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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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AGREEMENT – Episode 41

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❣️ Agreement.?‍❤️‍?

?? our marriage??
??is just a??
? piece of paper?

Indian romantic ?
?My Special Day?




When I woke up Ahana was still in my arms. Her head on my chest. Our legs were tangled. I put her loose strands of hair behind. She moved a bit. It was already 6. I didn’t want to end this but then we had a flight to catch.

I quietly and carefully place her head on the pillow and rushed in the shower. A warm shower felt refreshing.

When I came back, the bed was already empty and done properly.

” Morning!!” A fresh chirpy voice said. I turned around and saw Ahana with a cup.

” Morning… Sleepy head.”

” Wh@ťěver!! Here, your coffee. I will go and have a shower.” She said handing me the cup. I took a deep smell. Ahana’s coffee. It’s heaven.

Today, I was only in my black denims and a white t-shirt with of course my a black jacket. It feels incomplete without it.

I took the luggage and went downstairs. Dad and grandad were already waiting in the living.

” Morning Ansh!!”

” Morning….”

” So… Ready?” I nodded.

” Ansh….” Dad said.

“……. I will take care of Ahana.”
I completed.

” Good. I hope to trust you then.”

Just then Ahana came. She was also in black pants and a t-shirt. It looked like we were twining.

” Ahana… We will miss you and of course your coffee. ” Grandad said.

” Yeah, everyone here loves only Ahana…. ” I grunted.

” Ansh!! Shut up. Yes, Grandad. We will miss you too. Anyways it’s just a matter of few days.” Ahana indeed had won their hearts.

” Can we leave?” I said.

” Of course, Ansh is very desperate to be left alone with you. ” Dad said and I made a face. Ahana was still smiling.

Saying goodbyes we left.

Ahana and I were sitting in the back seat of the car.

” You have really bonded well with them.”

” I know…. Anyways I will text Jaai.”

” Yay!! Check on him. Hope he hasn’t changed his mind.”

” Well, he would never do that. Once he agrees, he will surely come. And he will be before time. He knows the cost of being late now. ” she said with a wink.

We reached the airport and as expected Jaai was already standing there, waiting for us.

” Hana… You are late. Hi! Ansh. ”
I waved to him. Ahana soon went towards him. I shouldn’t think like that but I still didn’t like it. He was her best friend but I was still somewhat jealous of him. Coz, he knew he so well. I wish I had such a rapport with Ahana but I intend to create one soon. Hoping that this trip will do good to us.

” Jaai Mehra… Don’t act smart. ” I heard her say.
” Let’s go now. It’s already 7.” I said from behind taking Ahana’s hand in my.

We went in our plane. Ahana was sitting beside me while Jaai was sitting just behind us. I thought Ahana was going to sit beside him. Nevermind I was happy.

The flight took off in 5 minutes. I was carrying my laptop and so was Ahana was Jaai. Everyone got engaged in their work.

” So, is anyone of you planning to tell me why this sudden vacation?” Jaai asked.

” No!!!” We both prompted together.
He gave a look and went back to his work. After an hour or so Ahana took closed her laptop and was reading some book.

I continued with the presentation.
” Hey! She slept already? ” Jaai said making me look at my sleeping wife.
” Huh!! Yeah! ” I replied to Jaai.

I didn’t realise when Ahana slept. I took the book from her hand and placed her head gently on the headrest. She moved a bit and instead rested her in my shoulder.

I covered her up in the blanket. He pulled her hand and captured my mine in her. I smiled at the gesture.
It was a short flight as it was a non stop one.

” So…. I think Ahana likes you.” Jaai said breaking the silence.

” Well, I don’t think so. She has a very strong impenetrable heart. But if you say I would love to believe you.”

“And I think that you have made a way to her impenetrable heart. Man, Don’t let her go.” He said putting his hand on my shoulder.
I glanced at Ahana.
” Never…..”

” This is your captain speaking. We will be landing in 15 minutes. Please wear your seat belts. ”

” Hey! Sleepy Head….. ” I called Ahana caressing her cheeks.
She turned a bit and rubbed her eyes.

” Don’t call me that….” She grunted.
” But you are one. Look we have already reached and the entire journey you were snoring.

” I said pointing towards the window.
She straighten a bit,removing her blanket.
” What! I don’t snore. And I don’t know why am I feeling so sleepy since so many days.

Wow!! It’s so beautiful. I always wanted to visit Maldives but couldn’t do it. The sea looks so ravishing. Where’s Jaai?”

” Here!!! Hana…. From when did you start sleeping so much? ”

” I don’t get why is everyone taunting me about it. Well, after this man in front of you made me pregnant. ” She blurted.

I was laughing now and so was Jaai. Ahana!! She is impossible.

After we landed, there was a car waiting for us. We had landed in Malé. I had booked cottages for us near the sea.

They were magnificent. I had personally done the bookings.
” Here, Jaai. That one is yours. ” I said handing him the keys.

” Ansh!! But these look big enough.” Ahana said when we were standing in front of ours.

Yay! 3 beds and 2 baths.” I replied.
” So, Jaai can easily live with us. Don’t you think he would be bored alone. ”

” Hana… I don’t mind. Anyways I didn’t want to come in first place and ruin your privacy, you need some. Right?” Ahana punched him when he said that.

” Well, I don’t mind. Anyways it’s difficult to handle Ahana alone. So you better help me. ” I said.
” Here, shift all the luggage in this one.” I asked the manager handing him a good tip.

We entered our cottage. It was really huge and spacious with a living in middle and 3 bedrooms on the ground floor itself. There was a mini kitchen too. It was sea facing and it felt like the sea was touching the us.

The water came almost to the door step. It was spread on a large area. The breeze was doing wonders to my mood too. It was a good idea to come here.

” You like it…..” I asked Ahana.
” I love it….. Isn’t it Jaai? Just like we planned when we were going to come.” Ahana said.

I could see the faded expression on his face. It shows how guilty he is. But I am sure the surprise will cheer him up for a lifetime. This man truly loves her. I wonder if I could ever live without Ahana. The thought is also scary.

” Yeah!! It is.” He replied in a monotonous tone.
” Let’s unpack and rest for a while and then we can go sightseeing.” Ahana said beaming with enthusiasm.

” Okay!! But I am not coming. You guys carry on. I have some work.”
” Jaai… Don’t be a spoilt sport. ”
Ahana said pushing him.
” Please…..”

” Ahana… Let him be for now. Anyways he can’t resist us tomorrow. You have to come with us buddy.”
He nodded and we retreated to our respective rooms.

Ahana went in for a shower and I unpacked my things, putting my laptop on charging.

She returned quickly, her fragrance blooming in the room.
” Ansh!! Do you think our plan will work?” She asked drying her wet hair.

” Of course it has too. Be ready. I will be back in jiffy and then we can go for a stroll.”
” Done!!!”

After about half an hour we set out to tour the nearby areas. Jaai wasn’t with us. The entire time Ahana had a huge smile plastered on her face.

I would make out that she surely loved to travel and explore new places. We even went to the beach for a while and ate some local delicacies.

There was a lot to do in Maldives. It had more than 1000 Islands but we had another mission now.

We could even go for water sports but Ahana wasn’t permitted hence we enjoyed ourselves on the beaches itself. Drinking lot of mocktails and chatting. I never knew that Ahana had so much to speak about. Her childhood, her bond with Ma and her favourite books. I would listen to her for a lifetime. She asked me a lot of things about me something that I never shared with anyone expect for Granny. We had too much fun together.1
In the late evening we returned to the cottage. Jaai was in the living room and watching a movie.
” So… Guys… How was your day or should I say date?” He said smirking towards us. I sat next to him quickly grabbing the water bottle.
” Well, the day was beautiful but there wasn’t any date… Happy?” Ahana replied quickly taking a place in the opposite couch.
” You want one? ” I asked her smiling.
” See, Now I am being like a kebab between you two.” Jaai interrupted our stare.
” Jaai!! Just shut up. Tomorrow we are going to the Vadhoo Island to meet someone. Be in your best Coz it can turn something more than business.” Ahana said quickly shutting him up.
” Look, I am not coming since it’s your business meeting. ”
” So, you are going to sulk the entire day here and miss out those beautiful beaches. God!! No…. I ain’t letting you do it. ”
Ahana said making a face.
” C’mon Jaai. Don’t do this.”
I said in support of Ahana and she winked at me.
” Man!! I am stuck between a sea of stubborn people. No one win against you two. Fine!! I will be ready. ”
” Better… I am going to catch some sleep. Tired already…” Ahana said standing up.
” So, am I…. I am also coming Ahana….” I said.

” I swear you guys can’t live apart. Right? Don’t be awake till late night or else….. ”
” Hey!!! ” I punched him hard in his stomach.
Ahana was laughing now.
” Ansh give this boring man some support and some company. And please carry a water bottle when you come. Bye… Good night. ”
” Good night Hana…. I will send Ansh quickly. ” Jaai said winking at Ahana.
” Yeah!! Wh@ťěver….”
After about an hour we wind the things as the movie ended. Jaai went to his room and I came to mine. Ahana was reading a book when I entered the room.+
” You still awake? ”
” Yeah!! Did you speak to her?”
” I will do that in the morning. I texted Dad that we reached already. I will go have a shower. Are you hungry? Coz we didn’t have a proper dinner.”
” Hmmmm… Well, I am feeling like but I don’t know what we have in the pantry. Even I texted Ma. She was more excited than me. ”
” God!! Ahana…. Wait I will order something. Can’t you tell me this before? You shouldn’t skip your food. ” I was worried.
” Ansh!! I am not starving. First you have a shower and then we can decide.”
After Ansh returned from his shower we went to the kitchen. All I could find is a few Packets of Maggie and fruits and vegetables.
” Let’s call the restaurant. ” I suggested.

I came back soon.
” They are closed. Now? ”
” Let’s cook some Maggie. It’s been a long time since I had it.”
I cut some vegetables and I put the water to boil.

Within 10 minutes we were ready with two bowls of hot and lip-smacking Maggie.
” Maggie always works, Right? “Ahana asked as we returned to the deck of our room.

Always….. ”
We both sat in the balcony and finished it. The cool breeze and the magnificent view of the sea made our night beautiful. The deck had an amazing view. The sea waves were touching our cottage and it looked wonderful.


Ansh wiped my face and took the bowls. I was sleepy now. Ansh came with a water bottle. I drank it and we switched off the lights. The only light coming was from the moon.
” I hope your tummy is full now.” Ansh said.

” Yes… It is. Thanks…. Anyways we have a lot of work to do tomorrow. Let’s grab some sleep.”
Before I could grab the blanket Ansh already did it for us. He crept in and covered us completely. I was about to turn the other side when he snaked his hand and pulled me closer to him. My face was resting on his chest and his hands were around my shoulder.

” I can’t sleep without you Ahana…” I heard him say. I saw his eyes were already closed.

” So, Can’t I…..” I replied and put my arms around him.
Each other’s embrace is what suits us and I don’t know when all this happened. It was a wonderful day. I never imagined to see Ansh’s this side. He was more frank than before.

A more lively side of his. He smiled more often now. And I was very happy with all the plannings he had done. It was beautiful here. A much needed break.

In the dim light with the sea sound in the background I saw Ansh’s beautiful eyelashes. He was already asleep. He looked even more handsome while sleeping. I gently kissed him on the cheeks and rested my head on his chest. He pulled me closer while I let my eyes shut.

The sun rays were falling on my eyes. I could feel it despite my eyes were closed.
All of sudden, I fell something cover it. There was some shadow. I opened my eyes slowly.
” Morning… Mrs. Raichand.”

I turned around, yawning and stretching.
” Good Morning….” I said still sleeping.
” I don’t want such a bland morning.” He said jumping on the bed and trapping me in between his hands.
” Ansh!! What are you doing?” I said, my eyes were wide open now. His face was directly over mine. I could smell his strong cologne and a mix of after shower. I think he already had his shower.

” I want a morning Kis…. ”
” Ansh… I haven’t even brushed. Morning Breadth….”
” I don’t mind…. A good night’s kiss wasn’t enough for the hard work I have put. ” He winked, coming closer to me. His cunning smile.

Automatically my eyes shut down. I felt his shallow breadth mixing with mine.
” Guys? Are you ready? ”
” $h|t! What the…” Ansh cursed. I opened my eyes instantly.
We were still locked in the position.
” I hope I am not disturbing you this lovely morning. Is the door open?” Jaai asked.

” Yes, You are….” Ansh groaned and a chuckled escaped my lips.
” Ansh!! Get up now. It looks rude and we are getting late now.” I said pushing him backwards.

” Argghh… I h@ťě your friend… ” He said, sitting on the bed.
I stood up and before he could realise I pecked him quickly on his cheeks.
” Morning kiss….” I smiled and he looked puzzled. But he wasn’t happy though.
I sprinted and opened the door.

” Jaai… You are ready already. ”
” Yeah!! I was so bored. I thought if you are not willing to come with me and want to spend some time alone I will carry on. Anyways the manager came to inform that the yacht is ready to take us to Vadhoo Island.”
” Wow!! ” I said clapping my hands.
” You guys grab some breakfast and I will come down in a jiffy. ”

I said rushing towards the bathroom.
” Hi! Ansh…. Morning… ” I heard Jaai saying.
” Can I ki|| you? ” Ansh replied and I could see Jaai’s surprised face. I was still laughing.

I wasn’t so happy in such a long time. It was a very different feeling. I was loving it. Also, I was very excited to meet Zara after such a long time.
Ansh was in his best this morning.
A navy blue half sleeve t-shirt with a beige trousers. Looking smart and handsome.

After a quick warm shower I had washed my hair. I got in a light black and white stripes knee length dress. I paired it with a denim jacket and a hat. Along with my watch. The dress was showing my little baby bump perfectly.

I went downstairs. Jaai and Ansh were already waiting for me. I joined them for breakfast.
” Hana… You look gorgeous….” Jaai said and smiled at him.
Ansh looked at him angrily. I thought he will say it. Nevermind… I know Ansh isn’t that expressive person.
” She’s mine…” He said putting his hand on me.

” Of course she is…” He replied.
” Enough Boys… Let’s Go.. I am excited already.”
We went till the shore in the car and the spacious yacht was waiting for us. White and Elegant. Ansh lend his hand to me and we went on board. It was beautiful. The sun and the sound of the sea.

The colour of the sky and the vivid ocean was matching.
” Where is she waiting? Did you call her?” I whispered.
” Yes, The Adaaran Resort.”
We reached there within an hour minutes.
” Guys… I will be back in a moment.”
” Jaai… Where are you going?”
” Go on. I will be back.”
” Come on in Ahana…..” Ansh held my hand.

We entered the Resort Loby. I looked around but I couldn’t see her. These resorts like the ones in Malè gave beautiful cottages by the sea. It was amidst blue water.
” Ansh…. ”

” Hmmm.. She said that she reached already.” He replied.
” I am thirsty. ”
” Wait here. I will get you some water.” Saying so he went.
I was looking around to find the person whom I wanted to see desperately.

” Hana…..” I turned around to that long lost voice.
Short burgundy hair but same round eyes with lens.
” Zar…. ” I whispered. There was a stream of tears already in both our eyes.


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