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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?Arranged Marriage?‍♀️
?complete ?

? stranger?‍♀️?

By: worthy stories

Chapter 37

Gina p.o.v ?

She walked to the elevator of the club and pressed her floor. As she made her way up she reflected on the last couple of months. It was all going according to plan.

After years of failure, she had finally scored a big win when she met Darren, and now her career would finally take off.

After her affair with Roman was busted by Hailey, she had thought her path to marrying the rich heir was clear. But alas, after losing Hailey and his child, Roman had a brain rewiring that made him guilty and regretful.

He broke up with her and turned religious. He even had he guts to tell her that what they had done was a sin and she should join him in seeking mercy from the almighty.

Needless to say, except for the part where she got to rip Hailey’s life apart, the rest of the plan had been pretty much a failure.

She ended up losing her job and no other company in California would hire her, despite her Harvard degree, something she had no doubt was the doing of Aaron Anderson.

When she was still friends with Hailey, she had once visited her home and had met Aaron then. She had tried her level best to seduce him and trap him in her charm but failed.

That made her believe the rumors about him. He was truly heartless.

She had always believed that it wasn’t degrees that made a person but social status and connections.

And if you weren’t born into wealth, then you need to marry into it. Her parents were middle class but she was determined to reach higher.

She was smart enough to get a degree from Harvard business school, but to get further in her career, she didn’t need a degree, she just had to be shrewd and cunning.

She befriended the rich kids and worked hard to get in the social circle of the elites. When thy graduated, Hailey moved to California with Roman and took Gina with her.

Through Hailey she made her way into the contacts of California’s elites. But it all was in vain when her plan to marry Roman backfired.

She had fallen faster from their good graces then she thought possible and was looked upon in contempt.

She then moved to Chicago to make a new life. However even though she got a good job, she was still working 9 to 5 in an office doing work like any other ordinary employee.

She always believed her place was up, to be managing or ordering others. She was boss, not servant. Many told her that she was talented and if she worked hard enough, she could soon climb up the ladder. But why work when she could sleep her way up?

But that technique didn’t seem to work as her married boss wasn’t keen on leaving his wife and after a couple of months grew tired of her and tossed her away.

Her dry spell was broken when she met Darren at a party thrown by her boss. She had to beg and blackmail her boss to let her attend as she knew many of the wealthy would be attending. Darren wasn’t very bright and was easy to manipulate.

After I had efficiently trapped him, I was able to move to New York with him and he even gave me an executive position in his father’s firm. And when I finally thought I was set, I realised that my vision of marrying a rich heir and having an influential career was once again thr_@tened as my boyfriend wasn’t as rich as I believed him to be, instead the Williams were greatly in debt.

The company was dwindling and the only thing they had to them was their name.

That’s when I decided that I would have to be the one lifting the company up myself and came up with the jewelry project. My whole plan was in place and going smoothly. I reached the end of the but at the very last moment when I was one step away from victory, I was thwarted by the miserable Hailey Anderson.

That brought me to the present day and why I was at this high end club and in a private room, sucking the face off of an average looking guy in his early fifties.

“Listen Garry, you have to do this,” I tried to convince him to do my biding for one last time before I tossed him away. “You have to erase the files before the lawyers get to them.

All the documents that prove that The Hunts company are the original creators needs to be destroyed for our plan to work.”

“You don’t understand babe,” garry said. “Things are getting heated. Everything in the office is tense. In such conditions, if I try anything, it’ll be suspicious.”

“Honey, we are so close to completing our mission. You don’t want us to fail now do you? You have to do this. For us. So we can be together.”

“Perhaps we should just leave this all behind. If I’m caught, both our careers will be ruined. They’ll know I stole the designs and gave them to you. My wife is getting suspicious too. I say, we both resign and I’ll divorce the Ɓîtçh and we both go far away and start anew life Together.”

“You want to give up after reaching so close to our goal?” I was pissed at his response. I couldn’t give up now.

“What I meant was…” he stammered as I unbuttoned my blouse and pulled his hand over my bra clad Břě@šť. I placed my hand over his crotch and began rubbing him threw his pants.

“You want this don’t you?” I asked. “Want us to be together?”
“Yes!” he Mõ@ɲed.
“Then you must listen to me,” I insisted.
“But-” “No buts. We both have to make sacrifices.”
His mind was shattering. I could see it as he looked at me with lust filled eyes. I had succeeded in winning him.

“So you’ll do it?” I asked.
“Yes. I’ll do it for us. For our future together,” what a fool. “When you called me here today, I was scared you wanted-”
“Wait a second,” I interrupted him as he was busy nuzzling me neck. “I called you here? You were the one who sent a message to meet.”

“No, why would I do that? You texted me the time and place, from the secret number, like you always do,” he said. My eyes widened and before I could say anything, the door burst open and one angry looking woman came in in a rage, followed by flashes of cameras and a group of people.

“Here he is! The cheating bastard and the homewrecking wh-_-re,” the woman screamed. And soon she found herself surrounded by cameras and people hurling abuses and accusations at her.

Nathan p.o.v???

Business meetings over lunch isn’t very ideal, the evidence of which was a really messy lunch meeting I was stuck in at a high end club with my girlfriend’s brother and some investors.

I was bored out of my wit and was contemplating if I made some excuse and left, would they be offended. I could claim some personal issue.

anything to get out of here. Suddenly there was some commotion nearby and a crowd had gathered around.

People had their cameras out and were recording and some media person were also present. There was some screaming and a lot of noises.

I used the disturbance as a perfect excuse to get up and take my leave from the men present at the table. However, Darren decided to follow me unbidden.

I stepped out of the glass walled private room where lunch was taking place and tried to leave the hotel, avoiding the commotion that was going on.

As ill luck would have it, the group of people were blocking the exit, preventing us from leaving. Darren was more curious than I to know what was happening.

He moved towards the crowd and nudged a man who was watching. We were still at the back of the crowd and couldn’t see what was going on in the center.

“Hey man. What’s going on?” Darren asked the guy.
“Married dude, cheated on his wife with some young chic,” the guy told him. “Wife found out, brought the press and women’s group and dragged them out of the hotel room upstairs where they were hooking up.”

“Sounds crazy,” Darren replied.
“See if there’s another exit we could use,” I told Darren. But he wasn’t listening to me, instead paying more attention to what was going on. “Darren.”

“Yeah, yeah man,” he said. “Hey, is it just me or did you hear Gina’s voice as well?”

I didn’t know Gina’s voice well enough but I still tried to listen over all the screaming, for a familiar voice and sure enough, I heard a yelling of a woman that sounded familiar enough.

“I think so,” I told him. Darren turned and tried to push his way through the crowd. Knowing no better, I followed him. As the crowd parted, we reached the front, to find Gina in a state of half undress, along with a man, no better than her, standing centre court and in front of a raging woman. Darren gasped.

“Listen you old hag, I’m going to make you pay for this, this absolute insult and embarrassment,” Gina was saying. “I’ll take you to court for slander!”

“Its not slander if it’s the truth,” another woman chimed in. “And you were caught in the act by so many people, we have proof this wasn’t the first tine either, and you still have the gall to deny it, slut?”

“How dare you speak to me like that?” Gina roared. “Don’t you know who I am? Don’t y-”

She cut short when her eyes landed on Darren and me. She immediately cried out and ran to Darren, and flung herself at him.

“Babe, see what nasty lies they’re saying about me!” She told him. “Tell them its not true! They’ve embarrassed me publicly, demand that they apologise. Tell them I belong to no one but you!”

Darren couldn’t utter a single word. He was staring from her to the man and the women. The man was staring down at the ground in shame and guilt.

“Excuse me sir, are you her boyfriend?” The elderly woman who was the cause of this commotion stepped forward and asked. “If so, you deserve to know the truth about your cheating girlfriend.

Her affair with my husband has been going on for many months now. I have been suspicious that Gary has been cheating but I didn’t have any proof. But now I do. Take a look at these pictures from the past months, and you’ll be convinced.”

She handed him an envelope filled with photos that proved her case. There were so many pictures but Darren stopped after only a few and withdrew himself from Gina.

I was shocked myself. This made me wonder if what Hailey had told me about her earlier had been true after all?

Was she truly the person Hailey said she was? So was Hailey’s account of things had been right and hers was lies, fooling us all?

If she could ruin the marriage of this couple, when the man in question was much older and plain looking, what’s to say she didn’t ruin Hailey’s engagement back then. And Roman by all accounts was a handsome and wealthy man.

“Darren, you can’t seriously believe her!” Gina yelled. “This is all false. I’ve been framed. This is the work of photoshop. I don’t even know the man.”

“Oh shut up you lying Ɓîtçh!” The woman growled. “Enough of your acting, you’ve been caught. At least show remorse for your actions, homewrecker!

You and that @zz of a man who is unfortunately my husband. Have you got no shame? We literally walked in on you two together and you still say you don’t know him?

We saw you doing the nasty and you still claim to be the framed? We have videos, pictures, text messages and all these people here are witnesses.”

“I’m sorry, my love,” the husband spoke up. “Please forgive me, my wife. I’m truly sorry!”

“Oh shut up!” The lady screamed. “There is no forgiveness for cheating, you unfaithful rag. And don’t call me your wife. Because it pains me that you’re my husband.”

But Gina wasn’t giving up yet. She had to prove her innocence.

“This is a set up, I’m telling you Darren.” She said desperately. “Someone is out to destroy me. Hailey! It has to be Hailey. She is the one behind this.

She framed me and trapped me in this scandal. It has to be her work. Or else how did this old hag know that we were in this hotel?”

Keep my wife’s name out your filthy mouth,” I growled at her. I wasn’t going to let her drag my wife in this. She wasn’t going to get away with making Hailey the villain.

“If you want to know how I found you here, I followed him,” the woman clarified. “I hired a private investigator who brought me my evidence that I’m going to use in court.”

Suddenly there was another commotion and police officers came pushing through the crowd.

“NYPD, step back everyone, get out of the way,” one officer said.

“Mr Gary Turner?” Another officer walked up to the man and confirmed. “You’re under arrest for stealing from you’re firm, by a complaint made by your employer Mr Roman Hunt.”

He got hold of his arm and continued, “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law.

You are entitled to an attorney. If you can’t afford one then one will be provided to you by the court of law.”

At this the media was going crazy and asking all sorts of question. The man’s wife was in utter shock to find out that her husband wasn’t only a cheat but also a thief.

Some of the media cornered a policeman and begining questioning him.

“A complaint was filed by The Hunt Jewellers that they were the victims to theft by their own employer. Mr Gary Turner, who is a senior designer under their employment was accused of leaking the designs of their latest project.

After sufficient evidence was provided, NYPD was able to make the arrest,” the officer said in a statement in response to the media’s question.

It made sense now. Why Gina was with the man when she Darren was much younger and better looking. She had stolen her ideas from the Hunts after all.


Hailey p.o.v??

“Enjoying the little movie you directed?” Josh asked as he came in along with Rick. I turned the tv volume down and turned to face him.

“I don’t know what you mean,” I said.

“Oh please!” Josh rolled his eyes. “That little movie deserves an oscar!”

“The name of the movie is ‘karma'” I told them.
“I’ll definitely be watching that movie for a long time,” Josh continued. “My favourite part was the Ɓîtçh trying to plead her innocence even after being caught red handed. What was your favourite part Rick?”

“Its a hard pick,” Rick admitted. “But the change of emotions on Mr Rodriguez’s face definitely was the most enjoyable part for me.”

“Don’t you men have anything better to do?” I pretended to be annoyed.

“We’re just basking in the success of our film,” Rick said.

“What? It was my movie!” I protested.

“Which wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t found out about the affair and then so carefully planted the seed for Mrs Turner to find out about her cheating husband.”

“Then I took the trouble of arranging their rendezvous in the same hotel, where Mr Rodriquez and Mr Williams were having lunch and timed it so perfect,” Josh continued.

“And then, I again had to go in front of Mrs Turner as a private investigator and expose her husband and then lead her to the hotel,” Rick concluded.

“God she is an amiable woman, I pity her for ending up with that Ďïčk for a husband. She didn’t deserve it. The Ɓîtçh will rot in hell for ruining her life. I hope she finds someone better.”

“I feel guilty about it,” I confessed. “I mean, for selfishly using that lady,taking advantage of her. It wasn’t my place.”

“She deserved the truth,” Josh said. “And anyway, the media and woman’s right group was her idea. She wanted revenge and she got it. Its not like she was manipulated or anything. You showed her the truth and she made her decision.”

The media is going crazy about the designers arrest,” Rick said. “But thankfully it hasn’t affected The Hunt Jewellers image. They are being made the victims and its all positive publicity for the company. The Williams now are a different story all together. After the whole story was posted online, some are even calling for Gina’s arrest.”

There was a knock on the door and Kate poked her head in.

“Chris Baker on the line,” she said.

“Put him through,” I told her. Then I looked at my two generals and said, “Now for the part two.”

“Can we stay and watch?” Josh asked.

“No, get out both of you,” I dismissed them. “I have no more use for you.”

Josh tried to argue but Rick managed to drag him out of my office.

“Mr Baker, I was expecting your call,” I said picking up the phone. “Shall we talk business?”

“I gather you have an offer for me,” came Chris’ reply. “So go on then, name your price.”

“1 billion dollars,” I said confidently.

“1.. Sure you must be joking,” he coughed up.

“Not at all Mr Baker,” I said. “After all that has been done and for all our troubles its a fair compensation. As I recall, you are also aware of my client’s venture with the Japanese investors, which was very much disrupted because of your client. With that and much more damages caused, I’ll have no trouble convincing a judge that 1 billion dollars is what my client deserves in damages.”+

“Mrs Rodriguez-”

“Ms Anderson,” I corrected him. “I’ll very much prefer if you call me by my maiden name. You see, I haven’t taken my husband’s name yet.”

“As you wish, Ms Anderson.” He said. “Isn’t there any way we can reduce the price?”

“Well I do have one more offer if you’d like,” I said with a smile even though I knew he couldn’t see me.

“I’ll reduce the price to 700 million,” I told him.

“But Mr Williams will have to make a public apology to my client and accept wrongdoing. Take full responsibility for the issue and assert the innocence of my client,” I told him. “If your client accept that term, we will be glad to make our case before a judge.”

When the call ended, I smiled in satisfaction.

“Do you think they’ll take your deal?” Josh’s voice startled me.

“Geez Josh, you scared the living hell out of me!” I scolded him. “And unless the Williams have 1 billion dollars to spare, they will take the offer.”

“It’ll be quite the humiliation,” he noted. “Which makes me think that is why you made the deal in the first place.”

“It is quite little a price to pay for all they did to poke the bear,” I said. “But let it serve as a warning so that they know to never interfere with me again. All the same, I’d love to see the look on Hannah’s face.”

“She’s going to h@ťě you for this embarrassment to her family, I’m sure.” Josh said.

“Can’t say I’ll be sorry,” I replied.


Morning Marie, is breakfast ready yet?” I asked as I strolled into the kitchen in the morning.
“Good morning Ms,” she greeted. “It is almost done. Sir requested an English style breakfast, I hope that’s okay for you too.”

“It’s more than fine,” I assured her. “I love a good english breakfast. Good morning, Mr John.”

“Morning ma’am,” the butler said as he came in. “Mr Rodriquez asked if you’d like to have breakfast with him in the garden this morning. The table has been set up and breakfast will be served there when its done. He’s already out there.”

“Are we having any visitors? Who’s out with him?” I asked.

“Its only the two of you as far as I’m aware of,” John said.
“Only the two of us? Did he say what he wants?” I asked stupidly. As if Nathan would tell the staff.

“To have breakfast, I assume,” Mr John answered.

“Ok, then I’ll go meet him there,”

I walked out to the patio up front. It looked over the gardens and was surrounded by green potted plants. A table was laid and that’s where I found Nathan sitting, dressed for work and reading a newspaper. I walked to the table and slid in a chair opposite him.

“Well, its a lovely morning, that is until you ruin it with wh@ťěver you have to say,” I started.

“Good morning to you too,” Nathan put down his newspaper. “And no need for cheek, I come in peace.”

“When do we ever do anything that ends in peace?” I asked.

“We toured london in much more than peace I recall,” he said.

That’s when the maids walked in with breakfast. The dishes were later in front, all british and tea instead of usual coffee.

“Hmm, is that the reason for the english breakfast?” I asked.

“A reminiscent to a good time,” he said.

“How very thoughtful of you,” sarcasm was evident in my voice. We started our breakfast in silence then.

“No one eats apple pie for breakfast Nathan!” I remarked looking at the dish.

“Yes they do,” he insisted. “I remember how much you loved it when in London, and asked Marie to make it for you. Though she did say this would be her first time baking it.”

“Oh that’s so very nice! How gallant of you! If you don’t stop, I might be worshipping at your feet,” the biting remark didn’t escape anyone. Nathan put down his fork.

You do? And for what would that be? I don’t recall my dearest husband doing anything wrong,”

“Will you please let me finish?” He threw up his hands in exasperation.

“As I was saying, I owe you an apology, for something I did wrong,” he started again. “A few days ago, I met your friend, former friend that is, and she gave me an account of the events that contradicted your own. And like the fool, I believed her lies and judged you by them. I was wrong. And I’m sorry.”

“Oh look at that,” I replied. “My husband was down to believe a complete stranger over me, how romantic!”

“I know now I was stupid and unjust to you and you have every reason to be mad. I May have been a bit hurtful-”

“Oh don’t worry, you were more than a bit hurtful,” I interrupted. “And your stupidity in the matter was rather remarkable.”

“I am sorry Hailey,” he said sincerely. “I truly am. Let me make it up to you.”

“Oh yes? So you can go and destroy it again? What will be next? What else do you have in store for me?”

“You speak as if I was one of the dementors of the prison of Azkaban,” he scoffed, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

“I couldn’t tell the difference between you and them. Well except that you’re much better looking.”

“So you think I am good looking?”

“Oh dear me, to be over the moon when praised in comparisson to a dementor! I never could.”

“I was also wrong in trying to influence your professional decision. It wasn’t my place to do so, though I hope you understand why I did so.

It was only to protect those I love. Though I now see it was unfair to you,” he acknowledged.

“And I promise, that henceforth I will never, ever interfere with your work or professional life. Though I still don’t find it agreeing that you work for your ex, I’ll hold my peace.”

I nodded at him.

“So will you forgive me?” He asked hopefully.

“Do you think you deserve to be forgiven?”
His answer was to pull out a gold wrapped box from wherever he had hidden it and push it towards me.

“I thought this might help,” he said. “A token to tell you how sorry I am.”

“A box of chocolates,” I observed.

“Your favourite,” he explained. “I asked your grandma and she said you would forgive anything if I got you a box of chocolate.”

“Wonder why she didn’t tell Roman that,” I mumbled. “Do you really believe her in her naivety? Did you really think you could make it all ok with a box of chocolates?”

He smiled sheepishly.

“We aren’t blushing teenagers Nathan and your fault wasn’t forgetting a date or standing me up, both of which you actually did prior to our wedding,” I reminded him. “And this gesture of yours only goes to show that you don’t even understand your wrongdoing in the first place. That or you really don’t care and sought to make a fool of me by buying my forgiveness so cheaply.”

“Hailey, I know there were plenty of wrongs in our marriage life, but please let us just end it happily and part with peace.”

“I would be happier if we could end it,” I mumbled.

“What do you say?” Nathan strained to listen.

“I must leave for work,” I said as I finished my tea. “I’m accepting the chocolates, but that doesn’t mean you are forgiven. It only means I love chocolates.”




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