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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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The students all walked to the training ground each with his or her sword straddle on their waist

Dreams, Gold and Blue entered the training ground and all eyes turned on them especially Dreams whom the ladies started drooling on

“Did they want to rape you?” Gold said hearing their comments

“Ion know, I’m hot it’s not their fault” He said proudly

“Ç0çƙy head” Blue hissed

The girls got there too, Sasha, Mirabel and Jisoo

Gold started staring at her without blinking, to him she is the most beautiful girl in the world

Blue saw him looking somewhere and traced his eyes to the direction, he smiled as he saw him staring at Sasha

“You like her don’t you?” He whispered to him

“Huh!, Who?” He asked

“Sasha, I caught you staring at her”

“Snap out of it, I wasn’t looking at her” He denied

“If you like her just tell her and stop eyes raping her” Blue said

Gold gave him a glare and he shut up

Elizabeth and Jessica both came there at the same time

Dreams smiled seeing her

” Tigress” He called out to the hearing of everyone, Jessica gave him a bad look before sitting down

” I don’t like Elizabeth” Jisoo said

” Same here with me”

” I don’t just like her” Mirabel said

“Where’s Terri?” Sasha asked no one in particular

“Looking for your potential boyfriend?” Jisoo asked

“Stop it, he is not my potential boyfriend” Sasha replied smiling secretly

“I will soon start crushing on someone” Mirabel said and they all laughed

Soon after Terri came there and as usual everyone started looking at him

Sasha bite her lips, he is looking so hot

To everyone surprise, he went and sat with the boys

“What the f_ck!” Dreams exclaimed

“What!” Terri asked

“You… You just sat with us, is that not a strange thing” He replied

“Nothing is strange here, I’m not a snake” He said and his eyes caught Sasha, he gave her a cute smile

“Good… morning Terri” Blue said like he was fighting with his words

“Morning guys and please stop taking me for a bad person, I don’t associate with people doesn’t mean I’m bad, thanks to someone who made me understand somethings” He said

“Okay,, but it’s still strange ” Gold said

Master Ashley walked there and the whole student stood up

“Morning master ”

” Morning students, I want to announce to you all that master Seth will be coming back very soon ” He said and the students started clapping

“Back to what you all are here to do, I want you all to master your powers and abilities, today you all will be training using your swords, you have to be physically able and spiritually able, this will give you advantage on all form of attack, but while fighting with each other don’t remove your sword for it sheath, now I will pair you up” He said

“I will start with the junior students ”

Master Ashley paired up the junior students after he was done he started pairing the senior ones

“Gold you will fight Den ”

“Elizabeth and Jessica”

Elizabeth and Jessica glared scornfully at each other

“Sasha and Malia”

“Terri and Dreams”

“Blue and Jisoo”

“Mirabel and Olivia” He said

” You can all start”

All the students stood up and took their positions facing their partners

“Show no mercy to your partner” He said

Den charge at Gold with his sword, Gold counter with his sword and kick him to the ground

Mirabel started fighting with Olivia, she is a strong opponent tho, the both kicked themselves and both of them fell to the ground

The training kept going on, with everybody putting in their full concentration


Genova hand moved slowly on the ground and his eyes opened slightly, ray of sunlight hit his face and he closed them back

He reopened his eyes again feeling more stronger, he stood up and walked to the mirror, he turned his back and look into the mirror to his greatest surprise the wound is healed up, no scar or anything there again, his skin fresh as before, his eyes went to his hand and he saw the same thing

“Maybe I’m not human” He said and looked at his lips which healed up

He felt no pains again, he rushed to the bathroom and took his bath, he came out and hurriedly wore his uniform, he looked at the time on the wall clock and gasped


His mind went to the test he is having today at 10:30am

“I need to rush to school now” He said and took his bag running out

He saw no one in the house, Ariel and Eddy left the house before he woke up, they didn’t even care to check him out

He tried opening the door but it was locked

“What will I do now” He said sadly

“Open up this door” He said and shockingly the door open itself

He didn’t have time to think about what happened, so he rushed out and started running to school


Kathrine kept looking at the door every passing second, she kept wondering what happened to Genova, he is not a late coming type of student, she wanted to ask Eddy but on a second thought refrained herself

The Geography teacher walked in the class and without saying anything to the students, he wrote test on the board

Eddy kept smiling as he knows for sure that Genova will miss the test

The teacher distributed the question papers to students

Kathrine started loosing hope of him showing up

In that moment Genova rushed to class, panting heavily due to the way he run to school with an incredible speed, to him he thought it was normal but it wasn’t

The teacher turned and gave him a hard look

“Why are you coming to school by this time?” He asked

He started scratching his head

“Erm, I woke up late” He said

“If not that you’re the most brilliant student here i won’t have allow you to take this test, go to your seat” He said

Genova went to his seat, Kathrine flashed him a smile immediately he sat down

“Morning” He whispered to her

The teacher gave him the question paper and he started writing

Eddy frowned in disappointment

“How did he open the door” He muttered


The test came to an end after forty minutes, the teacher collected the papers and walked out of the class

Kathrine faced Genova with a look that said start explaining

” I slept late last night, I was reading but I was finding it hard to comprehend, so I ended up sleeping so late”He said

” Okay, you scared me, I thought you were going to miss the test” She said

“I am sorry ” He said

Kathrine smiled and hugged him, he felt uncomfortable but decided to hug her back

Eddy glared at them from where he is sitting, biting his lips in jealousy


“I am tired” Kathrine said tiredly

“Lazy @zz” Genova laughed

“Are you serious?, we have been studying for two hours straight now” She frowned

“Two hours is not a big deal, I can study for more than five hours”

“Everyone is not a genius like you” She pouted

“You’re cute” He said and she looked at him

“I mean when you pout” He said regretting it

“Thanks, but Genova am I really beautiful?” She asked

“Yes you’re, did someone said you are ugly?”

“Not really”

“You’re cute, I think we should leave now since you are tired” He said standing up

“Are you trying to say you are not tired?” She asked

“In a nutshell yes” He replied

“bulldozer” She smiled

She tried to stand up and mistakenly her hand hit the books on the table and it fell to the ground

Her and Genova bent to picked it at the same time and their faces met, Kathrine stared at his red lips and for a minute none of them moved, she started leaning for his lips, Genova stood transfixed, her lips was about touching his when the door opened and a student walked in, they quickly started picking up the books

They placed it back on the table and walked out


Training finished some hours ago and currently she just had her bath

She sat on the chair in her room after dressing up and she started feeling some weird vibes, she looked around for any trace but found nothing

“Maybe I am just overthinking” She said and pour herself a drink

She made to drink it when a hand hold her

She looked up and saw Dreams holding her hand, she looked at him then to her hand

She stood up and pushed him, she placed the cup back on the table

“What are you doing here and how did you get in here, shameless f_cker?” She asked

“Why are you always talking about my s*x life when yelling at me or are you perhaps jealous….”

“Oh!! shut up, I better remain a virgin than to f_ck you, why would I be jealous, I h@ťě you” She yelled

” I know”

” Leave” She said and took the cup again

” You’re tough but I didn’t know you can’t sense something dangerous to your body” He said

“What did you mean?” She raised a brow

“The drink is poisoned” He replied

Jessica started laughing

“Oh, you just succeeded in making me to laugh, how did you know my drink is poisoned?” She asked

“I know, you can’t see what I’m seeing cos you are in the dark” He replied

“If you don’t have anything to say leave”

” I can open up your eyes to see what I’m seeing but I don’t think you will agree to the condition”

“Which is?”

“kissing you” He replied

Jessica glared at him

“So if you kiss me I will see what is in my drink and what if I don’t see anything?”

“Then do to me anything you want” He replied

Jessica stood on her toes and kissed him lightly but Dreams pulled her closer and kissed her deeply, savouring the taste of her lips


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