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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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❣️ Agreement.?‍❤️‍?

?? our marriage??
??is just a??
? piece of paper?

Indian romantic ?
?My Special Day?


Life isn’t a peice of cake, yet we like to devour it, squeeze it, experience it, test it, enjoy it fully.

Admist, we learn to Move On.
Move On from some hideous, some times glorious past.

We move on, not because it’s the best option we have, We move on because it’s the best we can do for the people who need us, for the people who care for and for the people who love us.

Happiness isn’t a permanent family member, neither is sorrow.
But, I’ll say that I’ve finally found my HOME.
” Papa…”

” C’mon here… I hope you didn’t trouble Grandpa and Pa.” I said hugging my two boys.
They were about to turn five now.
” Not at all. I was a very obedient boy but Ayan wasn’t one. He kept on demanding Vanilla Pastry.”
” Hey!! You Liar. It wasn’t me Papa. Aman was the one who wanted a Chocolate Pastry. ”
” No.. It was you…”

” It was you… ”
” Fine!! Stop it you two. C’mon now, can your Papa get a hug atleast? And for the record I know you both got what you wanted. ” I said hugging both of kneeling on my knees. Their small arms encircling me while both of them kissed me on my cheeks.
They were my life and my everything, of course after Ahana.

” Papa, we missed you. What did you bring for us? ” Aman who was 3 minutes elder to Ayan asked.
” Is it necessary that every time I come home from office I need to buy you something?”

” You always do…” Ayan made a face.
” Go… Check in the car…” As soon as I said that both of them ran outside.
It had just been about few hours and I missed them, already.

” They forget me when you are around, Ansh. And even you forget me that your old father is still alive. ”
” Dad!! I thought you left. ”
” I wanted you but, I still have a son who although has become a father of two now, still needs to give his Dad a hug. ” He said.

” Dad! ” I said hugging him.
” I hope they didn’t cause you trouble. Handling them in Ahana’s absence isn’t a play. ”
” Well, I don’t doubt your upbringing but grandchildren always have a lot of right over their grandparents and are allowed to throw tantrums which they can’t throw on you. But don’t worry all the 5 of us manage it very well. And your boys are very adorable apart from Vanilla and Chocolate Pastries they don’t want anything. ”

” Ha!! Of course they don’t. It’s Ahana’s favourite too. Anyways how is everyone back at the farmhouse. ”
” Everyone’s awesome. Grandad as well as Sehgals. They didn’t want the boys to leave though. But they have their school tomorrow. ” I nodded.
Ma, Dad and grandpa had also shifted to a nearby farmhouse. They lived close by and it was now easier for them to spend time with Aman and Ayan at the weekends.
” Dad, I wished to be there too, but so something important came up. ”
” It’s Okay!”

” Papa… It’s Junior Scrabble…” Ayan rushed in.
” Do you like it? ” I said.
” Ansh! For God’s Sake! They are still babies. You need to give them real toys and superhero stuff. ” Dad said to me.

Dad! They are growing now. And learning along with growing is vital. ”

” Papa… We love it.” They said in unison.
” See… ”
” They are little form of Ahana… ” He replied.

” If I’d disagree then I’d be lying.” I laughed.
” Apart from their hair and eyes, it’s all Ahana. No doubt in that. ” Dad said.
” Papa… What’s for dinner?” It was Ayan.

” Since, I ditched you guys on a weekend I’ve tried hard to make it up. Go to the garden. ”
” Pasta… ” Saying so they ran towards the garden. I had set up a table for us.
” Dad! Aren’t you coming? ”
” No… Carry on… It’s your family time.”
” Are you sure? ”
” I want to take the night off. Bye. ” Saying so he left.
I went to join the boys in the garden. They had already started playing the scrabble.
I peeped over. The first word I saw was ‘Mom’ and Ayan used the ‘M’ to make it ‘Miss’. I don’t think they realised I was watching them.

Although they are 4 and a half, they were indeed mature beyond their age and with all that maturity they had the intelligence inherited from Ahana and me. No doubt in that. They knew a lot of things at such a tender age.
” Missing someone are we?” I said.
Both of them looked at me. I called them nearer.
” Papa, It feels so lonely without Mumma…” Aman said.
” It surely does. But we can endure it, right?” I replied.
I can never imagine my life without Ahana.

” It’s clear sky. I’m sure we can spot a $h00ting star. ” Ayan said.
” Don’t be a baby, Ayan… They weren’t real. ” Aman, who happens to mature beyond his age than his younger brother said.
Ayan was dejected.

” But our love is real, isn’t it? It doesn’t really matter if we see one or not. All that matters is our wishes should be heard. Aman, one mustn’t be completely oblivious to myth or beliefs, they maybe real. Who knows?” I said caressing his hair.
He nodded.

Both of them had inherited my hair and eyelashes while they got the dimples from Ahana. Whenever they smiled they resembled their mother.
” Papa… Look, there’s one… ”
” C’mon… Quick… Close your eyes. ” I said, closing mine and intertwining my fingers together.

” Hey! Look there… We miss you Mumma, a lot. Do you miss us? ” Ayan said.
” We love her a lot too. Can you bring her back soon? ”

” Ahana… I love you too…”
It felt good and pleasant.
” C’mon… Let’s eat now…”
” Wow!! Pasta… ” They said running around after giving me a bunch of kisses and hugs.
” That’s so unfair. Only Wishes for Mumma, while Papa gets all the kisses and hugs.”
” Mumma… ”

Ahana… You are back?” I asked moving towards her.

The boys ran together her and she showered them with kisses.
I was in awe.

” Ahana… Weren’t you suppose to be back after 2 days? ” I asked.
” Aren’t you happy that I’m back soon or you had more plans to spoil our kids.”
” Ahana!! You are being rude now. Check your nose. I think you will have one like of Pinocho’s in the morning. ” She laughed.

” A small lie gave you so much happiness. Isn’t it? ” I grumped at her comment.
But, actually it doesn’t matter. I was extremely rejoiced.
” Huh!! Nevermind… Boys, I don’t think that your Papa is happy with me, returning. Let him sulk, till then we can have dinner and then I’ll help you bath.”

Both of my boys held their mother’s hand and didn’t even glanced at me.
” Mumma… You know that Aman wasn’t willing to share his book with me. ” Both were Mumma’s boys.
” Hey! I was reading it when you asked.”

I sat with them while the two were jabbering the entire time with Ahana about what they did when she went for her conference in Mexico city. I was listening to the already provided details again. And so was Ahana. She was definitely sleep deprived but her energy said otherwise.

She took the boys for their bath after dinner. I followed them. I was just watching at how much they must have missed her although I barely left their side.
” Papa… Won’t you join us for a story? ” Ayan called.
I didn’t reply.

” Ansh! C’mon now… I know you’ve been doing it for them so…”
I smiled and sat beside Ayan.

Within few minutes both were sleeping soundly. They must be exhausted after loitering around the farmhouse for the entire day. I looked attentively at Ahana. She looked tired yet happy.
” Ahana… When are you planning to change? ”
” Oh! It feels like an era now. Funny how life changes when our priorities change. I just want to watch them entire night.” She said.

” Yeah! I think 23-24 hours is indeed a long time… But for me even 4 hours of not seeing you seemed so long… But, now I want you…. ” I went closer.
” Ansh!!” She said pushing my chest but I caught her hand and pulled her towards me.
” It’s been 5 long days of you not being with me, Ahana… ”
” I know… Even I couldn’t sleep without you. Well, you had the boys, but your eyes are sleep deprived like hell. ” She said caressing my cheeks. It felt so good. I don’t know what would I have done without her. I closed my eyes for a second and we kissed for a moment. A much needed one.

” Mum… ” We both actually forgot that the boys were sleeping right between us.
Aman had a habit of talking on his sleep at times, when he’s extremely tired.
Ahana looked at me, astonished yet with her dimpled smile.
She kissed both of them on their forehead and we walked towards our room.
” Ansh!! It looks like you haven’t slept here, once.”

” Well, I didn’t…”
” Gosh!! I don’t know how I’m gonna manage next month when you will be gone for a week.” She said taking her clothes out of the closet.
” Should I cancel it?” I said holding her from behind.

” What? No… It’s important for our company. I’m just worried whether I will be able to manage them as well you did.”


I still can’t forget that surprised look on Ansh’s face. I was so d@mn happy to surprise them. They are my everything and it’s amazing as well as overwhelming to have a family of our own.

A lovely and supporting one. It would have been an impossible task if it weren’t for their support.
I was having a warm shower when those memories flooded my mind again. I’m so grateful to God.

Miracles Do Happen, And They Happen Every Single Goddamn Day. It’s all about the Belief.

I always had those dreams or nightmares about dying again and again, yet Ansh was always beside me to comfort me, to love me and to embrace me in his arms. If it weren’t for him, I couldn’t have made it through.
His Love… Was Stronger Than Anyone’s.

” Ahana! You hear them right? They need you… And of all, I need you… Please… I can’t live alone… I-I Love You… Ahana… Open Your Eyes… Please…” Is all I heard until it was all dark.

I fell deep down, like an never ending abyss. It was pitch black until I hit the ground zero. I was all alone and there was no light around me, all I could see, rather feel was complete blackness as if I was dead blind. Until I heard something. Something familiar, something that makes my heart ache.

” Mumma… Where are you? Come to us… ” Suddenly, I saw a beam of yellowish white light coming in from a very far yet clearly visible corner. I had to cover my eyes as it was irritating my iris.
” Ahana… What are you doing there? Come here?” It was Ansh’s voice, loud and crystal clear.
” Ansh… I’m coming…” I shouted back as I ran in that direction. But, it wasn’t easy. I smashed with a THUD!! I ran again. THUD!! My head hurt and confusion and pain had the better of me.

It was a transparent, strong wall, blocking my way. I was trapped.
What the hell….
I saw two little boys along with Ansh playing and calling for me, not once, not twice, not thrice but for a hundred times.

I pushed, I banged, I cursed and finally I cried all my soul out yet there was no way out. Ansh kept on looking at me but he didn’t get closer. He looked so handsome with his smile on.

I realised I loved him more than I thought I did.
” Ahana… ” I heard a voice behind. I turned around.

” M-Mom… ” I had only seen her picture in our house. But I knew she was her. We connected at once.
” Let’s live together now. I’ve missed you so much.” I looked at her and then again at my small family, we had not even started yet.

I could see Ansh looking at me. His brown orbs desperately searching for me. I cursed him for still not coming to fetch me.

” Ahana, He won’t be able to come here, honey. He’s far, extremely far away from you now. Let’s go. It’s our time now.” She held my hand but I jerked it away.

There is no way I’m leaving my family.
The family that Ansh and I created, together.
” M-Mom… I’m so sorry. I can’t… I can’t… I’ve promised Ansh… I’ll wait here. He’ll come… ” There was no way that my cheeks were dry for a moment.

” I know Sweetie… But… ”
” Mumma… Come here. We need you… ” I heard a voice again.
My cheeks were drenched as if I was all by myself in an open ground on a stormy, rainy day. The dark clouds were ghostly shadows and the lightening was about about to ki|| me.
I banged that transparent wall again. My hands were red and swollen. It was like a knife grinding through my gut yet I was helpless.
” Let me Go….” I shouted hard.
” LET.ME.GO.BACK…” I lamented more.

” PLEASE…..” I begged. Falling on my knees.
” Ahana…” I looked at her. I was so weary.
” Mom… I-I’m sorry but my family is more important. I won’t give up until I can’t do it anymore… Please, let me go… ” I said as I felt that my three angels were moving further away from me. I was running out of time.

I felt my mother’s hand on my head.
” Ahana… You’ve made me so proud. You are indeed stronger than me, at least. Your family needs you more than I do. I give you my strength.

Take care of them. I love you too…” I heard her say it firmly but before I could touch her I lost her, again.
Before I could even tell her that I loved her, I missed her having in my life and I don’t want my boys to feel the same, she was gone.

Just in the greed of losing my love I lost my mom. A chance of us being together, finally was gone but….
God!! I can’t die. I have to live…
I have to live.
I need to live.
I want to live.

I felt the air getting

There is no way I’m leaving my family.
The family that Ansh and I created, together.
” M-Mom… I’m so sorry. I can’t… I can’t… I’ve promised Ansh… I’ll wait here. He’ll come… ” There was no way that my cheeks were dry for a moment.
” I know Sweetie… But… ”
” Mumma… Come here. We need you… ” I heard a voice again.
My cheeks were drenched as if I was all by myself in an open ground on a stormy, rainy day. The dark clouds were ghostly shadows and the lightening was about about to ki|| me.

I banged that transparent wall again. My hands were red and swollen. It was like a knife grinding through my gut yet I was helpless.
” Let me Go….” I shouted hard.
” LET.ME.GO.BACK…” I lamented more.
” PLEASE…..” I begged. Falling on my knees.
” Ahana…” I looked at her. I was so weary.
” Mom… I-I’m sorry but my family is more important. I won’t give up until I can’t do it anymore… Please, let me go… ” I said as I felt that my three angels were moving further away from me. I was running out of time.
I felt my mother’s hand on my head.
” Ahana… You’ve made me so proud. You are indeed stronger than me, at least. Your family needs you more than I do. I give you my strength. Take care of them. I love you too…” I heard her say it firmly but before I could touch her I lost her, again.
Before I could even tell her that I loved her, I missed her having in my life and I don’t want my boys to feel the same, she was gone.
Just in the greed of losing my love I lost my mom. A chance of us being together, finally was gone but….
God!! I can’t die. I have to live…
I have to live.
I need to live.
I want to live.

I felt the air getting denser denser around me and the weight lifted off my shoulder as I inhaled deeply and the soul which supposedly was on its way to another purpose, returned to where it belonged in first place. I was like a feather until the my senses got the better of me.
I heard his voice…

” Ahana… Ahana… ”
” Gosh!! This has to be a miracle. Her pulse rate is turning up. ” I heard some voices as I breathe the surrounding air heavily.
” A-Ansh…” I opened my eyes slowly. It wasn’t easy though.

” Man!! You scared me to death…”
” D-did I?”
It was a chuckle, filled with all the emotions in the world. And that day I knew, I had scared the $h|t out of my husband and I didn’t plan on doing it anytime sooner.

” Hey…. ” A hand swooped behind me, capturing me in his warm embrace. A much needed one.
” Bittersweet Memories Die Hard, don’t they?” He always reads me, through and through.

” Hhmmm….” I said hugging him.
” Nevertheless, you’re lucky. You met her. You saw her. She gave you the strength after all. Rest, I’m no Saint and I’m not letting you go anytime soon.” He was talking about my mom.

” I wouldn’t like it otherwise, Ansh… ” I kissed her.
” I missed you, Ahana… ”
” I’d fight with you if you hadn’t… ” I winked.
” I Love You… ”
” I Love You Too…. ”
It’s not The End, Instead It’s Just The Very Beginning Of Their Story, Anshana’s Story.

A Story Of Two Strangers Signing Off Their Lives On A Parchment, Called AGREEMENT. An AGREEMENT To Live Free-Carefree Life.

Yet, They Ended Up Falling In Love.
Ended Up Signing An AGREEMENT To Love Forever. To Be With One Another Forever…

Coz, True Love Finds It’s Way….
It Surely Does…..
Hey! All…
Well, It’s The End…
Yet, Not Exactly The End.

Epilogue’s here & I hope I did Justice, not only to Epilogue but to the entire Story.

Encourage ur writer.. ?
Please Encourage Me By Sharing This story.

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