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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Adebimpe The Facebook Girl ( Season 8 ) … Part 19

I took a deep breath and sat down in her living room as I have no other choice than to stay back that night. even if I wanted to go back to Maryland that night, I would arrive at home late in the midnight and the house gate must have been locked, my landlord would even be mad at me because it had been stated in the agreement he gave me that the gate opens by 4:30 am and closes by 11:30 pm in the night. I was even so weak to drive back home as a result of the stressful day in the office and I had no option of arguing with Funmilayo when she urged me to stay back in her house. She went inside her kitchen to prepare something while I was still seated and sending a message to my landlord, informing him that I won’t be coming back home that night. Funmi came out of the kitchen and told me that the food would soon be ready, she asked me if I was going to eat before having my bath or I was going to bath before eating, I replied her that I would eat first and she went back into the kitchen while I was still surfing the internet.Bimpe was also chatting with me at the same time, telling that she was lonely and wishing that i was with her, I told her to always go with her husband to Abuja every weekend to avoid loneliness. she also told me about my traveling documents processing plans which henry and Betty had started working on, I was still on the chat when Funmi called me over to join her at the dinning. I dropped my phone on the chair of the living room and went to meet Funmilayo at the dinning. She had served semovita and egusi soup. We started eating and got talking.
FUNMI: Onihaxy, hope you are enjoying the meal?
ME: yes boss, I am.
FUNMI: stop all this boss of a thing my friend, we aren’t in the office.
ME: ***smiled***
FUNMI: so, how is Adeola?, when last did you hear from her?
ME: **shocked*** it’s been a while oooooo.
FUNMI: a while?, well, I saw the picture that both of had together at her school, so it has gotten to the extent of going to visit her in her school?
ME: *** still shocked** me?, had picture with Adeola in her school?, when?
FUNMI: **** opened her phone gallery and showed me the picture****** look at this, she used this as her whatsapp display picture since Monday and I saved it.
ME: ****cracked my brain to manufacture lies*** ooooooh, I remember. I actually went to Ibadan last weekend for a friend’s wedding, you can see in the picture that I was putting on native attire, she called me when I was at the party and that was when I told her that I was in Ibadan, she later asked me about my location in Ibadan and fortunately, the venue of the party was two streets away from her house. That was why I stopped over to see her before returning back to Lagos.
FUNMI: hmmmm, and since last weekend till now, you couldn’t tell me that you went to visit your girlfriend in Ibadan?
ME: girlfriend?,Adeola is my sister ooo.
FUNMI: you are a liar Onihaxy. Do I look like a kid or a toddler?, I believed I have begged you enough to stay clear of this girl and I gave you reasons why you should do so.
ME: hmmmmmmm
FUNMI: firstly, she is still in school and need not to be distracted in other for her to study well and have good grades .Secondly;she is still young to handle a relationship for now and lastly, it’s a taboo where I come from for a man to have an affair with a mother and daughter, such men don’t excel in life and that is why I am more concern about your destiny and prosperity.
ME: believe me Funmilayo, Adeola and I had nothing together.
FUNMI: Onihaxy, just name your price, I am ready to pay you any amount to back off this girl, please!!!!!!.
ME: ****smiled*** I’m serious Funmi, we aren’t having any affair, she only said she needed someone to lean on at the moment and that was what brought us closer.
FUNMI: what did she tell you about me?
ME: about you as how?, in what way?,
FUNMI: I mean, what did she tell you recently about me?
ME: nothing really, she only said both of you had a misunderstanding.
FUNMI: really?, what did she tell you that the misunderstanding was all about ?.
ME: honestly, she didn’t tell me anything further, she only said it was a private issue between the two of you
FUNMI: don’t mind her Onihaxy, she came home and asked me for a huge amount of money to buy things that will not add any value to her life and academics which I refused to give her, that was when she started acting funny.
ME: really?, what thing could she need the money for and how much is the money?
FUNMI: don’t worry about that Onihaxy, that is not the real issue on ground. The main issue is that you should please, back off from my daughter and let her face her studies. And since you and I already had something together, my daughter is a no go area for you. Please pity your destiny and avoid calamity.
ME: ***chaiiiii, see sweet liar ooooooo**** ok ma, I have heard you.
We finished with the food and I requested to have my bath, she told me to use the shower in her room because the one in the guest room wasn’t working and Adeola had locked her room. I had no choice than to use the bathroom in room. I pulled off my shirt and trouser in the living room and dropped them on the chair; I went into her room with my boxers and singlet on me. 3 minutes after shutting the door of the bathroom, I heard the sound of the room door been shut and I heard the turning of key sound. After the shower, I came out of the bathroom and met Funmilayotieing a white towel around her waist and holding another towel which she gave me to use in cleaning up before she later entered into the bathroom.
I looked at the wardrobe which was open and I saw my cloths been hanged inside it, I looked at the door and realized that it has been locked and the key wasn’t inside the keyhole. It was then that I knew that I had signed a deal for a marathon segz league. I waited patiently for her to return from the bathroom and I pounced on her, giving her so hot more than what she was expecting, from sucking, to missionary, then woman on top to d—-e style. The segzual escapades ended at some minutes past 2am before we both slept off. I woke up in the morning around 6am, dressed up and managed to drive back home to Maryland.
I was so tired on getting back home that Saturday morning that I just lied down on my bed and slept off without even locking my door with keys. I had slept off so deeply until I felt someone tapping me on my back. I managed to open my eyes and I saw a woman’s hip on my bed. Out of curiosity, I raised up my eyes to see the mysterious lady that entered into my room and behold, it was Benita sitting right beside me on my bed with a cleavage revealing top and a very short gown. I was like “ God, what did I do to always deserve temptations from this girl, what does she even wants from me?”.

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