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HomeATTRACTED TO HER: She’s Another Man wifeATTRACTED TO HER: She's Another Man wife - Episode 4

ATTRACTED TO HER: She’s Another Man wife – Episode 4

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?She’s ?

? Man wife ?‍❤️‍?‍??‍❤️‍?‍?

By: worthy stories

Tags: marriage, love, segz……Authoress Note
This story has mature content,
Read at your own risk ??

Episode___ 4?

Oliver and I made up when he got back home the next morning.

He said he had gotten really drunk and went to a friend’s house because he didn’t want me to see him in that state of mind.

He apologized for how he acted and told me he loved me.

It sounded like bullshit, coming from a lawyer, but I decided to believe him anyway.

He reeked of cheap perfume and for him to have gotten really drunk his hangover wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.

He’d have to come up with a better lie, he married a f-__-ki**ng lawyer for God’s sake.

Today, I wore a simple dark red tight-fitting dress with matching color heels.

I was going to go see Bella today so I could get her testimony, she was a prime witness after all and would be a great help to the case.

I put on fake lashes and dark red lipstick before I started to straighten my hair.

Oliver walked in his usual brown trousers and a red button up shirt. “Where are you going?” He scanned my outfit.

“I have to go and see a client’s daughter.” I continued to straighten my hair, not looking at him.

“I think you should change.” I frowned and moved the iron away from my hair, looking at my reflection in the mirror.

“I like this though.” He came up behind me and started to slowly unzip my dress.

“It makes your hips seem wider than they already are and plus your gaining weight.” I looked down as he kissed my back.

I actually thought I looked pretty and professional in this dress but what he said pushed me further down the hole of my insecurities.

I held my dress up so it wouldn’t fall while he moved my hair from my shoulder, kissing there afterwards. “Your right.” I said, biting back tears.

“You know I tell you this because I want you to look your best right?” I nodded. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” As Oliver walked out, I let the tears slip down my cheeks.

He loves you, I reminded myself. I wiped away the tears, slipping my dress off and continuing to straighten my hair.

I walked out to our closer and pulled on cream white high waist tailored trousers, a black lace corset top and my Louboutin red bottoms.

I pulled on a white suit jacket before applying lip gloss over my lipstick and putting in diamond earrings.

Oliver smiled when he saw what I was wearing and kissed my forehead. “You look beautiful.”

“Thank you.” I smiled and let him kiss my lips. I buttoned the one button on the suit jacket and grabbed my briefcase along with my black purse.

He held the door open for me and said, “Have a good day.

Please be back in time so we can go to the shop for your dress.” I nodded and smiled, placing a quick kiss to his lips then leaving.

From the moment I got this job I always told myself to separate my personal life from my work one.

I left the loving wife back home and arrived at Brinda’s as the attorney everyone wanted to take down.

Her bodyguards patted me down for precautionary measures she didn’t trust that Mr. Dubois wouldn’t send someone to hurt them based off of his past violence.

We shook hands before she took me to where her daughter Bella was.

We walked into a very bedroom, the bed placed near the window, a little desk with a computer, laptop and a few papers on it, and a dresser in front of the bed with a TV propped on it.

“Bella, the lawyer is here, Mrs. Escarra. Come say hi.”

Bella did as she was told and held her hand out to me, making me smile slightly.

She was no older then fourteen years old, a striking resemblance of her mother but with her green eyes.

“Hi. You’re going to help with putting my dad away, right?”

“I am.” She looked just like her mother, blond hair and beautiful light skin. She wore baggy jeans and a tight white top with her hair let loosely down her back.

“I hope you don’t mind but I did do my research on you and I’m really glad my mom chose you to represent her.”

She smiled before hugging me and I hugged back. She looked down at my hand with the butterfly tattoo, “Pretty tattoo. Have any meaning to it?”

“Well, you could say that.”

She traced the outline of it with curious eyes. “What does it mean?”

“It’s just a representation of a very… memorable night of my life.” I smiled at the teenager in front of me.

She nodded, but I could see she wanted more information.

“I got the tattoo when I met this stranger and after we had gotten it, he said something that I want to remember for the rest of my life.”

I smiled, remembering him and hating how much I wanted to see him again.

She bunched her eyebrows together with a curious smile, “You got a tattoo with a stranger?”

I nodded, “Impulsive moment.”

She looked up to her mom and said, “When can I get a tattoo? It’ll be something small like a rose or something.”

“Maybe one day but not today.” Bella rolled her eyes playfully and Brinda chuckled before pressing a kiss to her cheeks.

The front door was opened and closed, signaling that law enforcement, CPS and child forensic interviewers were here.

Brinda went to get them and once she was gone Bella sighed and went back to desk. “What’s the matter?”

“Am I going to be a witness for in the trial?” She started to clean up her desk and set papers in folders.

“Possibly.” She simply nodded.

Everyone, besides Brinda because they didn’t want Bella’s answers to be influenced by her presence, walked in.

“Mrs. Escarra.” I gave her a slight nod in acknowledgement. “Bella. How are you doing?” Bella didn’t respond, keeping her head down and finishing cleaning her desk.

This was normal for kids her age. It wasn’t because they were acting out or just simply didn’t want to answer it was because most had been told not to say anything to anyone or they were scared of what would happen if they did.

Bella and I took a seat with everyone else on the little couch she had in her room. They sat across from us in chairs.

“Now, you understand why we’re here and what’s happening?” Bella nodded.

There was a recorder sat in the middle of the small table. “We’re going to record this conversation. Is that okay Bella?” She shrugged.

“This is an interview so we can make sure that you’ll be a credible witness in the case against the defendant, your father.”

She, Lucy, started. “First question, how many times did your parents argue?”

She let out breath and closed her eyes as she did so. “Every other night. During these… arguments he’d seem drunk.”

“How do you know he was drunk?” The man beside Lucy, Sam, took notes as they spoke.

“His words would slur and he would be a bit clumsy. He’d drink a lot and his drinking was usually the root of their arguments.”

Lucy nodded. “How was it like when he wasn’t drinking?”

“He was great. The kind of dad every girl would dream of.

I remember, when he was sober, he took my mom and I out shopping, then a picnic then we had dinner.

He didn’t have anything but water that night, wanting to make the night perfect.” She smiled slightly.

She saw Lucas writing something down with a serious face and put her head back down, her smile now gone.

“Are you scared of your dad?” She remained silent so Lucas wrote down something again.

We made eye contact and I sent and angry and annoyed glare his way; he gulped and set his pen down, looking away from me.

The interview went on for another ten minutes before Bella said she didn’t want to talk anymore.

“I’ll have to see him, won’t I? He’ll be so pissed.” She covered her face with her hands and let out a deep breath.

I placed a hand on her back. “You don’t even have to look at him. Just pretend as if he’s not there.”

“I want to be there. I want to see him locked up for what he did to me and my mom.” She shook her head and chuckled sadly.

“I want to love him but all I feel is hatred towards him. Is that bad? He hurt us and I h@ťě him for it.”

“Of course not. Feeling that way towards him is normal because of what he did. But he still loves you. No matter what.”

“You don’t hurt people you love.”

I didn’t respond, not knowing how to, because she was right. I hurt Oliver the night I stepped out on our marriage as much as he hurt me sometimes.

I hugged her tightly and in the most comforting way possible when I heard sobs coming from her. ”

Hey, hey, princess don’t cry. It’ll be fine. I promise with my life that he will be put behind bars.” She nodded and wiped at the few tears.

Bella let go of me and ran to her mom as soon as she walked in.

I stood up, fixing my suit jacket, and walked over to them. They hugged for a while before Brinda, and I stepped out to give her some space. “Thank you again for this.” She smiled.

We started walking to her front door and after her bodyguards handed me my purse back, I said, “Please. Putting men like him behind bars is one of my favorite hobbies.” She chuckled.

We shook hands and I left, looking through my bag for my keys.

Paparazzi was surrounding the front, standing right outside of the gate, so there was no way for me to pull in that’s why I went through the back.

I started to walk the few miles it took for me to get to my car whilst on my phone.

Not paying attention I bumped into someone, almost tumbling backwards but they caught me. “I’m so sorry.

I wasn’t-” When I looked up to finish apologizing to the stranger, I saw those silver eyes and froze.

My heart was pounding so fast I thought it was going to fall out of my chest. My hand was gripping on his shirt while his stayed on my waist.

He was searching my face just as I was his. All of the memories from that night– our night — was hitting me as hard as a brick as I stared into his eyes.

His eyes moved down to my tattoo and a smirk found its way onto his face. “Athena.” My core tingled at the way my name rolled off of his tongue so smoothly.

“Alessandro.” His smirk changed into a smile as he pulled me closer to him.

My breathing felt constricted as his hand moved to my lower back. Why, why, why. This cannot be happening right now.

I pushed myself back out of his arms, still staring into his silver orbs. “I- I have to go.”

I threw my phone into my purse and started to quickly walk past him when he grabbed my hand.

I gripped onto the headboard of the bed and Mõ@ɲed loudly when he slammed into me. His hand wrapped around my neck pulling my head back and he kissed on my neck.

My pants grew louder every time he th-ru_sted into me from behind. My body pressed fully on the bed and his weight keeping me grounded.

“Fu***ck. You feel so f-__-king good baby.” He whispered into my ear his th-ru_sts speeding up with every second he was inside of me.

Tears started falling from my eyes at the pleasurable pain, I bit my bottom lip and moved my hips back to meet his th-ru_sts.

This is wrong. This is so so wrong. But it felt way too good to stop him. “I’m so… close.” My pants grew heavier, my walls tightened around his Ç0çƙ, and my eyes squeezed shut.

“Open your eyes. I want to see how good I make you feel.”

His grip on my neck tightened and he groaned at the sound of my whimpers.

I let out the loudest Mõ@ɲ and my hips moved up as I 0rg@zmed. It felt like a pulsing from between my legs that moved up to my head.

I collapsed back onto the bed breathing hard as I calmed down from that overwhelming 0rg@zm.

He kissed down my back, leaving a bite mark in the middle of it, and went to kiss all over my @zz. I was for sure we were down, this being the hundredth time I came, but boy was I wrong.

I’m just getting started with you, darling.” He whispered when he moved back up then kissed my cheek.

“Athena?” I snapped out of my trance my thighs tightly squeezed shut. “Can we talk?”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Athena, please.” You have a husband. You have a husband. Those eyes– his eyes– God, I’ve missed them so much.

“Okay. But not here.” What’s the worst that could happen.

“Follow my car.” He nodded and left but not before he kissed my cheek. I held my hand where his lips were with a small smile.

I hopped inside of my car, seeing his pull up behind it.

I bit my lip at the sight of him in my rearview mirror; one hand on the wheel and the other rubbing on his stubble.

He had a small smile playing on his lips and he looked as if he was daydreaming.

When his eyes found mine, I quickly looked away and started my car.

I had to be in a more secluded place, now being a bit more popular since Brinda’s case. And me being with another man, Alessandro, would cause an unwanted scandal.

So, as he followed me, I drove to a trail I knew no one would be at this time of day.

Just keep Oliver in your head, you are a happily married woman. I let a big breath and got out of the car, leaving my things inside of it.

Alessandro’s eyes studied me and my body just like they did that night.

He noticed me squeeze my thighs and smirk, walking closer to me.

I had forgotten how tall he was as he towered over me, my chest tightening.

There was a moment were we just stared at each other, reliving our night of passion. “So, I see you kept to your word.”

He smiled slightly. “I did. After six months I’ve found you.” He tried to move my hair behind my ear, but I moved my head away.

“I’m married.”

Alessandro hummed grabbing my chin and turning my head to look up at him.

“That didn’t seem to matter when I was fu***king your brains out in front of my window.” His hand moved down my side and to my hip.

“That was a mistake. I… I love my husband.” My eyes caught onto the necklace that laid on his chest.

The other half to the heart laying on my chest. “I thought you would’ve thrown that out by now.” Don’t think about it, I reminded myself.

“Never. You never got rid of your necklace either.” With one hand still on my hip he grabbed my hand and stared at the tattoo.

“What did you want to talk about?” I took my hand out of his and he went to lean back against his car.

“I’ve missed you.” He folded his arms across his chest, his white dress shirt tightening even more around his muscular chest and arms.

“We spent one night together how can you ‘miss’ me?” I questioned.

He chuckled. “I can’t get that one night out of my head.”

I can’t either. “Well, you need to move on. I’m married and-”

“I didn’t care that you were married then, and I don’t care now.” He said, his tone serious. He moved away from his car and back towards me, putting his hand back on my hip

I didn’t care either, but I can’t hurt Oliver. Not again. “Alessandro, we can’t do this.” I breathed out, putting my hands on his chest to push him back.

“The way your body responds to me tells me otherwise.”

I hadn’t realized my thighs were squeezed shut and my breathing had gotten heavier. He moved his leg between mine, parting them, and moved his hand up my inner thigh.

Just as his hand was about to reach my core, I pushed him back. “We- we can’t. That was a onetime thing.”

“It happened more than once if my memory serves me right.” He looked at me for a moment.

“I’ll let you get back to your husband.” I could hear the bitterness behind his words as he mentioned Oliver.

Alessandro grabbed my hand and kissed the butterfly tattoo. “Have a good day, Athena.”

“You as well, Alessandro.”
God. Like fu**king su**ks.


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