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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Adventures With Theresa ??

Episode 8

Written by: Frank The Writer

❌ Do Not Copy or Repost ❌

~ Theresa’s POV ~

I couldn’t stand risking our lives on the express road, so I told him: “I can’t drive on the highway.”
Frank felt I had lied about being a badass driver but then I couldn’t stress it further. I simply told him that I haven’t driven on the highway before and that was the truth.

Well..well, I know I have been stressing about this trip so much. I only wanted to give you full details of everything that happened during our journey, but right now, I’m going to bridge the long story and tell you about our Asaba experience.

We arrived at Asaba safely around 6 pm or thereabouts. Frank suggested we lodge in a hotel and then go see her mom the following day.

The darkness of the room makes you use your other senses at their full capacity. The sound of the rain falling outside was the only sound surrounding us apart from our breathing. It was cold and humid, it made my skin fill with goosebumps. There was a faint smell of wet wood in the air mixing with the lavender of the sheets, and even from where I was I could smell his breath of wine coming out of his mouth.

We were quiet, too quiet for my taste. We laughed for a couple of minutes and then we just remained on our sides of the bed, not saying a single word.
He finished the bottle and was still holding it. I saw only the silhouette of the bottle resting on his knee while he made circles with its bottom.

“I like this place.” He said after long seconds of silence, his eyes looking front.

The room was dark but once your eyes get used to the darkness you could distinguish the furniture in the room.

“It’s nice.”
“Aren’t you used to staying in five-star hotels?” I asked leaving a yawn right after I spoke.

“That’s exactly why I like it.” He pointed out, glancing at me for a moment.
“It’s pretty cozy.” He said.
“Yeah, it is.” I secured the covers on top of me. It was pretty cold outside. I wonder why he was putting on a simple T-shirt and joggers.
“Aren’t you cold?”

“Not that much. The wine heated me.” He said leaving a slight chuckle out.
“Well, that sounded wrong, but you can understand what I’m saying.”
“Oh dear, you must be tipsy.” I giggled, sitting up and shaking my head at him.
“I’m not tipsy!” He said a little offended, placing the empty bottle on the side table next to him.

“Just a little woozy.” He smiled.
“You technically drank a whole bottle by yourself without sharing,” I said looking at him in the dark. He looked back and even with the lack of light his gaze felt powerful.

“Stay here,” he said, sitting on the edge of the bed and turning the lamp on his side table up. He stood up barefoot and walked to the door.

“Where are you going?” I sat up as well, looking at him while he took the key to our room and opened the door. He grinned, hiding something behind his smile.
“I’ll be right back!” He said, winking at me and leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

I stayed in the bed for some minutes, just looking around the room. The room was really cold. Cream wallpaper, a painting of a landscape hung right above our bed, and a mirror in front of the small dresser that also reflected the painting.
In the corner, there was a chair with Frank’s bag on top. The clothes he was wearing previously hanging on the back of the chair were neatly placed.

After another minute, I decided to stand up and went to the bathroom to fill a cup with water. And once again I found his things neatly organized in the bathroom. I found it cute how organized he was.
I wonder what he was doing out there and why he told me to stay back. When I walked back to the bed with the water in my hand.

Frank came in hiding something behind his back while he held two red cups in his other hand. I was still on my feet and was about to get on the bed. He giggled while closing the door and stepping inside.
“What’s funny?” I asked while moving the covers down, preparing him for me to climb in.

“Cookies.” He giggled again, looking at my shorts and holding his laugh. “Coo-keez!” He then said in the cookie monster’s voice.
“You are drunk.” I rolled my eyes at him, hoping inside the bed and covering my legs with the covers.

“What did you bring?”
“Oh, um..” he suddenly remembered he was holding something behind his back. He then moved his hand front revealing an unopened bottle of wine.
“I brought this. I felt bad for not sharing with you.”

“Frank, it’s almost one o’clock,” I said with a chuckle. He climbed the bed from the bottom and sat in front of me looking at the header, handing me one of the cups.

“And so? The night is young. Live a little.” He said leaving his cup down and getting something from the pocket of his joggers; a corkscrew.

“Besides, you are going to love this wine. It’s one of the best in the country.”
“Well, okay. If you say so.” I gave up, waiting patiently until he opened the cork and filled both of our cups, giving me the bottle to place on my side table.
“How did you find it though?” He hides a chuckle moving his jaw to the side.

I moved the cup first to my nose, swinging the liquid inside to smell the wine. It smelled sweet. I tasted it; only a small sip. It really does taste amazing. It was so fruity and I was surprised it wasn’t a strong wine. I didn’t want to drink before but it made me change my mind suddenly.

“I’m sure you like it. Isn’t it?” He said with a half smile.
I nodded my head looking down at my glass. His proximity was kind of overwhelming but I didn’t think about it.
He started at me tenderly, making me flush, just by feeling his eye on me.

“Can I ask you something, Terry?”
I nodded my head once again, moving my eyes to him. His hair was dry and away from his face.
“What do you think of me?” he asked, taking me out of the base. I never expected him to ask a serious question like that.

“Um, what do you mean by that?” I ran my hand through my hair, placing it behind my ear, and taking a nervous sip of my drink. “What do you want to know?”
“I’m curious. You treat me differently from everyone else, there has to be a reason.” He said giving me a reassuring smile.
“I just want to know. And wh@ťěver you say, I promise to not get hurt.”
“Yeah. Tell me.”
“Oh! Okay, but with one condition.” I moved one finger up.
“What condition?”

“You’ll tell me what you think of me afterward.”
“Deal.” He moved his cup and took a sip, resting his weight on his hand and leaning his body back.
I took a moment to think. What do I think of him? It wasn’t an easy question. I really have to watch what I say. I surely didn’t want to give him the wrong response. I took a deep breath, getting ready to respond.

“I think you are….witty.” I moved my eyes to the ceiling not wanting to meet his eyes. A smile appeared on my face. “You always find an interesting way to answer anything. And also, you’re dorky. It’s an interesting combination for such a smart and outgoing boy.” I chuckled, moving my cup to my lips.
His segzy eyes were deep, never moving from mine.

“You are a true gentleman. Very attentive.” I smiled at him, feeling butterflies inside my stomach. “I think you’re a pretty awesome person,” I added.
“Really?” He grinned. His dimple appeared on the side of his lip. He took a moment, just smiling down at his cup.
“I have met a lot of people in my life and career and the move of them has defined me as you did.” He took a drink, moving his eyes away. It feels nice to be the good guy for once.

There was a hint of sadness in his voice that broke my heart a little. Somehow I understood what he meant. He lived a life full of people thinking he is someone else. I have been there, in a different scenario, but I understand what he said. It made me realize we were more alike than I imagined.

“Well, Frank, It’s your turn now,” I said moving my leg to indulge his.
“Okay, okay.” He sat up, moving his cup down and holding it between his legs.
He looked at me with a glare, pushing his lips to a side. He answered in just a couple of seconds, it didn’t take him long to reply.

“I think you are special.” He said, making the abused expression on his face erased, turning serious. “You are smart and funny in your clumsy way.” He chuckled and I giggled too. He was kind of right. “I think you are a free spirit. No one is going to ever tell you what to do because you would never pay attention to them. You are not insecure, it’s the best quality about you. It’s very attractive seeing that in a woman.” He looked deeply into me, making me swallow hard under his gaze. “I think you are unique. You have got me hooked on you since the day we met.”

His words seemed so real. They got inside my skin easily. He never broke his gaze, which doesn’t help me absorb all the beautiful things he just said to me.
In his eyes, I’m the person I have always wanted to be. It made me happy and sad at the same time because sometimes it’s hard for me to see it. It was too overwhelming, too much to handle in just a small moment.

“Wow! You are making me feel special.” I uttered.
“You look pretty when you are blushing.” He said with a smirk on his lips, taking the rest of his drink in a gulp. “Good to know I still make you all flustered.” He added.
“And here we go.” I laughed a little, shaking my head at him.

After a moment of just staring at each other, I started to feel just like back in the radio station when we first met. His scent and voice. He seemed irresistible even when I shouldn’t be accepting that. The alcohol was doing something to me. I couldn’t control my thoughts anymore.
He looked at me for long seconds. We didn’t pay attention to our glasses. I felt my heart beating fast in my chest, and my eyes suddenly moved down to his dark pink lips and then back up to his eyes.

My whole body was heated and by the look on his face, I think he felt it too.
I finished my drink in a gulp trying to numb the nervous butterflies in my stomach. He placed his almost empty cup on his table and I did the same with mine.
The silence in the room was tense. I sat up, looking in front at the reflection of the mirror where we both reflected. He was looking at me. I could see him through the mirror.

I turned to look q5 him, our legs were touching, and our chests were just inches away. He carefully moved his hand and placed it on my face, moving me a little closer so our bodies were fully touching. My throat was dried, my lips parting instantly in a gasp for air.

Shyly, his other hand moved to my lip, securing my body in a gentle touch. My heart was beating faster in my chest, breathing through my mouth trying to get oxygen inside of my lungs. He looked at me and then at my lip. He ran his fingers down, making my lip pop down and then back to its usual place. His touch was burning me, and I couldn’t crave it more.

“Can I—?” He breathed looking down at my lips— nervously, like asking for permission. But before I could say yes, he moved my face slowly closing the gap between us. Our lips crushed together in a swift movement, moving in synch slowly. He moved his lips carefully, very gently until I kissed him back.

My hand moved to his chest, realizing that this was happening. We were actually kissing. Our lips moved in synch, I moved my hand to the hairs on his chest and ran my fingers through his unruly hair. I felt his hand tighten on my hip.

Our tongues touched; it sent electric chills down my spine. His hand went inside my shirt and I ran my have down his back, the kiss was growing hungrier. We were kissing. I thought for a moment. I smiled but then, the tiniest bit of reason made me open my eyes.
This shouldn’t be happening.
“No, Frank…” I moved away after a second, realizing how stupid it was as much as I was enjoying it.
“I can’t do this,” I said and he stopped the kids instantly, pulling himself up from me.

To be continued…
© Frank The Writer

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