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Friday, October 18, 2024
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BY: Soma Lee

TAGS: Bullies, Jealousy, Love,comedy and Fight.




Chapter 35🌹35

( Expulsion)
“Idoit Must Obey, IMO!!! She replied shocking the hell out of Yoona.
“Dad what’s going on here? Why are you supporting her suddenly? Yoona asked furiously as she stood up from her seat.

“There’s nothing going on here. She only stated a fact that will bring a good change in your academic life. So young lady,I want you to sit down there and eat your breakfast.” He said as if he wasn’t aware of her anger.

“Before I forget,if you are not interested in eating your food kindly share it to the dogs do not be stingy” he added making Yuna to hit her head on the table out of laughter.

She was really enjoying the father and daughter moment. If someone tell her that Kim Soo Hyun could act like this,she wouldn’t believe. It is now he is training his daughter in a proper way and not abiding to everything that she demanded.

Yoona glared at the both of them before marching the stairs angrily. As she was marching,she nearly fell but she held the rail. She hissed out loudly when her father didn’t stand up to hold her.

“I h@ťě you both!! She screamed.

“We love you!! Yuna shouted in laughter.

“How are you gonna to do it? She asked immediately Yoona entered her room.

“I will post ‘A PRIVATE TUTOR NEEDED’ on my pages on social platform. From there people will start responding which will result to interviewing them to know those that are serious to work and not to enjoy themselves”. He said seriously.

“That’s good. Will they come here for the interview? She asked.


“The security must be tight for protection” she suggested.

“Yes. That’s the most important thing” he replied as he gulped down the remaining coffee in his cup.

“Yeah” silence regained once again till Yuna stood up and announced that she was satisfied.

“I will have to rushed to school” she said immediately she finished eating.

“This early? He asked cos this wasn’t the time her lectures starts.

“Yeah. I have so many left over assignment to do and I will like to do it at school” she explained.

“Okay. I will give you a lift” he said and grabbed his car keys.

“Thanks. I will go get my bag” she said as quickly limped the stairs to her room.

After some minutes,she came down with her bag and went outside when she saw Kim Soo Hyun already leaning on his car.

“I’m here” she announced. He opened the car door for her like a gentleman.

“Lady first” he said stylishly.

“I’m not a lady” she declined.

“Oops I forgot” he giggled before seating at the driver’s sit and drove off

Park Cho Sik entered his daughter’s room and saw her pacing around in anger.

“What is troubling me darling this morning? He said sweetly as he came to stand in front of her.

“He called me a public toilet. He is playing with fire” she hissed out angrily.

“Who is playing with fire? He asked not understanding a thing she was saying.

“A poverty stricken boy walked up to me to ask for my contact I refused but he pleaded I still refused. But his friend who was standing among his stupid friends suddenly call me a public toilet because I refused to give my contact to his friend. I have marked his face I would pay him back in threefold” by the time she finished saying all these she was breathing heavily.

“Dad you are not saying anything! She shouted at her father who was just staring at her with his hands on his hips.

“What do you want me to say when you’ve already insulted the poor boy and his friend couldn’t watch back to see his friend being Insulted that was why he fired back” he said simply.

“You are taking sides with that son of a Ɓîtçh….

“Don’t you call someone’s mother a Ɓîtçh Nana!! He said sternly.

“Wh@ťěver. When will you marry my mom cos you and her have being engaged for nineteen years. When will she become your wife fully? She asked with hopes on her eyes.

“Your mother can never be my wife. I’m in love with another woman” he said sharply.

“You have another woman aside my mother dad!! She said shockingly.

“I’m not having this conversation with you.” He said and turned to go but he faced her and held her shoulder.

“Your identity must remain hidden till I announced my return to Korea. You will start attending Maybelline University tomorrow. I have some corrections to make…

“With that strange lover of yours? She Interrupted him.

He removed his hands from her shoulder and went out.

“Dad!! She yelled but he never looked back at her. She brought out her phone and began texting someone.

Immediately he left her room,he went to his room and brought a picture of a woman with her three kids. He began caressing the woman in the picture.

“I am back to face my fears Dowa” he said with all determination as he brought out his phone and dialled a number which picked at the first ring.


By the time Kim Min Yu woke up sleep,he couldn’t find Irene beside him, his heart skipped with a question on his mind but it finally became at ease when he heard the splash of water. He breathe out in relieve he thought that she has left him.

The door to the bathroom opened and she came out with Jungkook on her arm with his towel around his little waist. His hair was damp with water,his lashes wet giving him a cute look.

“Aya!! He said in his baby language when he saw his dad.

“My boy” he stretched out his hands as Irene handed Jungkook to him.

He began touching his face with his little hands while revealing his gums which has no teeth in them.

“Do you miss me? He asked and kissed his cheek.

“Good morning Mr Kim” Irene greeted as brought out a bag which contains Jungkook’s clothes and his cream.

“ was your…” He trailed off as he traced his eyes to her B-__-bs which were a bit transparent because of how wet it hung on her body.

Irene turn to look at him with a ‘WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS ONE’ look. She caught him staring at her B-__-bs,she rolled her eyes before responding.

“It was GO…OD” she stressed out.

“You have a nice Břě@šť Irene” he blurted out.

“Is to early to flirt Mr Kim” she rolled her eyes and took Jungkook from him.

“I’m just admiring what God created… that’s all” he defended as he stood up from the bed.

“I see Mr Kim” she said with sacratism in her voice.

“I will have my shower” he said and entered the bathroom.

The dinning table was filled with dishes for breakfast as the maids began filling their cups with coffee.

Granny Ruth and Irene were seated already having their breakfast with Jungkook on her laps.

“You all are having breakfast without me? Kim Min Yu asked as he came down stairs with his briefcase on his hand.

“Yes. We all are hungry even Jungkook” Granny Ruth replied

“Jungkook you didn’t wait for me to feed you…

“So you can feed him through the nose? Irene Interrupted him.

“You don’t have to say that to my face. I was learning how to bath my son it is not a big deal” he rolled his eyes as he settled for his seat.

“It is not a big deal but you left a three weeks baby to stand on his own. Who does that Mr Kim? she as she focused her gaze on him.

“I.. tried… I’m your boss you don’t have to question me on what I do…

“But not when it comes to your son Mr Clumsy” she added and began eating her food.

“Mr Clumsy? He stuttered and turn to look at his granny who didn’t spell a glance at him. He started eating fastly not minding if he will choke on his food and it successfully happened which gained a laugh from Jungkook.

“You are laughing at your father! He raised voice after drinking the water from his cup.

“Did you want him to cry? Irene asked.

He glared at her but she rolled her eyes and hissed out loudly.

After eating he stood up and wiped his lips with the napkin.

“I’m off to work granny” he kissed her cheeks before taking his briefcase.

“By son! He kissed his cheeks and kissed his forehead. Irene noticed the collar of his shirt wasn’t relaxed on his neck.

“Wait! She said and handed the baby to Granny Ruth. She stood in front of him and began arranging the collar of his shirt. She was on her toes because of how tall he was.

He was all focused staring at her face it reminded him so much of Kira. She normally arrange his collar anytime he is leaving for work. He blinked a few times just to wipe away those memories from his mind. He brought his lips closer to hers as his right hand engulfed her waist.

“What are you doing? She queried.

He only look at her while passing her a warm smile as he brought his face closer to her that they were lips apart.

“Thank you” he kissed her nose before going out.

“She held her chest as she tried to stop her heart from racing but the cough from Granny Ruth made her to snapped out from her thought.

“I think our plans are working” she said with a knowing smile on her face.

“I think so”she forced a smile as but her though was far away from there.

Hani was coming back from a hostel where she did a makeup to a client assigned to her by Lady Do Hwa when a car harshly stopped in front of her almost hitting her.

“What is wrong with you!! She yelled but she was bundled Inside the car and it drove off immediately.

“Leave me alone!! She screamed but the person on mask didn’t bulge or react. She held the person on his neck almost choking him. He had to stop the car at the other side of the road before holding her hands tightly hindering her from choking him.

“Let go of me!! She yelled but Instead the person went out from the driver’s seat and sat at the back where she was.

“Who are you? She asked when he sat behind her.

The person sighed and raised his hand to his face removing the mask off his face.

“Park Seo Joon!!

A car came to an abrupt halt in the school parking lot as Yuna unbuckled the seat belt off her body.

“Thanks for the ride Mr Kim. I’m grateful” she said warmly.

“It’s my pleasure after all you are my daughter’s nanny” he said with a shrugged shoulders.

“I will be heading to my lecture hall. Bye Mr Kim” she waved as she opened the car door.

“Should I walk you to your lecture hall? He asked knowingly.

“No… I don’t want to answer questions from students. Remember you are a celebrity” she declined immediately.

“I know. I was pulling your legs. Anyways have a nice day and don’t make trouble” he advised.

“Unless trouble stays on its own.” She said and slammed the door not wanting him to finish what he was about to say. He shook his head in laughter and drove out from the school premise.

“Bestie!! Lisa screamed immediately she saw her. She hugged her but a spank on her @zz made her to move away from her squeezing her @zz slowly.

“Don’t you know that I’m still limping? Yuna asked faking a frown.

“I’m sorry dear. I thought you have heal”. She muttered and pouted her lips.

“You are too cute” she said and hugged her.

“How was school yesterday. Did crazy things happened? Yuna asked and immediately Lisa grabbed her hands pulling her to the library and made her to sit on a chair before playing a video in her.

“That’s my girl. Wait “Jump for Christ!!! Taehyung oh my God”. She screamed as she watched the video not minding the look on other students faces.

“I can’t believe he could say such thing cos the boy is always cool” Lisa added

“I need to see him. He deserves an award for this. These Ɓîtçhes deserves all this, why can’t they respect themselves. How I wish I was there,I would have disfigured their faces” she said as the video came to an end.

“Let’s conclude this assignment,I don’t want to lose any mark on his assignment” Lisa said as she brought out her books which they started working on it.

“My fingers are numb!! Lisa winced but Yuna collected their sheets ready to handover to the lectures.

“I’m heading to the class to submit the rest of the assignment” she said and walked out from the library. When she was done collecting some of the students assignment,on her way to the lecture’s office she saw Taehyung coming out from his office.

“Hey! She waved as he limped quickly to him.

“You are limping? You should have waited for me to submit it” he cautioned like an authoritarian.

“I don’t want to stress you” she muttered. He took the sheets from her and held her hands as the entered his office.
After that, they retired to the class where Professor Tummy was already teaching.

He glared at them but Taehyung did the craziest thing by holding her tiny waist guarding her to seat.

🗣️Are they dating?

🗣️He is so romantic,

🗣️Yuna is lucky.

“Shut that pathogenic,bacterium, fungus mouths of yours!!! He said and hit his hands on his stomach fuelling the laughs of the students.

“Where are those fools that did this to my daughter? Where are they? Park Young Shil’s wife Sarah screamed immediately she entered the class with Yunji and Bella’s parents.

“Please ma’am calm down we can settle this at the office not here. This is a learning environment…

“It is learning environment, but you couldn’t stop them from doing this to my daughter and her friend!! She yelled but Yuna smirked from where she was.

“Senator please hold your wife,she’s causing a scene here” the head of department said but he was cut off with a slap from Sarah.

🗣️ Huh??

“That’s good of you my love” Senator Park Young Shil said.

“Yunji call out those children of the devil that did this to you and also those that caused scar on your body” he said and Yunji started talking.

“Lisa, Moonbin and Yuna their leader” she said with her face all covered with black spot.

“Yes they are ones” Bella added.

“Did you just call Yuna? Senator Park Young Shil asked.

“Yes. She’s the only that gave me that scar on my back. She loves bulling me dad” she broke down in fake tears.

“You are the daughter of a slut that have the right to bully my daughter!! Sarah yelled in anger as she came closer to her.

“My mother is not a slut. If anyone should be call a slut then it must have to be you” Yuna said with a smirk on her face. Sarah immediately raised her palm and slapped her.

“You don’t talk back at me” she said sternly. Yuna slowly looked at her while giving her a deadly smile but the smile faded from her lips when she raised her two palms at once and gave her a good resounding slap that rendered her blind for two minutes.

🗣️ Yayyyyyyyyyy!

“That’s my girl” Lisa yelled in happiness.

“Eomma!! Yunji rushed to hold her preventing her from failing.

“You slap my mom you Ɓîtçh” she raised her Palm to slap Yuna,she held her hands and began twisting it backwards while they students chanted her name.

🗣️ Yuna!

“Honey what are you waiting for expell her” Sarah shouted as she held her red cheeks.

“Mm! He gasped.

“I said expell her!! She shouted again.

“Ma’am it hasn’t gotten to this we can settle this amicably…

“When she slapped me right? My husband is a senator,he has full right to expell her. Honey expell her” she said being aggressive by the Head of department.

As Senator Park was about to say something a look from Yuna made him to stop. Since the day his son was beaten by her and his groin which was nearly damaged by her mother,he has decided to avoid them but the devil have already prepared his lunch through his daughter Yunji.

“Senator Park say something we are waiting for your word” Bella’s father said when he didn’t say anything.

“Are you afraid of her? Sarah asked her husband

“No..o” he stuttered but regain his demeanor when the students were all looking at him.

“Yuna are exp…ell from Maybelline University and never to return here a..again” he announced but Yuna laughed so loudly like she has been waiting for ages to hear this but that laugh sent waves of fear to him.

Yuna did the unexplainable by climbing on her desk and shouted.

“School Dismiss!!!

🗣️ Away!!!!

The students began running out from the class pushing Sarah on the ground as the lifted Yuna up chanting her name. That was the end of today’s lecture.

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