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HomeATTRACTED TO HER: She’s Another Man wifeATTRACTED TO HER: She’s Another Man wife – Episode 14

ATTRACTED TO HER: She’s Another Man wife – Episode 14

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?She’s ?

? Man wife ?‍❤️‍?‍??‍❤️‍?‍?

By: worthy stories


“I want you to fu**ck me. Just for tonight, I’m not Mrs. Escarra, I’m not Oliver’s, I’m not married. I’m yours. Just for tonight.”

Hours earlier…

I wore light pink cropped tailored trousers, light pink lace top that was covered by my neutral color blazer, and I paired the whole outfit with champagne color stiletto pumps.

My hair was in its natural curls, they weren’t trying to straighten like I wanted them to today so i just left it.

“I’ll be home late tonight. I have a dinner with my mom then some more work at the company.” Oliver said as he rushed downstairs, bright and happy.

“You seem happier than usual about being home late tonight.” I grabbed my coffee and brought it into the living room.

“I’m just having a good morning that’s all baby.” He kissed my cheek and I smiled. “Have a good day.” He said before rushing out of the door. Weird.

Just as I was leaving, my phone buzzed with a notification and I quickly set my bag in the passenger seat and my coffee in my cup holder.

Alessandro ?
I hope you make big progress with your case today. I also hope you f-__-k*ing bury Nate and his pathetic career, have a good day butterfly.

I blushed at the text.

Me ?
Thanks. I hope you succeed in wh@ťěver a company needs to succeed in. Have a good day, Sandro.

I hadn’t even thought about the nickname until after I sent the message and I literally wanted to punch myself.

Alessandro ?
Sandro… last time I heard you call me that was when I was pleasuring you. I like the nickname. It’s… cute.

Me ?
Im never saying it again.

Alessandro ?
We’ll see about that. Destroy Nate today in court. I have faith in you.

You always do and I appreciate it.

Alessandro ?
Anything for you, my love.

I set my phone down in the passenger seat as well and distracted myself with music before I was late because I was flirty with my side-piece.

I pulled into the parking lot of the church and quickly got out.

Paparazzi didn’t waste any time in swarming me but I got into the building just as they were getting close. It’s like running from a herd full of children.

Brenda and I walked into the courtroom, being right on time, and stood as the Judge walked in. ”

Please be seated.” Everyone sat down and Judge Matt nodded in Nate’s direction. This whole day has been weird.

“Let’s begin-” He started but the doors opening in closing interrupted him.

Everyone looked back, including Brinda and I, and I couldn’t help but smile at the sight. Alessandro came. He came to watch me in court.

I was making myself more nervous by trying not to be nervous.

Even as everyone watch him sit right behind me he maintained eye contact with me and smirked.

I had to turn away to not cause any ruckus or speculation but I’m sure he saw the blush that was creeping up my neck.

After marking everyone that was needed in the court present, we started. “I’d like to present my first piece of video-graphic evidence.” I said as I stood and fixed my blazer.

“I hope you have the means to present this evidence?”

I nodded. “I do, your honor.”

“Then you may proceed.” Nate whispered something in Zac’s ear and he put his head down nervous.

He couldn’t even hide the fact that there was something incriminating on the video even as he told Nate there wasn’t.

A TV was rolled out and the officer powered it on, showing the entry way of the mansion.

“The events in this video happened two nights ago.” The video started.

I stayed standing and watched how Zac leaned back in his seat angrily as the video showed him drinking and putting his hands on Brinda.

When the video had gotten to the clip where Zac went for Bella he yelled, “Objection, turn this off!”

“Overruled!” The judge said back and Zac had no choice but to remain quiet.

“How much longer do we have to watch this?” He asked irritatingly.

“There’s just the last few seconds were Brinda defends her daughter, Bella, by launching herself towards Zac Dubois. She knocked him out and they both ran.”

“Objection!” Zac yelled once more.


“I rest my case.” I smiled, looking over at an distressed Zac and his lawyer.

If your lawyer looks stressed then you aren’t doing so well. They aren’t doing so well.

“Six minute recess.”

“All rise.” A f-__-k*ing recess. Court is so difficult for no reason.

We walked out, I hadn’t forgotten Alessandro had come but my focus was on Brinda.

“We’re doing great. Did you see Zac and his lawyer? If we have them scared then we have the power. We have the power in this situation, okay Brinda?”

She nodded and took a deep breath. “I need to make a call.”

“Okay. Hurry back.” She nodded before going in the direction of the bathroom. I sighed and sat on the bench. “Athena.”

My gaze shot up to the handsome devil towering over me. “Hi. I didn’t know you’d be here.”

“Wanted to surprise you. You looked surprise.” He sat beside me and leaned back on the bench, never taking his eyes off my face.

“In the papers and on the blogs you look segzy in court but in person…” He blew out an exaggerated breath. “Hot. Not lowercase hot but uppercase hot.”

I smiled, “It means a lot to me when you show up.

Even if it’s in the smallest ways, it means a lot. Especially since the only person whose ever come to my trials was Serene.”

“Oliver never came?”

I shook my head, “He was always too busy. This morning he didn’t even wish me well, I don’t know if he even remembered I had court today.” I sighed.

“Your husband is one dumb f-__-k.” I raised my eyebrows at him. “Sorry. Said I wouldn’t talk down on your husband. Your husband is one smart f-__-k.”

I laughed at his sarcastic ways and he just looked at me with a smile and eyes that looked like he was in a trance.

“You should laugh more. I like the sound of it.”

“My laugh? Stop lying, I sound like a pig.”

He rolled his eyes, “We’ve talked about this Athena. Stop talking down on yourself.”

“Sorry, can’t help it.” I looked down for a moment before looking back at him. “How was your day? Shouldn’t you be at the company?”

He shrugged, “I stayed up really late last night and finished up a ton of paperwork so I could come see you so I’m free for a few days.”

“You lost time on sleep so you could see me in court? I must really mean a lot to you.” I chuckled, still looking at him.

“That you certainly do.” He smiled. He knows exactly when to say the right things, what tone and facial expression to use and everything.

Brinda had come back with a smile on her face just as the officer did.

“The judge is ready.” Alessandro held the doors open for Brinda and I but as other people were about to come he let the doors close.

We sat back in our respective seats, “All rise.” We stood up and sat back down once the judge was settled.

“We’d like to call our first witness. The officer who responded to the alleged incident, Brandon Barnes.”

Alleged incident. Alleged my @zz, there’s literal video proof. “As seen in the video, my clients face was never visibly or clearly seen.

Officer Barnes,” He started to walk up to the witness. “when responding to the incident, what did Mrs. Dubois say happened to her and her daughter?”

“They were attacked by there husband.”

Could you please be more specific?”

Officer Barnes cleared his throat, “Brinda here, says that her husband tried to rape her then she knocked him out.”

“Did she ever say anything about something happening to her daughter?”

“Not that I recall.”

“No further questions. Your witness.” When he turned away from the judge he sent me a Ç0çƙy wink.

I stood, ignoring his childish ways and walked over to him.

“Officer Barnes, you say that Brinda, my client, never said anything about her daughter?”


“Could you explain to me exactly what was said to you during the time you asking her questions?”

He sat up straight, “Brinda said she, her daughter, and Zac were all coming back from an event.

Once they had gotten home, he started drinking and accusing her of flirting.

That’s when he hit her then tried to rape her. Brinda told me that their daughter had come in and tried to stop what was happening but-” He stopped himself once he realized what had just slipped out of his mouth.

I looked at him, putting on a fake confused face. “Officer Barnes, did you not just tell the defense that my client never said anything about her daughter?”

He looked back and forth between Nate and I. “Answer the question.” The judge demanded.

“I- I- I meant that she didn’t say anything about her daughter almost being a victim of rape.”

“I don’t recall you being in here when that information on her daughter was released.”

He was red now. “Nor do I recall that information being leaked to the public. Officer Barnes are you lying to the court and on stand?

Even after swearing to tell the truth with a hand on the Bible?”


“You told the defense that Brinda never said anything about Bella, her daughter, but you were just going to tell me the exact words she said.”

I went back to my table and pulled out the report of the police file.

“Officer Barnes, could you read the highlighted portion of this document.” I handed him the papers.

“This report says that Brinda stated her daughter was attacked by the defendant.”

“Officer Barnes, did you or did you not hear my client say something, anything, about her daughter.”

His breathing had become quicker, his face scared of what would happen. “No further questions, your honor.”

“Objection! The witness could have just forgotten.” I scoffed as I took a seat in my chair.

“Overruled. Defense, come to the stand.” Nate stood up, head down and mumbling something under his breath.

They started to talk, whispering inaudibly, and the Judge looked sympathetic while Nate was on the verge of yelling.

Once again, weird.

After a few moments, Zac went back to his seat. “Officer Barnes your dismissed. This testimony by the witness has been disregarded. The evidence presented by Officer Barnes

is unreliable and not credible.”

Nate was bouncing his knee up and down and glaring at me angrily.

I kept up the eye contact with him but when he glanced behind me, he immediately looked down.

“The court would like to call their second witness, James Pratt.” Brinda and I had already discussed the fact he’d testify.

Zac looked confused for a minute before it dawned on him that we were going to use his security.

He whispered something in Nate’s ear and he nodded, his lips tugging into a small smile.

After swearing to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, I stood and walked over to James. “How are you today, Mr. Pratt?”

“I’m fine. Thank you for asking.”

I nodded, “Now, it’s come to my attention that you may have witnessed a domestic violence act that happened against my client?

” He nodded, “Before we get into detail, what is your relationship with the defendant?”

“My time working with him he’s always payed well. He was polite when he wanted to be, but could be stuck up at times.”

I nodded again, “Back to my client. What is your relationship with her?”

“She was the nicer one. Whenever he’d scream or yell at me and the rest of security she’d say sorry on his behalf.

We never had to worry about being talked down on when we guarded her.”

“Okay, this incident you saw, care to explain it to us?”

He nodded and sat up straight, “It was in the afternoon and I was surveilling the home.

When I walked into the living room they were arguing but it was a regular occurrence to hear. I was about to leave when I heard a loud thud and when I turned around she was on the floor.

He then threw a bottle at her before storming out of the house.”

“And what did you do when you saw this event occur?”

“I stood there. She didn’t want me to come and I knew that by the way she looked at me when I saw the scene unfold. After he left I immediately went to her aid, though.”

“No further questions.” I went to sit back down as Nate stood up.

“May you say again, for the court, your relationship with Mrs. Dubois?” He started out

“Strictly professional.”

“Are you sure?”

“One hundred percent.”

Have you ever looked at Mrs. Dubois inappropriately or thought about her in that way?”

“Objection! What he’s suggesting has nothing to do with the fact at hand.” I stated waving my hand in his direction.

“Overruled. Answer the question, Mr. Pratt.”

“No, I haven’t.”

“My client tells me otherwise. Mr. Dubois states that you and his wife have an ongoing affair.”

The people in the bleachers started making noise, “Quiet! Quiet!”

“That isn’t true. I have never, nor will I ever, look, speak to, or touch Mrs. Dubois in that manner.”

“Mr. Pratt you are under oath. Don’t lie to the court.”

“I would never jeopardize my work to have an affair with Mrs. Dubois.”

Nate leaned against the witness stand with a smirk, and whispered something loud enough for everyone to hear. “Come on man.

I mean look at her, she has the body of a God.”

Now this set James off. No matter how hard it seemed he tried to control it, anger was evident in his eyes and everyone saw it. “Objection.”

“Sustained. Carry on, Mr. Thomas.”

“My apologies. I’d like just like to know the relationship between the witness and Mrs. Dubois.”

“There is no relationship!” He yelled before he could catch it. As soon as it slipped out of his mouth he looked over at Brinda sympathetically.
“No further questions.”

“Fuc*k.” I mumbled, massaging my forehead.
“Mr. Pratt you may step down.”

As he walked towards us the empathy in his eyes grew when Brinda didn’t look his way. He kept his head down as he walked out of the court room.

“Court is adjourned.”

“All rise.” The bailiff said as the Judge walked out and we stood and began packing.

“We’re going to win. There’s no doubt in that.” I heard Nate say causing me to scoff and roll my eyes.

As Brinda and I walked out, Nate came and rushed in front of me. “Athena. I’ve been wanting to speak with you.”

“I have a business number. Use it.” I began to walk beside him but he blocked my path.

“In person actually. My client and I want to go easy on you and offer you a way out.

Tell Mrs. Dubois to throw this whole case out, release a statement saying that my client never touched her and we are willing to offer one hundred million today.”

Brinda was standing right beside me as he said all of this. “Do you understand the risk of you trying to make a deal like that with me?”

He nods, “I do. But seeing as we are making much more progress than you are I’d take it if I were you.”

I chuckled and shook my head, “You think because you made that little amount of progress your going to beat me? Your an idiot.”

He sighed and shrugged, “Well, we tried to do this the easy way. You’ll wish you let case go, though.”

“Is that a thr_@t?” I heard a deep voice say from behind me that sent chills down my spine.

Nate looked up to see Alessandro, who was standing directly behind me. “I wouldn’t thr_@ten her if I were you.”

Nate gulped before looking down at me, back up at him then swore under his breath. “Mr. Sinclair, I assure you we were just having a friendly conversation.”

“Friendly my @zz. If you ever try and give me an ultimatum or send a thr_@t my way again I will have your @zz thrown in jail and your client in a cell right beside yours.”

Before he had the chance to say something back Alessandro cut in, “I suggest you get to moving. Have a terrible day.”

Nate stood there for a moment before cursing under his breath as he walked off.

I turned around and saw Alessandro staring at the back of Nate as if he was fighting to not do anything irrational.

“Alessandro.” I caught his attention. “Thank you but I need to speak to my client.” A small smile tugged at his lips and he nodded.

I turned around and started walking, “Brinda. I’m going to get straight to the point and I won’t judge you, but are you having an affair with the head of your security?”

She chewed at her bottom lip and looked at me with slightly furrowed brows.

“He wasn’t lying when he said it wasn’t a relationship.

We’ve only kissed twice but I stopped it before it could get any far.”

I sighed as we stepped onto the elevator, I hadn’t noticed Alessandro had followed us onto the elevator.

“You know his statement will be unreliable, right? The court will think he’s only testifying on your behalf because of the relationship.”

“I know. And I should’ve told you sooner. I’m sorry.”

“No, I’m the lawyer and I noticed the way he looked at you but still decided to let him on the stand.” The elevator doors opened and the press surrounded us almost instantly.

Brinda’s bodyguards, including James, kept them away but there was enough space on my side for someone to bump into me and send me falling backwards.

So f-__-k**ing embarrassing.

A strong pair of arms caught me just as I started falling and shoved the man back harshly. “Back the fu**ck up!” Alessandro yelled angrily.

He’s hot when he’s angry.
You have a husband.

Alessandro kept his hand on my lower back and used himself as a shield to prevent anyone from bumping into me again.

“I’ll see you in two weeks, Brinda. Have a nice day.”

She nodded and we shook hands before parting. Alessandro walked with me to my car. “Kiss me.” He demanded as I got in.

“We’re in public.” I said and tried to close the door but he stepped in front of it, placing a hand on my thigh and pecking my lips.

“See you soon, butterfly.”
I spent the rest of the day going over Brinda’s case before I showered and spent a few hours on the phone with Serene.

She’d be back late tonight so I’d probably stop by her place if I was up for it.

I heard a car pulling into the driveway and furrowed my eyebrows. Oliver wasn’t supposed to be home until late tonight so why was his car pulling in?

“Athena?” He called out.
“Kitchen!” I called back. He walked in and set his things on the counter.

“What are you doing here? I thought you weren’t supposed to be back until a few more hours.”

“Don’t sound like you miss me.” He rolled his eyes.

“I was just asking a question.” I mumbled loud enough for him to head and made myself a glass of red wine.

“I’m getting ready for the dinner.” I looked at him confused, “The one with my mom.”

“Oh, I forgot about that.”

“Of course you did.” He said as I put the glass to my mouth.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You’ve been forgetting about me a lot lately.”

I rubbed my face with an annoyed smile. “I’ve been busy.”

“Doing what? Sitting around and doing research on the Dubois case?”

“Exactly! I’ve been at court all day!” I downed my wine and poured myself another glass.

“Since when did you have court?”

“Unbelievable.” I said as I walked out of the kitchen with my glass and the bottle of wine in hand.

“So you criticize me for walking out but your doing the same.”

I turned around on the stairs and saw him at the bottom of them. “I walk away this one time and it’s a problem?

You never want to resolve our issues, literally all you do is walk away from your problems. Our problems. Your un-f-__-k**ing-believable.”

“Why are you always initiating an argument between us?” He sounded frustrated.

“I’m not always initiating anything! You just don’t know how to deal with your marriage issues.”

He scoffed and rolled his eyes, “No, I don’t know how to deal with my crazy @zz Latino wife.”

“What does me being Latino have to do with anything? This is about how you don’t know how to act like a fuc*king man. Let alone a husband!”

He shook his head and started to walk upstairs towards the bedroom, “I don’t want to argue with you right now. All we do is argue and I’m sick of it.”

“Because of you!” I said as he passed me. He slipped his clothes off as he walked in.

“It’s because your clingy as fuc*k and want my attention 25/8! I’m working for the both of us and your working to just have something to do.”

“That’s crazy! One, I am not clingy nor do I need your attention I want it because I never get it. Two, I work because I actually f-__-king enjoy it.”

He slipped on a pair of stripe pants and white shirt. “If you don’t need my attention then stop annoying me with it whenever I’m going to work.”

“I just want you to spend more time with me! I want you to want to spend time with me and not in public but here in our home, like a married couple.”

“I’m about to be the CEO of my fathers company. I don’t have time for that.”

“That’s the thing, Oliver,” I said, my voice quiet and a bit sad now, “you never have time.”

“Because I want to provide you with the best life you could have.”

“A husband who likes to spend quality time with me would be nice.” We we’re walking downstairs and he started grabbing his things.

“I’m leaving. I’ll be back later tonight, don’t wait up.”

“Fine. Leave.” He stopped.

“What?” He turned around to face me.

“Leave. I’m not going to force you to stay when you clearly have more important things to tend to. I’m leaving as well anyway.”

He furrowed his brows, “Where?”

“None of your concern. Have a nice dinner.” He looked at me for a moment before finally leaving.

At first, I lied saying I was going somewhere but when I downed the rest of my wine and he came to mind I only wanted to be with him. Under him.

Remember what I said about Alessandro being the candy I wasn’t allowed to have? Yeah, well, I’m craving a taste of him.

A sinful desire that I will, at one point or another, indulge in.

That desire that I so badly crave is the exact reason I stand outside of his door. I crave him. I want him. And I know he wants me to.

Before any thoughts of me backing out of this invade, I knock on his door and wait for him to answer.

I was about to knock again but I heard the locks and put my hand back down.

He looked annoyed at first but when he saw me and the outfit I was wearing, a smirk tugged at his lips.

“Come in.” I did just that when he stepped aside. His penthouse was dim, all of his decorations black or a dark grey.

I turned to see him slowly eyeing my outfit before his eyes landed on me.

I set my purse down on the table against the wall. “What are you doing here, Athena?”

“Are you not glad to see me?” I said, moving my attention across his home.

“I’m very glad to see you. Just curious.”

I looked back at him and slowly walked towards him. “I missed you.

I missed it. The way you made me feel and I want to feel it again.”

I was standing right in front of him now, moving my hands down his bare chest. “Are you sure?”


I grabbed his chin with my hand and brushed his lips with mine before pressing them against his.

His hands moved down to my hips and he gripped them.

His lips were so smooth but rough and forceful.

He let me take full control over the kiss and by the way he groaned into it I knew he liked it.

“Does that answer your question?” I said once we parted. His breathing had increased and his hands were still gripping my waist when he asked, “What do you want me to do, butterfly?”

“I want you to fu*ck me. Just for tonight, I’m not Mrs. Escarra, I’m not Oliver’s, I’m not married. I’m yours. Just for tonight.”


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