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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Adebimpe The Facebook Girl ( Season 9 ) … Part 20

As I was walking and crying along the road in ikeja, I was thinking of where next to go to.
“Should I go to Akure?”
“But what will I tell my people over there?”
“What will be my explanation for coming back home three months after travelling?”
“What will I explain to them when I arrive without any bag and luggage on me?”
“Even if I have to go to Akure, where do I get transport fare from?”
“Where next will I go to now?”
After several thoughts, I decided that I would go to my cousin’s place in Mushin where I used to live before I relocated to Maryland. But as at when I was deciding, I had no money on me and I resorted to road side begging for about three hours until I was able to raise six hundred naira, I ate at a roadside canteen out of the money and I used the rest to take transport to Mushin. I hanged around somewhere until late in the night before I eventually went to my cousin’s place because I don’t want anyone to see me. I arrived there at 10pm in the night and the guys there started hailing me.
“Onihaxy baba!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“When did you arrive?”
“Which hotel did you lodge into so that we can come and collect goodies?”
“What did you bring for us now?”
“You didn’t even call us that you are coming”.
After all their hailing and exaltations, I took a deep breath and told them that I was deported. They asked what happened and I told them that a friend kept a box at my place and unknown to me, it was drugs. cops came, searched my room, found the box and I was deported as a result. Before I knew it, the crowd that was hailing me previously started making jest of me except for few that were consoling me. I couldn’t help it but to cry so hard again that night.
The next day, I got a phone from someone and I called Segun to tell him what happened.
ME: hello Segun.
SEGE: hello Onihaxy, this is a Nigerian number. Are you roaming?
ME: I am not roaming oooo. I am now in Nigeria.
SEGE: haaaa, what happened?
ME: ****Explained all that happened*****
SEGE: eeyaah, so sorry about that. No wonder, I have been trying your number and it wasn’t reachable.
ME: ***sighed*** my brother, you won’tbelieve that I was sent back home without anything. I never expected Betty to go that far.
SEGE: I feel your pain Onihaxy. In fact, I am sharing in the suffering right now.
ME: what happened?
SEGE: you won’t believe that Sandra called me last night and called off the relationship.
ME: haaaaa, on what grounds?
SEGE: she said Betty explained all what happened to her and she couldn’t trust me anymore.
ME: haaaa, why are we having this bad luck?
SEGE: Onihaxy, what has happened as already happened. I have moved on and you should do the same. What matter most now is for you to pick up the pieces of your life and start afresh.
ME: I am so fed up.
SEGE: God knows that it wasn’t your fault. You were forced and deceived into all these things. What mattered most are the lessons we learnt. Atleast, Betty is still keeping your child and that alone is an assurance that both of you are still connected.
ME: what is the benefit of a child that I won’t be able to afford flight ticket to visit?
SEGE: don’t say that again Onihaxy, don’t ever think that you can’t make it in life. You have been on top before and I strongly believe that you will exceed your previous status with strong dedication.
ME: Alright Segun, thank you.
SEGE: I think you should call Funmi and tell her that you want to resume work at the bank; I believe she can still help you.
ME: but what will I tell people who would question my strange return to the bank?
SEGE: it’s simple, you and your wife decided to relocate back to Nigeria. And besides, you have no business what people are saying. People will always gossip and life continues.
ME: alright friend, thank you very much. I will call her and give you a feedback later.
SEGE: no problem, you don’t have to be depressed, we are into this together. And I believe something; anything that belongs to you will never be taken away from you. IfBetty is really your wife whom God choose for you, you guys will definitely get back together someday.
We ended the call and I begged my cousin to give me N200 to buy recharge card which he did, I recharged my phone and called Funmi.
ME: Hello Funmi.
FUNMI: hello, who am I speaking with please?
ME: it’s me Onihaxy.
FUNMI: Onihaxy?, this is a Nigerian number. What is happening?
ME: my wife and I relocated back to Nigeria three days ago.
FUNMI: hope no problem?, why the quick relocation.
ME: our pastor told us to come back home because our success and wealth lies in Nigeria. he said no matter how long we stayed abroad, we would never make it there.
FUNMI: eeyah, that is cool. Nigeria is a land blessed with lots of opportunities.
ME: thank you.
FUNMI: you are welcome. Youcan’t even call me since you left Nigeria.
ME: I am so sorry about that,
FUNMI: no problems, hope you are fine.
ME: No, I am not. That is why I am calling. Please, I need your help.
FUNMI: My help?, what is that?
ME: please help me, I want to resume back to the bank
FUNMI: haaaaaaa, that will be very difficult oooooo.
ME: please help me Funmilayo.
FUNMI: first, there is no vacancy at the moment. Secondly, you can’t work around me because of Adeola; she must not see us together again. She almost committed suicide when she saw us together the last time. I don’t want to lose my daughter please.
ME: haaaa. So no hope for me?
FUNMI: I am sorry Onihaxy; I can’t help you with that request.
ME: no problem, thank you very much ***hanged up*****
chai!!!!!!, the devil is really dealing with me…

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