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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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AGREEMENT – Episode 49

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❣️ Agreement.?‍❤️‍?

?? our marriage??
??is just a??
? piece of paper?

Indian romantic ?
?My Special Day?

Banning of ghost readers is starting soon, are you one of them?


” Guys! I was… ”
As soon as we heard the voice, Ahana pushed me away. I wasn’t aware and I almost tripped backwards.

” Dad!!” She said standing up quickly and straightening her dress.
God! I forgot to lock the door, again.
” Morning Kids! Sorry to disturb you. Please don’t feel embarrassed, I didn’t see nothing….” He said grinning.

Ahana was already red by now and I was pissed off. He never left any opportunity to make us feel embarrassed.

” Dad! You ought to knock the door before entering. Don’t you have any manners? ” I said taking my place beside Ahana.

” Well, I learnt that from my son. And, anyways you are supposed to be more careful.”

” Dad….” I was about to protest more but then Ahana interrupted me.
” Ansh, It’s Fine… Good Morning Dad.. You had some work?”

” No… Actually, Yes.. I wanted to give you this. ” He said handing me an envelope.
” But it’s addressed to Ansh. ” She said. I was also a bit confused about what was in it.

” Hmmm… True. But after receiving it, I realised that Ansh must have planned it for you. The travel agent had sent it to the office yesterday but you both had left the office and Ansh’s cell was out of coverage area. So this came all the way to me.”

Suddenly the entire picture became clear and I realised that my surprise was spoiled. Completely.
I saw Ahana opening it.

Tickets to Switzerland?” She sounded surprised.
She was looking at me for answers but I stood emotionless. I wasn’t answering in front of Dad, Atleast. He ruined it.

” Ahana… Be happy. He planned your baby moon. Grandad and I are waiting for you for breakfast. Come quick…. ” He said leaving the room and I was averting Ahana’s glare.
” And Yes… You can continue what you were doing but please be quick.” Dad said winking at us.

God! Why is he like that?
” Ansh!! ”
” What?? ”
” We ain’t going anywhere? ” She said sitting on the bed.
” But why?” I said holding her hand and putting it together near my chest.

” Ansh! What about work? Aren’t we neglecting it since a long time. And of all places SWITZERLAND?”
” You don’t worry about the work. I can manage everything. And of all places, this one is special…

Coz I wasn’t able to enjoy myself, especially with you. I want to make it up to you. I want to make things right from the very beginning. You already refused to marry me again, now please don’t refuse this. I promise you I will take you anywhere you want to go from there. Just name that place.”

Ansh… It’s not about any places. I will enjoy anywhere in the world, be it in our garden provided you are with me.” She said looking in my eyes.
” Hmmm… I know. But please give me a chance to make things right. Please….. ” I said kissing her hand.
” Okk.. Fine.. But the company and the work shouldn’t be compromised. ”
” Aye Aye! Ma’am….” She laughed.
” Ansh!! Why don’t you go downstairs and wait for me. I will freshen up in a jiffy. ”
” Hmmm.. Why don’t we finish our undone task? ” I said stopping her from going.
” What task? ” I know she is messing with me.

” Ahana! Didn’t you hear what Dad said?”
” Ansh! Enough already… I have an appointment with Mrs. Bhatt. Are you accompanying me or should I go alone? Even Jaai is lost somewhere.”

” Hey! Of course, I am coming with you. You ain’t going alone anywhere Coz I am there for you. And I doubt Jaai will have time for you now. He is a busy planning his wedding. It’s like, he actually forgot we exist. ” I said back hugging Ahana and resting my chin on her shoulder.

” Hmm… I am really happy for them. They found their lost love at last. All thanks to you… ”
” I am not accepting your bland thanks… Give me a kiss. ” I said turning her to face me.
” No.. We had enough of kisses. I want to freshen up now.” She said struggling to go.

” Ahah!! You aren’t leaving sweetheart. Are you kissing or should I. And if I start, I think everyone will have to wait for us till the evening for the breakfast.”
” Argghh… Fine…. ” She grunted.
I closed my eyes, leaning towards her and her lips touched mine. I was so lost that my hold around her lossen. At once I felt a soft push and Ahana’s lips left mine.

I opened my eyes and saw her running towards the bathroom.
” Hey! Cheater… That wasn’t even a peck.”

” Don’t call me that. And It was a KISS by the way, Hubby…. Wait for me…” I heard her say from inside.
I smiled and went downstairs to accompany the others for the breakfast. Life’s surely different, it’s better now.
I don’t know why but I admit that I am All In Smiles, definitely.

Morning Ansh…”
” Good Morning Guys! ”
” Sorry Bud… For that dash in. I am feeling guilty. ” Dad said.
” Hmmm… You should be . ” I said helping myself with the cornflakes.
” Good Morning All.” Ahana came in and sat beside me. Smiling warmly, showing her dimples. She smelled amazing.

” Dad! These two are gonna be away for a few days again…. ” Dad started again.

Ahana looked at me with a dim face. She was upset that we were not able to concentrate at our the work properly. Things kept on happening one after the other and we were always occupied with them.
I held her left hand with my right hand.

” Wow!! Good. You guys need a lot of vacations. Ahana you are definitely lucky Coz Ansh rarely took any vacations but I can see that you are finally changing him. Anyways where are you going?”
” Switzerland….” I said beaming with joy.
” Again, Ansh… Why the hell are you boring Ahana by taking her to the same place twice. There are a lots of places to explore. ”

Grandad, I really don’t mind. Actually last year we couldn’t explore all of it. So, we wanted to visit it again and then from there we plan to go to Amsterdam. ” Ahana said.

Then she looked at me. I was surprised Coz Amsterdam wasn’t a plan but then I was happy since she covered up for me. I seriously didn’t know what to answer.
I intertwined our fingers and held them tight. They can’t know the entire story.
It’s a Secret, Locked Right In Our Hearts.

” Good… The more relaxed you are Ahana, the more beneficial it will be for the babies. You should go and enjoy. But do consult your doctor before going.” Grandad said.
A constant smile was plastered on my face as well as Ahana’s. I noticed it from the corner of my eyes. I won’t deny the fact that I was so happy, never had been so before.

I was looking forward to enjoy the trip together. Ahana tried to freed her hand from mine but I didn’t let go.
” Yes.. We are going to Mrs. Bhatt this afternoon and then after 3 days we have our morning flight. ” I said, still not letting go of her hand.
” C’mon, now. Let’s start. I am already starving.” Dad said.

” So, Do I…” Ahana said and started with her cornflakes. Since my right hand was engaged with Ahana’s I couldn’t start and I realised that Ahana already realised it and hence had stopped struggling with me. Instead she held my hand tighter. I looked at her and she was grinning. But I wasn’t letting go of her hand.

” Ansh!! Why aren’t you eating? Aren’t you hungry?” Ahana asked looking at me with a smirk.

As soon as she said that everyone looked at me, together. I hadn’t even took a bite yet.

” What happened Ansh? Are you so happy about your Baby Moon that you have lost your appetite. ” Dad said and Ahana burst into laughter.

So did Grandad. They both were pissing me off. I shook my head and started with my left hand. I was a right handed person. I wriggled a bit and again that drew the attention to me.

I had spilled the milk on my t-shirt.

Ansh!! From when did you turn lefty?” Grandad asked.
Ahana quickly cleaned off the milk from my t-shirt.

” Well, Dad… From the day he fell in love. Isn’t it?
Holding hands down the table and stealing glances?” Dad said making us more embarrassed.

At once I freed Ahana from the hold and she was blushing. We didn’t say anything.

” Enough son… I am done. Don’t bother these kids more. Let them enjoy… ” Grandad said to our rescue and stood up. So did Dad.

” Ohhkkk… Bye… Do complete your breakfast.” He said leaving us alone.
” Phew.. That was close…” I sighed looking at Ahana.
” Ansh, I think you should stop behaving like teens. We aren’t teenagers now. They do stuff like this.”

” Well, I didn’t do it when I was a teenager. So I will do it now. Feed me now. I am hungry…. ” I said opening my mouth wide.
” Well, I don’t believe that you are so clean. I am sure you would have had a lot of girls all over you in your teenage years.” Ahana said.
I smiled.
” Glad to know that you admire me so much. But, trust me you will never meet a guy as clean as me…” I smirked pointing a finger to myself.

” Really.. What if I meet one? ” I know she’s messing with me now.
I held her hand.
” I know you won’t meet one… But if you think you did then show him your hand…. ” I held her left hand up.

.. Tell him that you already belong to someone who loves you lot and you are a mother of two and of course many more to come… And your husband is very possessive for you, And…”
” Enough… I love you too…” She stopped me.
” Ansh, are you serious of having more than two kids…” She asked.
” Hmmm… I would really like a big lovingly family. And now please feed me, Ahana… ” I opened my mouth again.
” Ansh… What if you meet someone better than me? ” She looked at me.
” Well, I married the first girl who took my heart away forever with her… And since then I don’t have one so I am not capable of lending it again… It’s already taken, sweetie… ” I winked kissing her cheeks as a huge smiled appeared on her face. A smiled that’s enough to ki|| me.

“… Expect one… ”

” Huh? Who? ”
” A little miniature Ahana… My princess… I would surely cherish her more… ” I said touching Ahana’s belly.
” Of course… And don’t fight with me if miniature Ansh gets more love than you…” She’s always in for a fight.
” You wouldn’t do that… ”
” I would… ”
” Ahana… ” As I opened my mouth she put the spoon in my mouth.
I coughed.
She laughed.
” One more time…. I am not full. ” I said.
” Enough now. I ain’t doing any of that. Eat yourself. And don’t you have work?” She asked.
” Nah!! I don’t enjoy going to the office without you. So, I will work from home. ”
” Really, then there ain’t any work happening. ”

” I don’t mind….”
” But I do mind….” She said.
But I was adamant and I was still sitting with my mouth open until she fed me the entire thing.
It’s so silly. I feel silly but…

Being Silly Is The New Being Happy Me Now…
” You are not giving up. Right? ” She said smiling and I shook my head.
” Fine… ” She said and fed me till I had my heart’s content.

We had our breakfast. The best one I had in years.
” C’mon, get ready now we have to go to Mrs. Bhatt and then do a bit of shopping and then pack.” I said.
” Okay…. And then can we will go to meet Ma? ”
” Of course… I was about to suggest that.”

After about half an hour, we set out.
Our, first stop was the clinic.

” Hey! Howz you, Ahana?” Dr. Asked.
” I am very well. ”
” Dr. Actually, we were planning to go out of town for some days. So is it fine? ” I asked.
Ahana was looking at me.
” Hmmm… It’s fine. I don’t think it would be a problem. But please, be careful and gentle with each other. I hope you get what I mean.”
We nodded.

” I will run some tests and I think the report will be ready by the time you come back. ”

” Okkk… I will wait outside. ”
” Ansh.. You can wait here.” Ahana said looking at me.
” Is it okay? ” I asked.
” Of course, you have all the right to have a look at your babies.” Dr. Said.
She applied a gel in Ahana’s tummy. And switched on the monitor. I held her hand tightly and the screen showed two beep along with two small tiny babies perfectly embedded in her womb.

” Wow… They are so small. ” I said.
Ahana was smiling throughout. They had grown a lot since I saw that picture few weeks ago.
” They have to be… Mrs. Bhatt, Is everything fine?” Ahana asked.
I feel guilty of not telling Ahana about what Mrs. Bhatt had asked me to but now everything looks normal.
” Hmmm… Ansh can you come with me to my cabin. I will handle you some prescriptions. You need to take them. I have changed some pills. And I had taken your tests and the reports are fine.”

” Ansh! When did you give the tests? ” Ahana asked a bit confused.
” When I came to know about the twins. Anyway Dr. I hope Ahana won’t have any difficulties due to me. ”
” I hope not. Please accompany me. Ahana, would it be fine? I ll send a nurse to help you. ”
She nodded. Mrs. Bhatt and I went to her cabin.
” Actually, Ansh I wanted to speak to you in private. ”
” Yes… ”

” Did you tell Ahana about the things which I told you that day? It’s already been a long time since then. ”
” No.. I couldn’t. I don’t know how will she react. I don’t want her to be upset and then she already had a lot of problems. And it’s long time that she has been happy like this. And now we are going for our BabyMoon, I don’t want her to be upset. And everything looks normal, isn’t it? ” I said in a worried tone.

” Hmm… That’s good. A change of atmosphere will be good. Things being Normal, I can’t be sure about that. There are some more things I will like to clarify before I give you the results. It’s better you tell her about her situation. It’s true that there are high chances of complications which may or may not be serious. Though, she has a hint already but I know she is a strong woman.”

” But, Dr. The reports seems fine, right? There is nothing to worry about. ”
” Hmmm… I can’t say 100%. That’s why I am running a confirmation test. But, I advise you to tell her as soon as possible.”

” OK.. I will do that, but not on the stake of her happiness… ”
” Temporary Sadness is better than prolonged one. Isn’t it? ”
” What happened? ” Just then Ahana came in.
” What sadness are you talking about? ” She asked. While Mrs. Bhatt and I were looking at each other.
” Well, General talk. I was just telling Ansh that it’s time to forget all the sadness and be happy. Isn’t it?”
” Hmm.. C’mon Ahana. We still have to go to Ma’s house. Thank You. ” I said.
” Bye.. And Enjoy…” I smiled at her and we left.

But what she said was still back in my mind. I don’t know how in the earth am I going to tell Ahana about it. I just want God to give us the strength. I don’t want her to be depressed. I was positive that she’s gonna be okay.

After meeting Ma we went to a shopping mall. Ahana and Ma were equally happy meeting each other. So were Dad and Grandpa. We had lunch with them and then left to buy some necessities. The Sehgal’s were surprised on our vacation too.
” Ansh! C’mon… Why don’t you try this?” Ahana said handing me a white chino.
” Ahana… I don’t wear all this stuff.”
” It’s looks so awesome…. We can twin in too. I ll buy a hot white short.” She winked.
As soon as she said that I looked at her and went more close to her.
” Promise? ”

” Yup!! Go on….”
” But, you will wear it only for me. ” I said taking the chino from her hand.
” For whom else do you think I will wear. Go now. We still need to get some sweaters for us.”
” Only for you….” I said pecking her on her lips.
She smiled warmly.
I was waiting for Ahana at the billing counter. She was still searching for something.
Woman!! And Shopping!!
” Done! Miss… ” I asked as she came being satisfied.
” See what did I get… ” She said hiding her hand behind her.
Even I wanted to show her something.
” Hey!! Even I have something…” I said excited.
” Fine. On the count of 3. 1… 2…3…” She said.

” Tadaaaaa…” I said.
We both were looking at each other and then burst into laughter.
I was holding a pair of small socks in my hand while Ahana had a pair of small baby shoes in her hands.

” For the twins…. ” She said.
” Of course, I love them. Let’s buy them.”
We checked out of the mall. It was already late evening now.
” Ahana, you will have to accompany me to our travel agent’s tomorrow. We have some formalities to look at. ” I informed.

She nodded. Only three days and then we are all by ourselves.
” What do you want to eat?” I asked.
” Hmm… Waffles. Chocolate waffles. Actually I wanted to have coffee but I can’t…. ” She was sad.
She loved coffee.
” Hmmm… You can have once Ahana.”
” No.. Ansh.. If I have once then I won’t be able to resist. Let’s have waffles. ”
” Coffee By Di Bella? ”
” Awesome…”

Just A perfect day. We held our hands and walked together with a smile that didn’t leave either of us.


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