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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(The prohecy ?)

By Terri Savage ?️

Episode 40





“Then if you want the safety of your parents, ki|| the two of them or else you will regret the outcome and know their death will be on your head” Boris said without any pity

” Yes my princess ” She bowed her head to the ground and stood

” You may leave now , but know you don’t have time, none of them must take possession of that staff” Elezelda said

Elizabeth nodded and walked out


She appeared back in her room and walked to her mirror, she faced it and saw the blood stain on her lips and clothes, she went to the bathroom and cleaned herself

She came out with a towel and went to her closet, she took another clothe and change into it, she sat on her bed and remembered how everything started that night


Elizabeth opened the door to their house and entered, she saw her parents and her little brother sitting in the living room

She greeted them and made to go to her room but her father called her back

“Elizabeth” He said

“Father” She turned

“Come and sit with me” He said

She went and sat with him

“You know your cold attitude is not good, you need to start relating with your peers, you’re always frowning your face, my daughter loosen up a bit, being an introvert is not good” He said and she nodded

” I will be taking you to somewhere where you will master your powers” He said

A week ago her parents discovered her powers, her father who has some super abilities understood, though he is a healer, he had already knew about the academy of immortals meant for supernaturals, they weren’t sad or scared that their daughter was a supernatural

” Okay father, when?” She asked without smiling

” Tomorrow, I will take you there, I know the way there” He said

” I will miss you baby” Her mother said

” Don’t go sis” Her kid brother said

He looked at their faces and smiled lightly

“I will miss you all but I promised to come back and visit you all” She said


Elizabeth is set to leave with her father, she has just hug her mother, it was hard convincing her little brother but she did

“I love you okay and I will be back” She said to him

“Promise” He said displaying his white set of teeth

“Promise” She said and they jammed knuckles

“I will miss you mom, let’s go father” She said

” Not so fast” A voice suddenly said and the door flew open immediately

They turned their eyes to the door to see two ladies and a man walked in

Serpentine, Elezelda and Ovartz

“Who are you?” Elizabeth asked

“People looking for you” Serpentine replied

That was how she was forced to signed the deal with the demons, she is not a demon, she was only empowered with dark powers to add up to her powers

In order to save her family she had no option but to agree to the deal, not like she wanted to become evil, even though she had a dark side she wouldn’t be this evil if not for the demons

Tears kept coming out of her eyes as she remembered what happened that night

“Father, mother, little brother, I am very sorry I can’t saved you all, I don’t have any option but to ki||” She cried


The students are eating breakfast as usual waiting for the training coming up next

Jisoo has already introduced Scarlett to the girls and they are all over her, they took sudden likeness on her immediately they saw her

She is sitting between them, they are already behaving like lost sister who just found themselves

Terri looked up from his food and his eyes met with Sasha but she look away

“Are you two dating?” Scarlett asked seeing the action they displayed

“Who?” Sasha asked

“The cute guy” She replied gesturing at Terri with her eyes

“No” Sasha replied

“He is her crush”

“Oh!!” Scarlett said and resumed eating

“Why are you avoiding him?, weren’t you the one who was sad that he was avoiding you” Mirabel asked

” I am not, I am just playing hard to get, I want him to feel the pain of what he did to me, hurting me so badly ” Sasha said and quickly glance at him

” But it’s wasn’t his fault, he was possessed” Jisoo said

” Okay girls, happy now” She said

” It’s for your happiness not ours Ɓîtçh” Jisoo scoffed

” Hey why are you not smiling?” Scarlett asked Jessica

Jessica gave her undecipherable look before facing her food

” She don’t talk too much”

” Oh! but I like her” She pouted

” Will you stop being cute” Sasha peck her cheek

Gold, Dreams and Blue entered the hall and sat down

Some juniors female students started drooling on them secretly

” King of p@zzy” Scarlett called

” That’s me, ambassador of p@zzy, ladies sugar daddy, president of p@zzy…”

“That is enough fool” Blue said covering his mouth with his hand to shut him up

“Terri” They smiled at him

He only nodded

” Gold ” She called in her tiny voice making Gold heart to run a marathon, he started staring at her

” Scarlett” He smiled

” Blue”

” Miss L” He replied

” Where is Genova?” Jisoo asked

“Genova?” She said questionly

“Yes the most powerful and handsome guy in the academy, my crush” Jisoo said

“I want to see him” She muttered to her hearing, right now her heart is racing and she is curious to see him

” Why is my heart beating? It can’t be my Genny” She said

?Why the f_ck?

?Who is that?

? It’s Genova

?But why is he wearing a mask

Murmuring started as Genova entered with a mask on his face, even in the mask his radiating cuteness couldn’t be hidden

Scarlett eyes glued at him with her heart thudding, he walked to them and sat down

Terri looked at him weirdly having a feeling like he has seen him but where, he can’t remember anything

The boys started laughing so hard

“Handsome masked Genova” Dreams said giggling

Genova saw Scarlett staring at him and he felt like removing the mask and running to her, holding her and kissing her but he controlled him, Scarlett kept staring at him

She couldn’t see his face but she has that feeling that it was him but she wasn’t sure

“He is cute even in the mask” Scarlett said to the hearing of everyone

Gold found himself frowning

“He is so handsome, I wonder why he is wearing a mask”

“What happened Genny?” Jisoo asked but he only smiled at her without saying a word

“He is acting weird” Terri thought

“Maybe he is dumb” Blue said and the boys join him in laughing

Genova glared at them in the mask

“I’m full” Sasha said standing

“We will see you later, I want to eat” Jisoo said

“Same here” Mirabel added

She touched Scarlett hair before leaving, Terri stood up and followed her

“Time for make up”

Scarlett stood up from her seat and walked to Genova

“Don’t you talk?” She asked trying to scan his face well but she couldn’t, she only see his eyes

“He has the same eyes with him”

Genova said nothing rather he stood up and walked out


“Sasha wait” Terri called running behind Sasha

He caught with her and grabbed her hand, she tried to pushed him off but he tightened his hold on her

“Why are you avoiding me, tell me what I do wrong to you?” He said

“You don’t remember all the nasty things you did to me?” She asked and he nodded his head

“I am feeling like I lost my memories, we were friends I can’t hurt you in my right mind, I am sorry though I can’t remember anything” He said peering into her eyes

Her heart couldn’t stop beating for him

” You called me a Ɓîtçh, you told me to avoid you, you hurt me badly, you were so cold and violent to everyone, I couldn’t eat nor sleep do you know how it feels to be called a Ɓîtçh by someone you’re madly in love with” She blurted

His eyes widened at her confession

“You’re in love with me?” He asked slowly

Sasha gasped realizing what she said, she wasn’t intending to confess to him but her stupid heart deceived her

“I…I.. you didn’t hear anything” She said and ran away

“She is in love with me, do I feel the same?” He said and smiled


Since Genova left the hall he went to the library through the directive of a maid

He is reading some books about demons, different magic spell and some historical books

He saw a particular page and open it, the history of the demons

He read the history of the demons and continued flipping the pages, once he looks at a page he will assimilate everything

Suddenly a book suddenly glowing on a table far from him before he could make a move the book flew straight to his table


“Book of the chosen ones” He Read

He opened the first page and started reading about the history of Pure magic kingdom and the demon kingdom

3000 years ago…….

“So the demon prince started the jealousy, but who are the chosen? wait is this the mission Soha was talking about, so am I also one of the chosen, where is the other chosen she was talking about him that I will free him, she said he was powerful as me, I want to see the staff”

He made to open the next page but he suddenly started feeling sleepy

He yawned and placed his head on the table sleeping off


“This is the library, I don’t want to read now, come back quick” Jisoo said

They are standing at the door, Scarlett suddenly felt the urge to read so she inquired if the academy has a library, Jisoo agreed and took her there

“I won’t waste time” She said and go inside

She marvelled at the big library immediately she enter, she walked in and saw someone sleeping with his head on the table.

She saw the mask and recognize him, the masked guy

She found herself walking to his table, she stop beside him and stared at his face

Even in his sleeping state he is so cute, the way his lips pouted, she got the urge to kissed him but waved it off

She kept feeling the same way she felt for Genova

She decided to trespass

“I am sorry, forgive me” She said and her hand started moving to his face more closer and closer

She touched the mask and gently removed it away from his face


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