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HomeATTRACTED TO HER: She’s Another Man wifeATTRACTED TO HER: She’s Another Man wife – Episode 29

ATTRACTED TO HER: She’s Another Man wife – Episode 29

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?She’s ?

? Man wife ?‍❤️‍?‍??‍❤️‍?‍?

By: worthy stories


This would be the first time I would see Nate after the assault.

I talked a hell of a lot of $h|t for me to be here taking deep breaths with Alessandro. No, I wasn’t scared.

I think anyone would be a little anxious to see someone that ki||ed their child. Even if he didn’t know I was pregnant.

My hand was on Alessandro’s heart, his breathing steady and me trying to imitate the same.

“I’ll be right behind you, okay?” I nodded, still taking deep breaths as he spoke. “I love you. Your so strong and beautiful and fearless, baby. I love you so much.”

He kissed my hand repeatedly until my breathing was steady. “Okay, I’m ready.”

He nodded, pressing his lips against my forehead. I took my final deep breath as Brinda approached, looking like she wanted to crawl in a hole and die.

“Hey, Brinda.” I smiled, walking up to her and hugging her.

“Hey, Mrs. Escarra.” She pulled away with a smile.
“Your ready to be put on the stand, si?” She nods and takes a deep breath.

“If you need a minute to prepare then take the time. We have ten minutes before we need to be in there.” I smiled and she nodded again, going to sit at one of the benches.
I walked back over to Alessandro. “You look tired.”

I rolled my eyes, “Thanks for being so uplifting. I thought I looked beautiful.”

He smiled, “You look like the most beautiful tired person ever.” I laughed, wrapping my arms around his arms while he placed his hands on my @zz. “Is your tattoo healing well?”

“Yeah, probably should’ve gotten it later though.” He didn’t respond, seeming as if he was in a trance staring into my eyes. I smiled and his eyes fell down to my lips.

“The Judge is ready for you.” I unwrapped my arms from around him, walking over to Brinda.


“Ready.” She nodded with a smile. I smiled back, taking my things up from the bench and walking in with Alessandro behind me.

My eyes instantly fell on Nate. He looked beat up, broken arm and wrist, swollen eye, broken nose, stitches in his forehead and lip.

I knew Alessandro played a part in his appearance, he told me about before we arrived here. He also told me that that was only half of the beating he was going to get.

He sat right behind me while Brinda and I took a seat at our table. “All rise.” The bailiff said and we all stood as the judge walked in. I had the perfect plan to get rid of Nate as a lawyer and thrown in jail.

We took a seat as the judge called, “Your witness.” He nodded towards me and Brinda stood up, walking to the stand. It caused a bit of chatter in the bleachers but the judge quickly shut it down.

After swearing to tell the truth with a hand on the Bible, she was ready to be questioned. “When and why did you fall in love with the defendant?” I asked.

She laughed nervously, “I fell in love with him when he took me on a boat to the Caribbeans. I thought he was perfect, checked off everything I had on my list.”

I nodded, standing up and walking to the stand. “When was the first time he hit you?”

“January 7th. I remember because we had just gotten back from a public event and I was complaining about how tiring it is to do that.

He thought I was being ungrateful.” Just like we discussed, she didn’t look over at Zac while speaking.

“Did the defendant ever show any sign that he would harm your child during pregnancy?”

She shook her head, “It was doing the pregnancy that I didn’t get hit. He was the sweetest person and that’s why I chose to stay. One of the reasons.”

“Tell me more about your marriage with him.”

She blew out a breath, “It was good the first year. But then, like I’ve said before, it was like something flicked. He got angry at every little thing I would do.

Weather that meant not making enough food for him to take to work or simply not cooking at all.

The first few times he hit me he apologized immediately but it became such a regular thing that he would apologize when he felt like it.”

I nodded, “No further questions.”

Nate stood up and I could see the scar on his neck from the knife. “Have you ever hit my client? Even playfully?”

“He would say something funny and I’d playfully push his arm.”

He nodded, moving away from his table and to the stand. “Why didn’t you leave?”

“Because, like I said, I loved him. But it was for Bella as well.” Her posture straightened at the question.

“Loved, past tense. You could’ve left if you really wanted to. I don’t think anyone would endure that kind of physical and mental pain because they loved them.”

“It was like a cycle. My mother had endured the same pain Zac put me through. Now, I’m trying to break it because of what happened.”

“And what happened? You loved him, you guys were happy, you had a child and things became rocky.

There have been reports of women coming out and saying their significant other abused them but in reality they were scared their husbands were going to leave. Were you scared that my client was going to leave?”

Brinda furrowed her brows but kept her eyes on Nate. “Did Zac tell you that? Did he also tell you I stuck beside him even after he had a child with someone else?

Did he tell you that I was there during and after every single cheating scandal? I was embarrassed but I still loved that man.”

“I’ve heard.” He went to grab papers from a folder and when he came over to hand them to me, his hand shook and he looked behind me with a scared face.

He handed the papers to the judge and I, “Could you tell me what you see here?”

She took the papers, “It’s me. I’m naked and he’s on top of me, naked as well.”

“This is just a photo of the video recorded. In the video, everything looked consensual to me. How did he get your clothes off without you struggling against him?

How hard did you try to stop it?”She let out shaky breaths, “I have never willingly taken a segz video with Zac. This- this video? This is unknown to me.” She looked at the paper until she recognized something.

“I remember this day though. Bella was in her room and he told me if I made a sound that he’d punish her. Did he crop that out of the video?”

Zac was losing. He was losing bad. “No further questions.” He went to sit back down, moving his knee. Brinda came back over to the table and Zac went to the stand. Expected.

Nate stood and walked over to him, “Do you have any prior issues with abuse?”

“I don’t.”

“Why would your wife, Brinda, claim that you’ve hit, segzually assaulted, and recorded her without her consent?”

Zac sighed, it was fake and made me want to put my foot up his @zz. “My business has been rapidly expanding and I’m worth a lot more now. Putting me on the spot like this will get her paid a heavily amount and she knows that.”

“No further questions.” He had a smirk on his face and so did Zac. Ç0çƙy f-__-kers.

“You say that your company is skyrocketing, yes?” He nods, looking at my body before meeting my eyes again.

“To my understanding, Brinda has touched the shared bank account between you two. She hasn’t even laid a finger on your money.” I walk back over to my table, looking at Alessandro for a minute who sends me a quick smile.

“Brinda has her own company, which is growing more and more everyday. Her profits are out of this world.” I handed the document to Nate and the Judge.

“I wouldn’t say she’d be doing this because she wanted money. She could leave you now and still be living the life she does.”

Zac looked back and forth between Nate, the Judge, and I. “Would you say you associate yourself around dangerous people?”
“No. I’m a businessman.”

I hummed, “Judge, may I show a video to the court?”
“I assume you have the means to do so?”

“I do.” He nodded and a portable screen was brought in. This would leave Zac without a lawyer and the investigation on my attack would send him to jail.

“This video is graphic. I do warn you, if you are uncomfortable with seeing blood you should leave now.” Everyone stayed seated. “Alright then.” I looked at Alessandro and he was breathing in and out, telling me to do it as well.

I breathed in then out, sending him a small smile before going to the video. You can do this. Alessandro is only a few steps away. I pressed play.

It was the surveillance video in Serenes home. It showed the entire attack and there was audio. People in the stands gasped at the realization, I was fighting Nate.

When the video was over I just wanted to crawl into Alessandro’s arms and feel his love and warmth.

“I was attacked by Nate Thomas. I lost a child and suffered from depression because of it. I still am.”

I turned back to Zac who was angry and nervous. “Now I’ll ask you again. Do you associate yourself around criminals?

Did you send your lawyer to try and beat me into dropping the case? Did-”

The Judge started hitting the gavel, “Mrs. Escarra, step away from the defendant.”

I looked at Zac and he looked at me, both our eyes full of anger. Everything in me wanted

to jump across the stand and beat his @zz but I could lose my license. I wouldn’t risk it. “My apologies.” I stepped back, looking at the Judge.

“Nate come up here. You as well, Athena.” We both walked up to the stand and the Judge started to whisper. “Did you commit burglary and attack a pregnant woman?”

“I- I would never! How would I be able to fight three women off at once?”

“It was never said that there were three women attacked. Hell, no one knew that Serene and Rachael also got hurt.” Nate looked at me and so did the Judge.

“I’m assuming your pressing charges?”

“I am, your honor.” He nodded.

“Nate, I’m sure I don’t have to explain this process to you.” He signaled for a police officer to come over.

“I didn’t do anything! That Ɓîtçh is a liar!” I saw Alessandro stand up defensively. Any day I wouldn’t interfere with Nate getting his @zz handed to him but I didn’t need Alessandro catching an assault charge.

When he saw the look on my face he hesitantly sat back down.

His eyes fell down to my stomach before moving back to my eyes. “Court is adjourned until September, 12th.” In a f-__-king month.
“All rise.” Everyone stood and I walked back over to the table. Brinda immediately wrapped her arms around me, a few tears falling from her eyes.

“Oh God! I’m so sorry, Athena. Please, go and heal I can find another lawyer.”
“I’ve already told her to. She’s made up her mind and there’s no changing it.” His deep voice said from behind me.

I smiled at her, “Thank you for your concern, really, but I’ve already decided that I want to put Zac away for you.

And for precious Bella.” She smiled, hugging me tightly once more before pulling away. I gathered my things and walked out alongside Brinda.

Just as we were walking out of the courtroom, the double doors opened and James walked in. He had on sweatpants and a t-shirt, his eyes had dark circles around them and his hair was messy. He looked as if he hadn’t slept for a while. “Brinda. We need to talk.”

“I-” She paused. “You know, we can’t. This is inappropriate.”

He walked closer to her cupping her face, “I don’t give two f-__-ks. You know how I feel about you and if you need to, we’ll take it slow. But please baby, please. I need you. I’ll get on my d@mn knees if I have to.”

Just as he started to lower Brinda pulled him back up so they wouldn’t make a scene. “Can we talk about this later? Please?”

“No.” He looked over at me. See, I should have left and let them handle my business but I am extremely nosey. “I’m sorry, are you both done here?”

“We are. Feel free to take her.” I smiled and he nodded. He took her hand and started to walk out but she wouldn’t pick her feet up. So instead, he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. “Lovebirds in the making.”

“She’s definitely getting f-__-ked tonight.”

“This is why I don’t take you anywhere.” He chuckled, placing his hand on my lower back as we walked out. When we got outside the paparazzi had been around Brinda and James.

Laughing I walked with him to his car and he opened the door for me.
“Are you up for going to a party with Jasper?”

I took my heels off, setting my feet on his lap and with one hand on the wheel he started to massage my feet.

“Who’s all going to be there?”Jasper, Kano, Rosa, Leslie, and Katherine.”

“Leslie and Katherine. Who are they?”

I leaned back against the door as we stopped at a red light. He put both of hands on my foot and continued to massage it. “Their both close family friends.”

“Have you f-__-ked any one of them?” He kept his eyes down on my feet.

“Katherine. I f-__-ked her but I haven’t even spoken to her since our first night together.”

“Katherine. How many times?” Don’t ask me why I wanted to know this information.

He was quiet for a moment. “Five times. But, again, I haven’t talked to her since I met you. I haven’t f-__-ked anyone since our night. Haven’t even thought of another woman.”

I smiled and he locked eyes with me. He brought my foot up and kissed my ankle before starting to drive again. “I’ll go.

But I’m not promising I’ll be calm if she tries anything.”

He chuckled, “I wouldn’t expect it.” Slowly, I drifted off to sleep with his hand soothing the pain in my foot.


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