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Friday, October 18, 2024
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AN ALPHA PRISONER – Episode 11 & 12

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🔞RATED 18 🔞




Tell me who she is ? she asked angrily.

The black cat running around school , she is the one who took Santiago away from you,I think you should make her suffer for it ~ Eliza spoke cruelly getting into bella head.

Am going to ki|| that girl , katty better watch her back ~ she spoke forming in rage standing up in anger grabbing her bag storming out of the class room heading towards the lunch room to confront Santiago.

Go and clean my mess for me bella , I can’t wait to watch both my enemies take themselves out ~ she spoke smiling widely to herself.

She grabbed her bag leaving the class as well.

Dennis ran towards her grabbing her by the wrist.

Hey Ɓîtçh ,he spoke angrily.

Hey let me go ,she screamed loudly trying to force her wrist out of his hand glaring at him.

Do you think you can steal from me and I will let go get away with it so easily ~ he spoke angrily.

How dare you frame me for stealing ,do you know who I am ? let me go ~ bella screamed angrily.

He laughed mocking her , grabbing her neck tightly.

Refound what you stole from me or I make you pay for stealing ~ he spoke coldly ready to snap her neck

Let me go , she spoke beating his hand her eyes already growing heavy.

Simon couldn’t take it anymore ,he had found out last night bella was his mate , but felt digested that someone like her would be mated to him ,what was the moon goddess thinking .

He growled going towards the boys grabbing Dennis by the hand his wolf couldn’t watch as they disrespected his mate even do he couldn’t help but deny he wanted anything to do with her

Dennis that enough , he spoke coldly.

Simon stay out of this , go watch your leader Santiago am surprised you aren’t trailing behind him like a lap dog ~ Dennis spoke mockingly

Don’t make me repeat myself let her go ? He spoke coldly bearing his fangs are Dennis .

It not over yet ,he spoke releasing bella trout , walking off with his boy’s

U are safe not get lost ,he spoke walking away.

Stop claim her why are you not claiming her she is our mate ? His wolf screamed loudly in his head but he ignored it

Bella stood up surprised that Simon saved her ,he was always the silent type ,he really didn’t like getting involved in anything.

She decided not to think much on it stood up folding her hands tightly into a fist.

I will make that dragon shifter pay for insulting me , she spoke inwardly .


Lunch Area 🖤

Katy and Stella entered the lunch area together students kept staring at her strangely mostly of their gaze were on her neck .

Stella quickly helped her pull her hair down covering her neck.

Don’t let your neck show katty , Stella whispered silently.

But why ? I don’t get why most of the students keep staring at me strangely , is their something wrong with me ? she asked confused and also nervous.

Don’t think too much about it ,let just go join rosella at the table , pretend like you see nothing , blaze will join us soon ~ she spoke holding katty hand .

One of the wolfs placed their feet out in the way for Katty and she tripped but blaze appeared catching her hissing at the wolf and she beared her fangs at me. Both challenging each other ,he helped her stand properly .

Thanks ,she spoke happily.

Are you okay ? he asked smiling sweetly at her as they worked back to the table.

Rosella looked up away from her phone as they all took their sit.

I didn’t know you to be a chatty type ? Stella asked gazing at her phone curiously.

I and karen got back together ,he accepted me as his mate ,she spoke and blaze and Stella stared at her and she realized her mistake,it was hard pretending what they were , she quickly corrected herself.

But Katy was deep in thoughts to even notice her word’s. Blaze slowly placed his hand on hers and she smiled staring at him.

Let eat , Stella spoke grabbing her spoon bringing the spagh to her lips.

I won’t be staying in the room tonight , rosella spoke trying hard not to blush.

U both are going to make it official , are you going to make out ? Stella spoke shamelessly trying to tease rosella.

Don’t start ,she spoke rolling her eyes and Stella laughed

Blaze I want to tell you something , katty spoke planning on telling blaze about Santiago , his real form,she had seen him with claws and fangs that night even do she was weak,she could still clearly remember.

I also have something to tell you , he spoke nervously , hoping she wouldn’t run from him after he told her what he was.

U can tell me anything ,she spoke assuring him .

He kissed her palm looking into her eyes lovely .

I hope we are still able to work out after you know my secret ,he spoke sadly.

I will take it , just the way you have taken me ,I love you blaze no matter what ,she spoke hugging him.

He felt so happy , Stella and rosella shook their heads at him.

He was playing with fire trying to claim Santiago mate eventually Katy would have to understand everything they couldn’t hide it from her forever ,they were sure almost every member in Santiago pack already noticed the mark on Katy neck.

Santiago walked into the lunch area and everyone eyes fell on him as Jaz and Karen stood by his side.

Karen was the first to walk towards their table sitting beside rosella he silently opened a juice box for her sipping from it first before handing it too her.

She tried not to blush drinking the juice box,he lifted her hair and her eyes widened.

No I don’t like my hair up , she spoke loudly ,she really didn’t like people seeing the tattoo of her clan on her neck .

I find it segzy , so let me see it anytime I like ,he spoke calmly but his words made her face bright red Stella was blushing as well.

Since we are all making our relationship open am going to sit with my mate, Stella spoke standing up with her tray ,she really didn’t care anymore if her mate was just a common Fair ,she loved him never the less.

Tom’s looked up from behind the canteen ,he was the guy working with the chef serving their meals , students laughed seeing her rush happily to go sit with him behind the canteen.

Don’t you feel embarrassed ? He asked a bit anxiously robbing his palm shyly.

Gosh you are so cute ,I love you,I don’t really care let eat ,she spoke happily.

Karen pulled her hair up and some of the students gasp they really didn’t know rosella was the princess of the mermaid kingdom ,they thought she was a common being because she never really acted popular .

Now let eat ,he spoke sweetly .

Katty blushed staring at them.

You both look amazing together ,she praised holding blaze hand tightly.

Thanks Kat ,he spoke glancing at her but his gaze was on the forming jealous alpha standing in a distance sending death glares at blaze trout .

Karen lips moved to the side mocking Santiago inwardly

I really didn’t know you to be a coward ,do you really care that much that she is a human , he asked mind linking Santiago.

Shout the f-__-k up Karen ,he spoke cutting him out of his head.

He was about to step forward when bella showed up hooking her hand around his arm ,he glanced at her coldly.

Bella let go of my arm now , he spoke warningly.

No I won’t , you can pick her over me ,am more of a Luna than her , your people will never accept her ,she spoke desperately.

I said let me go , I should be worried about protecting my Luna that shouldn’t be your consign bella ,I think you shouldn’t loss in both ways so get your mate away from mine or I will ki|| him ,he thr_@tened shoving her hand off him going towards Katy table eyes following his move .

She bite down on her lips stopping her tears from flowing down her nails digging into her palm as she was watched Santiago go towards katty table,she denied blaze because of him and he couldn’t do the same for her ,how was she going to get blaze back she remembered all the horrible things she said to him and how she humiliated him Infront of her whole pack declaring loudly that she rejected him , even while watching him break in pain she was certain he was never going to accept her again.

Katy heart sank trembling seeing Santiago standing behind them .

Move ~ he spoke loudly but blaze refuse to move away from Katy holding her hand tightly.

What do you want Santiago don’t you see she doesn’t want you around ? Blaze spoke looking back at him angrily.

Zip your lips snake ,I wasn’t speaking to you I came here to get what belongs to me , he spoke coldly pushing blaze aside forcing their hands to break he sat between them sitting next to katty ,he didn’t like the fact her heart was beating loudly in fear.

Why are you not eating , you looked happy a minute ago ,he spoke trying to hide the fact he was upset but he wasn’t doing a great job at it.

Please can you just leave us alone , she spoke looking up at him.

He is the one to leave us alone ,this snake is trying to take what mine away from me , u should be angry at him not me , he spoke coldly eying blaze who glared at him they were both acting like children.

Enough with this nonsense ,I love blaze and we are in a relationship , if you take all girls for a joke am not one of them understood , I will never be with a monster , never ,she spoke shaking in anger standing up to leave but Santiago got up right after her grabbing her harshly by the arm.

U are going to be mine and their is nothing you can do about it ,I won’t let you both be together no one rejects me not even you ~ he spoke forming in rage his eyes already red.

A slap landed hard on his face.

Well I reject you , get out if my life ,she screamed frustrated and everyone gasped rosella eyes widened and Simon feet stopped entering the launch area worry showing on his face.

Jaz shook his head already waiting for the worst .

Simon get everyone out of here ~ Karen ordered loudly and Jaz and Simon quickly asked everyone to leave the launch area only Santiago pack members remained because they refused to leave

She kept shaking in pain tears rolling down her face as his head finally came up from the hit his eyes bloody red ,fangs coming out if his mouth his claws spring out.

How dare you reject me because of him ,am going to ki|| you ~ Santiago roared turning towards blaze jumping into the air turning into a large white wolf with golden fair on it back she recognized the wolf instantly it was the same wolf that saved her life from Josh gang ,her heart skipped a beat replaying how he ki||ed those guy’s , seeing him stare at blaze exactly with the same ki||ing intent in his eyes.

Jaz and Simon ran Infront of Santiago wolf.

Common Santiago please calm down don’t do it ~ they spoke softly trying to reach out to him but he growled at them shoving them aside and they flow crashing on the wall .

Karen faced blaze angrily.

Run I will hold him off for a while get out of here , Karen spoke removing his shirt.

Am going no were Katy made her choice , blaze spoke loudly robbing his victory into Santiago broken heart he wanted Santiago to charge at him .

Santiago growled even loudly rushing towards him and Katy ran forward to protect blaze from getting hit not expecting blaze to pull out a gun on Santiago he released the bullet not expecting katty to show up between them and the bullet went right trow her chest into her heart and her body dropped dead instantly .

The gun in blaze hand fell his fingers shaking seeing Katy in the pool of her own blood , Santiago transformed screaming loudly tears falling down his face as he pulled Katy into his arms holding her tightly.

Rosella heart broke so as Stella standing by the door.

Call Santiago mother now, Stella screamed running towards Santiago staring at Katy wide eyes still opened from the shock.

I can’t believe I ki||ed her , blaze spoke falling on his knees trembling in pain.

Simon arrested him but he really didn’t care crying loudly .

TBC ✍️

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