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Friday, October 18, 2024
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AGREEMENT – Episode 18

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❣️ Agreement.?‍❤️‍?

?? our marriage??
??is just a??
? piece of paper?

Indian romantic ?
?My Special Day?
Episode: 18

It’s been two weeks since we have returned to Mumbai. Ma is now perfectly fine.

I keep visiting her while returning from the office. Ansh and I haven’t spoken much after coming back. He always does this.

After I think that things may get better between us he backs off. Indeed a Bipolar.

I was so happy that he was there beside me when I needed him the most.

He didn’t even leave my side once when we were in the hospital. I was beyond control and he managed me.

The way he spoke to Ma I felt so good.

He felt like a family. Of course he was my family now from the past 5- 6 months but still we never had that that kind of bond of a husband and wife.

And now when I feel like something good can happen he has vanished again.

I know he may be busy with his work and he still comes home late. I know this because I lay awake till he comes. I just want to make sure that he is home for the night.

All he says that, “Ahana you should have slept.” And I reply that I was busy working.

He always avoids me when I try to speak with him.

I hope he remembers that my b’day is on this Sunday. I just want things between us to be more than okay.

It really feels good to be in someone’s company. I was in my office and thinking about Ansh and I am pretty sure he wouldn’t be even missing me.

” Hey! Piya… What’s up?” Piya had called me and I tried to more than cheerful.

” Wow… You look happy today. Is Ansh the reason behind it?” She asked.

I wish I could tell her that he could never be the reason behind my happiness even if I want to.

” Tell me Piya… How is your health and the baby’s?” I changed the topic.
” Never been better. But there is a thing that the baby wants. ”

” What….” I asked all curious.
” Party Party!!! I know it’s your b’day this Sunday and are going to have a blast. ” She said excited. I wonder how she knows about it.

” Is it the baby or the Mommy wants? ”
” Both.. You can say. It would be like freshening up. After Ansh screwed his, we will can fun in yours. ”

All the memories came flooded back when she mentioned it.

I really had worked so hard in planning that but now that was a tape of past and I am looking forward to a good future. Hope so!!
” Ya…. That would be awesome.

After all we were so busy with work and then Ma, we will have a break. Fine then.

I let you decide the place and send the invites. It’s better if it’s only us and not the elders coz I think that they still require rest and Ma is not completely fine so something sober will be more than enough. ” I said.

I really don’t want to be ditched again this time. And I was prepared that Ansh wouldn’t be a part of this again.
” Okay!! Then see you. ” She hung up.


It’s already 12 and I have had a call from Jaai. He was the first one to wish me. He has always been the first one.

Although I wanted someone else to be the first one deep in my heart but that guy was still not home.

I am sure he isn’t aware at all. I wonder what work he does till late night at the office.

J’s call was followed by Ma’s along with Dad and grandpa and Piya and Mir. Ansh’s Dad and grandad personally wished me at 12. God!! They too remembered.

It was 1 already and I didn’t feel like sleeping. I was reading a Dan Brown novel when I heard Ansh coming in. It had to be him this late.

” You aren’t sleeping?” Same old question. I was bored of this.

” No… I didn’t feel like. Anyways what’s today?” I asked trying to make him realise.

” Hmmm… It was Saturday till 12 midnight and since it’s 1 now it’s Sunday.” He said.

I was really upset now. I thought we lived in an era of Whatsapp and Facebook.

” Oh!! God… I am sleepy already. Ahana please don’t wake me tomorrow early.

I feel like sleeping tonight. ” He said, coming from the bathroom after changing into his sweats.

I was still trying to read when he went to change. He slipped into the bed beside me pulling up the duvet.

” Ansh…. Why are you sleeping here? Usually you don’t and when did I wake you up in all these months when we were together.” I asked.

Seriously…… We didn’t even had a proper morning talk.

” It’s my house. I ll sleep wherever I wish to. And… Whenever we sleep beside each other you get up early breaking my sleep too.

That’s why… ”
I was furious now. He is acting as if it’s my fault he is sleep deprived.
” Fine…..” I said getting up from the bed.

” Since you need a peaceful sleep I will go and sleep in the guest room so that you aren’t disturbed.

Anyways I have an early appointment in the morning. I don’t like when someone blames me…..” I got up to leave.

” Wow… Finally I have my entire bed for myself after so many days.”

Aarrghhh…….. This Guy….
I wish to ki|| him now. I got into the guest room. The bed was comfortable but I wasn’t able to sleep.

There was some sort of weird pain in my heart which I wasn’t able to overcome.


Since I couldn’t sleep I only had a nap of an hour or two. I got up at 6:30.

I had to be happy today. It was my b’day and I won’t let anyone ruin it at all. I had to be cheerful and enjoy it to the fullest.

When I got in the room the sight which I saw was really something which I don’t get to see daily.

Ansh was sleeping on the extreme corner and could fall any moment. I wonder why he slept like this.

On one hand I couldn’t sleep and on the other hand this guy is having a sound sleep making me envy him.

I tried to ignore and move to have a shower but just then Ansh turned and I had to run to catch him.

Or else he would taste the ground. Yeah! He deserved it but I was a bit human towards him.

I tucked him properly and cover him up. He grabbed my hand and I had to free it. By the way his hold is really firm.

He was actually sleeping very deeply. I rarely see him like this. I quickly brought my cell phone and clicked a pic of his sleeping form.

One rarely sees things like this. He was clutching his pillow also tightly.

How much ever I try I don’t get angry at him. Although he had forgotten my special day. I sighed and went for the shower.

I put on my formals since I was going to the office and packed my dress which I was going to wear in the evening.

I had actually bought it when I went to shop during Ansh’s B’day. Ansh was still sleeping when I left.

He really meant what he said yesterday.

Dad and grandad were already at the breakfast table when I got down.

” Hey! B’day girl. Don’t tell me you are working today. ” Dad said while I took my coffee.

” Hmm… Actually I had to review some files urgently and then later we are going out. I wish you could come too Dad. ” I said.

” Yeah! I know we are missing it but you know Dad has his check up today and even your family won’t be able to join you.

So it’s better you kids have fun today. ” Dad said.
” Anyways Ahana… Where is Ansh? He is not coming with you?” Grandad asked.

What to answer now. I wasn’t really aware of that.

” Hmm…. Actually I don’t know. ” I said.
” And what present was given to you? ” He asked again. I wish he stopped now. I had no answers.

” Nothing yet. I ll leave. Bye… ” I said getting up.

” I didn’t know my grandson was such a…… Let it be. Happy birthday Ahana. ”

” Thanks. Take care and do update me about the reports Dad.”
” Sure… Enjoy…”

I left soon. I was trying to control myself. They were so sweet and why can’t Ansh be like them. I am over thinking about us now.

After my work I called Piya. We had planned to go for the Shah Rukh Khan’s latest movie. They were going to pick me up in 10 mins.

They were really enjoying. I wondered whether Piya had called Ansh or not. I wanted to ask but didn’t want to sound desperate.

We reached the theatre and and Mir went to buy the tickets.

I changed in my office itself. It was well furnished with a luxurious washroom.

I had a two piece dress on. A white short crop t-shirt, fitting perfectly. And a light grey floral print midi skirt with everlasting elegance.

Pink, yellow purple and dark blue flowers brighten the colour. It hug my curves. I wore a low heels sandals.

The skirt was just above my knees and looked perfect. It even had side seam pockets. Since it was a crop top, a bit of my stomach was exposed but it looked awesome.

A eye liner with a bit glossy lips and sweet smelling fragrance made it look perfect. I took my handy pink sling. A delicate piece of jewellery with a matching bracelet and my all time favourite watch and I was ready to slay.

Mir and Piya picked me up from the office and Jaai was going to meet us in the mall.

” Mir….” I called him from the back seat.
” Yeah!!”
” I wanted to ask you about Ansh. Is he coming?” I asked.

” Ohhh! Already missing him. I think he ll come any moment. Piya called him yesterday only.”

So he knew before hand but why didn’t he say anything. Mir bought the tickets and then we waited for him.

It was already time for the movie and still there was no word from him. I was getting upset now. Even Jaai had reached on time.

” Hon… Please call him. ” Piya told Mir. He nooded.

” Hey… Bud…. Where the hell are you? We are waiting for you.” Mir asked Ansh. He put the phone on speaker.

” Hi… For what are you waiting for me?” Everyone gave surprised look at each other.

” Ansh… We were going to meet to celebrate Ahana’s birthday.

How could you forget? ” Mir answered a bit pissed off.

” Oh!! I am busy now. I will not make it. You guys carry on. ”

” But… Ansh you said you would come and we have bought the tickets too. ”

” It’s okay… I ll pay you later… ”
” Heyyyy…. ” But he had already hung up. We were waiting for me on the couch and I staring blankly at something.

I knew he wasn’t busy. Today no meetings were scheduled. He was lying just to avoid us.

” Ahana…. ” Piya called. Her eyes showed pain and I was in no mood to intensify it more.

” Come on guys. Everybody knows him. He’s typical Ansh. Let’s not spoil our mood. I don’t want to miss the beginning.

Come on Piya… Let’s buy popcorn. I am d@mn hungry now. ” I grabbed her hand and pulled her with me. Suddenly everyone’s mood brightened.

All these circumstances had made me an excellent actress now. I was now flawless in hiding my pain. I was really expecting too much.

” You are missing him right? ” J whispered in my ears while we hunted for our seats.

” Nope…. Not at all. I have you. Look at them they are enjoying already and I am really happy. Nothing could be better.” I said pointing towards Mir and Piya.

I swear they were madly in love. Piya was almost 5 and half months pregnant and they looked adorable together.

I thought How Ansh and I would look together….

God!! Ahana…. Shut up your mind.
The movie began. I noticed the empty seat beside me. I felt J’s arm around my shoulder.

He knew that I needed it. I smiled faintly and tried to enjoy myself. I just wish if only Ansh had come….

Things would have been so different.

After the movie we had light snacks as it was already 4. Then we went to the orphanage, ‘ Little Angels’ . I always went there on my b’day to celebrate with the kids. That was the best time of all.

Surprisingly they all remembered Ansh and were asking for him. It was a surprise to everyone.

I wish I could tell them that they could never see him again. But I assure them he ll come to meet them.

I cut my B’day cake with them. We danced and made merry. For a while I forgot about Ansh too.

” Hey! Ahana.. Now it’s time for the real party. Let’s go clubbing.” Piya said excitedly after we left the orphanage.

” Noo… We ll be late. I have work tomorrow. Anyways it’s not good for your health.” I said. The boys didn’t answer. I know wanted to go.

” A bit is fine. We ll be done before 11. I ll have juice only. C’mon yaar… Let’s go. Don’t be a spoil sport. ” I looked at the boys and they were more than excited.

Then we went to the nearest club, Playboy. It was full already. We danced and drank. It really felt a lot good to loosen a bit.

I knew people were checking us out but I didn’t give a d@mn. J was always there with me.

At around 11:40 finally we winded up. It was early although. Piya looked tired. Mir excused themselves and they left. Jaai and I bade them byes and exchange hugs.

Although they were Ansh’s friends, we bonded very well. Piya and I had grown really close.

” Hana… I ll drop you.” J said. Anyways my car was at the office.

He dropped me home and we were really tired so didn’t speak much. I hugged him and then he left.

When I entered our house it was dimly lit. Just then Sara came out.

” Hi… Mam.. Happy Birthday. You left early this morning so we wouldn’t meet. And you look really gorgeous today. ”

She said handing me a rose. I forgot to mention that I had received a lot of gifts already. From J Ma Dad Grandpa Mir and Piya.

” Thank you. It’s lovely.”
” I think I am the last one to wish you. ”
” Don’t worry. You aren’t. There is still a person who hasn’t wished me yet. Anyways is Ansh home? ” I asked.

” Yup.. Sir didn’t even leave the house entire day. I thought he must have been with you but when I went to clean up he was in your room. ” She said.

I knew it. He was lying. Lair…
” He looked grumpy the entire day. And didn’t even come down to have his dinner.”

” It’s… Fine. You can leave now. It’s already late. ” I said turning to go upstairs. I didn’t want to face him.

” Mam… But sir asked me to give you this.” She said handing me a bag and then left.

A note was written on it. It was Ansh’s handwriting.
‘ Happy Birthday Ahana.’

I looked at my watch. It was just 5 mins before 12. I opened the box and they were a pair a the most lovely earings I had seen.

They were diamonds, small and delicate. Along with it was an matching necklace. Delicate and serene. It was beautiful.

But then I came back to my senses. I wasn’t going to be flattered now. All he did was to send a present through someone else.

That too 5 mins before 12. I packed it again.

When I reached my room I saw him busy on his laptop. A workaholic husband, I have.

” So… Had fun with your friend on your special day. I didn’t want to disturb you two.” He said without even looking at me.

I was more angry now. I knew he meant about J. I was agitated that he still thought so low of us.

” I don’t need any of your gifts. Take them back and try to flatter someone else.” I said. Throwing his bag towards him on the bed.

I know that would have cost him a lot but he deserved that now.
He looked at me suddenly.

But I couldn’t see anger in her eyes. They seemed a bit painful.
” Then what the hell are these? Look at you. You have roamed the entire city wearing this.”

He showed me some pics. And all I could do is to gasp. I covered my mouth in awe.

He had all our pictures. The Movie, The orphanage and lastly the club. I was smiling and Jaai was beside me in almost every picture.

He looked protective. I hadn’t seen much of this side of his but seeing what he had in his hands made me more agitated.

This surely was my worst b’day ever. And only one person was responsible.

TBC ?__

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