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HomeATTRACTED TO HER: She’s Another Man wifeATTRACTED TO HER: She’s Another Man wife – Episode 46

ATTRACTED TO HER: She’s Another Man wife – Episode 46

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?She’s ?

? Man wife ?‍❤️‍?‍??‍❤️‍?‍?

By: worthy stories


3 Months Later

I had on the biggest gown I’d ever seen. It costed hundreds of thousands of dollars and Serene was absolutely in love with it.

My hair was in a half up half down, I made sure the ponytail was slicked down since my hair was really curly.

I decided I wanted my hair to stay curly since Alessandro also liked it that way.

The stylist who did my makeup was beyond this world. I wanted to go for a more natural makeup look, contour that complimented my skin tone and face, lashes, and nude gloss.

I was a smiling mess as I looked at myself in the mirror. I felt more beautiful than I ever have and today being my wedding day just made me smile more.

I don’t even remember being this excited when Oliver and I had our wedding.

His mother did object. One of the many reasons we don’t like each other.

Who would’ve thought I’d be marrying a retired bachelor. This bachelor was the man of my dreams though.

Even though I spent half our relationship trying to deny my feelings for him I’m so glad I came to my feelings. Alessandro means more to me than words could ever describe.

When I told him we couldn’t have segz until our honeymoon he practically died on the spot.

He even got onto his knees and begged me so we could have segz one more time then never again until after the wedding. I, of course, agreed.

I was becoming anxious as the wedding day approached. More insecurities came to mind and I started talking to him about it. What if you don’t love me anymore?

What if you see me as a wh-_-re for cheating? What if as we get older I get uglier? What if, what if, what if.+

It went on for an hour until he got tired of me. He f-__-ked the $h|t out of me that night. We weren’t trying to make it happen but we also weren’t not trying to make it happen.
I got pregnant that same night.

I know I should’ve told him as soon as I found out but what if I lose this one too? I don’t want to put him through that kind of pain again.

We never talked about trying for kids so I didn’t know for sure if he was ready to try and have another. I was scared and that fear made me not want to tell him.

After being yelled at by all of my friends I decided I’d make a little surprise for him.

As I stood smiling to myself in the mirror a soft knock came from the door and it opened. Serene, Rachael, Leslie, and Rosa walked in with big smiles.

Although it was my wedding I didn’t want them to look bad. They wore beautiful one shoulder dress that were tight and reached all the way down to the ground.

Serene came over to me with tears in her eyes. “You look so beautiful. I’m so happy for you.” She said as she walked over to hug me with the light pink and white lilies in hand.
“Thank you.

” I said on the verge of crying as well. That’s when everyone came over, trying not to step on my dress, and hugged me. This moment was surreal and to have my best friend here as my maid in honor made me even happier. “Stop I can’t mess up my makeup.”

They laughed as I tilted my head up to the ceiling.

When I looked at Serene she had the biggest smile on her face. “He’s good for you, Athena. I’m glad your done with Oliver.”

“Me too.” I smiled. Just then someone else walked in. “Rosaline. Michael.” I hugged them both.

“You look stunning.” Rosaline said, wrapping her arms around Michael. She wore a green silk dress that stopped just above her knees and Michael wore a matching color dress shirt.

I thanked her. “I’ll let you two talk.” She took everyone else out of the room, leaving me and Michael alone.

He cleared his throat. “My son loves you. I love you as if you are my own. I know your parents aren’t the best ones and I’m hoping me and mg love can make up for that. By doing that, I’d like to walk you down the aisle if you allow me.”

I picked my dress up a bit and hugged him. “Your the best, Dad.” He let a breath of relief and hugged back. “Could you grab me some tissue?”

He nodded and grabbed it, handing it to me. I dabbed it under my eyes so I wouldn’t ruin my makeup. “Thank you. I’d love for you to walk me.”

He smiled, the same dimples Alessandro had popping out. “It’s time.” Rosaline said with a smile. She came in, helping me put on the diamond veil. Both the dress and veil had a long trail sliding across the floor.

Wren was our flower girl and Kieran was the ring bearer and I only hoped someone was recording that since I was standing behind two large double doors with Michael. I held a bouquet of white and light pink lilies while we waited. Alessandro got Haley Reinhart to come and preform. How?

I have no clue but I’m so glad he did. Her song I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You played and the double doors were opened.

Michael wrapped his arm around mine and we started to walk down the aisle. I felt like the happiest woman on earth right now. Lilies covered the floor as I walked,

diamond chandeliers on the ceiling. Alessandro looked at me as if he’d just fallen in love all over again. I could see his cheeks start to glisten under the light and it made me smile. He was crying. He was crying in front of over three hundred people.

Michael kissed my cheek before nodding to Alessandro and going to sit in the front row with Rosaline. “Athena…” I wiped his tears with the pad of my thumb. “You look beautiful.”

After the preachers introduction, Alessandro said his vows first. “I-” He paused. “God. Give me a second.” Everyone laughed as he turned around to quickly wipe his tears. He took my hands back in his with a smile. He slipped the ring on my finger and I started holding back tears. ”

I want to wake up and see your face every morning. I want to go to sleep and your face be the last thing I see before I do. I want to come home and see you, pregnant with our child while working on another one of your cases.

I want to be there to massage your feet when you get tired of standing all day. I want to be at every single one of your court cases. I want to be your last husband. Athena, this relationship has brought me so much happiness and I want that happiness until I die.

You’ve been here even in my darkest moments. I’ve realized that no matter where you are, who you are with, what you are doing, I will always be completely and utterly in love with you.”

I was trying so hard not to cry right now. “Athena.”

Well I don’t know if I can top that.” I sniffled with a smile as everyone laughed. I slipped the ring on his finger. “I will always hold you. In comfort, in pain, whenever you need me I will hold you.

I promise to share a silence with you when you need that. To sit there in nothing but silence and comfort you with my presence. Alessandro your love for me has brought me to start loving myself and I am so grateful to you for that.

I know my last marriage ended with my infidelity with you but, unlike my ex-husband, you have been here for me through thick and thin.

You have loved me, accepted me for every flaw, made me feel beautiful. I will fiercely love you, in all your forms and shapes, forever. My love for you will never be able to be felt for anyone on this planet again. I promise to stay faithful, to keep your heart safe, and to keep our souls together for as long as possible.

I promise to give you my heart. I want to be there for you whenever you need me. You are my friend, my love, my hero. My love for you will never fail. You have offered me your mind, body, and soul and I offer mines to you as well. I will continue to fall in love with you all over again every single day of my life.”

He was crying again. I used my hand to wipe them away again. “By the power vested in me, I know pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

And he did. He kissed me so lovingly I thought I’d pass out. The camera clicked and everyone clapped. We turned everyone with the biggest smiles on our face, the cameras taking as many photos as they can get.

I slid my hand on the inside of his elbow, holding the flowers as we walked back down the aisle. “Thank you so much. You don’t understand how much this means to me.” He said as everyone cheered and threw rose petals over us.

“No thank you.” And when I looked up at him those grey eyes were shining more than ever.

Alessandro and I were doing our first dance to Easily by Bruno Major. We swayed side to side, my arms wrapped around his neck and his around my waist.

My head was his chest, my eyes closed with a smile.

I am so glad to be his wife. It feels good to have my real soulmate dancing with me. He completes me, supports me, cares for me, loves me more than earth itself, always makes me smile.

Everything about him is all I could ever wish for. We’ve had our ups and downs but we overcame them and now look we’re we are. Married. In love. Happy.

As the song started to come to a slow end the fog came in and the glass chandeliers creating a beautiful glow on us. I looked up at him and he bent down to place a kiss to my lips. Everyone cheered again and took more pictures along with videos.

All the bridesmaids and groomsmen got onto the floor and we all started to dance. Beyoncé playing loudly in the background.

Serene came over and engulfed me in another hug. I turned around in her arms with a smile, moving my hips on her. My wedding with Oliver wasn’t this exciting.

I needed to stop comparing this wedding and Oliver’s. This wedding could never be compared to.

Everyone was up and around now. Wren and Kieran had gone to the play area with the nanny which was in a whole other side of the building.

“I need everyone to circle around here. The garter toss is about to happen.” The DJ announced as I sat in the chair.

Usually whoever catches the bouquet would do this but this wedding was about me not them.
I still had on this humongous dress but I knew that wouldn’t stop Alessandro. As everyone gathered around Leave The Door Open started to play which made me laugh. Alessandro and I never really listened to music like this so to see him about to dance this was about to be amusing.

He snapped his hands in the air for a minute before motioning to himself. He did a slow spin, facing me again, and his arms open as he sung to me. He ran his hands down his chest and went back to snapping his fingers. He started feeling himself and that made me laugh even more.

He hugged Kano and Jasper who were his back up dancers then came over to me. Alessandro got onto his knees and going under my dress. Everyone was just yelling and the music was playing so loudly. I had a surprise under my dress and I knew he found it by the way his slid his finger along my slit.

I took my P@ŋtîēṣ off when I excused myself to the bathroom, knowing that he’d be able to see my bare Pů$$¥ when he got under my dress.+

He picked my leg up, sliding the garter off with his teeth and a smirk. We made eye contact as he slid his hand from under my dress. He tucked the garter in his pocket before spreading my legs and going back under my dress. I laughed with everyone else as he quickly kissed my ćƖĩť before coming back out.

We all spent at least another hour just dancing. I was moving my hips and dancing with all of the bridesmaids and groomsmen. When one of Alessandro’s cousins came over dancing, Alessandro quickly walked over and pulled him away from him. “Try it. I dare you.” His cousin held his hands up in defense and walked away.

Alessandro stayed by me the rest of the time we were dancing. Whenever someone tried to come up to me he’s just death stare them and they’d leave. After a while of dancing, the room got brighter and the music got quieter.

Wren ran over to me and like I do every time I picked her up. We walked to our table with Alessandro and sat down. Wren was in my lap with a pretty light blue fluffy dress we went shopping for.

Her hair was curled like mine a bit because she said she wanted people to think I was her mom. That comment made my wedding day better than ever.

The caterers came out with five course meals that Alessandro and I recommended. The cake was rolled in after the food was given to everyone. Wren kept my seat warm while Alessandro and I walked to it.

It was a pretty tall cake and my heart was beating knowing this would reveal a really big secret.

We both put our hands on the knife and cut a perfect slice of the cake. Getting to big pieces we opened our mouths and hand fed each other. He put his finger in my mouth and I sucked the icing off while maintaining eye contact. He had some left on his mouth which I licked off. “Look at the cake baby.”

I told him with a nervous smile. He did and furrowed his eyebrows but the crease quickly left as he realized what it meant.

No… No. Your f-__-king with me aren’t you.” I shake my head with a smile. He game me a teeth showing smile, wrapping his arms around me and lifting me from the ground. “She’s pregnant! She’s f-__-king pregnant!”

Everyone clapped and cheered for us. When he set me down I was crying and laughing at the same time. He placed a hard kiss on my lips, silently telling me thank you.

Everyone made noises as we walked back, me holding a plate of cake for Wren.
Michael stood up, tapping his spoon against his glass. “Not biologically the father of the bride but hell I walked her down the aisle so I might as well be.”

Everyone laughed and I smiled at him. “My love.” He held his hand out for Rosaline to take and she did with a smile. “I’ve been married to this beautiful woman for over thirty years. Most of my life.

She made me chase her for the first two years I knew her because I was a ‘wh-_-re’ as she said.” We all laughed. “But when I finally did get her I made sure that she knew how lucky and blessed I thought I was to be able to wake up to her beautiful self every morning. And I will continue to make sure she knows how much I love her until I take my last breath.”

He looked down at Rosaline with a smile and loving eyes before looking back in our direction.

Son, you have a great woman sitting beside you. I can only hope and pray you don’t f-__-k it up. I’m proud of you both. And, Athena, thank you for giving me the privilege to walk you down the aisle. Congratulations on the baby.”

We all clapped and I wiped a few tears from under my eyes.
Jasper stood up next to make his toast. “As you all know I could take Athena from Alessandro whenever I wanted.” Everyone laughed while Alessandro rolled his eyes. “But I won’t because Athena has made him into a man. Not the little boy that would shove his Ďïčk into every living thing. Im proud that you’ve gifted us all as your family a gift like Athena. Love you, Ɓîtçh.” I clapped with everyone else with a smile. Alessandro flicked him off.

Serene cleared her throat and stood up. “I am so glad that I didn’t do this at Oliver’s wedding. That That had to be the most whitest wedding I’d ever been to.” Alessandro clapped to that.

“Anyway, Athena, baby, I’m so glad you found a man like Alessandro. I can see that light in your eyes whenever you look at him, a light I hadn’t seen ever since you married the other one.

He’s made you feel beautiful and that’s so important. He’s made you feel loved and wanted and appreciated.

Thank you Alessandro for giving Athena the love she never got from Oliver. And thank you for giving her the confidence she lost. You two are perfect for each other.” Serene and I blew each other a kiss as she sat down.

Alessandro stood up next. “There are no more words in the dictionary that can describe my love for you.” He started. “Thank you for loving me, for f-__-king me the way you do, for giving me this life inside of you. f-__-k, I’m really grateful for that. I will always be here for you, our baby, and Wren.

I promise to worship the ground you walk on. Hell, I already worship your entire existence. I love you, Athena Mallory Sinclair.” He bent down, tilting my head up to him by my chin and kissing me. Wren made a gaging noise and everyone laughed.

The rest of the night was Alessandro keeping an even closer eye on me and Wren. Wren and I danced, took some pictures before she started to get tired. Alessandro didn’t even let me take her down the hall without following me. She was sleeping in my arms as I carried her to the nanny. “She has school in the morning.

I don’t want her late, check her backpack because she likes to bring my perfume to school. Also if she wakes up, put on Finding Nemo and she’ll go right back to sleep.” Grace nodded, taking Wren out of my arms. “Thank you. The driver is outside already.” I kissed Wren on her forehead and watched as they walked off.

You sounded like a mom.” Alessandro said as we walked back.

“I am growing your child in my belly. I’d consider myself a mom.” I saw him smile at that. We spent a few more minutes at the wedding before we started to walk out. I picked my dress up and followed him to the white limo. I kissed Serene on the cheek goodbye and waved at everyone else. He pushed my dress into the limo before getting in himself.

“Hey, kid.” Alessandro said, turning me so I’d face him. “I need you to grow a little more faster, okay? I really want to meet you.” I laughed and he kissed my stomach. I’m going to love you so much. I promise. Your sister Wren is probably going to love you ten times harder.”

He moved back and kissed my lips. “I love you, Athena. Thank you for this. I know I’ve been saying thank you a lot but I’m so grateful.” I smiled and kissed him again.

I had finally gotten the happy ending I saw in the books.

I was with a man that I knew for a fact I’d be with for the rest of my life.

Now we were having a mini me or mini him running around our new home. My family was complete and I couldn’t be more happier.


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