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Friday, October 18, 2024
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AGREEMENT – Episode 24

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❣️ Agreement.?‍❤️‍?

?? our marriage??
??is just a??
? piece of paper?

Indian romantic ?
?My Special Day?

” He ate. Please you too have your dinner.” I received Mir’s text.

” Thanks….”
” Anytime.” He replied.
Being just upset can be called an understatement when I saw Ansh leaving the house angrily that too only in his white vest.

Like… Seriously. He was doing this. Why am I considered at fault always? Can’t I speak to my friend also? Oh! Jaai. He is depressed like hell.

I recalled our conversation. It was really upsetting me too.
” Hana…. We lost… Our lost. My love wasn’t enough for both of us.”

He said, almost on the verge of break down.

” J…. Sweetie… What happened? Please elaborate.” I said calmly. I know Ansh is standing out there filled with rage but this was more important than his anger.

A friend needs me now.
” I think, we have lost her forever. My detective says that she isn’t in London now and her whereabouts aren’t known. ”

” Oh… But you weren’t giving up, remember….”

” Hmmm… I am not. But you can’t find someone who doesn’t want to be found. I don’t know what to do now. Was our love really that weak that it couldn’t withstand a fight? ”

I understand that it just a fight Jaai. But I wish I could tell you that it was maybe more than that.

” It’s… Okay. We ll find her. I ll help you. When are you coming back? ”
” Maybe…. I don’t know. I still have some unfinished work. Hana…. Did Ansh hear any of this?”

What if he did…. Never mind…
” Hmm… He picked up the call but I don’t think he did. Anyways… You take care. We ll figure it out soon. ”
” Bye… Take Care. ”

He hung. He was sad. I wish I could help him more.

I still remember that dreadful look an Ansh’s face. Why did he leave, he always does this whenever he is angry with me. He abandons me always.

I picked up his shirt which was lying on the floor all crumpled up. I could smell his typical Davidoff Cool water Smell. Well it was my favourite too.

I couldn’t resist it. Quietly I folded it and kept in my closet.

But now I was getting a bit worried. Where did he go at this hour ?
Finally getting a bit frustrated I called in our office.

” Is Ansh there?”
” Yes, mam… Sir just arrived a few minutes ago.”

” Okay… Thank you.”
I had called the receptionist of our office.

After living with Ansh for so many months I knew that he must have gone to the office.

Where else he could be. But he must be hungry and all alone now. Should I call Mir?

” Hey… Ahana. What’s up? ”
” Hi.. Mir. Howz Piya?”

” She’s fine. She went to her parent’s house. I was about to call Ansh so that we could hang out.”
” Oh…..”

” What happened Ahana? Can I speak to Ansh?”

” Hmmm… Frankly speaking he is not home. We had a small fight and he left to the office. I just needed a favour from you if I am not bothering you. ”

” Oh!! Why not. Of course. You just tell me and I ll bring him home.

Anyways Piya left so I have all the time. I ll teach him a good lesson. ”

” Mir… It’s not like that. I just want you to bring him some food and accompany him. He needs you now. ”
” Ahana… Are you fine? Should I ask Piya to come there? ”

” No…. Please don’t trouble her. Just do this much and it will be more than enough. Thanks. ”

” Yup! I ll text you later. ”
After Mir’s text I finally had a relief. I had changed into my pajamas and a t-shirt and frankly I was starving.

I went towards the kitchen. I could still smell the aroma. I wonder what he made for us tonight.

I opened the closed lid of the pan…
Pasta!!! I was never a fan of Italian food. I preferred Chinese and Indian over other cuisines.

But tonight my stomach was growling and even that Pasta looked appealing too.

I didn’t like eating pasta. Pizza was fine at times although.

But since I didn’t cook I had no option left. Even last time I couldn’t taste his food so this time I served myself.

I took a small bit and it melted completely in my mouth arousing my taste buds.

God! This is too good. Awesome!! He’s an expert cook. Although I rarely eat pasta but this was the best of all.

After Ma’s food, I think Ansh’s was the best. In no time I completed all of it.

Along with red wine it felt divine. A blessing to my empty stomach. In moments I completed the entire of it. Finally I felt satisfied.

I retarded to my bedroom after checking the doors since I was alone in the house. I knew Ansh wasn’t going to return till morning. He had his friend by his side now.

In few minutes after I was reading a novel, I succumbed to deep sleep. It was indeed a tiring day after all.

I grabbed a small and quick breakfast of bread and peanut butter which Sara had prepared. Ansh didn’t return till now.

I am sure he must be working already in the office.

When I reached the office, Jen was standing outside Ansh’s cabin.
” What happened ?”

” Nothing… Mam we need Ansh Sir’s sign urgently.”

” Jen.. Why is it always on the last moment? Go in and take it.”
” It’s like if you did…”

She was now upsetting me. What the hell was going on in his cabin? I took the files from her hand and rushed in.

And the sight was actually surprising.

” Oh!! Ahana…. What are you doing here? ” Ansh said rubbing his eyes.
” Hmmm… ” I said looking around the pathetic condition of his cabin.

” Hey! Morning Ahana…..” Mir said getting up from the couch.

” Morning…. I can see that you guys had a very good night. So, since the sun is already overhead will you both take the privilege to get up and freshen up. Ansh, you need to to sign here. Quick! ”

” I ll need to take a look.” He said, still lazily.

I gave him a grump look.
” What… I think, you already had a look yesterday. ”
” But, still….. ”

” Hump!! Fine…. Jen….. ” I said, keeping the files on the table.
” Ask, the house keeping to clean this place up. We have an important meeting after the lunch.

You can collect the files from him.” I said leaving the cabin.

It was in a utter mess. But anyways Ansh’s mood seemed a bit lifted and that was good. I returned to my cabin and started working on my ppt.
” Hey! Ma…. ” I picked my ringing cell. It was Ma.

” We have reached about 3 hours ago. This place is Awesome.” She said excited.

” Good! You are enjoying already.”
” So… What did you do last night? Had some fun alone?”

What to say…. I truly had some fun all alone. Not to forget the delicious pasta made by my husband.

” Hmmm.. So Ma… How is everybody doing? How is the climate there? ”
” Aha… Don’t answer me if you don’t want to… okay… But don’t change the topic.

Everyone is doing great. The climate is awesome. You please take care. We ll speak later.”
” Okay! Bye…”

Phew!! That was close. I just hope that I ll not have to lie now.
Ansh and Mir really seemed to have fun last night.

Come.. On at least one of us had a peaceful sleep.

Then I remembered that I had a very important work to take care off. It was urgent.

I had a very hard time searching for the Zaveri’s Number.

” Yes, Zaveri Ltd. How may I help you?”

” I am Ahana Sehgal speaking from the Sehgal Enterprises.

Can I speak to Mr. Ram Zaveri. It’s important.”
” I am sorry Mam, but Sir is busy right now. I can set you an appointment.”

” I am speaking from Mumbai. I am afraid I ll not be able to reach Sydney so soon. If you can just tell him it’s me it would help. ” I said.

The secretary had a very good Australian accent.
” Yes… Mam… He ll speak to you in a moment. ”

” Ahana…… Dear. How are you? A long time I must say. ” I recognised his same husky voice.

” Hi.. Uncle. I just hope you are in the best of your health.”

” Never been better. Are you in Sydney? We can catch up. ”
” That would be great but I am in Mumbai. How is Aunt Gita? ”

” She is fit and fine. I must say she really misses you on some days. Specially when she makes her Chocolate Plum Cake.

Oh! Anyways how is your Dad and Grandpa ? And not to forget your husband Mrs. Raichand.”

I missed Aunt Gita’s Plum Cake too. Just thinking about it brings those happy and joyous memories flooding back.

I must say I was astonished that he knew I was married.

” Oh! I thought you weren’t aware. That’s why I had to mention Sehgal’s. Anyways Dad and granpa are fine. And so is Ansh. I thought…. ”

” Yeah!! You thought that I wasn’t aware that one of my daughter is married and I wasn’t invited at all. It was all the papers. ”

I should have know that. I was actually feeling guilty now. I too think that I was also one of the person responsible in the situation we were left in today.

” Uncle… You don’t know how hard we tried to reach you but you didn’t leave a trace. You vanished without looking back.”

” Ahana… To look back at what? What he did? Why should I look back at the place where I lost the person I loved so much. More than my life. ”

I know he was upset and he should be coz he had valid reasons to be. He was hurt more than to be repair.

And so were the others. In some way or the other, but someone will have to make a move to apologise or else everything will be lost and that too forever.

” Uncle, I know what you have gone through.”
” You don’t know Ahana… It’s been more than 3 years now.”

” That’s why I have called you. I need to know something and it’s very important.”


I was a bit surprised when Mir called me yesterday night. But any which ways I had fun.

I thought Ahana won’t even want to see my face in the morning but she always surprised me.

She was so cool as if nothing happened last night. And I being a jerk was staring her.

She was in a red long sleeves abit of sweater type t-shirt and short dark navy blue colour skirt.

Along with brown boots. She looked so fresh and gorgeous in the morning. But I must mention that she can surely carry any dress beautifully.

Mir left soon after Ahana came. I had a shower and changed in a fresh hazel brown suit.

Ahana had brought my suit too with her. And I really wonder how in the earth she knew that I didn’t had a spare here in the office.

I signed the documents and went to her cabin to have a look at what was she doing.

But I heard her speaking to someone and maybe she was pleading.

I stood outside still. I know I was eavesdropping again but I wanted to know what was happening.

” I am really sorry for wh@ťěver has happened. But please help me. Or else everyone will suffer.

I know it’s his fault but I think everyone needs a chance in life.”
I heard her saying. I was now curious like hell. So I dashed in to know whom was she talking to.

As I entered she turned around and our eyes met. I could see some faint tears and along with that some anger. I think she didn’t like it.

” Ahana…… ” I acted very casually as if I didn’t hear her speaking at all.
She waved her hand and asked me to wait for 5 minutes.

” Hmm…. Thank you Uncle. I hope we ll meet soon. Please let me know if know something. Give me regards to Aunt Gita. Bye… ”

She hung up but I know she is upset over something.

” Ansh…. You can’t even knock?”
” With whom were you talking? And I don’t think a husband needs permission before entering her wife’s cabin. ”

I said coming close to her. I could smell her fragrance even from such a distance. I put the folder on the table.

” Is that so? But now we are in the office and you need to have some manners. ” She said pointing towards me.

” I think I asked you something.” I said with a stern look. I don’t know what was she hiding and why?

” And I didn’t answer it. Simple. Do I have to say everything to you always. ”
” Ahana… Don’t agitate me. I know something is going on.”

” You mustn’t care. And from when were you so interested in things happening in my life. All you always do is to throw up and run away from the house without informing me and ignoring the calls. ”

” Don’t change the topic Ahana…. ” I said moving more close now.
” Ansh…. We have a meeting. Let’s get going.

And next time I want you to knock the door before entering. Do you get it? ”

” I am not stopping until I know what is going on. I am Ansh Raichand. I do what I want and I ll make sure you tell me what is happening. ”

” As… If you care. ”
” Yes… I do…. ” I said holding firmly an her shoulders, staring right in her eye.

She was just looking at me. I left her there and went straight to the conference room. Her words still playing in my mind.

I can’t forget those eyes when she looks at me like a tigress. No fear at all.

I ll have to know with whom was she speaking and why was it so important. And why wasn’t she telling me.

In the conference room too she was a bit aloof. Surprisingly she didn’t put forth any arguments or doubts. She just nodded her head everytime someone said something.

She wasn’t Ahana. She is the one always questioning and taking part but I can notice that she was lost somewhere.

And while I was busy observing her moments that even I didn’t pay any attention to the meeting.

She was constantly putting her pen on the edge of her lips and was deeply thinking about something. Her small dimples popping up.

And her loose strands of hair were troubling her again and again which she was putting behind her ears time and again.

Aarrggg,…. Enough Now..
” Guys.. I think it’s enough for the day. We can talk about this in our next meeting.” I can’t let this affect our company.

” Is it fine with you Ahana….” I asked deliberately.

She nodded as expected staring at the laptop. I dismissed everyone and stood near the door. I think she didn’t realise everyone left.

After about 5 minutes I got a bit tensed.
” Ahana…. Till what time are you planning to stare?”

” Huh!! What… Everyone left. You didn’t even asked me.”

” Hmmm… You were so busy that all you were doing was nodding.
So I dismissed them. I can’t let your disturbed state of mind affect the work. ”

” So.. You are saying I am a bit disturbed. ”

” It looks like that. Now tell me what were you thinking. ”
” No… I am not. Remember we signed an AGREEMENT. So please leave me alone. ”

She looked angry and upset.
I know we signed it. Why does she remind me that every time.

Everytime I question her she brings this topic up.

” But.. That doesn’t change the fact that I am your husband. Do you see that ring in your hand….. Remember who owns you. ”

” Ansh….. It’s too much now. No one owns me. Do you get that? I haven’t given that right to anyone. And I am fed up of fighting now. ”

” So… Am I. But I ll get back to you…. ” I said angrily and went away.

” Ansh….. What do you mean? ”
I heard her shout. Actually even I wasn’t aware what I was going to do now. But now I needed a strong coffee.

God!! I didn’t have Ahana’s coffee from such a long time. I miss it deadly.

My prime concern was to find out what the hell was happening behind my back and why wasn’t Ahana speaking up.


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