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HomeATTRACTED TO HER: She’s Another Man wifeATTRACTED TO HER: She’s Another Man wife – Episode 20

ATTRACTED TO HER: She’s Another Man wife – Episode 20

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?She’s ?

? Man wife ?‍❤️‍?‍??‍❤️‍?‍?

By: worthy stories


Athena’s pov ?

I wanted to ki|| Nate Thomas. I still do.

I felt bad for Alessandro because all he was doing was taking care of me and not taking the time to grieve the loss of his child. Our child.

He’s been caring for me and I love it but I haven’t even seen him shed a tear.

It hurts me more when he feels as if he has to be strong around me.

I felt soft, gentle kisses being placed all over my face.

“Baby. It’s time to wake up, love.” Alessandro said softly and continued to kiss my face.

I groaned but moved closer to where the kisses were coming from.

He chuckled and rubbed my back, moving to my stomach but freezing.

It was almost unnoticeable because he immediately went back to rubbing my back. “Serene’s here to see you. I have to step out for a moment.”

I nodded, kissing his lips quickly. He stood up and started pulling on his pants. “Oh, Athena. I need to apologize.”

He walked back over as I sat up in the bed. “I- You mean everything to me. I’m sorry for the way I acted when Tabitha was there.

I said it because I knew she’d go to the press about it and I wasn’t sure if you were ready for that.

It’s no excuse for saying your no one to me when, in reality, your my entire life.

I’m sorry, Athena.” He kissed the tattoo and looked up at me with sincere eyes.

I smiled and placed a hand on his cheek. “I know your sorry.

But,” Worry appeared in his eyes causing me to laugh slightly.

“I won’t allow you to just have me again. You’ll have to work for it.”

“Of course, my love. I’ll do anything.” He kissed my palm and stood up. When he finished dressing he kissed me on my eye, cheek, lip and neck.

“Your beautiful. You’ve always been beautiful and always will be.” I smiled.

Just as he left, Serene and Rachael walked in with big sad smiles on their faces.

“I knew the Ɓîtçh wouldn’t die. She’s f-__-king immortal.”

Rachael said, trying to lighten the sad mood. We laughed, Serene trying her hardest not to cry.

She had a broken arm and her face looked as if she’d been crying all night. “How are you?” They sat on either side of my bed.

“I’m fine, Serene. From the look your giving me I assume you both already know.”

They reached for either of my hands at the same time.

“I’m sorry. No deserves to lose a baby.”
“I didn’t even know I was pregnant.”

I scoffed. “All the signs were there but I ignored them. Of course I did.” I bit my lip so I wouldn’t cry. I was tired of crying. I felt weak.

“Athena, you know this isn’t your fault, right?” Rachael asked.

“Alessandro’s been telling me all night but I can’t help it. I should’ve at least noticed something was different.”

“He’s good for you. I’m glad he’s here, and he’s right. Whoever did this to you, they’ll suffer. I promise.”

Oh don’t I know

I’m glad to finally see you guys, though!” I said and we all leaned in for a group hug.

“Ugh, me too. Did Oliver come in here by any chance?” Serene asked.

Rachael rolled her eyes with a small smile. “Yes he did. How’d you know?”

They laughed, “Well let’s just say that if your husband wasn’t practically the owner of this hospital and h@ťěd Oliver’s guts then we wouldn’t be here.”

“What did you do, Serene?” She laughed knowingly and they both made themselves comfortable on my bed.

“First, it started with him saying I turned you away from him.

Then I said he has Ɓîtçh like tendencies.” I laughed as well as Rachael.

Long story short; Oliver and Serene were arguing, Serene of course insulting him to the fullest extent.

And she slapped him, almost made him fall to the ground, and started to cuss him out.

Alessandro had him completely thrown out of the hospital.

We all sat and laughed for a moment, giving me an opportunity to be distracted from current life problems.

It had to have been an hour or two before Alessandro finally came back.

“Oh, seems like your big di**ck daddy wants some alone time with you.

” Serene wiggled her eyebrows and Alessandro chuckled while shaking his head.

“Oh God. You nasty wh-_-re.” Once she and Rachael were behind Alessandro, Serene bent Rachael over and they started making Mõ@ɲing faces.

He turned around and they almost fell over when they tried to get out of position.

They walked out like giggling highschool kids. “Their characters.”

I nodded with a smile. “I have your discharge papers.” My eyes fell down to the visible parts of his chest before slowly moving down.

Stay focused. Your mad at him.

“Love? Your drooling.” He used his thumb to wipe fake drool from the corner of my mouth.

I slapped his hand away causing him to laugh and his dimples show. It’s so hard being mad at this Greek God.

“Where- uh.. Where will you be staying?” It was cute when he was all flustered and nervous.

“Serene’s or my parents. That reminds me have you seen them? They look exactly me.” He shook his head. “I should probably go see them.”

He looked like he wanted to say something and took a deep breath before he did. “Can- can you stay with me?”

I smiled, signing the papers before handing them back. “I don’t think so.”

“I just want to keep an eye on you. You know, be there for you while you go through this…” He set the papers down and helped me out of the bed.

He got onto his knees while I stayed seated on the bed.

I sighed, “We’re both going through this. Your allowed to feel it too, Alessandro.”

He didn’t make eye contact as he helped me into a pair of leggings.

I grabbed his chin and forced his eyes up to mine. “Men can cry. If you want to cry I’m here.”

The longer he stared into my eyes the watery they got.

“It’s okay. I’m here for you like your here for me. I’ve got you like you’ve got me.”

I said, he wrapped his arms around my waist and placed his head in my lap.

He was holding back his tears but I could feel his pain.

His arms tightened around me and I placed a few kisses in his hair.

We sat in this saddened silence, comforted by each other’s breathing and the knowing fact that we’d be here for each other through this entire process.

“I’m sorry. I- I just-”
I cut him off, picking his head up and seeing one single tear fall. I kissed it then wiped it away.

“I understand. But it’s me, if you ever need to cry then I’m here.” He nodded and I kissed his forehead.

He helped me change into a hoodie and grabbed all of my personal items.

The nurse brought in a wheelchair since Alessandro didn’t want me walking too much. We walked out the back so press wouldn’t surround us.

“So, your going to reschedule the case right?” He asked as we neared his car.

I furrowed my eyebrows, “Why would I do that?

“Because you need to rest.”
“I can rest after Nate is thrown in jail.”

“I don’t want you to be stressing right now.”

“I understand that but I won’t be able to sleep if he isn’t behind bars.”

He helped me get into the car, put the wheelchair in the backseat, then got in.

“Okay, but after this case you need to take vacation days.”

“Fine.” I rolled my eyes and started to play with the flowers.

I thought of Oliver just as my phone started making notification sounds.

Deep down I knew it was more news about Oliver and Katie but I still wanted to know for sure.

There were just more photos of the two, hugging kissing, and looking happy.

He showed her everything I begged and asked him for with no argument.

I was angry because I gave him everything I had to offer and he took it all for granted.

Alessandro placed his hand on my thigh and squeezed it. “Want to talk about it?”

“Not right now.” He took my hand and brought it to his lips, letting them linger on my hand for a while, before setting his hand back on my thigh.

My eyes drifted from his hand to my stomach. I placed my hand on it and smiled at the thought of me being a mother.

There would’ve been a mini me or mini Sandro running around.

We would’ve had a little one and I would’ve loved them more than the world itself.

I hadn’t even noticed I was crying until Alessandro was wiping my tears and hugging me.

I knew the random crying and wishing I still had my baby was going to last a while.

It hurt like hell that I was never going to be able to grow a relationship with her or him.

Hell, I didn’t even know there was someone in there I had to protect.

We were parked on the side of the road, bystanders stopping for a second to see what was happening.

He pulled me into his lap, my arms around his neck and head in the crook of his neck.

He rubbed my back and kissed my temple.
“I’m here, love.

I’ll always be here.” He whispered in my ear and continued to rub my back. I cried myself to sleep in his arms and he didn’t seem to mind at all

I woke up in bed at Serene’s. I honestly didn’t want to get up but I felt something wet between my legs.

I sat up and moved the cover, seeing the little blood on the sheets.

After taking the sheets off the bed and throwing it all in the hamper I stripped and went into the steaming shower.

I just stood there. Not moving, not blinking, just staring off into space.

I watched as the blood ran down the drain and disappeared.

My poor baby. I rubbed at my belly with a sad smile, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you and that I didn’t know I had an angel in my belly.

I promise I’ll put Nate in prison for what he did to you. To your father and I.”

I’ve never experienced such an extreme amount of pain, physically and emotionally.

It felt like I lost an entire part of myself I hadn’t even know was there.

It felt like my heart was being stabbed over and over again.

I just wanted to curl up in a hole and die.

I showered quickly before going out and changing into a pair of shorts and hoodie. I just put a pair of P@ŋtîēṣ on and no bra, I didn’t even bother to dry my hair.

I walked out of the bedroom, grabbed a blanket and a bottle of water.

“I’m not really in the mood to talk. I love you guys.” I shut my door and plopped down on the bed.

I didn’t want to do anything but sleep. The longer I was awake the more I thought about my angel.

The more I thought about Nate and how he was going to die.

So that’s what I did, I fell asleep with a pillow clutched to my stomach.


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