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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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AGREEMENT – Episode 10

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❣️ Agreement.?‍❤️‍?

?? our marriage??
??is just a??
? piece of paper?

Indian romantic ?
?My Special Day?


We didn’t speak for the rest of the ride. I was still wondering why in the earth did he do that. We arrived at our destination in few minutes.

We both got off the car and the authorities were already waiting for us outside the entrance. I looked at my watch and thankfully we were on time.

I could see that Ma had already reached and was awaiting for our arrival. All of sudden Ansh came and stood beside me and grabbed my arm in his and pulled me along with him to walk.

At first I tried to free myself from his hold but his grip was very strong. So I had to give in. We walked together. Now everyone was having a good look of us.

There were many other trustees and chairmen were sitting. As we gave the most donations we were given a special treatment which I obviously didn’t like.

I always believed that whenever we do charity we do it for our inner happiness not to show others. We were seated with other dignitaries and the programme began.

We welcome Mr and Mrs Raichand and……. ” The host started the introduction and went on.

On hearing that I got sudden shivers coz it was after a long time that someone one took my name, Ahana Raichand. I don’t know why Ansh was still holding my hand and I didn’t resist.

” Also, I would thank the Raichand’s Perfect Couple in Gorgeous Blue for their helping hand along with Mrs Sita Sehgal for constant funds that helps our children for a better future.

” The host said. Why was everyone noticing us. We were in matching maybe that’s why.

After a while there were performances by young talents. I swear they were too good. Amidst all these what I noticed was the most amazing thing.

Ansh. A different one whom I have seen for the first time.

He had a constant big smile plastered on his face. I had never seen him so happy. He was enjoying himself to the fullest and not to forget he didn’t let go my hand once.

Ma was sitting next to me and was passing me grins. I felt very good watching him. After that suddenly he got up and called Jen, she too had accompanied us to look in the arrangements and asked her something.

What happened Ansh? ” I was curious now.

” You ll know soon wify… ” He said and winked.

The managers seemed to know that so they took all the children in the garden of their orphanage. It was a huge ground. I too followed and the sight was mesmerising.

The entire garden was decorated with balloons and there were games arranged with various artists performing acts. All the children ran with excitement.

There were jugglers and teddies with lots of candies. All the volunteers were helping them to have fun. I couldn’t believe it. It was such a beautiful sight. Something that held me then and there.

” Mr. Ansh Raichand has specially arranged all of these for our children along with some surprise gifts. We are really grateful and proud of him. Mrs. Seghal has also helped in planning the event.” The event manager said.

So Ma was in this and I wasn’t aware at all. I was so surprised. I looked at Ma and she stood their smiling at me and Ansh.

And a big truck full of goodies came in. The volunteer gave everyone their gifts. Ma and others helped.

Even Ansh left my side and mingled with the children. Even though I visited them frequently they seemed to have had fun with Ansh.

It didn’t look like they met him for the first time. Ansh too looked like a small kid reliving his childhood. The kids were having a blast. It really was too much for the day.

I never expected this from him. It made me feel proud. He mixed so well with the kids. It looked like they all liked him already.

” Ahana.. Didn’t I say he is too good for you. ” It was Ma. I didn’t realise when she came and stood near me. I think she must be observing us from a long time.

I was so lost in watching everything that was happening around me.

” Aha.. Honey He has a big heart and all you need to do is just make a small place in it for you. He has so much love to give. ”

Then I saw Ansh again. He looked different. It wasn’t that Ansh whom I knew. Flirting and then again coming back to his old self.

I know he has a big heart but I couldn’t tell Ma that it will never have a place for me no matter how hard I try.

And then why should I. He never gave me Respect or Love. But I still wanted to try. I had a weird feeling seeing him laughing and playing with kids.

I know he had some deep pain hidden in his heart which he keeps a secret. But I know I ll be able to make up for him and surprise him on his special day.

I was still staring him. It was the real him that I discovered that day. Ansh that was lost somewhere.
” Where are you lost? ”

” Nothing Ma.. I know… ” I said.

Just then a few kids came running towards me. I knew them and they too recognised me. We always met once in a week.

” Ahana Di.. Common on. Let’s play. Ansh bhaiya is so sweet. He has brought so many gifts for us. ” Kia, a small girl said.

” Coming Kia.. Let’s go. ” She pulled me towards the jugglers. I saw Ansh was playing with some small boys. I too got engaged with them.

I saw Ma smiling all the time. I enjoyed myself so much amongst the kids. It was the best time in months.

I secretly captured those sweet moments in my camera. I don’t know when next ll I see Ansh smiling so hard. Ansh was so much engaged with them that he didn’t realise that I was capturing these beautiful memories.


Ahana looked gorgeous in that blue gown. It complimented her perfectly.

I was glad that I asked Fray for a perfect matching. Actually it was Ma who suggested. I really adore her just like granny and left really lucky to have her.

Ahana was so lucky. I h@ťěd to keep her waiting but I know after seeing the arrangements she would be more than happy. Ma and I have specially arranged a surprise fun fair for the kids.

Ahana wasn’t aware of it. She was absolutely upset that I showed up a bit late at home. But it would be worth a wait.

She and Dad had developed a good rapport. They both were on the verge on nearly grounding me. But you know what I liked it that she
considered it as her family, although things weren’t good between us she never showed.

I saw that surprised looked when she saw me all ready in my suit. I enjoyed every bit of that reaction.

I am sure she liked it, but her selfrespect didn’t allow her to admit it. I know even I didn’t compliment her but never mind these things are quite normal now.

I tried my level best to control my eyes and my body to not get attracted towards her but then in the end I grabbed her while we got down from the car.

I took her by all surprise. I am quite sure she would be happy with all this.

But why am I doing all this to make her happy? Just then I saw her. She always makes everyone around her happy.

She has so much happiness to give. I wish I too could contribute to her happiness.

Despite she has never been ordered by anyone and always had the full independence in her life still she did everything that a good daughter in law has to do and a wife has to do.

She made sure they have their breakfast and medicines on time.

It I who was responsible for not giving them time. She always waits for me to have breakfast but I am an @zzh0le. I never turn up.

She was smiling with those small kids. She hazel orbs were shining in the light sun rays. She didn’t gave a d@mn to her gown. It was all messed in the mud but she didn’t care.

She was so engrossed in laughing and playing with the kids. The kids too seemed to adore her. Not once I saw them leaving her. I too enjoyed a lot. It was the best time that I was having.

Ahana, it’s time now we should leave. Ma is calling us. Maybe we can come again later. ” I went near her. She was involved in the painting workshop.

She didn’t realise that I have secretly clicked a good amount of pictures of her.

We even had to catch up lunch with family.

She gave a huge smile to me. It was for the first time I saw her smiling so warmly. I wish I could make her smile more often. She deserves all of it.

” Ansh… Can’t we wait for some more time. I need to make up for them since I wasn’t able to visit them after our wedding. ” She said giving me sweet looks.

” Bhaiya… Please stay. Let Di stay. We are enjoying. ” A small girl came beside me and held my hand. She was so cute. Although they don’t have their parents still they seem so happy.

” Hey! Kids. It’s time and lunch and then you need to study. Don’t you all want to be like Ahana Di and Ansh Bhaiya one day ? ” The headmistress of the orphanage came. She saw us with the kids.

I didn’t realise when 3 and half hours were over. We had been there for such a ling time but still it didn’t seemed enough.

Yes… Mam..” All kids shouted.
When we were about to leave they came running which roses and gave both of us a huge hug.

Ahana was more than happy. We returned them their hug and bade them bye promising to come back to meet them soon.

Ma already left early to the Sehgal’s. Ahana and I had to follow.
” Ansh… Wasn’t that fun.

I swear those kids are so adorable. I don’t know why God has been so cruel to them. ”

She said getting a bit emotional. I wrapped my hand on her shoulders. The car was parked a bit away so we were walking towards it. She turned towards me and then I saw paint on hee cheeks. She looked d@mn cute.

” Ahana… They are so beautiful and innocent. But no one can change the destiny.

But you know what God made wonderful and beautiful people like you who make them forget their worries and help them to live their life better happily. Isn’t it. ” I said.

She looked at me. There were almost tears in her eyes. No doubt I had a very emotional wife. She feels everyone else’s pain as her own.

I pulled my kerchief and wiped the paint off her cheeks and hands.
” Ansh…. ” She said while I was busy wiping her hands.

” Hmmm…. ” I said finally looking at her.
” Thank u for wh@ťěver you did today. I never expected this. You made me and Ma very happy.

Thanks for everything. And also Sorry that I was so stupid for messing with you. ” I put the kerchief back in my pocket.

” Ansh… Give me that. I ll wash and return it to you. ”

” Ahana… Common on yaar. I didn’t knew that my wife could even say Sorry or Thanks to anyone. I thought she never did say anything to anyone. ”

I said laughing trying to make the mood a bit light. We both were standing in the middle of the road. Quietly I kept the kerchief in my pocket.

” Wh@ťěver… Ansh… But seriously It Was The Best Day of My Life.” she said laughing. It wss something very genuine and pure.

” Ma says that when we apologise or thank someone we are not being small or its not beneath one’s dignity.

We are just showing that how happy we are from that person and how we respect what that person did for us. It’s a way to show your gratitude. That’s it. ” She said.

But… Seriously… Did she it was her Best Day… That too spending it with me. Maybe with the kids.
” So, is my wife pleased with me? ”
Before she could answer the phone was ringing.

” Yes, Ma… We are on our way. Ansh is with me. We ll reach in just an hour. ” She said.

Without wasting time I quickly grabbed her hand and we set off. I knew Ma must be waiting for us. The entire ride Ahana held my hand.

Although she was so strong internally she was equally emotional.

” You didn’t answer me…. ” I said leaning towards her in her ears.
She looked at me and smiled. Her next action surprised me.

She seemed a bit off. She came closer to me and rested her head on my shoulders and closed her eyes. I pulled her more.

I knew she stays up late at night and needs rest.

She looked so serene. I can’t hurt her anymore. I know I already have given her so much pain and despite all this she has never being angry with me.

I don’t know how could she control herself so much. I can’t do this. If I ll be near her, my darkness will take her light away.

I have to stay away from her. She is so very pure and delicate. I know I don’t deserve her and she deserves the best and not Ansh.

I have to believe that this is all momentarily and ll fade away one day. And that day I know Ahana will break. I can’t let that happen to her. I gave her a look.

Her head perfectly rested on my chest. I couldn’t help myself and so deciding my last kiss that I steal from her, I planted a soft kiss on her forehead. I think she didn’t realise it. She was fast sleep already.

Our ride was a bit long and she had a good amount of rest. But I need to think fast of what I need to do so that it becomes less difficult for me to stay away, coz I know all this is momentarily.

It’s just has to be a stupid attraction. In real life one doesn’t have the power to love someone else because they know that they can’t handle it. And there isn’t anything like Love here….

But… Seriously… Am I correct… I don’t know…. It’s a kind of feeling that makes you want more of it. You can’t get enough of it ever. But you are just afraid that if this breaks you up then……

But what if I am already getting into it or I have already gotten into… Somewhere deep from where I can’t come back….

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