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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BY: Soma Lee

TAGS: Bullies, Jealousy, Love,comedy and Fight.




Chapter 23🌹24

(Trouble In The Bag)

The dinning table has already been decorated with dinner of different dishes. The air surrounding the dinning room was palatably screaming ‘SWEET AROMA’. It was prepared by Yuna to lit up Yoona’s mood. Though she was happy about the incident that occurred between Yoona and her classmate but on a second thought, she felt bad for her. For the past week she became her nanny,this was her first time of seeing Yoona this heartbroken and down. That means no matter how strong she thinks she is, she has a weak point.

“The air here is ki||ing me with this $cvmpitous aroma!! Kim Soo Hyun giggled as he sniffed around the dinning room.

“Thanks sir. It was prepared by Yuna” Hwasa replied.

“Yuna? What are we celebrating that prompted her to cook this varieties of dishes? He asked as he glanced over again at the table. It was designed with so many dishes,he was confused on what food would he’d settled for. The fact that he is beginning to enjoy her meals and also consumed a large quantity of food as far as it is been cooked by her doesn’t mean that he can finish this food he was seeing in front of him.

“We are not celebrating anything sir. Miss Yuna prepared this food to lit up Yoona’s mood” She explained.

“What happened to my daughter? He asked as anxiety covered his whole body.

“Nothing sir. She came back from school with sadness and tears on her eyes. According to Miss Yuna,she was confronted in front of her class by a new pupil. Since then,she hasn’t stepped out from her room.

“What?? He yelled and Hwasa shrieked from where she was. He climbed the stairs with all fastest movement he has in his leg. He pushed the door of her room and saw his daughter on the bed with Yuna squatting beside her.

“Yoona you will fall sick if you don’t eat” She stressed out her voice. After bathing her,she has been pleading with her to take her meals but Yoona declined instead she cried whenever she remembered what happened at her school.

“Yoona!! He called and ran to her. Immediately Yoona heard his voice,she saw on the bed with tears on her eyes.

“Appa!! ( Father ). She called out and he carried her on his arm as she began crying again but his time around it was hard.

“Is okay Daddy is here okay? He patted her back.

“Hwasa told me what happened. What did she do that prompted the confrontation by that pupils? He asked.

She sighed and began explaining what Mrs Whitney told her.

“A Dounce? That was harsh why should he say that? He asked angrily.

“Dad!!…I can’t face…face…the class” she started hippcupping while crying at the same time.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t save you” he muttered. He felt so bad seeing his daughter in this state. Her eyes are all swollen and her face red as a result of her cries. He vowed never to make her shed a single tear but he is not keeping to his duty.

“I’m sorry” he muttered. Yuna just stared at the father and daughter’s moment. Though she felt bad seeing her like this but somewhere in her heart she’s happy, that someone sent by God is doing a great job at her school.

By the time Kim Soo Hyun finished patting her back she slept off he gently placed her on the bed and sighed sadly while looking at his daughter sleep with her heart beating heavily anytime she breath.

“Have you eaten? Yuna asked.

“Eating is not my priority now” he snapped. She folded her lips. He was angry and she can see. All her effort cooking the meals are now in vain. She sighed sadly.

“You didn’t informed me when you came from school run why? He questioned.

“I was thinking it wasn’t necessary since you will be busy at work” she replied slowly.

“You thought it wasn’t necessary” he scoffed.

“This is my daughter we are talking about!! Your work is to look after her and report to me about how she’s feeling”.

“I’m sorry sir” she apologized with her head hung low.

“Hold your sorry to yourself”. He snapped.

“I want to be alone with her” he said and clenched his fist.

She stood up and quietly left the room.

As she came down,Hwasa quickly rushed to her.

“What happened? Why the long face? She asked.

“Nothing. He is just angry” she forced a smile.

“At you? She asked and furrowed her eyebrows.

“Maybe” she shrugged her shoulders.

“Cleared the tables”.

“Why? She asked.

“He is not eating” she replied.

“Is it because of Yoona? If it was because of Yoona that he didn’t eat,he is not doing the right thing. I’m happy that she has met someone who made her to cry. She thought everyone will accommodate her Crazy attitude” Hwasa rolled her eyes.

“You are funny. I will retire to my room” Yuna said and marched the stairs but she turn back.

“Don’t disposed the foods. I will warm it tomorrow” she ordered and went up stairs.

After making sure that she’s sleeping soundly he stood up slowly but she held his hand.

“Don’t leave me” she smuggle closer to him. He sighed and kissed her eyes before laying beside her.
Yuna woke up very early to prepare breakfast and to prepare Yoona to school early. Today’s lectures were occupied and it’s gonna be tough day in school.

She opened the door and met Kim Soo Hyun cuddle his daughter in a possessive way as if he doesn’t want her to run away.

“Good morning sir” she greeted but she didn’t received any response from him. She tapped him and he opened his eyes slowly..

“Good morning Sir” she greeted.

“Morning” he replied and stood up from the bed.

“Daddy I don’t want to go to school!! Yoona said and smuggled closer at him.

“My love you have to go to school” he said slowly while brushing her hair with his hands.

“No dad. I can’t go. They will make mockery of me!! She protest.

“My love! Daddy’s pet, my heartbeat” he called out slowly and she began smiling.

“I will call Mrs Whitney. She will make sure that no one would ever laugh at you again” he said.

“Promise me? She brought her pinky finger.

He smiled and entangled his finger with hers.

“I promise” he replied.

“I love you Dad!! She screamed and hugged him.

“I love you too my baby”.

“Go and have your shower and come down for breakfast” he said and she disengage from the hug.

“Alright dad!! He kissed her on the forehead and stood up.

His gaze met with Yuna she diverted her gaze from him. He hung his head low when he remembered how he spoke to her last night. He quietly left the room.

“How was your night Yoona? She asked when they enter into the bathroom.

Not wanting to ignored her she replied her.”It was good”.

That was all they said through out the time they wasted at the bathroom. Yuna has scanned the atmosphere,if she starts a conversation with her,she might end up insulting her which she won’t take it slightly with her.

After dressing her for school,they went to the dinning where Kim Soo Hyun was already done eating.

“I will see you tonight my love” he planted a kiss on her forehead before taking his briefcase that was on the chair.

“Good bye dad! She said.

“Good bye dear” he replied and glanced at Yuna who was concenrated on her coffee. He sigh sadly and left the room.

“I’m done” she announced and stood up from the chair. Hwasa brought her food pack and that of Yuna’s which she handed it over to Wyatt.

“Have a nice day Hwasa” Yuna said and left the room for the garage where the drove off to school.

The ride to the school was quite everyone minding her business. Once the car stopped at compound of the school Yoona started picking on her nails, Yuna saw it but wanted to snub her but she couldn’t. She held her hands together she quickly looked at her.

“Don’t be scare of anyone. You are not the only child who is a Dounce or a dummy. Don’t allow anyone to intimidate you. Be brave” she told her like a mother who was encouraging her daughter on a race which she was about to run.

Yoona quickly withdrew her hand from her. She opened the car door and step out from the car.

“Her pride is annoying!! Yuna hissed out loudly. She watched her go into the building before driving out from the compound.


“Good morning boss” Park Jimin greeted when Kim Soo Hyun came down from the car.

“Morning Park Jimin” he replied him with a cunning smile. He followed him till he entered the elevator. As it reached to his floor,it stopped and they came out.

“What’s my schedule for today” he asked when he got into his office.

“You have meeting with Hollywood famous fashion designer….. He continued listing out all his schedule.

“Is that all? He asked.

“Yes sir” he replied.

“Leave” he waved his hand signifying him to go out.

“Sir” he called out slowly.

“Yes” he replied and focused his attention on him.
Jimin swallowed hard when he looked at him. All the apology letter he read and memorized last night,he couldn’t remember any of it. Well, his boss gave him the shocking news of his life yesterday.

“Where are they investors? Kim Soo Hyun asked immediately he finished eating. He was really angy because he didn’t get to enjoy the food as he planned earlier. The delicious part of the food wasted on his table because of one person. And that’s his Personal assistance Park Jimin.

“They are waiting at the conference room” he replied.

As Kim was about to leave for the conference room Jimin stopped him. He thought it was something important that he was about to tell him but what he said next, really made him to strangle him at that instant.

“Is there a problem? He asked as scrutinized his eyes.

“Yes sir” he replied.

“What’s it? He asked as his brows drew together.
He came close to him and whispered to him.

“Sir did you finished that food?

Kim Soo Hyun looked heavenward thinking about the type of punishment that could suit him. Wasting his lunch wasn’t enough,he then decided to tarnished his precious time by whispering his forefathers language into his ear.

“Is that all you have say? He asked with an evil smirk.

“Yes” he replied smiling like a fool.

“Okay. I remained a big part of the food but before eat it, you have to go to the accountant she will hand over a file to you” he said and he quickly left him.

Immediately he left, Kim made a call.

📞 DEDUCT TWENTY PERCENT OF HIS SALARY. He ended the call and entered into the conference room.

“Jimin is there something you are not telling? He asked and placed his hands under his jaw.

“No sir. Yes sir… Sir I don’t understand the file the accountant handed over to me yesterday” he muttered.

“Really. Which part of the statement you didn’t understand? He asked.

“The salary deduction. I don’t think the file belongs to me” he muttered.

“Okay. If you go home today after work,take your time and re – read what was written in the file and tell me where you are confused” he said.

“But sir…

“Leave my office” he Interrupted him which he did quietly.

“That’s for interrupting my lunch” he muttered. His mind driffted to Yuna his actions towards her last night,he didn’t appreciate her effort for cooking those meal but instead he sounded harshly at her.

He sighed before logging into his system.

Hani entered into the studio and met everyone checking out things at their phones.

🗣️ Who is that lucky girl he kissed.

🗣️I wish I was the one!!

🗣️I could have went to that supermarket that night.

🗣️That girl would be dying of happiness.

🗣️His lips are so soft.

🗣️ The female’s hair resembles that of Hani

That comment caught her attention. She brought out her phone and the first thing she saw was ‘SOUTH KOREAN ACTOR PARK SEO JOON WAS CAUGHT KISSING HIS ALLERGY GIRLFRIEND PUBLICLY’

Her heart skipped when she zoomed the picture. The clothes she wore that night was visible but her luck was that his hand was covering her face making it impossible for fans to check who it was. Though her hair was seen also since she has a blonde hair.

“Hani follow me” Do Hwa said and immediately it was as if Hani’s heart went into a million race. She followed her like a humble servant who wants to seek favour from his master.

When she got to her office,she placed a picture on her table.

“Have you seen the news? She asked.

“Which News ma’am? She pretended not to know what she was talking about.

“Don’t tell me you haven’t checked the news this morning? She asked and raised an eyebrow.

“No ma’am” she replied.

“Take this picture”she shifted the picture that was on her table. Hani picked and it was the picture Park Seo Joon and her kissing. Her eyes bulged.

“But… ma’am what does this picture have to do with me? She said trying ease that tension that has formed within her throat.

“That night when this scene happened,where were you? She asked scrutinizing every movement of her face.

“I went to grocery store to get some food stuff. And it wasn’t that street where the incident occurred. It was two street away from the supermarket. Is there a problem ma’am? She lied.

“There is no problem. The only problem is that the girl in the picture has some features of you” she retorted.
Hani swallowed nothing but nervousness.

“And that’s the same hair type. She has a blond hair with you. Give me reasons why I shouldn’t suspect you? She leayn in towards her surveying her face.

“Haha. Lady Do Hwa! I’m not the only Korean girl who has a blond hair and besides I don’t have any connections or friends that are friends with the actor. I’m just a commoner. Even though I stand in the midst of the brides he was about to select,he wouldn’t notice the air I breathe talk more of my body” she explained and Lady Do Hwa settled with a smile.

“Thank your stars that you know the class you belonged. If I found out that you were the one in this picture, consider your career gone. Am I understood? She flared up.

“Yes ma’am! She responded with a bow.

“That’s good. Go to the dressing room, there’s an important person waiting there. Do your work and returned here when you are done. Remember it is strictly business” she warned. Her voice emitting a deadly aura.

“Yes ma’am” she replied and left her office. Immediately she stepped out of her office she breathe out the air she has been holding for long.

“That’s was harsh! She muttered before making her way to the dressing room. She entered the dressing and saw a figure backing her while answering a call. After answering the call,the figure turned and her eyes flickered with fire.

“You!! She gasped surprisingly.

“That’s all for today. Taehyung and Yuna when you are done for today’s class return to my office for an assignment or better still send your email to me. Failing to do it, deduction of sixty percent for each and every of you”.The professor said and left the hall.

“Did our ancestors remembered us with assignment this week? Moonbin groaned.

“Yes they remembered us through you. If you actually shut the f-__-king gutta mouth of yours,we wouldn’t be swimming in the pool of assignment” Lisa snapped at him angrily.

“You look cute when angry” he laughed. Lisa has already raised her hand to punched him since she was sitting behind him but the bell rang for lunch.

“Girl chill I brought us lunch” Yuna whispered to her.

“For us?? Moonbin said and suddenly faced them.

“I don’t remember talking to you” Yuna said.

“Lady Yuna pardon me but you see this lunch… Where’s the lunch? He asked when he didn’t see any food.

“Inside your grave” Lisa said stood up.

“Let’s go for lunch” she helped Yuna to stand up and the left the hall.

“Wait for me!! Moonbin shouted and followed them.

“His crazy!! Taehyung muttered. As he packed his books and was about to go out, Yunji stopped him. He raised an eyebrow.

“What? He asked.

“Do you mind joining me for lunch? She asked.

“No” he declined shorty.

“Why? She asked feeling sad by his answer.

“I don’t owe you any explanation” he walked out from her sight.

At the cafeteria, Yuna brought out the food pack which she dropped at the school kitchen.

“This food is big!! Lisa screamed when they settled for a table.

“Did you cooked this food just a day? She asked.

“Yes!! Yuna replied her.

“I know Kim Soo Hyun is a wealthy man. I mean what were you guys celebrating that you have prepared all of this? she pointed the food dramatically.

Yuna sighed sadly before opening up to her about what happened.

“He didn’t appreciate my efforts Instead I received rebuke in return” she said.

“Is he mad? What type of human being is he? Why is he blaming you in such manner? You aren’t the one that Insulted his child? Why that attitude? Lisa flared up angrily.

“He truly loves his daughter? She muttered.

“Of course he does. But that shouldn’t give him the right to talk to you in such manner. Text me his address,he needs some corrections” Lisa said as someone who is ready to fight.

“Really? Yuna eyes lightened.

“Don’t you trust me? Her eyebrow waggled.

“I trust you but this isn’t the time. Let’s eat up” she giggled.

As they were about to dig in, Moonbin rushed to them and took Lisa’s spoon. He started eating from her plate.

“Mm is delicious!! He Mõ@ɲed in ectascy.

Lisa gave Yuna a knowing look,she took the water bottle that was on the table undo the cover and pour it on him.

“What?? He looked up at her and smiled.

“It made the food more delicious” he began eating while Lisa was burning in anger. She snatched the food from him.

“Give me my food” he shouted and snatched it from her.

“Are you high! She snatched the food from her.

“Can you two go out from here!! Yuna screamed. The duo stood up while snatching the food from each other.

“I will break you into pieces, if you don’t drop this food! Lisa yelled.

“Catch me if you can” he started running while Lisa ran after him. Moonbin collided with Bella who was coming with a tray of food and immediately the whole content pour directly to her face.

Wahala wear pant come.

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