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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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A teacher / student romance ❤?

?Episode 2?
I turn my head to her.
Wait! He teaches literature too ?”

“Yeah “Cam nods

“I hope you enjoyed the class, see you next time ” Mr hottie finished as he packs his books.

“Bye Mr hottie ” the class replies and girls giggle

He glance at my direction briefly before walking out of the class.

My eyes was on him till he got out of sight.

After two more classes, the bell indicating lunch break rings and I head to the cafeteria with Camille.

We order our lunch, and seat on our usual table.
We both ordered the same food, ? hamburger and fries.

“Did you change the your phone pouch? ” Cam ask as she collects my phone from me.

“O my God ! Is this not iPhone 13 promax?” Camile scream attracting many people. Before I know it, we were crowded.

?OMG is this true? ”

?I’m jealous ”

?She’s the first person to get the latest iPhone again. Wow ”
Murmuring from the students fill the cafeteria.

I smile and continue eating my food. This is what I like.

“What’s so special in getting an iPhone 13, when I already got one before her ” the voice of the person I despise the most says from the crowd.

Angel and her minions emerges from the crowd walking closer to where I’m sitting. The other student watch in awe as Angel shows off her so called Iphone.

Student start to murmur again.

I clench my fists angrily.

That Ɓîtçh always like to steal the spot light which I already gained.

“Someone should check the phone please, we have to be sure if it’s not fake ” i speak out standing up.

“Why sweetie, are you Suprise? “Angel smirks.

“Nope, I’m just making sure. Because I know that no one in your stupid family can afford an iPhone 1, not to talk of this….. Or maybe, your Pů$$¥ work so much during the holiday” I finished with a mockery face. The crowd laughs while Angel tries to make a neutral expression.

“It doesn’t matter how I got it ” she replies staring daggers at me.

“Oh it does to me and to everyone here ” I smirk and make my way out of the cafeteria heading to the washroom.

As I was going through the silent hallway I bumped into someone.

“Goodness can you watch… ” I stopped when I notice it was a teacher.

“Are you blind or something ” I retort angrily.
She didn’t say a thing as she bend down to pick up her book on the floor. Well she dares not say anything or else she doesn’t need this job. I already have the perfect offence I would tell dad to make him fire her.

I hiss and begin to walk away. I stop when someone grabs my arm.

I was boiling with anger as I turn around to see who it was. My eyes widen when I saw that it was the new teacher, Mr handsome.

I put a smile immediately but my smile drop when he said. “You bumped into her, you should at least apologize and help her with the books that fell”

I snatch my hand from his grip. “Who are you to tell me what to do. Please learn how to mind your business ” I hiss as I turn to leave.

“Rich kids, they are rude and senseless ” I heard him say making me halt.

“What did you say? ”

“You heard me! ”

“Don’t you ever say that to me again ” I yell.

“Do you know who you’re talking to? ” he scoff.

“Yeah, I’m talking to father’s employee ”

“You’re so arrogant ” he shakes his head.

“Yes I am. Deal with it ”

“Then you need to be taught a good lesson, who would have thought that nice man has a stupid daughter like you. It’s a pity, he doesn’t deserve to have a bad daughter like you who is just spoiling his good image ” he lash.

I clench my jaw angrily. Who the hell is he to say those things to me. Did he know he just hurt my feelings.

“f-__-k you Mr Gonsack ” I curse raising my middle finger at him.

“You too, Genna ”

“It’s Gemma not Genna you prick ” I yell.

“It’s Gonzalez too ” he replies walking to the teacher I bumped into.
“You should just leave her alone that’s how she is ” I heard the lady say.

They should start dating already. Stupid people. Just when I’m beginning to like the f-__-ker, he messed up.

I h@ťě him.
Handsome guys are stupid and senseless.

I went to the washroom to cry. His words really got to me and I couldn’t stop thinking. I’m I really a bad daughter. In what way?

“You are not a bad daughter, don’t let his words get to you okay? ” Cam tells me after I explained to her what happened.

I nod my head. “I won’t, he’s a jerk ”

“But that won’t stop from crushing on him, he’s my forever crush ” Camille squeak.

I roll my eyes at her.

Finally comes the closing time, I grab ready to get of this hell hole as soon as possible.

“I’m leaving ” I inform Camille.

“Wait! ” she calls.

“What? You need a ride ” I ask.

“Nope, did you forget? ” she frowns.

“What did I forget? ”

“Seriously Gem, every first day of resumption what do we do ”

“Oh yeah, I forgot sorry. So Mc Donald it is?” I ask.

“Of course, you’re are still asking ” she smiles as she hop into my car.

It’s has been our usual tradition to Visit Mc Donald restaurant the first day of resumption. We have been doing it even when Angel was still our friend. But then with Angel , it was more fun. I didn’t mean Camille is boring but it isn’t like when Angel is there. Honestly, Angel was a good friend and the best adviser you will ever need. But it happen, we broke up and until she apologized for her misdeeds I will never be her friend.

After grabbing some snacks at the restaurant, we left. We would not have left early if I wasn’t complaining that I want to go home. Camile was not happy with it, but she would not blame me today is just not my day.
I drop Cam off, not at her house. She never told me or left me know where she lives till now, even if I ask. I wonder why.

I enter the living room, then the dinning that led to the stairs to climb up to my room. I saw Dad at the dinning eating.

“Hi dad ” I greets as I made my way upstairs.

“Gemma, how was School today? ” he ask making me stop walking.

“Nice ” I reply him.

He sigh “Gemma, I heard what happened this morning”

“Of course you should ” I shrug.

“You shouldn’t have fired that woman, she came to me begging for help and I offered her this job, now you have fired her and I have no idea where to find her ”

“Excuse me?….. I can’t believe this. Are you saying that what she did was good? Dad? “.

“I’m not saying what she did was good, but aleast you give her another chance, she was new ”

“Dad please, I had a rough day today at School, I’m just home to rest. So don’t piss me off ” I say and head to my room.

T. B. C.
Adrian is here to make our Gemma change. She’s really arrogant, imagine talking to your dad that way. What will happen to you ?

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