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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Adventures With Theresa??

Episode 13

Written by: Frank The Writer

❌Do Not Copy or Repost ❌

~Theresa’s POV ~

On our way back to the house was fun. Since we got out of Shoprite, we have been talking about make-up and hairstyles for tomorrow — the deal day. She told me they hired someone and she asked if I wanted to, I could do my makeup with them but I gently refused. I wasn’t a fan of makeup and I didn’t wear it that much. I could equally do my hair just fine by myself.

We finally arrived and the sun was almost completely down, making the entire place cool and inviting. I thanked her once again for the shopping and she shook her head, telling me it was nothing, that she had a lot of fun with me.

“Are you sure you’ll be fine on your own, dear?” Frank’s mom asked as she was about to climb the stairs.

“Yeah, don’t worry about me. I’ll make myself comfortable,” I said, smiling at her. “I’ll just go inside and probably sleep or read a book,” I added.
“Alright, my dear. I’ll be upstairs, and just in case you need anything, call anyone around to help you out.” She started climbing the stairs.
“Alright, ma. I’ll keep that in mind.” I waved goodbye and started walking towards the guest room she showed me.

Frank was yet to return to the house. I guess he probably went out to see some of his friends.
I walked straight to the door and quietly opened it. The lights were on when I popped my head through the door. I gasped when I looked inside. The room was big, way bigger than any room I have stayed in. There was a shiny table with flowers on top and a matching mirror, the cream-carpeted floors lead to an open area where the bed was. There was a fireplace right in front of the bed and on top of it, there was a TV that strangely goes well with the room.

The bed was huge, the header was in a cream color with matching sheets and a full set of pillows. I instantly let my body fall on the bed proving what I already suspected, the softest-cloud- bed ever. The side tables were perfect with the rest of the furniture. A big lamp on each of them.

I stood up from the bed, and walked to the windows, the view from there was amazing. You could see other houses’ roofs there. I also decided to check the bathroom, if the room was like this, I’m sure the bathroom would even be bigger. Just what I thought. It was indeed filthy big.

I was amazed. All marble floors and walls, golden ornaments holding the towels, and decorating the frames of the two paintings on the wall. Two wooden tables with flowers everywhere and I love it. It made the whole place smell amazing.

After checking everything else in the room, I decided to take my book from my purse to keep myself busy. A cold breeze hit my cheeks and made me regret not having brought a jacket with me.

“Terry! Terry, right?” someone called from the door. I think I recognized the feminine voice.
“Hi, yeah, I’m Terry.” I opened the door and our eyes met.
“I’m Mary. Do you know? Frank’s cousin.” She said with a smile on her face.
“Oh! Mary. Good evening.”
“Good evening dear. Welcome to our home.”

“Thank you.”
“Um, we are about to have a little birthday for my mom. I hope you don’t mind joining us upstairs.” Mary said and looked me up in the eyes.
“Erm, birthday party?”
“Yes. Not Frank’s mom, but mine.”

“I heard you right.” I giggled and moved my eyes around.
“So, are you in? I promise we won’t take much of your time.”
“Well, let me see…”
“Terry, you don’t have to think about anything. You’ll be glad you joined us. I bet Frank forgot he promised mom he would be around.”
“I don’t even know where he went to.” I laughed.

“Don’t tell me you are an introvert.” She said smiling.
“No, I’m not,” I said, smiling back at her.

I took a second to think but then I just nodded my head and followed her. I couldn’t say no to Frank’s cousin, even when I was a bit mad at Frank, I didn’t want to sound rude to his family. Besides, she said they weren’t going to waste time.
Mary was quite a character, she looked fun to be with.

“Did you find a dress for tomorrow?” she asked.

“Yes, I did. Frank’s mom was a great company.” I replied.
“Oh! Really…sounds great.”
“Yeah. She is the best person to go shopping with. She picked my wedding dress.” I boosted.

We finally went upstairs to the sitting room where everyone was gathered for the quick celebration. A table was in the middle with a cake and several wines around it. Frank’s mom was there and likewise some few extended families I half knew.

Just like Mary promised, the birthday party was brief, fun, and enthralling. It lasted for about thirty minutes and they shared cake and drinks while everyone got back to their room.

I was back in the guest room, and lying on the bed with my portion of the cake and drink by the bedside. It was 7:30 pm and Frank wasn’t back yet. I didn’t want to call him either.

The cake was tasty and yummy as I finally took a bite. It made me think about the past years. I really enjoyed baking, but I didn’t like the environment I was in. With my ex and fake friends, it was much for me. I needed a change. But now, they are all in the past.

I really loved baking and getting lost while at it— that feeling made me realize maybe it was what I was born to do. I could take more classes when I later settle down. Maybe I could even teach some, that would be amazing too, to share my knowledge with others.

Out of nowhere, I heard a knock on the door. It brought me back from my thought, so I stood up from the bed and opened the door. I was surprised to see Frank standing outside the door.

“Frank,” I said a little confused. I wasn’t expecting him until the following day.
“Um, Terry.” He said, moving his hand up in an awkward wave. It was then I realized I was so distracted, during the afternoon that I didn’t think of our little fight last night. I was having fun with his family and it erased the thought from my mind.

“How….how was your outing?” I asked, taking a deep breath.
“Um, not bad. I met some old friends.” He said a little uncomfortable. He closed his lips for a moment and then he said, “Can I… come in? I need to talk to you.”

“Oh, yeah, sure. Come in.” I said nervously, opening the door for him and stepping inside. He walked inside and closed the door. He looked around the room and I couldn’t tell if he was still mad at me and I didn’t know if I was mad at him as well. It was really confusing. I mean I still wanted to know but I have learned not to push it. Even his mother told me so. Talking to her really helped me to understand.

“What’s that?” He noticed the cake on the bedside. He walked closer to the bed looking at it.
“Mary’s mom’s birthday….”
“Oh! I totally forgot about it. I was informed. She’s going to ki|| me for missing it,” he laughed.
“Good for you.” My short response.

Frank guided me towards the window. He sat down first in the cushion-made seat. He took a deep breath, looking towards the door. I waited for him to speak first, I didn’t want to push him.

“I want to apologize.” He finally said after some seconds of silence.
“I….I shouldn’t have left the room last night as I did. I’m really sorry.”
“Frank, you don’t have to. I’m the one that needs to apologize.” I turned to look at him, but he shook his head.

“I crossed a line. I offended you and for that, I’m very sorry.”
“Listen to me, I’m very sorry. I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did. You don’t deserve to be treated that way.” He looked at me, and for the first time in the whole day, he kindly looked at me. It brought butterflies to my stomach instantly.

“I guess I was hurt by your words and I kind of deserved it. I didn’t call you in eight freaking months and I was to apologize again.

“It’s okay.” I grinned. I felt a lot of emotions inside of me. I moved my hand to his shoulder, reassuring him it was fine.

“I guess I accept your apology too.” He gave me a smile, his eyes locked with mine and making everything inside of me melt.

“There’s… there is another thing I have to tell you.”


He stood up from the seat and took a step away, running his hand through his hair.

To be continued…
Frank The Writer

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