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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Adventures With Theresa ??

Episode 6

Written by: Frank The Writer

❌ Do Not Copy or Repost ❌

Frank suddenly hits the break, making the bottle in my hand fall on my chest and my head hit on the side of the car. f_cking hurt.

“Jeez!” I screamed, holding my head and moving my eyes on the road.

“He took out a turn out of nowhere.” He yelled, pointing to the other driver and flipping him off, moving his eyes back to the road.
“Idiot!” He screamed at him.

“Oh! No, my head hurts,” I said, closing the bottle and moving my eyes down to my shirt. The back of my head hurt from the impact, and my shirt was completely damped.

Just today I decided to wear my favorite white shirt with my black trouser. I calmly put the bottle on the floor of the car and tried to think of what to do. I was wet from head to toe, even a part of my hair was wet.

“Oh, someone is wet here,” he said with a smirk on his face, glancing at me. “You should have told me you wanted to do a wet t-shirt contest.”

“Hahaha..You are so funny.” I said trying to dry my shirt a bit but it was worthless. “And don’t look at me! Eyes on the road, Frank.”
“Alright.” He moved one hand up apologetically, moving his eyes front. “You should change. I don’t want you to get cold.”

I took my jacket off and tried to use it to dry my shirt but once again it did nothing. The air conditioner wasn’t helping matters. It rather made my skin covered with goosebumps. Not to mention, my Ɲīpplës were starting to show from the coldness.

“I’ll be right back,” I said putting my jacket down and unbuckling my seat belt.
“What are you doing?” He asked me with one eyebrow up.
“I’m about to change,” I said, turning around in my seat and standing up on my knees.

“You know we could stop.” He said as I put one knee on the arm seat and my leg in the back seat.
“That’s not necessary, just keep driving.” I let my body fall on the back seat, moving my other leg on this side of the car.
“Okay. I got it.” He said looking at me in the rear-view mirror.
“Do your thing,” he added.

We had been singing for the past half hour. Just old classic songs. From The Weekend to Justin Bieber, even a couple of Michael Jackson tunes. My mood noticeably changed. I was kinda shy at the beginning and but then felt completely comfortable. If felt good to act like this with him — so freely and carefree.

Singing definitely helps. It was nice to hear him sing different songs than the music he his band played.

“Take this,” he said, handing the water bottle back to me and I took it.

I then turned around on my knees and grabbed my bag from the back seat and sitting it down on the seat and opening it. I took a few shirts off and decided to wear a black simple T-shirt, just in case another accident happens and my bra decides to make an appearance. I threw everything inside and moved it inside, holding my shirt a bit up to take it off until I noticed Frank still looking at me through the rear-view mirror.

“What are you doing? Look away!” I said hysterically, moving my shirt down. “Eyes on the road!” I bellowed.
“Sorry. Go ahead,” he chuckled slightly, shaking his head, his eyes focused on the road.

“I can’t believe you. If I catch you staring again, I swear…” I took my shirt off rapidly with my back to him, grabbing the next shirt and unfolding it quickly.
“Nice bra,” he said and I blushed deeply, pulling the black shirt down.

“Frank!” I yelled at him and that only made him chuckle louder. Thank God I was completely dry and dressed.

“God…” I huffed, running my hand back on my hair.
“You haven’t changed a single bit.”

“What do you mean?” He asked amused while I returned to the front seat, one leg at a time until I was fully sitting down.
“You still like to snoop on people’s privacy.” I looked at him and he smirked. He thought it was funny. “What’s funny?”

“I just don’t understand the big deal,” He said with a smile, moving his hand to his lips.

“I mean people go to the beach in their bikinis all the time but they go crazy if you see them in their underwear.”
“I guess you’re right but…” I opened my mouth, finding myself out of words, but after a moment I said, “You want to know the meaning behind it?”

He simply nodded his headed and eyes on the road.

“Bathing suits and underwear are different things if you think what they truly mean.”

“Hmmm… It’s literally just clothes,” He said, moving his eyes to me for a brief moment. “They even have the same shape.” He added.

“Then think of it as something more.” I widened my eyes using my hands as I talked.

“Underwear means a form of intimacy. Not everyone gets the chance to see you in those clothes. They have to earn that right, that privilege.” I explained.

He stayed silent for a moment, taking his bottom lips between his thumbs and index finger, looking pensive. I had to look away. I really get distracted by staring at his face.

“Fair point, I guess you win this time.” He nodded his head at me, bringing a smile to my face. “I apologized for snooping on you. I haven’t earned that privilege yet.”
“Oh-no. It’s not going to stay that way.” I bit my bottom lip, moving my eyes to the window.

Just the thought made me blush and I knew it was impossible to happen.
“We’ll see.” He said with a smirk, making me blush deeper.

For some reason, my thought drove me back to that radio station, to all the gazes and moments we shared. It brought butterflies to my stomach. There I was with him again but somehow, I felt different. I wasn’t that nervous even when he was still the same person.

The first week I spent in Lagos with Michael was intense. I couldn’t stop thinking about the dude I met at the radio station, the boy with segzy eyes and a dreamy smile. The one that shared things with me that I know he doesn’t easily tell. It was hard for me to push him out of my mind but I managed to do it. Being rounded up with new things and new people definitely helped me, but still, he was always in my thoughts for a few months. Frank was just that person you don’t forget easily.

“You are quiet.” He said, waking me up from my thoughts, and making me move my head up which had been resting on the window.

“Yeah,” I sat back on my seat, grabbing my jacket and putting it on. It was kinda cold.

“Why? Thinking about something special?” He asked with a smile, but I stayed serious. I decided to just go straight ahead and asked him. After all, I had nothing to lose.

“Why didn’t you call, Frank?” I asked looking down at my hands and playing with my fingers. “Eight months is quite a long time.”

“Terry….” His expression instantly changed, running a hand through his hair, and taking the glasses out.
“Tell me,” I looked at him, speaking slowly.
“I…I waited for you, you know?” I confessed, feeling a weight on my chest.
“I thought we…I don’t know… I thought we connected or something.”

“I…” He breathed, tensing his hand on the wheel.”
“Just tell me the truth, like the old times,” I said, this time not moving my eyes from him. He looked nervous and tense.
“Even if you didn’t want to call me, just tell me.” I swallowed, biting my bottom lip. “I can handle the truth.”

“No, it’s not that. I wanted to… well, Terry you won’t understand.” He turned the car and stopped on the side of the road.

“You think I didn’t want to call you? After the things I said to you? After spending an amazing time with you? After…” He sighed, moving his eyes down. “I…I can’t do this.”
“After what, Frank?” I moved my hand and rested it on his thigh, I wanted to know what he got to say. “Tell me.”

He took long seconds to reply, but then he slowly moved his hand and held mine, sending shivers all over my body. My heart stopped moving at his touch. He squeezed my hand and turned to look at me. I forgot how his hand felt in mine.

“I can’t tell you.” He said, looking at me with his bright segzy eyes. “I just can’t.” He added.
“Why not? Is it some sort of a secret?” I said, looking at him.
“I’m sorry. I know I should have called.” He said, moving his eyes down, frowning a lot.

I stayed silent looking at him. He seemed like he wasn’t telling me the whole truth but I decided to not push it. Something inside of me made me move my hand to hold his face and moved him up to look at me. His expression softened at my touch. It made me smile lightly. My stomach twirling inside of me. All the feelings I felt back were returning to me. I looked directly into his eyes. They still made my knees go weak.

“It’s okay. I understand you have been busy,” I said, trying to comfort him.
“Come here,” he moved me closer to him, planting a kiss on my forehead.
“There’s still a lot of things we have to talk about. We have enough time to discuss it as well.”

I nodded my head, returning the hug and feeling completely overwhelmed by the moment. He still smelled the same, his unique scent.
After a moment, we both let go, taking a deep breath and returning to my seat.

“The good thing is that I called, even after so long.” He said in a breath, holding the wheel and moving his hands along it. “But what about you? Why did you accept to come with me? After all, it’s been eight months, a long time indeed.”

“Well, I haven’t visited Asaba before. Let’s say I want to explore,” I said with a chuckle. He focused back on the road.

“And I missed you, you were fun last time, so I said to myself, why not.”
“I’m glad you accepted.” He said with a slight chuckle, a smile lingering on his lips. Going to a wedding alone is boring. Thank you for being my date.”

“My pleasure.” I smiled at him even though he wasn’t looking at me. “I still don’t know what to wear to the wedding. I’ll have to buy something.” I told him.

“Don’t worry you’ll have enough time when we arrive. I haven’t gotten mine as well. We will go shopping together.”
“That will be nice.”
“I’m sure my mom will be happy to see you.” He said with a smile gracing his face.

“Oh! Really. I can’t wait to see her too,” I said looking outside the window.
By the look outside, I think we had gone a far distance. We barely saw buildings, only small houses. The road was a bit free. It was the dry season and the road was dusty. Our trip was going well and I was so enjoying every bit of it with Frank the music man.

To be continued…
Frank The Writer

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