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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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AGREEMENT – Episode 55

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❣️ Agreement.?‍❤️‍?

?? our marriage??
??is just a??
? piece of paper?

Indian romantic ?
?My Special Day?

Banning of ghost readers is starting soon, are you one of them?

” .

Remember, You Still Have Your Loved Ones By Your Side & That’s Enough To Sail Your Through. ?”



” And… I am sorry but it would be difficult to save all the three of you. It can be either be Ahana or your babies…”

Did she really say that?

” What the hell are you speaking?” Ansh was the first one to react. I was holding his hand from a very long time.
There were tears in my eyes and they flowed down involuntarily.

” I know… It’s very difficult to take in but…”

” There are no buts and ifs Doctor. You said that the complications were minor.”
Ansh was the one who was still speaking.

” I said that before the reports were out. I know what you are going through Ansh… ”

” I’m sorry, Doc but you don’t know what are we going through. One day you just call us and then shatter our dreams in pieces. ” Ansh said his tone getting louder.

” We still have 7% chances… And I am positive… Believe me. ”

” 7! Huh!! 7! It’s just a number Doc. You being positive after telling me that my wife and our angels’ life is in danger will not work, for me at least. And How do you expect me to believe you? ”

” Look, even I am a mother of two grown up kids. I know how it feels… ”

” This isn’t happening… Ahana!! Ahana.. Look here sweetheart… ” Ansh said grabbing my face in his palm. I closed my eyes and the tears fell freely. At once Ansh hugged me tightly.

” Ahana! Look at me… Please… ” I slowly opened my eyes.

” Don’t worry. I won’t let anything happen to you or to our angels. Trust me please. We shall go to some other better doctor. Okay…”

” A-Ansh…”

” Yes…” He looked at me hopefully.

” I was aware that this may happen. But, I trust Mrs. Batt. She is the best.” I said calmly.

” Ahana! You aren’t understanding… ”

” Ansh… Please calm down. I was and am ready to take any sort of risk. Come here and please let her explain the problem. ” I said pulling Ansh and he sat beside me.

” Yes, Doctor. We are listening. I am sorry on behalf of him. ”

” It’s Okay, Ahana. His reaction was a legit one. I know it’s been hard on you. Normally such things don’t happen. They are very rare cases. But Ansh it’s not that I haven’t consulted other gynecologists. I have done so and the results still remain the same. ”

Ansh wasn’t saying anything now. He just held my hand.
” Ahana was already suffering from mild eclampsia due to her stress levels. That wasn’t that a serious issue but after looking at your reports it’s possible that you may develop Placenta Previa or Placenta Accreta.”

” What’s that? And it’s still a possibility, right?” I asked.
” Yeah! The latter one is caused by the previous one and you are showing the possibility of Placenta Previa. Here, have a look. ” She put the gel on my belly and the monitor displayed my babies.

Ansh was in awe. After a long time we were looking at them. It’s Ansh’s second time.
” T-They are so small Ahana… ” He said. I nodded.
” Here, as you can see that one of the placenta of one of the babies, well FYI they have two different placenta as they aren’t identical twins, is about to cover the cërv|x.

It’s a case of marginal Placenta Previa. It’s a very rare one. In India there are fewer than 1 million cases per year.

” As soon as Mrs. Bhatt said that both of us looked at her.
” Then why only us… ” Ansh was dejected.
” Yes, Doctor… Please continue. ” I said.
” Hmmm… I am worried that if this turns into a complete Placenta Previa then it has high chances of turning into Placenta Accreta. In this case the placenta gets embedded into the lining of the womb.

Normally it detaches after childbirth but in this case it doesn’t. And this leads to internal bleeding and infection. ”

I was listening to all of that very attentively.
” A-Are my babies healthy? ” I asked after a while.
” Yeah! They are already a week ahead in their process of development. God is so great that he has given a woman immense power to go through such problems.

Hence in most of the cases it’s the woman who dies saving her child. You must be really happy that of all the problems that you may face but your babies are very healthy and don’t show any abnormalities. ”

I had a huge smile on my face. I was delighted that they were doing good. I didn’t want anything else.
Ansh didn’t react since a long time.
” S-So, what can we do now? ” He finally asked.

” Please don’t stress yourself out Ahana. Ansh take care of her like you did before. I know you will do that. I will keep tracking her process. Let’s just hope that the placenta don’t move further down the crevix.”

” Is there any other solution? ” Ansh asked.
” We can do a Cesarean Section but at times if may cause further infections and loss of blood. The babies need to develop more and then we can decide. ” She replied.
I nodded.

After the sonography Mrs. Bhatt came with a set of papers.
” What’s this? ” I asked.

” Well, I want you to decide, that just in case, God Forbid this shouldn’t happen but no one can go against the nature, if we have to save one of them. Don’t worry we will try our best so that it’s just like a normal delivery but still Whom we should try our level best? It’s just a formality. Protocol of the hospital in cases. ”

” I understand. You don’t want us to sue you, right? Hospital won’t be responsible if anything happens to one of ’em, right? ” Ansh snapped.
Mrs. Bhatt didn’t answer.
” Ahana or your babies?” She asked.
” Our Babies… ”

” Ahana…” Ansh said spontaneously.
I looked at him in surprise. How could he say that?
” Ansh!! What are you saying? ”
” Of course, it has to be you… ”
” Are you crazy? ” I said.

” You guys can think for a while of you want. I can come again in some time.” Mrs. Batt said. She was about to leave.
” No!! Wait… There is no need for me to think. Will I ever think to save my babies? I won’t do that. ” I said taking the file from her hand.

” Ahana!! Stop… You are not signing that. I am not signing that ever…” Ansh shouted but I didn’t look at him.
” Doctor, It’s has to be my babies always. They will live no matter I survive or not. They have their loving Papa to look after them.” Saying so I signed it.

” Ahana… You can think for once.. ” Mrs. Bhatt said.
” What would you do if you were in my place? Can you let go of your kids? ” I asked.
She didn’t answer.
” I know you can’t answer me. The thought makes me shiver too but I have to face it.” I was dejected.
” Ahana!!! Listen… You can’t do this…”

” Ansh! We are done with our discussion. C’mon sign now. ” I handed him the paper.
” No!! I am not doing that. You are not going anywhere. I hope you get that. And I will take my wife to the best of the doctors. I hope you understand that… ” Ansh said the last line to Mrs. Bhatt.

Saying so he left the room. I was alone with Mrs. Bhatt now.
” I am sorry… ” Is all I could say.
” It’s okay! Ahana… I understand what he is going through. It’s very difficult situation. I’m sorry. I never wanted this to happen.” She said.
” Yeah! And I think he will sign this later. He is just upset now.” I said getting up from the couch.

” He loves you Ahana… ”
” I know… But then we have to be practical now. ” I said with a weak smile.
” Hmmm… I have set your appointment for the next week. See you… And take care. ”
I nodded. I didn’t know how am I going to handle Ansh.

” I love him too… “I said looking at Mrs. Bhatt.
I can’t make Ansh sad.
She gave me a tight hug. Taking my files I left the clinic. Ansh was standing outside the clinic against the car. As soon as he saw me he got inside it. My tears were flowing again now. I don’t know how to control them. Ansh was definitely upset with me but his reason was wrong.

I got into the car and without saying anything we sped off. But amidst all this he was careful not increase the speed limit. Because I know his nature, in such situations I’m sure we would have reached home by now. But, he was extremely careful.
” Ansh!!” I called him.
He didn’t reply.

” Ansh!! You can h@ťě me, you can love me but you can’t Ignore Me….” I know that line was a taken one but it suited perfectly.

At once the car screeched and he stopped it near the beach. We were only 15 minutes away from our home. Ansh got off the car and stood in front of it with his back facing me. I too followed the suit.

The sea looked calm as it was still the spring season. The sun had touched the horizon and was descending further down the water.

I looked at the beautiful view and went to stand beside Ansh. The cool breeze was helping us calm ourselves and our mind. At the beach a lot of small kids were playing. Few couples were walking together.

” I don’t h@ťě you Ahana… I can’t do that. I-I love you so much….” Ansh finally said something.
I pulled him in front of me, placing his hands around my waist.

I wrapped my hands around me. The breeze was blowing mine as well as his hair in the right direction. His brown eyes piercing mine.
” I Love You Too… But we need to fight this, together…” I said.

” Ahana… I’m not signing that $h|t which tells me that you are going to die. I can’t do that and I think even you shouldn’t have done that.” He said.
I know it still had an impact on him. I

” And… I am sorry but it would be difficult to save all the three of you. It can be either be Ahana or your babies…”
Did she really say that?
” What the hell are you speaking?” Ansh was the first one to react. I was holding his hand from a very long time.

There were tears in my eyes and they flowed down involuntarily.
” I know… It’s very difficult to take in but…”
” There are no buts and ifs Doctor. You said that the complications were minor.”
Ansh was the one who was still speaking.
” I said that before the reports were out. I know what you are going through Ansh… ”
” I’m sorry, Doc but you don’t know what are we going through. One day you just call us and then shatter our dreams in pieces. ” Ansh said his tone getting louder.

” We still have 7% chances… And I am positive… Believe me. ”
” 7! Huh!! 7! It’s just a number Doc. You being positive after telling me that my wife and our angels’ life is in danger will not work, for me at least. And How do you expect me to believe you? ”
” Look, even I am a mother of two grown up kids. I know how it feels… ”
” This isn’t happening… Ahana!! Ahana.. Look here sweetheart… ” Ansh said grabbing my face in his palm. I closed my eyes and the tears fell freely. At once Ansh hugged me tightly.

” Ahana! Look at me… Please… ” I slowly opened my eyes.
” Don’t worry. I won’t let anything happen to you or to our angels. Trust me please. We shall go to some other better doctor. Okay…”
” A-Ansh…”
” Yes…” He looked at me hopefully.
” I was aware that this may happen. But, I trust Mrs. Batt. She is the best.” I said calmly.

” Ahana! You aren’t understanding… ”
” Ansh… Please calm down. I was and am ready to take any sort of risk. Come here and please let her explain the problem. ” I said pulling Ansh and he sat beside me.

” Yes, Doctor. We are listening. I am sorry on behalf of him. ”
” It’s Okay, Ahana. His reaction was a legit one. I know it’s been hard on you. Normally such things don’t happen. They are very rare cases. But Ansh it’s not that I haven’t consulted other gynecologists. I have done so and the results still remain the same. ”

” I’ll die too if something happens to them Ansh… I can’t be so selfish. Just because I wish to live with you forever I can’t risk their lives, they are our angels. I will die of guilt. I won’t have any energy or any guts to try again…” I said resting my head on his chest and crying.

” That fear of happening things like this again will haunt me. I won’t be able to survive. I won’t be able to love you or myself again. I can’t lose them at any cost. After keeping them in my womb for more than 6 months now, they are my part now. Look at the kids playing there… ” I said pointing to a bunch of small kids playing.

Ansh looked at them.
” One day even our kids will be playing the same way… Don’t you want that to happen? ”
Ansh was still looking at them.
” Of course… But look their parents are also with them. I also want us to be with them.”
” Ansh…”
” Ahana… I am not signing it. ”
” Fine!! Take your time… ”
” How much time you give me, I’m not doing it… ”
Arrrghhh… He’s very stubborn and adamant.
” That I am… And so are you… ”
” Mind Reader… ” I prompted.
” Ahana! Are you sure? ” He asked.
” How can you say that? For our babies I won’t think twice.”
” Fine! But I am not changing my mind.”
” Okay! But now you are actually making me feel that I’m gonna to die… ” I said along with tears falling.
” I-I’m not saying that. I’m just… I can’t live without you… ”

I wasn’t so happy in a lifetime. I had someone who loves me more than I love myself. I felt lucky. I kissed his cheeks one after the other. Then I moved to his jawline. I closed my eyes and Ansh closed his. For the first time he wasn’t responding to my kisses.
I gently pecked his lips. But I don’t think that act was making up to him.

” Ansh! You are upsetting me now…” I said still kissing him. He wasn’t in any mood today

Okay!! We are coming in few minutes. ” Saying so I hung up.

” So, what juice are you planning to have Mrs. Raichand? ” Ansh asked me.
” Hmmm… I will have what you like today. ” I said smiling. It was already dark now.
” C’mon then. I love Ç0çƙtail. Let’s have that. ”

When we entered the house Dad and Grandad were already waiting for us in the study.
” Hey! Guys… You took a lot of time. ” Grandad said.
” Yeah!! Here’s your juice…” Ansh said showing them the glasses.
” What did the doctor say? Are my babies healthy ? ” Dad was the first one to ask.
” God! They have just arrived. Let them change. Kids, Go and change. Come quick Coz we are waiting for you at the dinner table. ” Grandad interrupted Dad.

I looked at Ansh and then both of us rushed to our room. We were silent the entire time. A lot of thoughts were running in my mind and I’m sure that is the case with Ansh too. He still looked upset. After changing in our night wear we went for the dinner.
As always the dinner table was alive because of Dad and grandad.
” Well, That was quick…” Dad said laughing.
” Dad!!” Ansh was irritated.
” Ohkkk… Sorry. But, in comparison to your foul mood this orange juice is way sweeter. I like it.” Dad said winking at me.
I smiled weakly. He wasn’t aware of the reason behind Ansh’s foul mood.
Gladly Ansh didn’t react.

” Ahana, what did Mrs. Bhatt say? ” Grandad asked after few minutes of silence.
Ansh looked at me.
” Mrs. Bhatt said that…..
“….. That the babies are very healthy. ” I interrupted before Ansh could finish himself.
” and there’s a iss… ”
“…. And there’s no issues. Instead the babies are a week ahead in their development and are doing so well.” I said again interrupting Ansh. I smiled.
Ansh looked irritated now.
” Well, that’s a good news. But why is Ansh sulking?” Dad asked.
” He’s just tired. Didn’t get enough rest. Isn’t it Ansh? ” I asked looking at him and holding his hand underneath the table.
” Yeah!! Everything is fine.”
” I hope it is…” Grandad said.
I nodded.
After the dinner when we were going back to our room Dad stopped us.
” Guys!! ”
” Yeah!! ” Ansh and I stopped.
” Did you forget something?” He asked.

I looked at Ansh.
” Ahana’s babyshower… ” He said smiling.
I sighed a relief. I had forgotten about it. I was on the verge of completing 6 months of being pregnant and it was time for my babyshower.
” I forgot. Have you seen the dates?” Ansh asked.

” Yup!! I spoke to Mrs. Sehgal. And this Sunday seems perfect. So, if both of you agree then we can send the invitations. I want it to be grand.” Grandad said with excitement.

” Hmmm… It would be fine. Anyways I thought of working from home for some days.” Ansh said.
I looked at him at once. Was he really not going to office?
” Ohkk… Then we will start the preparations from tomorrow itself. We will divide our work. Since you have to take a care of Ahana also we will burden you less. ” Dad said winking.

” Okay. I call my manager. He will do everything. You don’t need to bother. ” Ansh said.
” What? No… We are going to arrange everything. Don’t worry. And Jaai has WhatsApp me. He is coming back tomorrow with Zara and they are super excited already.” Dad said.
I was surprised that Jaai was talking to my in laws. He didn’t even texted me now. Surprising.
” Great!! Then, we will start tomorrow morning. Goodnight… ” Ansh said.
They too went to their room and we came to ours. I didn’t speak anything, nor did Ansh.

” Ansh…” I called him.
” Why the hell didn’t you let me tell them about it? Isn’t it their right to know? ” Is what he said and he was definitely angry and loud.

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