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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(The prohecy ?)

By Terri Savage ?️

Episode 65 & 66





The academy of immortals is now under a serious attack from the demons, hundreds of demons kept evading the academy

A hot fight is going on in the academy, the students are putting them out but still some got ki||ed in the process

Terri is not in the fight, he is weak without his prince, his mind is not stable

He sat on the bare floor with his sword laying beside him

“I couldn’t save him, what kind of protector am I, I am useless, I don’t deserve to be his protecter” He cried blaming himself, immediately his tears touched the floor it turned into ice

Outside the academy all the academes combined to destroy the demons and at last they were able to put them out

“This is becoming so serious than I ever imagine” Dreams said

“You haven’t seen anything and you are complaining” Noah said

“We will be alright?” Avril asked wearing a fear on her face

Noah gave her an assuring smile and nodded

The five masters left to the chamber

“I wonder how Genova and Scarlett are doing” Blue said

“Why do I feel like, they are in pains” Jessica said

“The demons are the most heartless, wicked and cunning creatures ever known in the historical origin of supernatural beings, he will be torture for sure,Gold will regret joining hands with them cos sooner or later they will turn against him, I lost my family in their hands” She said

“It’s evening already, just few hours to the war”

” Where us Terri? I didn’t see him during the wall” Jisoo asked

” You can’t expect to see him, I don’t think he is in his right state of mind, he might be blaming himself” Mirabel said

“Noah” Some of the students from Mount academy came gathering there

” Hi Lexington” Noah waved

” Recce”

” See you guys later” He said and walked away with some of the students

Blue started leaving but Jisoo ran to him and blocked his view

“Can we settle our difference if we survive in the war?” She asked

“Yes” He nodded

She smiled and walked out


“We need to assemble the students, the war is tomorrow, we have to train the whole of this night, we can’t lose this war” Maureen said

“We have the prince but who knows how fate works, he is captured we can’t possibly know what is going on with him in that coven” Damon said

“We must strive to survive in this battle” Leenox said

“I heard everything you said” Seth said

Ashley sighed and quickly looked up

” Where is Soha?” Ashley asked and Seth just took notice of it

” I am here” Soha said entering the room

” I was handling some demons outside the academy”

“Who is she?”

” Someone special to me” Seth said and Soha felt special


The students have been training nonstop, even midnight has passed, some hours to daybreak now but no one is yet to sleep, there is no need to sleep when your life is at stake

The five masters surpvised the training giving them encouraging words to boost up their energy and to eliminate the fear in them

“Fear is an enemy” Leenox said

“It can lead to failure, give in your all to win this battle”

“Be positive”

Soha entered the practice ground

” The Protecter is not in the academy” She announced

” All of you get ready, we are leaving soon, I will select the best students to go with us” Seth said

” Why did he left just like that” Sasha said

“It’s his job to protect the prince you can’t expect him to set here”


Terri appeared in the demon kingdom and his presence is notice immediately

“Hmm, the protecter” Ovartz said

His eyes spotted Genova on the ground with his hands chained to a pole

His anger increased and his eyes got more redder

“What did you do to him” He yelled

“Nothing just a little torture” Eddy replied appearing with Boris and some of the demons

“Where is Draco!!”

“And what do you want with the king” Serpentine asked

He started walking to her but some demons appeared

Red flames came out from his eyes which sent them to their death

He disappeared and appeared before Serpentine

He grabbed her neck

” I have always wanted to ki|| you” He said

Serpentine tried to pushed him off but he lifted her up and slammed her on the ground

The ground crack swallowing her half

He grabbed her out

“Let go of me” She tried to swung him off

He made his nails to become long, he sunk it into her chest bringing out her heart

Serpentine screamed and fell on the floor becoming turning into ashes

“How dare you, ki|| one of us” Ovartz said and tried attacking but Eddy stop him

“Let me handle this” Eddy said

But Ovartz still attack but Terri grabbed his neck, he made to do the same thing he did to Serpentine to him but Eddy flew over and push Terri back with air blown from his mouth

“You made a mistake coming here to save your prince” Eddy said

“You’re the one who made the mistake to bring him here

Terri gathered red flames ready to blast him with it but then suddenly the flames quench itself

He felt some chains on his legs and he started feeling his powers frozen


“Here is our territory” Draco entered with the staff

“Ohh!! the protecter, so sad you both will die” Draco said

” I have to destroy the staff right now they will soon be here, the war is here sooner than I expected”

Terri heart started palpating, the staff will be destroyed, it that happens then there is no hope for them again

Eddy blasted some flames on Terri and he started coughing blood, he started vomiting blood, a kick sent him flying and he landed closely to Genova

“It’s time”

Draco raised his hand up and everyone watched

Genova can’t see he is still blind tho temporary, Scarlett is kept in Draco chambers

All the subordinate demons gathered

A dark light emanate from Draco hands and he struck on the ground

A big crack happen there and immediately, the place started shaking tremblingly

A big fire ice pool soon appeared

The demons started chanting, that’s the only thing to destroy the staff

“My prince” Terri called

Genova heard his voice and tried to open his eyes but he couldn’t as the pains gripped him more tighter

“Terri” He replied weakly

Terri felt like crying seeing the state he is in, so sorrowful

The fire ice pool started turning to a big flame of fire

Draco smiled and raised the staff up waiting for the fire t turn into dark flames

“No, your staff is about to be destroy my prince, we believe in you” Terri started gingering him up

“The whole kingdom look up to you, think about your princess, your friends, he ki||ed our parents, won’t you revenge for it” Terri shouted

“What kind of prince will history record that couldn’t save his people, I have hope in you”

As his words kept coming, Genova started remembering his past life, how his parents were ki||ed, his remember his times with the guys, his princess

His powers started awakening, his body started shaking

A new wave of energy wash through him, his wounds started healing completely, his eyes open with fire in it

“What is happening, he is getting his powers back” Elezelda shouted

They all turn and saw what is going on

“ki||ed them” Draco ordered

He let go of the staff and it started going into the pool of dark fire

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