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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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AGREEMENT – Episode 40

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❣️ Agreement.?‍❤️‍?

?? our marriage??
??is just a??
? piece of paper?

Indian romantic ?
?My Special Day?

It always felt wonderful to be with Ahana. She is such a kind of person, that the more you know her the more you will want to know her.

I saw a little innocent girl hidden deep inside her today at the beach.
” Ansh… What are you thinking?” She said bringing me back.
” Huh! Nothing….”
” Don’t lie…..” She made an expression.

” Well, I was thinking that when are we going to tell everyone about the Twins. It’s their right too.” I said changing the topic. I was driving while Ahana was beside me. I did lie, but I was thinking about it lately.
She looked a bit upset now.

” Ahana…. ” I said looking at her and then at the road.
” Hmmm…

I am feeling guilty now. I shouldn’t have hidden about it in the first place. Everyone should know about it. What will they think about me?” She was on the verge of crying.
We had already reached the office by then. I parked the car at the usual place.

Then I held her hand and lifted her chin up cleaning the fresh tears.
” It’s Fine… You had your reasons, and I was responsible for all of them.

But it was a thing of past. Look… They all will be equally happy about it. I know. And I will answer all their questions. Trust me…”
She nodded.

” We can tell them together. A get-together at our home would be fine. ”
” Done… After we return from Maldives…. ” I said.
” What? When are we going there?” She asked me surprised.

” Tomorrow Morning… ”
” Huh!! Are you serious? ”
” Yes… I don’t think we should delay it more. It’s already been a long wait. And I have planned everything. ”

She smiled at me. It was the best thing ever. Those dimples will surely be the death of me one day.
We entered our lobby.

I must say everyone was equally surprised seeing Ahana. I think they all liked her. All the employees were coming towards us and wishing us. It was a very different sort of happiness.

Something that I can’t express. Something that, Ahana was responsible.
Happiness of becoming a father, that too not of one but two. Just then Jen came.

” Morning Mam… Morning Sir. Nice to see both of you together.” She said hugging Ahana.
” Same here….”
” How are you mam?”
” I am good.”
” Anyways… Her work wouldn’t be pending Jen, is it?” I said.

” Not at all sir. Although mam didn’t come to the office for almost 3 months all her work is up to date.”

” Okay!! We are in my cabin. I hope there is no meeting set up for a week. ” I said.
” No Sir… I have rescheduled it. ”
” A week….. Ansh…. ” Ahana said giving her evergreen surprised look.
” I will explain. Thanks, Jen. ” I said pulling Ahana to my cabin.

” Ansh!! What the hell are you planning to do?” She said once we were in the office.
” We are going to Maldives. I told you right? ”
” For a week…..”

” It’s a wonderful place. Won’t we enjoy ourselves? ”

” I know you have something going on in your wicked mind. You are not a person who will take a vacation.” She said sitting in the chair.
I neared her and wrapped my hands around her waist.
” Ansh!! What are you doing? ”
” Really…. You know me so well… ”

Just then someone knocked.
” God!! Wrong Timing. Come in. ” I said and Ahana chuckled.

” Sir, coffee….” Jen came in and put the coffee on the table and left.
” Ahana… No….” I said when she was about to take one of the cups in her hand.

” What?”
” You are on a ‘No Coffee’ Streak Remember? You have already controlled for such a long time. Why not for some more time?”

” Aww… One sip won’t be a problem. Anyways I don’t want to drink but since the cup is in front of me I feel like. ”

” But you will be tempted more.”I said and She made a face.
” Okay!! One sip and then I will treat you with a big cup of hot chocolate and a pastry. ” I said.
” Promise…. ” She smiled.
” Yeah!! ”

” So… Ansh!! What is the protocol? How did you find all this and when? Did you call her? ”

” Yeah…. I will explain.” I replied taking her to the flash back scene when I called Miss. Rose.

” Can I speak to Miss. Rose? It’s Ansh Raichand speaking. ”
” One Second Please. I transfer the call.”
” Yes, Mr. Raichand. How can I help you? “She asked.
” Actually, your work has been amazing.

The designs which you had sent us are liked by the entire board of directors. We would like to work with you for the coming project too. That’s the reason why I called you personally. ”

” Oh! That’s Amazing to hear. I am looking forward too. But I am afraid I am not in the country now.”
” Not a problem. When can we meet? ”
” Well, I am on a month long vacation. I am Maldives now. ” She replied.

” I don’t mind coming there for a meeting, if you agree coz I don’t like delays. ”
” Well, some work would be fine. Do inform me when you will be arriving and I will make arrangements. ”

” It won’t be necessary. I wouldn’t like to bother you on your vacation. We can meet after 2 days. Please text me your location. ”
” Okay!! Done…”


I was surprised and equally impressed with what Ansh told me. I never expected this from him. He surprised me like always. A Surprise Package When I first saw the photo I wasn’t able to believe it that she is Zara.

How could she be? Long auburn hair and round eyes. But she is definitely Zara. The only difference is her hair is a bit short, and she is wearing lenses. That’s it. I can never forget her. Her diamond cut face and that smile.

” Ansh! I can’t believe it. How did you find her?”
” You know that I went to London, about a month before our wedding.”+
” Hmmm….”

” She is the head of operations of the ‘Fashion Feista’. I met her there for getting the designs of our new brand, ‘Quintessence’, The Aurora of Uniqueness. You know right? We are in it together. ”

” Of course, I know. Didn’t I tell you that the designs were awesome and so was the response from our clients. One the most profit making firms. ”

” Yeah!! So when Jaai showed me your picture with her I found it to be similar. And then I left abruptly from the charity event to confirm her with the group picture we took at the event in London. ”

” Hmmm…. And even Jaai was looking for her in London itself. So now what will we do? ”
” Call Jaai and tell him about it. “No…. We will go together at his house in the evening, and then we will tell him about the vacation. Let’s keep it a surprise for him. He will be shocked and will go crazy. ”

” Are you sure? He can prepare himself if you tell him beforehand.”
” Ansh!! He is always prepared. I am going to my cabin and will do some work. Tell me when we have to leave. ”
” Sure… Don’t exhaust yourself. ”
” Ansh!! ” I called him while leaving.
” Hmm… ” He looked up from his files.
” Thanks…. ”
I smiled.
” Anytime… ” He winked.

I went in my cabin. I missed it so much. I sat on my comfy chair. It feels so good to be back. The place was as it is as I saw it the last time.
I kept my purse on the table and removed all the files.

Among them I saw AGREEMENT papers.
God!! If only this wasn’t between us things would have been better. I kept it aside with the files and engrossed myself in the work.

” Hey!! Are you Done?” Ansh entered.
I looked at the clock. It was only 3 pm.

” When are you going to knock?” I asked, not looking at him.
” When are you going to realize that I am your husband?

” As soon as he said this I looked at him, straight.
I didn’t have any answer. But when did I say that he wasn’t my husband…..
Oh! God…
” Why are you here? ”
” I think we were going to meet someone. Did you forget? ”

” Jaai… Yeah! He mustn’t be home now. Coz it’s only 3 now. He will be back by 5 in the evening. ” I said closing my files.

” Aren’t you not hungry? I thought we will have our lunch on the way. ” He said sitting on the edge of the table.
I really forgot that I was hungry.

” Ahana, Don’t tell me you don’t even realize that you are hungry.” He said laughing loudly.

Did I ever mention that Ansh looks so good while laughing. Innocent and a kid like. I too smiled.

” Hmmm…. My workaholic wife. So, tell me what are you craving today? ”
” Hmm…. Chinese. It’s long time I didn’t have it. ”

” Fine! Mainland China?”
” Okay!!! Just a minute.”
We left in 10 minutes. We reached our destination and I swear I was already starving. Ansh quickly held my hand and together we entered.

We ordered a lot of varieties. It was for the first time in one year that we were having lunch together in a restaurant. I think I ate a lot. We ordered our desserts too. And I saw a different of Ansh, A Foodie Ansh. I never knew that he could be cheating on his diet plans. Despite his workout, not once he complained about how many calories we were in taking today.

” Well, Ansh… Don’t you think you are cheating on your diet?” I asked will we were charging on our dessert.
” Hmmm… I don’t think so, Ahana. What’s the use of this lovely life when you can’t enjoy the pleasures which it has to give you. I love it this way. Few hundred calories here and there, not an issue… I will burn them too…” He said laughing.

” God!! Ansh… I am so full. We had a late lunch and I don’t think I have space for dinner too.” I said drinking water.
” Let’s see….”
After lunch, we headed straight to Jaai’s house.

He opened the door. He was in his shorts and jersey. A surprised look was plastered on his face.
” Huh! Hana… Oh! Ansh, You are here too…. What a surprise!! What are you doing here? ”

” Why? Aren’t we allowed in your house? You aren’t even welcoming us.” I said. Ansh was standing beside me with his hands in his pockets.
” Ah!! No… It’s not like that. Come in. Please… ”

We went in and sat on the sofa.
” What will you have? Tea or coffee? Hana, Hot chocolate? ”

” Jaai, C’mon… Don’t be so formal. We came here to tell you something. Ahana will tell you.”
” Well, J…. We have planned a mini trip to Maldives….. ”

” Don’t worry at all. You guys have fun and I will manage your work. ” He replied promptly.
” No… You too have to come with us. ” Ansh said and Jaai was pretty much surprised.
” No… It’s your vacation. And Hana, don’t you remember we weren’t going to Maldives. I am not feeling well anyways.” Jaai… Enough is enough now already. Don’t lie.

You are perfectly fine. You have to move on now. You don’t even know where is she and with whom…… ” I said loudly.

” Hana…. Of all the people you are the one who is saying this….”
” Yes…. I am saying this because YOU are stuck in the past. It’s high time now… ” I said standing up now and looking at Ansh.

I think he understood what I meant. It’s the time to put up a good act.
” Jaai, I think Ahana is right. You must let go of it and come with us. ” Ansh finally said something.

” I really appreciate your concern Ansh, But I have promised someone… And I am not breaking it.” He said the last line looking at me.

” Huh!! Jaai… d@mn Your Promise. Only those people matter to you who abandoned you. What about me? I was there with you always and this is what you do. “I said, still acting frustrated.

” Ahana…. Stop troubling him unnecessarily. Why are you forcing him when he doesn’t feel like coming? ” Ansh said holding my hand.

” Ansh!! You better stay away from this. Don’t you dare speak in between us…..” I replied jerking his hand.
I noticed Jaai’s worried look.

” Why….. You can’t order what everyone has to do. It’s their own decision. Let Jaai decide for himself. Don’t be so stubborn. ”

” I am stubborn like this…. You… ”
” Guys!! Guys!! You are impossible. Stop bickering because of me. I am coming with you. When are we leaving? ” Jaai finally said, stopping our argument.

I smiled at Ansh. He too winked at me. It was working now.
” Tomorrow morning meet us at the airport at 7. Its Ansh’s treat, and we are going in the private jet.” I said grabbing my clutch.

” What? Are you serious? ”
I held Ansh’s hand and pulled him out of the house.
” Never been better…. Bye… See you tomorrow. ” I winked.
He looked at Ansh, hopefully and Ansh gave him a ‘What to do’ look. I smiled faintly.
I pulled Ansh with me.
” Bye Buddy….. ” Ansh said.

Jaai waved still confused.
We got in the car, and I was laughing profusely. There were almost tears in my eyes. Ansh ignited the engine and we sped.

” Ahana…… It’s Okay now…
But I just don’t understand how he is friends with you. None can win in front of you. Anyone would agree looking at you. ”

” Ansh!! You are being rude now. Our planned worked and the credits goes to me for that. And we doing it for him only. He will thank us in the end. ” I said pointing fingers towards me.
He smiled.
” Hmmm… Of course darling. You are a born fighter or I should say an expert in arguments. ”



We are sitting in the living surrounded by two Dads and grandads and Ma.
Ansh and I weren’t aware that Raichand’s had invited Sehgal’s for an Icecream party. Seriously, An Icecream party. I don’t know what they are doing always. Yes!!

Sorry guys for telling you this on a short notice, but we are going there for some important work. Once we return we will tell you for sure.” I said.
” Important work? The Maldives. If you want to your Baby Moon so you can tell us we won’t mind.” My Dad said.

” No Dad…. Even Jaai is coming. There’s nothing like what you think. ” I wonder why Ansh wasn’t opening his mouth. It’s always me who has to do this.
” If there’s something, I won’t mind. Isn’t it? ” Ansh’s Dad said this time.
” Dad!!! You surprised us and now we did. Don’t worry about the company, I will manage….. ” Finally Ansh Raichand speaks. I sighed a relief.
Every one was still grinning.
” Okay!! Ahana you need to take care of yourself. Right?” Ma said.
I nodded.

” Ansh!!! It’s for you too. Since none of us will be with you, you need to take care of her. It’s more than 4 months now.” Ma told Ansh.

” Fellas!! Don’t worry about us….. Chill….. We will be back within a week. C’mon or else the Icecream will surely melt….. And I know very well how to take care of my wife. No worries. ” Ansh said making everyone laugh.
” He surely is very excited for this trip. I think it has to more than any important work. I doubt my son. ” Dad said.
” Hey! Dad… ” Ansh exclaimed while the laughs continued.
So, finally we all sat together in our mini garden to have ice-cream. The boys were having their talk and Ma and I were gossiping.
They left within an hour. Ansh and I returned to the room. We had to pack as well. I packed my and he did his.

” Done? ” He said taking his luggage out of the closet.
” Done Already!! I am excited. I don’t know how they are going to react when they see each other. What do you think will happen? Will they accept each other?” I said keeping my bag beside his and sitting on the bed.

” Hmmm… Well, I don’t know what will they do, but I am sure if they truly loved each other for one day, they are going to melt in each other’s hands. Right? That’s how love is? ”

He said sitting beside me.
” Hmmm… Maybe… I don’t know. Have never experienced it. ” I said casually but then I don’t think I should have said that.

There was some kind of unusual change of expression in Ansh’s eyes. He was just looking at me. He didn’t say anything. But then, we don’t Love each other… Right? We aren’t supposed to feel anything.

” Hmmm… Yay!!” He said getting up. I never asked him if he loved someone. Or I never had that strength to ask. But Why?? I am not jealous. Why should I be? He surely must be loving someone.

” Ahana… What happened?”
” Huh!! Nothing… Where are you going?”
” To the study. I think I will finish of some work.”

” No… You are not going anywhere. It’s already 12:30. Straight to bed Coz we have to wake up early.” I said pointing towards the bed.

” Seriously, Momma Ahana…. I am not your baby…… ”
” Yes… You are. C’mon.. Quick. Switch off the lights. ”
I got into the duvet and surprisingly Ansh didn’t argue much.

He too switched off the lights and I felt his presence beside me. He put his hand on my waist softly, not disturbing the babies and pulled me toward him. I felt my head touching his hard chest.

” If this is what you want…. I can’t get a peaceful sleep without you.” He whispered in my ears.

I had those butterflies feelings again in my tummy. I engulfed a bit more in his chest and this time I wrapped my hand around him.

” Me too….” It was a whisper.
” But I heard that….. ” He said and kissed me on my forehead.

With a faint smile and a peaceful heart my eyes shut down. It was a long day.

Wrapped in Ansh’s hand, with both of our shallow breaths mingling, I let sleep overcome me.
Coz…. Maldives… Here we come.


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