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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Chapter 41

Molly board a cap home hurriedly. She had tried Kaylan’s number but it wasn’t reachable, she tried that of Dean but he didn’t pick up, neither was Collins

“C’mon Dean, pick up the d@mn call” She stumped her leg against the hard floor

She has been calling him since she left the hospital but he wouldn’t pick

“What the heck is happening?.. she sigh frustratingly

“So it was all planned.. Their plan” She sobbed, walking into the sitting room.

She walked to her mom and hugged her

“Did something happened? Are you still in pain? What did doctor banks say? Is it something bad?” Mrs Anderson asked concernedly

“Mom…. someone is trying to destroy Kaylan’s home.. I’ve been calling them but none of them is picking up… She sobbed

“What if something is going to happen? I heard the nurse said the sedative last only 30min…It means..

Her eyes widdened and she immediately

“I’ll be back mom”… She dash out of the house before Mrs Anderson could say a thing

She dialed Collins number and luckily it went through

? Take the police to Dean’s house, I’ve got some proof.. Molly said

? Molly, what’s wrong.. what proof?” Collins asked

? Don’t ask questions and Just do as I say.. Molly shouted into the phone and ended the call

“What’s wrong?” Brittany asked Collins and he shrugged

“No idea, but I was asked to bring the police.. he replied

“Something isn’t right then.. let’s go, we will call the cops later.. Brittany stood up but Collins hesitated

“Collins?” Brittany called seriously . “You’re hiding something from me aren’t you?”

Collins heave a sigh. ” Let’s go then” he said and they both left the house

“I’m home” Kaylan announced her presence as she got into the house. The house was quiet leaving her confused

“Dean? Bluey? She called but got no reply

” Did he go to work alread?… But he said he was gonna wait till I get back” She sigh

” Aunt?” Bluey called walking to meet her while rubbing his eyes.

“Shhh” Kaylan said and he kept quiet. She was hearing strange voices from upstairs

The grocery bag fell from her hand as she proceeded upstairs

“Aunty? he called again, almost in a whisper

Kaylan ignored him as she climbed the stairs. He let out a sigh and followed her behind

She tailed the voice till she got to the room she shared with Dean

She raised her shaky hands to the door and twisted the door open. Her heart skipped beats and she staggered slightly at the sight Infront of her

Miah Mõ@ɲing and riding Dean crazily

She immediately covered Bluey’s eyes with her hands as Tears left her own eyes.

She stared down at Dean and realized he was unconscious and more anger consumed her

She turned to bluey. ” Stay here okay?” She said and he nodded

She walked fully into the room and closed the door behind her so Bluey won’t see a thing

“You have the guts to drug my man.. She balled her fist and Miah smirk but didn’t stop riding unconscious Dean. She was happy she made Kaylan shed tears

Kaylan walked to her and grabbed her hair pulling her away from Dean such that she landed her butt heavily against the floor

“Aunt, mom .. don’t fight” Bluey banged on the door with his tiny fist

Miah was expecting Kaylan to run out of the room heartbroken after seeing them that way.

She really didn’t expect her actions.. she wanted to hurt Kaylan instead she’s the one getting hurt

Kaylan was already untop of Miah, beating the hell out of her. She couldn’t stop her tears too.

“Just die, you devil’s bride” she sobbed as she kept punching Miah who was already bleeding from the nose and mouth

Dean woke up weakly but his vision became clear when he realized he was naked so was Miah and a gasp escape his mouth

He had thought everything was just a bad dream but it happened— he f_cking slept with Miah

The drug was still having an effect on him yet he didn’t want to show it. He stood up and got something from his wardrobe, covering his naked body

There was no way he could ejaculate while at sleep right?

Kaylan stood up from Miah cleaning her tears. Miah struggled to stand and she finally did

“Dean here is mine.. no one can take him away from me” she spat out and this time around, Dean landed her a resounding slap

“Dean” She called shockingly

” You devil, how could you? Forcing yourself on me…

“Leave here.. Kaylan yelled and Miah held her red cheek.

She walked outside and bluey began to cry after seeing the blood on her face.

“Out of my way”.. she yelled and forcefully push the little boy from herself. He fell and started rolling down the stairs

“Bluey.. she gasped

“Bluey.. Kaylan’s eyes widdened as he ( Bluey) landed on the floor heavily, his head cracked open slightly and lost consciousness at once as blood emanated from his head


Miah ran downstairs

“Jesus Christ” Brittany exclaimed after seeing Bluey’s unconscious body— they just got Into the house

“Bluey” Collins ran to him

He pushed Miah away and held the unconscious boy

“Tyler? How dare you show your face here.. Brittany walked up to her. She landed her a slap

“That’s for stealing from my son”

She landed her another one. “that’s for making him waste two years of his life going crazy at a psychiatric hospital ” Brittany said

” And this last one is for me” She landed her another slap

Collins immediately called the cops and Molly entered the house

“So it’s true.. she said glaring at Miah who was still very much naked.

She walked to her and landed her a slap… “You slut…. she yelled pulling Miah hairs as tears left her eyes .

Molly hit her head on the railings and she( Miah) fainted

The beatings was too much, she didn’t expect things to turn out that way

“I will take him to the hospital.. Collins carried little Bluey in his arms and hurried out of the house

“I will go with him… Here” .. Molly said handing Kaylan her phone.

“There’s a voice recorde in it, give it to the cops as evidence when they come.. Molly said and rush out of the house too going to meet Collins and they both drove to the hospital

Minutes later, the cops arrived and Kaylan was asked to wear something for Miah who was partly naked and Kaylan did.

She (Miah) was carried into the ambulance while Kaylan and Dean followed.

On reaching the hospital, Miah gain consciousness. She realized she was cuffed and her heart skip beats

She stared at Dean, Brittany and Kaylan who in turn were glaring daggers at her. Her heart was beating really fast

She was scared.

“She’s awake” Dean announced and they ambulance made a U turn to the police station.

“No, Dean! Don’t let them take me away” She pleaded fearfully

Dean ignored her plea all through


“Call the cops, we need to arrest someone in this hospital.. Molly said immediately Bluey was taken to the operation room

“I Know her face but not her name.. molly said and Collins nodded before putting a call through Dean

“They will be here in minutes” Collins said

“Let’s make sure no nurse or doctor leaves the hospital until the cops get here” She said and Collins nodded

Lilac closed her mouth with her hand shockingly from where she’s been eavesdropping

She became scared as those words left Molly’s mouth

” Miah got caught?.. she gasped as she paraded round the room restlessly

She took some medical equipment and wore a nose mask before walking out of the room down the corridor

Her steps hastened as she walked past molly

“Wait.. Molly said and she stopped walking

She walked closer to her and immediately turned Lilac to face her

“You.. Molly exclaimed and Lilac pushed her roughly to the ground and began to run away!

“Stop her! She told Collins as she struggled to stand up

She joined Collins and they began to chase lilac

“Stop.. Molly kept saying as she ran after her.

Other patients left their wards, watching the drama

“Stop.. Molly shouted again and removed one of her shoes, she aimed at lilac’s legs and she slipped on it falling to the ground heavily.

Before she could make an attempt to stand and run, the cops surrounded her


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