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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Adventures With Theresa ??

Episode 9

Written by: Frank The Writer

❌ Do Not Copy or Repost ❌

~Theresa’s POV~

“Is there something wrong?” he asked as he moved away and I moved to my side of the bed and sat up.
“Uh, I… Yeah, I don’t know.” I looked away, now realizing the rain outside was starting to dissipate.

“What’s wrong? Did I go too far?”

He rested his back on the header as well, looking straight at me. “I’m sorry, I definitely overstepped. I..I shouldn’t have done that.”
“No, it’s not that.”

I turned to look at him, a slight frown on my face.
“Is this the reason why you invited me?” I finally asked the question that was haunting me throughout the trip.

“Is this the whole purpose of the trip? To get inside of my pants?”
“What? Where is this coming from?” He said, frowning and moving an inch back.

“Why did you invite me? Why? It seems that now.” I bit the inner of my cheek while looming at him, and suddenly felt a harsh pain in my chest.

“Am I just a girl that fell on your game and gave in easily..the whole flirting”
“Terry! No! What are you talking about?” He looked offended but he still didn’t answer my question.

“Then why did you invite me? Just tell me.” I asked once again with pleading eyes.

“Or am I just another girl on your list that you want to score? Is that it?”
“God! Terry, what is wrong with you?” he sat on the edge of the bed, looking at me. “Are you listening to yourself? Do you think of me this too low?”

“Why are you avoiding my question? Why did you nvite me?” I asked for the millionth time “Just explain it to me! Because I’m sorry I don’t understand why. I’m literally a stranger to you.”

“I fell for you back then, Terry.” He said with frustration in his voice. He stood up from the bed running his hand back on his hair.
His confession made my mouth fall open.

“d@mn! I was just trying to have a good time trying not to think about how I f-__-ked up for long because I didn’t call you. Is that a sin? To have a good time with someone that I thought was cool?” He threw his hand in the air.

“Yes, I didn’t call you but I couldn’t face the truth back then, Terry. But good to know what you really think of me. A womanizer, a ladies’ man. If you really think that of me, you’re not so different now.”

I remained mute, just looking at him staring back at me. I felt wrong but I didn’t know the whole truth. But never in a million years, I expected that answer from him.

Him… failing for me?

Before I could reply, he took a pillow and started walking to the door, leaving me with my words in my mouth. I didn’t even know how to stop him.

“Where are you going to?” I asked, confused, looking at him already opening the door.
“To sleep somewhere else,” he said not even bothering to look at me.
“We leave first thing in the morning, be ready by then.”

Frank said and slammed the door, leaving me completely alone in the room. I was speechless.

Falling asleep the previous night was different. I couldn’t believe that I was left alone in the room, especially after what happened between us. I was confused but mostly hurt. It made me feel strange, guilty, even. Did I cross a line with him? Was I overreacting? I couldn’t tell.

I woke up to the sound of a door closing, making me half awake.
When I sat up, I noticed his bag was no longer there and that there was a slight smell of aftershave coming from the bathroom. I think he took a shower here recently without waking me up and then left the room. It was no longer raining as well.

Confused, I stood up from the bed and got my things, and decided on taking a quick shower before we leave. It was almost nine in the morning and he said we are to leave first thing in the morning. I should probably hurry.

His words from last night were still haunting me. He told me that he fell for me. It made me feel so bad because a part of me felt the same way back then. Was I wrong for asking him that question last night? I just wanted to know the reason why I’m here.

I mean, he didn’t answer my question exactly but his words were more than enough for me to realize I’m not just that another girl on his list. He didn’t just invite me because he wanted me, but because he cared about me.
Is It bad that I still want to hear that answer from him?

Yelling at me and leaving in the middle of the night especially after we kissed doesn’t tell me he cares.
It hurt me and it confused me too. I felt we have a lot to talk about. Why didn’t he call before? What does he mean by saying that he couldn’t face the truth back then? Why now? What changed?

It was hard for me to believe that he fell for me when he completely forgot about me. I just didn’t want to be the Terry from eight months ago all over again, that lost girl looking for a new beginning. I grew up a lot during these months, exploring the world and meeting new people, and finally finding myself.

I knew what I was and my worth. I knew what I want to do and where I want to settle. I didn’t want to back to those weeks of me missing a person that I only met once.
I didn’t want to feel heartbroken all over again. But I guess he was right to react the way he did. I guess it wasn’t the time to approach that question. I was a bit rude to him, he didn’t deserve that.

Being in his shoes, I totally overstepped by reacting like that. The alcohol in my veins didn’t help either, or the adrenaline ran through my body after that steamy kiss we shared.

Oh, how I missed his lips. Just that brief touch sent me to paradise.

He really made me confused and I still don’t know if it was a good or a bad thing. I guess I’ll have to figure it out on this trip. After all, I accepted to go with him to the wedding. I just couldn’t bail on him, and I didn’t want to, even after our little fight last night.

Finally, I got out of the shower and dressed up, brushing my teeth quickly and glancing at the clock, realizing we were about to leave. After wearing some perfume on me, I opened the door of the room, checking twice if I wasn’t leaving anything behind.

I got down and Frank was already inside the car, waiting impatiently. I hopped inside the car buckling my seat belt instantly. He didn’t even glance at me and it hurts me. Should I feel this way? This stingy feeling in my chest.

Soon enough, he started the car and drove away, getting on the driveway in no time. We were finally heading home to meet his mom and prepare for the wedding the next day, Saturday.

The car was completely silent, not even the low classical music from yesterday. I tried my best to keep my eyes focused on the road but the immense silence was ki||ing me. The tension was almost cutting. Not even the moving cars, nor my phone could keep me distracted.

“You paid for another room last night?” I said, breaking the silence, and keeping my eyes on the window.
He didn’t respond. He just kept driving as if I didn’t say a word. I took a deep breath, feeling my chest closing slowly. I didn’t know why he acted like that. I was trying to be nice and erase how I was last night.

“How did you spend the night? Did you have any sleep?” I asked, moving my eyes to him. His jaws looked tense along with his hand pressed hard on the wheel. I was dying to see a different response from him. He never moved his eyes up and I sighed, feeling defeated.

“Frank, I want to apologize,” I began, wanting so hard to erase everything that happened last night, but even before I started speaking, he cuts me off.
“I don’t want to talk right now, Terry.” He said moving his jaw to a side, his jawline prominent from here.

“So don’t waste your time,” he added.
I looked away instantly feeling my eyes watering at his harsh words. I crossed my arms in my chest, feeling totally confused and sad, a little bit angry.
For the first time in the whole trip, I wish I never accepted the invitation. I hope these hours we have left pass out quickly.

I didn’t want to be trapped here next to someone that doesn’t want to talk to me.
I didn’t know when we finally arrived at his abode. He woke me up by moving my shoulder briefly. I didn’t even notice I had been sleeping.

Well, I needed it. If I had two hours of sleep last night, it was a miracle. I blinked a few times before being completely up. When I moved my eyes up, I found that we were parked outside a big mansion. It looked big with a modern design.
After stretching my arms, I looked at Frank, he was still wearing his shades but he look less tense and I was glad.

“What time is it?” I asked, yawning, still looking around the place.
“10:47 a.m,” he said

To be continued…
Frank The Writer

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