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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Adventures With Theresa ??

Episode 3

Written by: Frank The Writer

❌ Do Not Copy or Repost❌

~ Theresa’s POV ~

After finishing our call yesterday, I had to sit in the sand at the shore for some minutes to let everything sink in. I couldn’t believe Frank finally called after months of not knowing anything about him. I thought he didn’t remember me again. I had accepted to go to Asaba with him. Our Passing Out Parade would be on Monday while we would go on the trip that week Thursday. I was literally free to go with him.

Why did I accept? I don’t know. The memories of my first meeting with him were enough to give it a try. I’m probably crazy for accepting but this will be my last trip in a while.

Saying goodbye to my amazing friends at the beach was hard but we sure bid each other. I told them about my trip to Asaba with Frank.
Michael supported my idea and he said I should just be careful to avoid stories that touch the heart. I asked if he could at least follow me to where Frank asked me to meet up with him before we leave for Asaba. Michael obliged and told me to inform him once I’m ready.

Monday was the day we had long anticipated to come. It was the day we officially received our certificate for having served Nigeria for one year. Memories were made and pictures were taken. Joy in the air and sadness somewhere around the air, too.

For some of us, we barely knew what the future holds for us, and for some, another journey of life began. I had a good time with a few of my colleagues and the lovely friends I made during this period of one year. Micheal, Ruth, Justin, Fred, and I took some shots and made some short videos just to create memories. I was really going to miss them all. I noticed Ruth and Fred were getting used to each other. I teased her about it and she jokingly landed a friendly punch on my shoulder.

Fast forwarding, Thursday soon arrived. It was the day Frank said we would be going to Asaba. He said he needed to stay there on Friday before the wedding proper on Saturday.

Thursday morning, Michael and I were on our way to meet Frank. I needed him to see Frank and probably know who he is or perhaps know what he looks like. Peradventure anything happens…Just in case. You know, for security purposes. Michael quite understood that too.

The phone rang and rang but Frank didn’t pick up. I waited until the last ring to end the call. I called him again but it turned out the same result. When Michael and I were leaving Mile 2, I told him (Frank) I would arrive in an hour and he said he was going to be there.

I called again and this time the call went to voicemail, so I hang up and decided to text him: “I just got to Surulere.”

“He didn’t pick up,” I informed Michael. I was feeling down and it was boldly written on my face.

“Uh-oh.” He said, moving his eyebrows up.
“Are you sure he’s not pranking you or something?” Michael looked me in the eyes.
“He wouldn’t do that. He tries no such thing with me.”
“Hmm. What if…what if.. You know..” Michael giggled.

My mind was probably exaggerating but it still felt weird. He told me he was going to be here and now he doesn’t even pick up his calls.
Honestly, a big part of me was extremely excited about this trip, especially because it was going to be my first time in Asaba and I would be with him the whole time. I felt girly and giggly during our call yesterday, the same way I felt back then in the first place. It was special, something unique. I don’t know how to explain it but it was like something clicked when we were together.

I met a couple of guys during my stay here in Lagos. Kenneth, Ade, Mfon, and others. I won’t forget to mention Charles. He taught me how to navigate through Twitter and that made me addicted to the app thereafter. Even when I spent more time with these names I mentioned than just a few moments I shared at the radio station with Frank, I didn’t feel what I felt for Frank for these guys.
The butterflies and the nervousness weren’t there. They didn’t make me laugh as Frank did. They weren’t that talkative or secure of themselves. I didn’t feel connected with any of them. I did have fun but that was it. Fun!

I was going to call Frank again and I realized I have a text message from him. Goosebumps instantly covered my back. I quickly checked the message:
“I’m sorry, Terry. These officers pulled my car over. They took my car. It’s a long story. Can you make it to my house? I’ll text you the address.”

I frowned reading his text. I decided to call back and this time he answered on the second ring.

“Terry! Did you read my text?” He asked right away, not even saying hi. I’m sorry, I know I said I was going to pick you up.”

“Don’t worry, Frank. What happened?” I asked, pointing to my phone, and walked a few steps away from Michael.
“Um, I parked my car at the place I shouldn’t have.” He sighed.
“So they towed my car. I had to locate their office and pay before I got my car back.”

“I’m so sorry about that, Frank.”
“It’s okay. I’m home now. Are you still up for the trip?” he asked in a nervous voice, making me feel enormous.
“Of course, I am. I want some wedding cakes and rice.” I chuckled, trying to make him feel better. I understood the kind of emotional stress those gullible men in uniform had made him pass through. They are always mean and inconsiderable sets of uniformed men.

“Oh! Wedding cake? That’s not a problem. I’ll text you the address of my apartment.”
“Okay. See you in a bit.” I said right before hanging up, and walking back to Michael.
“Take a cab. I’ll pay.” He sent a text.
“Terry, what’s next? Is he around here or on his way?” Michael asked, feeling worried.

“Um, change of plans.”
“Change of plans? How?”
“I will have to meet him at his place and then we hit the road. He had a little-ish with those road safety men.”

“Oh! Okay.”
“Yeah! So we are taking a cab.”
“Nice. I will like to see his place. I hope he’s rich.” Michael added jokingly.
“Please, don’t embarrass me there, that’s all I ask.”

We busted into laughter.

We found a cab. I gave the address to the driver and we set off. It still feels strange to me. I’m going to follow him to Asaba. I can’t believe I am going to see him again. I was pretty nervous.
“Will I have fun with him like I did the other time? Has he changed?”

I was suddenly realizing how much time we are going to spend together. Three days and two nights or so. That’s a lot of time compared to the moment we shared when we first met. It’s really crazy like I was going on a trip with a total stranger.

“So you’ll be coming back to Lagos to pick up your things after the trip?” Michael asked me, waking me up from my thoughts.
“Yes, once we are back. I’ll be leaving Lagos finally the following week.”
“How time flies! It feels like yesterday. I remember when this service of a thing began.” Michael said, remembering how the journey began, how we met, and how one year seemed like one week.

“We are almost close. The house is around the corner,” announced the driver.

After a couple of minutes, he stopped in front of a big black gate rounded with a tall painted fence.

“We are at the place,” the driver announced and I nod my head, taking my small bag out. It took like forever because I couldn’t find it in the other bag I was carrying. I finally found it and brought out money to pay. I was about to pay before Michael interrupted. “Terry, I think he’s here,” Michael shook my hands and I looked up.

And there he was standing by the gate, wearing a long sleeve and jean trousers. His entire outfit speaks volumes of whom he is, a musician!
Wow! So this is real. This is actually real. I’m finally here.

The driver took the payment and then Michael said something, he whispered something but I didn’t quite hear him.

“No, no, I’ll take care of it.” Frank came, handing the driver two thousand naira. So the driver handed me back my money. I was still looking at Frank from my spot.
“Thank you,” said the driver as he took the money.
“Hi, Terry, how are you?” said Frank.

I felt paralyzed. I couldn’t stop looking at him. It felt just like when I first saw him. I know better so I decided not to speak just now. If I do, I will probably stutter and I didn’t want that to happen.

“How was your journey?” he asked and that forced me to move and say something, but for some reason, nothing came out.
What is happening to me? Say something!

“Hey, man! Nice to meet you. I’m Michael.” He extended his hand for a shake.
“Nice to meet you, too. I’m Frank.”

They shook hands and finally, I began to lose the tension inside me.
Frank seemed to understand I was kinda shy, so he stole a glance and smiled.

“I should be going now.” Michael looked up at me. “Take care of the lady, Frank,” he turned to Frank.
“I will.” Frank moved to hold the gate open for me.
“Please, call me when you get back home.” I hugged Michael and stylishly squeezed the money in my hand inside his pocket. He then entered back inside the cab.
“Take care of yourself,” Michael said.

“I will. Thank you for coming with me.”
“No qualms. Don’t forget to use a condom!” Michael popped his head and said.
“Yes, sir!”

We all laughed. The cab driver too. He then zoomed off on the tarred road.

Ladies and gentlemen, here is Mr. Frank, the music man. His smile was infectious. I smiled back.
“I like him. He seems fun.” Frank said as I stepped in. He was referring to Michael. He shut the gate as soon as I walked in.

A white modern house was before me. It has big long windows that give you chance to see everything inside.

“Your apartment is nice.” That’s all I said in a low voice, twisting my fingers.
“Thank you, Terry.”
“Hold the key let me get my bag.” He went inside while I leaned against his navy blue Avalon.

My mind doesn’t seem to process all of this. Being inside his apartment, with his car keys in my palm. A car that probably cost millions of naira. And about to go to Asaba with him. It seemed totally insane.

“Missed me?” He suddenly appeared at my side making me scream.
“Ouch! You scared me!”
“I’m sorry.” He laughed and took the car keys from me.
“So, should we start going now?” He scratched the back of his neck.
“Yes, of course.” I swallowed hard.

He calmly opened the front door for me. He probably shouldn’t have done that for me but I still didn’t mind his kind gesture. I sat in the front seat and buckled my seat belt, waiting for him to enter.
I still can’t believe I was with him, in his car, about to leave for a road trip. He then hops in, buckling as well.

For almost a minute we didn’t say a word. There was a cloud of tension between us but for some reason, it doesn’t feel awkward.

The first day, I was the nervous one but then we both were. Why? I don’t know, but it made my cheeks rise. I missed feeling this way around someone, and something tells me he felt the same way, too.

I turned to look at him slowly—only to find him staring back. He quickly averted his eyes, clearing his throat and placing his hand on the wheel.

“Let’s get on our way.” He licked his lips, turned the wheel,l and drove out of the apartment.
“Asaba, here we go!”

To be continued…
© Frank The Writer

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