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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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AN ALPHA PRISONER – Episode 17 & 18

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🔞 RATED 18 🔞

17&18 Episode ❤️



🏵️ KATY 🏵️

I could feel my subconscious awake but it still felt like I was still fast asleep , I couldn’t force my self awake even do I could hear, see and smell everything ,my eyes gazed at the tall handsome man with dem crystal eyes gazing at me with so much passion in his eyes.

I could feel the tingle as he held my hand gently ,it felt so worm and welcoming ,it almost felt like we had been in love for years.

My name is zamiel , he introduced himself a plain tone .

But I found myself smiling looking into his perfect eyes.

I should leave you two to talk , Lucifer spoke excusing himself .

Her eyes followed him until he was out of sight.

Would you like to stroll with me ,let me show you around the mansion my lady? he asked and I nodded going with him the more we walked the more the memories started flooding back ,I remembered blaze and for some reason my heartache .

This young man beside seemed to be the one my heart wanted but thinking of blaze it felt like a love I know so real .

Can I go home ? She asked facing zamiel.

This is your home katty , I know you’re old memory may be coming back and you still don’t understand the new transformation ,but I can tell you , this is were you should have grown up , you should have only non me as your mate ~ he spoke playing with a string of her hair.

Really you already seem to be confident I will choose you , I barely know you ,we just meet ,so why should I choose u , do you think I would choose you because u are a demon ? she spoke in a sharp tone.

I apologize if I offended you ,but am not asking you to choose me for any of those reasons , I only want to be my your side because you complete me ~ he spoke softly.

And her heart skipped a bite .

I still want to go home ,she repeated.

U be going back tomorrow but am coming with you , he responded.

Why do you think I need protection ? she asked sarcastically rolling her eyes.

No ! Because I want to win your heart ,he replied with a smile seeing her cheeks flushed red.

U know am already marked by my other mate , do you think you can beat him in winning my heart first ? she asked walking passed a roses and it dried up instantly.

U should wear gloves ,he spoke worriedly seeing what happened to the rose’s.

She looked at her hands .

Do you fair my touch , she asked stepping close to him but he remand calm pulling her by the waist close to him.

She shivered in his embrace his breathing fanning her neck as he rested his head on her shoulder , his fangs grazed her neck.

I could just replace the mark he created with mine ,I know you have no love for him in your heart ,he took you by force remember ~ zamiel responded seductively and her body tensed up.

How do you know that ? she asked resting her head on his chest tracing her claw at the back of his neck.

I have always been following you since you were little ,who do you think kept saving you from all those death , that wolf beat me too it that night , you almost got touched and that other day at blaze apartment ~ he spoke coldly his eyes turning white in rage replaying how he stood their and watched Santiago take Katy as his in her weak state.

Did you dislike the view of him claiming me in my pathetic state ? She asked feeling the air around them become dark.

Yes I did , he responded.

Then why did you not do anything , maybe ki|| him ? she asked stepping back to look into his eyes intimately.

Because I can’t harm your second half at list not until you choose between one of us ~ he spoke looking down at her ,she leaned up her lips almost meeting his.

He was about to kiss her when she made a statement that ki||ed the intimate mood.

But what if I don’t want any of you , I find my boyfriend attractive we haven’t broken up yet , she spoke moving away from him but zamiel caught her wrist.

Don’t tell me you plan on staying with that serpent shifters ,he ki||ed you remember ~ zamiel spoke jealously.

She chuckled wickedly .

Just with a snap of my finger , I could ki|| you , never hold me like that again ,and blaze was $h00ting at Santiago not me , I seriously wanted Santiago died , it was a mistake ~ she spoke pulling her wrist out if his grip.

💙JAZ 💙

He followed the sweet smell of peanut butter and dry seeds and stopped at a garden outside the school ground, he stopped seeing a girl dressed like a tom boy ,she pulled another girl standing by her side and leaned in ready to kiss her.

Stop ! He growled loudly feeling disgusted at the same time jealous.

His mate was a lesbian at list that what he thought but no she was bisegzual ,she was into men and women.

Silica quickly stepped back feeling shy being caught by one of the hot guys in their school.

Pretty held silica hand tightly showing their were a couple .

What the f-__-k men , do you seriously go about stopping couples from making out ,I know you are popular and cool but we were in the middle of something ~ she spoke pissed popping her burble gum

Jaz had no words to say he was totally dumb stroke

His mate just addressed him like the way a fellow guy would true her scent he should have known she would be a tomboy and hundred percent human .

Can we talk ? he asked upset .

No ! excuse us maybe after we are done we can talk ,she spoke confidently scaring him a little.

No we are talking now ,run along , Jaz spoke sending silica off with his cold tone.

What the f-__-k was that men ,she spoke angrily pushing him hard against the chest.

He caught her wrist pulling her into his embrace and their lips touched surprisingly ,she took over the kiss pulling him closer , sucking on his lower lips sliding her tongue into his mouth kissing him breathlessly .

He felt like the woman pulling back immediately his cheek’s flushing red .

Let’s go again ,she spoke licking her lips ,she liked it his lips tasted like strawberry.

The way she looked at him hungrily ,he instantly felt naked and scared , wasn’t she meant to be the one feeling that way.

What kind of a mate did the moon goddess bless him with a rapist , she stepped closer to him and he ran .

She blinked confused ,she thought he wanted to get intimate with her , a smirk draw across her lips .

Now you are playing hard to get , nevertheless I don’t loss I will get you in my bed run little mice ,she spoke playing the kiss and the tingle she felt as their skin touched she wanted to fill it again.

He stepped into his room his heart beating loudly ,his eyes gazed at his pants feeling his small brother hard and ready for action .

Humans are crazy ,he commented going into the bathroom.


He looked terrible it had been two days instead the prison of torture but it felt like he had been placed their for a hundred years ,the prison was designed to let you relieve the pain of your guilt a million times and each time you would wallow in sorrow and his only guilt was pulling the trigger on Katt.

Come your trial is today ,the wolf guards spoke pulling him out if the prison cell.

He silently followed them he had already accepted death ,no one would really miss him not even his empire .

He was brought before the court the lycan court most enemies to the lycan didn’t leave the court alive ,those that did never remand the same .

Rosella held Karen hand tightly and Stella sat beside her mate tommy , blaze people were invited , some were in tears mostly his mother .

I feel really sorry for blaze the made a mistake , Santiago isn’t totally not to blame ,if he hadn’t lead bella on non of this would have happened , rosella spoke angrily.

Remember Santiago never lead bella on she trow herself at him and he was unmated at that time , bella should have chosen to stick by her soulmate ,now he wouldn’t be going true trial , Karen corrected .

Jaz and Simon walked into the court with Santiago ,the aura surrounding Santiago was cold and brutal the longer katty was gone the more colder his aura grow it was suffocating the whole air

Blaze is dead meet , Stella spoke shaking her head.

If you don’t want to stay we can leave , tommy spoke robbing her cheeks slightly .

No I will manage at list we should be here to bid him goodbye

Your eyes look swollen ,did you get any sleep ? Simon asked staring at Jaz exhausted look.

I should also as you that question ? Jaz asked try to avert the question from himself .

Had a long time , Simon responded after kissing Eliza is beast didn’t let him sleep clawing it way in his head .

Same ,Jaz replied as they all took a sit .

The council started the verdict .

Blaze stone according to the lycan law do you accept the crimes placed on you ? general Sebastian asked plainly.

Yes ! he responded swallowing a lump of saliva.

Do you regret it ? general Sebastian asked .

Yes !

Why did you do it ?

Because I wanted katty all to myself ,he responded looking up at the court and his eyes meet Santiago .

His wolf was on the surface and a low growl left his lips.

Blaze is only making matters worst for himself still trying to anger Santiago ,his guts is surprisingly impressive , rosella spoke in a annoyed tone and Karen smiled kissing her forehead a smile finally appeared on her face.

According to lycan law , ki||ing an alpha mate and trying to claim her is a big offense punishable by heading ,do you regret your actions and accept to take your mate back ~ or you take the punishment ? General Sebastian trow the question at him.

And his eyes roomed the stadium and it meet bella ,she trow her gaze somewhere else and he bite his lower lips gazing forward at the council

I rather die than accept her ,he spoke h@ťěfully .

That your lost blaze ,she spoke inwardly dressed in black ready to go and comfort Santiago after blaze sentencing .

So be it then , you will be beheaded and you body will be thrown in a desert for vultures to feed on , finally wishing from loved ones can step forward ….., general Sebastian spoke stamping his hammer on the table .

Blaze parents ran forward his mother embracing him in a tight hug .

Blaze mummy loves you, am so sorry ,she spoke in tears .

Mother stop crying ,I never really wanted to be king ,my cousin will do a better job ~ he spoke bravely without tears in his eyes.

U fool it not about being a good king , your people respect you more now , you most really love that girl to want to die for her , his mother spoke tears streaming down her face.

If not this life in the next Katy will be my soulmate , even if she doesn’t choose me in this life ,she was the best thing that happened to me ,he spoke smiling in pain .

Stella and the others came to hug him also crying as well.

We will see you on the other side soon , the girl’s spoke trying not to cry.

Take your time ,am happy for you girls ~ he spoke and bella stepped forward suddenly hugging him if that his hands weren’t handcuffed he would have shoved her away.

Hope you route in hell ,she whispered by his ear pretending to be side moving away from him.

His heart ached for some reason hearing her say those words he h@ťěd ever being mated to her .

Two wolf’s dragged blaze towards the middle of the hall pushing him to kneel placing his head down.

He didn’t even move or look up Mrs mother buried her head in her husband chest .

Mrs Carolina couldn’t look as a wolf raised a sword ready to behead blaze he raised his hand up bringing the sword down but before the sword could touch blaze neck the air turned suffocating for real everybody gasping for air as Katy stepped into the stadium their eyes widened.

Santiago couldn’t stop staring at her she looked so powerful and different .

Her hair wasn’t black anymore but bright red falling to her waist and her eyes blacker than a black witch ,she was dressed in a seductive bloody red gown holding a man hand he looked handsome and perfect had a sticking resemblance with his late more but that was impossible is mother only gave birth to him .

Stella and rosella couldn’t also believe their eyes their was not a single light in Katy eyes ,she looked and smelt like doom and the closer she draw the more they all couldn’t breath.

Bella trembled also sensing the aura around katty was different blood started coming out of their ears and nose .

She finally stopped Infront of blaze,it seemed nothing was happening to him just the rest of them he slowly looked up into her eyes and she smirked her eyes changing back to it normal green colour everyone able to breath again .

I left you for only a day and a half and you already almost got ki||ed , did you miss me ,she asked sweetly .

He smiled pulling her into his arms for a long hug .

Zamiel was forming in jealous so as Santiago even before his mark she openly showed affection to blaze but how was that possible .

The council started murmuring thinking about the same question how was Katy still having feelings for blaze Mrs Carolina eyes widened

The moon goddess blessed katty with two mates but her human side choice blaze ,her love for blaze is stronger because it by choose no matting bound compels her into loving him ,she as three mates , blaze is one of them .

The council stood steel in confusion .

Could it be that the moon goddess made it so because they will all play a big role in helping katty defeat her father in the end, general Sebastian spoke placing his hands behind his back.

Am so sorry katty I didn’t mean,he couldn’t complete his statement because she sliced his lips with a desperate kiss,he kissed her back and smiled after pulling away.

I love you Kathy ,he confessed feeling touched.

I know .

Zamiel and Santiago stood unable to do anything , Santiago wolf and human side kept switching like a broken box his eyes kept changing color and dark clouds appeared over zamiel head if they both could ki|| blaze they wouldn’t excitant.

TBC ✍️

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