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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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AGREEMENT – Episode 48

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❣️ Agreement.?‍❤️‍?

?? our marriage??
??is just a??
? piece of paper?

Indian romantic ?
?My Special Day?

Banning of ghost readers is starting soon, are you one of them?

” Ansh!!! I promi….” But before Ahana could complete herself she fell down. I quickly gave her some support and held her.

” Ahana… Sweetheart… Tell me where is it hurting? Open your eyes…” I was panic struck already. Ahana was already weak and then the accident was also severe. I carried her on the bed.

” Ansh!!! Aahh… It’s the cramps again. The pseudo contractions. I have been experiencing this lately. But I wasn’t aware it will get this intense. Aaahhhhhh….”
Cramps!! I remember about reading them in the books.

” Wait… I will call Mrs. Bhatt…” I said grabbing my cell phone.
” No…. Wait…. It’s fine. She said that I will have to endure these. It will make me stronger. ”
” But…. It’s getting bad…” I said patting her forhead and wiping the sweat.

” A home remedy may do, perhaps….” I suggested with an intensely look.
” Yay!!! Please….”
” Hot Water Bag.”
” Hot Water Bag.” We both said in unison.
” I will bring it. It must be in the kitchen. Please wait for 5 minutes Ahana… I will have to boil the water. ”

” Ansh make it fast….”
I heard her say as I ran towards the kitchen.
Taking a vessel I quickly put the water to boil. From the upper cabinets I pulled the bag. Within 5 minutes the water came to boil. As I was transferring the water some of it spilled on my hand. It was red coz the water was boiling hot. Then I ran to the room.

I saw Ahana still clutching my shirt and there were tears in her pearls. At once I went to her and placed the bag on the lower abdomen. It must be really painful. And if the pseudo contractions are so awful then I really don’t know how are we gonna get through the labour, more importantly Ahana.

I cleaned her cheeks. She held my hand and I could see the bruises. I pulled the first aid kit near to me.
” Ansh!!! Can you move this near my back? ” I nodded and moved it behind.
” Give me your hand Ahana. And Please… Let go of my shirt. ” I said. She looked at me and smiled leaving my crumbled shirt aside.

” Ahh!!! It’s so itchy and painful, Ansh…”” Well, Ahana. I was searching for this shirt since a long time. I didn’t know that you are the culprit. ” I said applying the antiseptic on her skin.

” What? I am the culprit? How could you even say that? You threw this and ran away. It’s my favourite and hence I kept it in my possession. ”
” It still has my smell. Isn’t it? Hence you keep. ” I winked.” Wh@ťěver….. It’s not like that…”

” Done already…” I said and then she realised that I had nursed all her wounds.
” Wow…. That was quick. You distracted me well. ”
” I know… I am smart… So is my punishment still on? ” I asked with a puppy face with my hands folded.
” Yes, Ansh.. what’s that??” She suddenly shouted.

” What… There’s noth…”
” Shut up… You are burned. Don’t tell me this isn’t burning. ” She sounded worried. I liked it.
” Ahana… I am fine. Are you still having those cramps?”
” I am better. Bring that first aid and I will apply Burnol. Quick…”

” Ahana… You must rest…”
” Are you bringing or should I do that myself?”
My stubborn wife. One can never win with her. I brought the first aid kit and she started applying the ointment. Her back was rested with the backrest of the bed and I was sitting beside her.

” Ahh…” A faint cry left my lips. It was indeed burning.
” Well, I can see that the pregnancy books really helped you.” She said. I looked at her.

” Yeah!! They did. I know about the cramps and contractions because of them. Should I change the water?”
” No.. I am better now. Anyways Doctor said that I need to get a bit accustomed to them. It will help during labour. ”

” Hmmm…. ” I said.
” Well, Ahana….” I said softly after some awkward silence holding her hand.
” You were saying something….”
” What???”

” Forgot already…. Something like I promise….” I said stopping to let her continue. But she was looking elsewhere.
Teasing me, Huh!!Ansh!! I am sleepy. ” She said yawning.
” Hmmm… I ain’t messing with you since you are not well. But I wasn’t aware that I had such a daredevil wife.” I said winking at her.
” You know about that ?”
” Of course, you scared the hell out of me man….. That guy at the hospital told me about your stunt. ”
” Stunt!… Helping someone in such a situation is a stunt??” She said making a face.

I dimmed the lights and crept beside her on the bed. She turned towards me and I pulled her closer. We were still looking at each other.
” So now tell me what happened??”
” Don’t you want to change?”
” I already have had too much for the day. I would like to know what happened with you for which my heart was nearly in my mouth. What about you? ”

” Same here.. I am too tired for a bath too. I know I am messy but I am d@mn sleepy…. ” She rubbed her eyes, they were still red.
” I like the messy You … ”
As soon as I said that a giggle left her mouth.
” No need to laugh Ahana. I am serious. You can’t even imagine what I was feeling at that instant. I was so guilty of letting you go. If I was in your place and something happened…”

But before I could complete myself Ahana put her finger on my lips.” Don’t say further Ansh. I can’t even imagine that. And I am sorry. I was upset with you. But see, it’s a good thing that I am strong enough that I could help that lady or else she could have lost her baby. I think our babies made me stronger.” She said putting her hand on her belly.

I put my hand on her. It was for the first time I was touching it in such a manner. She put my hand underneath her so I had a direct contact. I smiled weakly.

” They have to be strong like their Momma…Then, what happened ? ”
” Well, When I left the office I still had your letter in my hand. I was really happy knowing your feelings about me. No matter what I couldn’t forget what you had written on it. But then you made me frustrated when I saw you with Jia. I was still driving and I the tears had blurred my vision.

Suddenly a strong beam of light distracted me and then I felt a thud in the frontier of the car. I fell unconscious. When I gained my consciousness after few minutes I realised that it was an accident.

I was lucky that I was safe. All thanks to my Merce… It has always been a faithful friend…..” She said making me chuckle.
Her white S Class Sedan Mercedes was her favourite car. I knew that.

” Then I got down. I was shocked seeing an unconscious lady in her car just in front of me. Her front shield was broken and there were glasses every where. I was so panicked. I could see some pedestrians but they were still far away. There was none to help around, not even one single car.” I was astonished coz when I was at that spot there were so many people.

This is the reality… No one’s around when you need them.

” Ahana… For once if you could have called me. ”
” Ansh…I was in a trauma? I didn’t know what I should. Firstly, I checked myself for any injuries and I was thankful to God that nothing happened to me or our babies…. I took her to the Corinthians. Her husband was so worried and she was pregnant but the way. ” She said with some faint tears in her eyes. I wiped those.

Wh@ťěver you say. I am proud of you. You are a Superwoman. I don’t think that I am that strong to help others when I am with my babies and then driving a car in such a state. I just hope that our angels are like you, a daredevil…”

” And caring like their Dad… They must have your long eye lashes. ”
” Ahana… Really you like them. And I don’t like Dad. We already call that to our Dads. It’s so monotonous now. I like Papa. What say?” She looked at me straight with a smile.
” Of course, I love your long eye lashed and Papa loves you, Right?” She caressed her belly gently.
She remembers that I said that. I never knew Ahana liked my eye lashes but then I liked all of her.
” Well, I like all of you… ” I said winking her.

” Our angels… ” She whispered, her hand still rested on mine.
I kissed her forehead. My hand was still on her tummy.
At once I felt something.
” Ahana… Did you feel something?” I looked at her in awe.

” Of course… one of them kicked. Its for the first time. God I am so happy… They already love you, Ansh. Its for the very first time you touched them so lovingly.”

I don’t know why I already had tears in my eyes. It was a very new profound happiness to me.

” You love your Papa….” I said softly nearing Ahana and we both felt the jerk together.” I swear Ansh, if it’s a girl she has to be a Daddy’s or I should say Papa’s girl…” Ahana said making me smile more widely.

” But if there’s a boy, I am sure he is asking me to move away away from his Momma….” As soon as I said there was another jerk. Ahana was laughing loudly now and so was I.
” Hey! Already protective for your Mom.. Huh!! But I will tell you she’s mine already…. ”

” Ansh!! C’mon… ”
I smiled and pulled her closer closing the remaining gap between us. We both were looking at each other. Not averting the gaze at once. One of my hand was still rested on her stomach. I kissed her nose. I realised how much I loved her. A stream of tears were still flowing.

” Ahana… No matter what I always make you cry….” I said wiping her tears but it flowed more.
” Hmmm…. But My car… It’s disheveled and crashed… ”
I laughed.

” Are you really upset for that sweetie? C’mon, I will buy you a Cabriolet…..” I said making her chuckle.
” Ansh!! Yaar.. It was fav. I bought it with my hard earned money and anyways we already have one Cabriolet in the house. I don’t mind sitting next to my husband. Anyways I thought you were ready to drive for me. ”

” I don’t mind. But I thought you weren’t a BMW fan… ”
” I don’t mind Coz you are one… ” She whispered at the corner of my lips. Taking one of my hand off Ahana, I switched off the lights. The only light entering the room was from the windows. Amidst that faint light I could still see Ahana’s eyes wide open. After two minutes of us staring at each other I spoke.

” Ahana… Are you still hurt? Why aren’t you sleeping?”
She caressed my cheeks with her soft hand.
” It still feels like a dream. I don’t want it to get over. I don’t want to wake up in the morning to find this place empty like always. I don’t want you to aban…. ” Before she could complete herself I pulled her into a deep demanding kiss, stopping her from saying it.

” It ain’t a dream. I love you. Always had and always will. I won’t leave you ever. I promise that…
Hey! Please don’t cry…. ” I said kissing her tears away.
All of sudden she threw her hands behind my neck and then we lost the track of time. It felt such a pleasure to be with her. I poured all my feelings like my life dependents on that kiss we shared.

Possessive, demanding, sweet and hot. Full of Love and immense joy. Joy that we were finally together. Happiness, that Ahana loved me and proud of becoming parents soon. I never thought that just one person would make me feel so happy.


I spread my hands on the left side, and then disappointment filled me. I opened my eyes and the space beside me was empty.
Ansh!! Where did he go? I thought he wasn’t going to go anywhere.
I turned around and then I was really astonished.

” God!! You scared me.”
” Missing me already, Mrs. Raichand? ”
” I thought you went away again….” I said still in my sleeping form. While Ansh was in a kneeling form beside the bed.

Before I could say anything he crashed his lips on mine. After a while of making out we both were out of breath.

” God! Ansh… Morning Breath…” I said resting my hand on his chest.I have brushed already and had a shower too. And about you, I don’t mind….” He said pecking me again.
” Well, I can smell your after gel. But are you up already? It’s only 9 now. ” I said looking at the watch.

” For this, here. I couldn’t do it last night. ” I turned towards him and he had my ring in his hand. I gasped with astonishment. I didn’t expect this, first thing in the morning.

” Ahana Raichand…. Will you marry me, again? Because I love you so much that it pains not to be with you. ” As soon as he said that my tears had already reached the brim of my eyes.

” See, I am making you cry again. I don’t know when will I be able to make you laugh. ” I chuckled on his sentence.
” Ansh!! Thanks a lot for this. But, No… I ain’t marrying you again.” I said.

The bright cheerful colour of his face faded.
” But Why? I swear Ahana I won’t hurt you. I won’t abandon you. Please…. Don’t say no.. ”
” Ansh!! ” I said cupping his face as well as laughing.

” We are already married. And I don’t want to do all of that again. I know I was forced for the first time but I married you wholeheartedly. I don’t regret it ever….. ” I saw his smile return.
” Seriously….. ”

” Seriously, And I don’t want to make the mistake of marrying a guy like you again. I am satisfied doing that once. ” I said laughing.
” Really…. Then I swear you are going to regret what did you say, Sweetheart…” He said with an evil smile.

” Ansh!! What do you mean? ”
” I ll show you that…. ” He said pushing me on the bed and climbing on the top of me trapping me in between his hold.

” Ansh!! What are you planning to do? ” I said trying to push him back.
” I am taking my return gift.”
” For what? You didn’t even make me wear that…. ” I said looking away from him.

” Oh! I am sorry… Quickly give me your hand. I can’t wait.”
So couldn’t I. I missed wearing that band which connected us. I stretched my left hand and Ansh slipped the ring in my finger and gently kissed it.

He had been wearing his like forever, not once did he removed his ring. I couldn’t believe that I could be so happy.

” Ahana… There’s no one apart from you who owns me. You only deserved it from the beginning. Although I don’t deserve you, thanks for choosing me.

Thanks for not abandoning me when I gave you all the reasons to do so. Thanks for always loving my family like your…. Thanks for everything….” I was listening to him and his brown eyes said he meant all of that.
” Ahana… Why ain’t you saying something? Are you not happy? ”

” I am…. It’s just so much to take in. I am afraid I can’t handle so much of you Ansh…. ”

” Well, No worries you will learn. Now my turn for the gift.” He said bending down towards my neck and leaving hot trails of wet kisses. I Mõ@ɲ escaped my throat. He left a hickey too, I could feel it.
” Ah!! ”
” Ahana.. What happened? “Ansh…. Don’t you think you are too heavy me? ” I said.

” Oh!! I am sorry. I didn’t realise. Is it hurting here. Are you alright? Did I put a lot of pressure on your belly?
Hey! Babies… Are you well?” Ansh kept on asking me.

I was grinning all the time and luckily he didn’t see me laughing. I never knew he would be so caring. But, he actually was a caring gentleman from the beginning.

” Ahana.. Why aren’t you saying.. ” He looked at my smiling face and then I think he realised I was messing with him.

” Ahana… God!! Are you teasing me? This isn’t fair. Cheater….” He said pulling me closer but this time being more careful.
” Hey! Don’t call me Cheater. You aren’t letting me go. It’s already 9:40 Ansh… Everyone must be waiting for us.”

” Let them wait. I don’t get morning kisses every day. And anyways from today itself I want them. I missed not having them for one long year. I missed, not being able to sleep beside you. So… I am fulfilling all of that. ”

” Really…. ” I said looking at him.
” Really… And anyways I am not heavy. It’s you who is being heavy instead. ” He said laughing.

” Ansh! Are you saying I am getting fat. You Brat!! How can you say that. I am carrying your babies and You… ” I said hitting me on his chest and instead he was laughing.

Our room was filled with a mixture of laughs and my shouts. That’s been a long time since we had those laughs around us.

He held my hand and pulled closer me to stop me.
” Ahana… You are the most beautiful woman in the world. I am lucky that you are the mother of my kids.

No matter how fat you are or how slim you are, doesn’t really matters… no one can stop me from loving you and of course… Kissing you…” He said kissing me again.

” Ay!! You Jerk…. Get off me now.. ” I said laughing.

” No… You can’t overcome me.. ”
We were engaged in a light fight and oblivious to our surroundings.
” Guys! I was… ” We both freezed on hearing that voice.


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