Thanks to the cleaners that always wash it every two hours.
“Now that you’re appointed to wash it shut up f-__-king mouth and do it” Yuna said as she glared at her.
“What’s smelling cos the last time I checked this offensive smell is coming from someone’s mouth. Are you the one with that mouth odour?” Lisa asked while she pointed at Yunji.
She quickly used her nosemask to cover her nose.
Yuna laughed so hard.
“I thought I was the only one that was perceiving that adulterous smell. Yunji please go and ask a dentist to tel you the type of toothpaste and toothbrush you should use when brushing cos it’s obvious that you have a mouth odour that can lead to nepotism” Yuna said as she picked her mop and bucket and left there.
“I feel like strangling her with my bare hands” Bella screamed in annoyance.
“With which hands? Don’t let me throw into this toilet where you rightfully belong” Yuna snapped as she came closer to her while she sniffed back.
“She’s isn’t strong,yet she’s blabbing her mouth like toothpick” Lisa added and continue her business.
“Thanks goodness we’re done washing this crab” Lisa said as she removed her nose mask same with Yuna.
“Let’s rushed to the cafeteria. I’m gonna die of hunger at this rate” Yuna said.
As they were leaving, Yunji put her right leg forward Yuna didn’t see it on time. She nearly fell but thanks to Lisa who held her tightly.
“Some idiot always need to be treated before they can obey” Yuna said and lifted Yunji and and placed her on the floor.
“Yuna!! She screamed.
“Teach her some more” Lisa shouted.
Yuna grabbed her hair and began using it to clean the floor of the toilet.
“My hair!!
“Leave my hair!!
“Aaahh” she cried as he body began to itch her.
“Leave her alone” Bella yelled and pushed Yuna off Yunji’s body and immediately Lisa dragged her and began using her body to tried the water while dragging her legs.
Yuna dragged Yunji’s by her legs and began driving her all around the toilet same with Lisa.
“Wooah, I love this ride! Yuna screamed in happiness.
“Peep peep! Lisa screamed.
After using their bodies to mop the remaining water they left them helplessly.
“We’re good girls” Yuna said and stuck hands with Lisa.
“Lady Yuna! Lisa screamed.
“Idiots Must Obey” she completed it as they left the toilet.
“Are you trying to say that you’re going to spend the night in Kim Min Yu’s mansion? Mrs Ara asked when Irene told her what happened transpired in the morning.
“Yes Mom. The way I saw things this morning,is like his fiancee left immediately she gave birth to his child because that child is just a day old baby” Irene explained.
“What must have happened between Kim Min Yu and Kira? She asked.
“I don’t know mom. And I don’t he is ready now to tell people about it” Irene replied with a sad look.
“I don’t want anything bad to happen to that innocent child” she said.
“Nothing will happen to him. Since he just accepted you like that,then there must be a reason that” Mrs Ara said.
“Let’s forget about them. When is Daddy coming back? She asked.
“He said in two days time” Mrs Ara said while smiling.
“I know that smile. You really missed my dad. But after you will pretend that you don’t miss him” Irene teased.
The heard a car horn.
“I think his driver is here! Irene said as she took her small bag where she put a few clothes in case the baby stain her.
They went outside and met Jackson coming into the house with a suprised look on his face.
“Are you miss Irene? The driver asked.
“Yes. And you are Kim Min Yu’s driver? She asked.
“Yes” he replied.
“Okay. Mom I will get going” she said as she turned to her mom.
“Take care and be a good nanny” Mrs Ara advice.
“Okay mom. Good night” Irene waved and entered the car and drove off.
“Mom were is Irene going this night? Jackson said when he entered inside.
Mrs Ara explained everything to him.
“So my sister is now his baby nanny? He asked surprising.
“No for now” she replied.
“Is better be. I can’t wait to be call the brother in-law to Kim Min Yu the CEO of KMY AUTOMOBILES” he said as he lifted his shoulder up.
His mom rolled her eyes and dragged him down.
“What have you achieve to be referred to as his in-law? She asked as he glared at her.
“Did you glare at me? She asked and took her stick while he ran away and she pursed him.
When he came back that night,he found out that everywhere was quite and he knew something was wrong.
If it was before immediately the maids heard his car horn,they will all rushed out to greet him but No! His mansion was as calm as a grave site.
He entered and found his daughter Yoona seating on the couch with her legs crossed munching in a bowl of popcorn placed on her laps as she laughed hestrically. And also the head maid was standing beside her.
He gently dropped his briefcase that was when the head maid Hwasa saw him.
“Good evening sir” she greeted with a bow.
“Where are all the maids? He ignored her greetings.
“Lady Yoona…”
“I fired them” Yoona interrupted her.
“What! He screamed fearfully.
“C’mon dad you don’t have to shout. Finally, I can be able to breathe in peace without any obstacles on the way. And also there won’t be anyone that will seduced you” she said.
He sighed tiredly and faced the head maid.
“Prepare my food and bring it to my room” he ordered and took his briefcase and climbed the stairs.
“When you’re done preparing his food, you give it to me let take it to his room because I don’t trust you” Yoona said and concenrated her attention back to the movie as Hwasa bowed and left.
Kim Soo Hyun shaked his head before resuming his walk on the stairs.
“Come in” he said.
Yoona came in with his tray of food and placed it on a stood beside him and joined him on the bed.
“Daddy” she called out.
He looked up from his laptop and stare at her. He closed his laptop.
“What? He asked with no expression written on his face.
“You have been snubbing me lately what have I done? She asked.
He hissed and continue tying things on his laptop.
“Daddy! Answer me !! She shouted and look at him. She tried to peep at what he was typing but he closed it.
“What do you want to see? He asked as he faced her.
“Oh what your are doing is more important than me right? She asked and frowned.
He snubbed her and continue working on his laptop when he suddenly laughed.
“What are you laughing for? Does what I’m saying sound so interesting to you? She yelled as she tried to peep but Instead he shut his laptop down.
“You wanna know why I am laughing right? He asked and folded his hands under his chest.
She nodded.
What did Kim Soo Hyun meant 🙄🙄🙄

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