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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Faded Feelings)
Episode 8
Written by Author Nath
She felt the cold temperature of the floor of her room when she sat on it, weeping bitterly. Her tears knew no bounds, they pour like water from a hill. Not only did her eyes swell up, they changed color too as a result of the tears. Her lips quivered while her head spun. Already, her shirt had been wet with the tears while some disgustingly clustered around her mouth. Even her nose had become watery to fathom the emotional pains she was going through. Yes, where would she start? That the man who mysteriously came into her life and left without a message was her best friend’s lover. Though she might not have heard him profess his love for her but she knew what she felt and she knew he could feel it too.

Nevertheless, a knock came from her door simultaneously with a female voice, “Eniola, open the door! It’s your mother, open up!”

The young girl never answered but kept weeping bitterly with her palms on her forehead.

In the living room, Ayomide, the mother got tired. She turned to Claude who was still standing up. Meanwhile, Gbenga’s cap had left his hand to his thighs, just beside his staff. The look on their faces got Claude worried, so he had to let the cat out of the bag.

“Chief changed my life! He knows who I am and wants to give her daughter for me to marry. Though I learnt the reason for that is to have my blood in his linage. I never met the daughter physically until yesterday she came with Eniola. I was shocked to know she is a friend of Chief’s daughter!”

“Alapa!” Gbenga exclaimed with hands on his head.

Claude continued. “We pretended like we didn’t know each other in order not to cause problem. Even before that, I called her but she didn’t pick up! She really needs to know the truth!” He walked towards Eniola’s door. “Eni, let me explained!” he knocked at the door.

“Leave me alone, go away!” Her voice bitterly came from the room.

“Is high time you let my daughter be.” Ayomide’s anger could be heard from her voice. Claude turned to her while Gbenga suddenly brought down his hands from his head. “Ever since you came into my daughter’s life, you brought nothing to her but pains except that you healed her and we appreciate that. But you need to leave her alone. Please, you can leave.” she pointed at the door.

“You’re sending me out of your house?” Claude stepped away from the door.

Ayomide swallowed hard, averted her eyes while she battled with tears that had engulfed the eyes.

“It’s not gotten to that.” Gbenga interfered. “Both of you should sit down.” he ordered and cleared his throat. “Ayomide, a child does not know how to eat pap without making a stain on his hand. This is a matter of love and emotions, hence, it’s very delicate. Let’s not complicate issues. It is little by little pig’s nose enter the yard. Let’s talk about how to take Claude to Demili before any other thing. One does not ignore leprosy to treat a rash. Moreover, the young girl in question… mmm… the daughter of the chief seems to love this boy too.”

“But I do not love her!” Claude clarified.

“That’s another isoro! To love someone who does not love you is like shaking a tree to make the dew drops fall. Nevertheless, If the full moon loves you, why worry about the stars? But mind you, one who marries for love alone will have bad days but good nights. Even as the archer loves the arrow that flies, so too he loves the bow that remains constant in his hands. Be careful so you do not make a mistake.” Gbenga concluded to allow silence trail.

Claude utilized it and walked out from the house angrily. So sad, his life had outrageously been complicated with all that was going on. If he could easily change who he was, he would have done that in a long time. But no, he was stocked with the situation, believing he could solve them. He never knew that a fly that dances carelessly in front of a spider’s web, risks the wrath of the spider’s teeth.

There are more Claude doesn’t know about himself that he needed to. More things greater than just finding the love of his life. Notwithstanding, he boarded the available flight to Lagos. He was emotionally devasted and he thought the only way to feel better was accumulating his stomach with beer. On the table of his apartment was five bottles of consumed Hero. He seated shirtless on one of the cushions like a helpless and hopeless drunkard. Suddenly, his phone rang, he reluctantly grabbed it, look at the unknown number them picked it without saying a thing.

“Hello, it’s me Gbenga! The poor helpless man you walked out on few hours ago. I’m in Lagos and I’ve lost my way! Heeello! Are you hearing me? I said I’ve lost my….”

Claude sat up. “How did you get to Lagos so fast and why?” he interrupted him.

“My child, you cannot name a child that is not born. Direct me to your place first.”

“Sure, sure” Claude gave him the address. Darkness had taken over the land when a knock came on Claude’s door. From the cushion, he ordered for the person to enter. A rusty sound paved in the living room when the door opened. He looked up to see Gbenga on his agbada. Unbelievably, Eniola walked in before him, wearing a jumpsuit. She couldn’t take another step forward. She was so close to the door that Gbenga didn’t see a space to pass.

“Eniola?” Claude called. He couldn’t believe his eyes that had suddenly become clear from the power of the beer. He didn’t also step an inch from the cushion.

“They’ve told me everything.” Eniola said, twisting her fingers and holding back her tears.

“Eni, I’m so sorry i left that way. Also we were only but teenagers and it pains me that I never told you how much I love you.” his voice began to break as tears also filled his eyes. “Eni, i love you more than the birds love the trees. I love you like the lilies love the valley. My heart had never stopped beaten for you ever since it felt the warmness of your hand through my chest. For five years you’ve been my daily thought, the air I breathe and the water I thirst for.” the tears finally began to pour down. “You’re the…”

Eniola interrupted him by running to him with a warm embracement, shedding tears too. “I love you too, Claude. I love, I love you so much!” she said from his shoulder. Yes, the feelings reawakened like the rising sun. They could feel it all over them, letting the pains wash down the drain through their tears.

“The buttocks are like a married couple though there is constant friction between them; they will still love and live together.” Gbenga began. “I’m happy for both of you. Love, like rain, does not choose the grass on which it falls. The quarrel of lovers is the renewal of love. A happy man marries the girl he loves, but a happier man loves the girl he marries. Quote me wrong! There is no physician who can cure the disease of love.” he finally stepped in and adjusted his agbada.

However, Claude had been drying Eniola’s tears, admiring her beauty.

“What now?” Gbenga drew his attention.

“Now, I have to make things right.” Claude picked his shirt, wore it immediately and grabbed his car key. “Eni, follow me.” he held her hand.

“Where are we going to?” she asked him.

“To chief’s.”

“No way!” she disengaged from him swiftly. “Have you forgotten about Oge?” she added.

“That’s why we’re going there to clear the air.” Claude looked at her pleadingly.

Gbenga cleared his throat. “My daughter, no shortcuts exist to the top of a palm tree. However long the night, the dawn will break. We are all going to the so called Chief to iron this issue out. Oya, jẹ ki a lọ!” he pointed his staff at the door as he concluded in Yoruba language.

Claude held Eniola again as all headed outside from the house.

“Claude, I’m so scared.” Eniola’s voice terrifyingly came from outside…..

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