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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?? A pregnancy

Bargain ??

?❣️Love wasn’t a part of it?❣️

By Marie G

? Do not copy or repost ? please like before reading

❌ Don’t ghost pls ?, it hurts ?❌

~~~Mood swing~~~

Chapter 27

Kaylan laid on her bed but couldn’t sleep. Her mind was with Dean

“what if he gets drunks and do something stupid?” Kaylan wondered

Her room was the nearest to his

“I hope he’s fine” she muttered lowly

She suddenly heard loud noises of bottles chattering against the hard floor and Her mind drifted to Dean at once.

She stood up nimbly from her bed and left the room

She knocked on Collins door but got no repy. She was scared of going into Dean’s room alone, she couldn’t risk getting strangled a second time

She kept knocking but still got no reply.

“Gosh, he sleeps like a wood” She exhaled and faced the direction to Dean’s room

She walked her way to the door and held the knob. She inhaled deeply before opening the door

She entered and met him on the floor with shattered bottles of alcohol around him

“Omg, Dean” She exclaimed and walked to him

she cowered Infront of him and touched him ” Are you alright?” She asked but he yanked her hands off his

“You’re bleeding” Kaylan said and held his hands again

“Leave me the f_ck alone” Dean said and continue picking up the broken pieces

She knelt beside him and helped him with the broken pieces before leaving the room. She came back minutes later with the first aid kit

She sat Infront of him and took his bleeding hand

“I just told you I’m fine and I don’t need your help” Dean snapped and walked to his bed while Kaylan followed behind regardless of what he said

Dean stared at her and noticed she was just in a night gown. Not just any type, but the segziest he had ever seen

Her Břě@šť stood firm and we’re pointing at him. Even in his drunk state he couldn’t help but lust over her. That moment, he felt like grabbing those B-__-bs and squeezing them gently while sucking them sweetly

It’s been long he last f_cked any lady Since she came.

Dean quickly tore his gaze away from her and stared blankly at his bleeding hands

“You know perfectly well I h@ťě when I’m being yelled at” She replied

” Get out” he said coldly and she felt tears gathering in her eyes


“You heard me,,,, I said get out” he repeated in the usual cold tone

“Fine, I will leave you alone to die” She said as tears emanated from her eyes

Dean looked at her again . “Don’t forget the reason you are here.. I’ve done your own part of the deal and we’ll be doing mine tomorrow!, After 9months you can leave.. it’s not necessary you stay here for a year” he said

“Alright… Let’s just do this once and for all because I’m also tired of the whole thing… I have a family that I miss so much too” she said and with that she walked out of Dean’s room

Dean exhale and stared at his bleeding fingers.

“Dean, there’s nothing like love in the world,,, they’re all just gonna drive you crazy and leave you someday while you sulk in regret. You can’t be helpless because of any girl,,, everything is purely business, Just go according to the deal so she can leave” he said to himself and walked out of his room with the first aid kit

He got downstairs then stare at the door to kaylan’s room briefly. He sigh and returned the first aid kit before walking back to his room


¶Next morning¶

Kaylan woke as usual, did her morning routine and headed to the Kitchen to do the chores

“Good morning beauty” Collins greeted from behind and she face him

“Morning Collins” she let out a tight smile

“Did something happened? This isn’t your usual smile,,, are you sure you’re okay?” He asked

” Yeah I’m fine,,,, I’m just happy I’ll be fulfilling his own part of the deal today” She replied but deep down she was feeling somehow

Collins stared at her and sigh. ” So he still wanna gonna on with the artificial stuff?” He sigh again

” I’ll be in my room” Kaylan said and walk out on Collins

” What in hell is wrong with Dean huh? why can’t he just give her a chance?” Collins wondered staring at the direction to Dean’s room
Minutes later Kaylan was done with her chores, she walked back to her room and took a bath. She applied little makeup

She settled on an emerald green ripped jeans and a white cropped top on white sneakers

She walked back to the sitting room and found Dean already dressed.

Dean didn’t even spare her a glance as she walked to them

“Good morning Sir” Kaylan greeted with bow and he nodded

“Wait , kaylan what’s wrong? When did you start to bow for Dean? And SIR??” Collins asked unbelievably

“He’s my boss,,, I need to show him some respect as his employee.. Kaylan replied plainly

“But you stop calling him that a long time ago” Collins creased a brow

” That was my mistake” she replied and he sigh

“Aren’t you gonna eat something before heading to the hospital” Collins asked

“I’m fine” she flash Collins a smile and Collins frown

“Enough of the petty talks, let’s go” Dean said and she did a little bow before walking out of the house

“What did you do to kaylan? She’s behaving strange today” Collins pulled him back

“That’s what she is supposed to do. I’m her boss remember” Dean said and release his hands from Collins’s grip

“Let’s see how long this boss and employee stuff will last” Collins said

” You don’t have to worry” Dean said plainly and left

” Pweh” Collins exhaled deeply


~~~ Three months later, 5pm~~~

They had done the intrauterine insemination and she was a three months gone already but even with that, he stomach was still very flat that she kept wondering if she was pregnant or not

Dean has not been hard on her since doctor banks had warned him against it

She’s been having mood swings since she discovered she was pregnant weeks ago

She’ll cry and whine at every little thing

One time she had asked Dean to stop breathing around her that his breath were irritating her

Brittany has also been visiting frequently. Taking care of her and spoiling her with everything she wanted

“I feel stuffed in here… I’ll be back” Kaylan told Collins

“Going somewhere? ” Collins asked.

“Just wanna take a walk around the neighborhood ” She replied and with that she left the house before Collins could say anything further

Collins sigh deeply. “I wonder why they keep lying to each other meanwhile they care so much for each other” he shook his head and concentrated on the TV he was watching

Dean was just coming back from the company when he sighted her smiling and laughing loudly with a guy . They weren’t far from the gate.

For some reasons he felt jealous and hurt at the same time. The way she was smiling at the stranger made him mad.

He walked up to them, pulled her forcefully and started dragging her away from the stranger.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Kaylan yelled and yank his hands off hers

“Why would you be talk to another man?” Dean yelled back

“Why do you bother? Why are you so concerned with who I talk to huh?” Kaylan yelled again

That has been their routine for a month now, she’d get angry at every little he does. She had told him one time she h@ťěd the way he Breath.

“Look here Dean, it wasn’t written anywhere in the contract that I can’t keep friends. Neither was it written anywhere in the contract that I’m a slave that can’t hang out with friends because my master doesn’t like it. And last time I checked I’m not your girlfriend neither am I your wife.. So why are you bothered?” She yelled again

” I won’t allow you stand with a stranger with my baby” He said sternly and she laughed

” Wh@ťěver, stay away from me,,, baboon” She rolled her eyes and Walk into the house

“Wait, what? Baboon!!” Dean exclaimed shockingly


Dean walked downstairs and met her half asleep on the couch along with a bowl of pop corn which she clutch tight to herself

He sigh and took the bowl from her before turning the Tv off. He turned to leave but she bursted into tears immediately

He turned to her swiftly

“What’s wrong?” He asked

” How dare you change the channel? And you even took my bowl of popcorn” she whine

” But you were fast asleep” he defended

” So??” She fired back and started crying loudly

Dean just stood still looking at her , confused

“Stop crying,, stop okay?” He said trying to console her but it wasn’t working

“I want to stop too but I can’t” She wailed loudly

She also couldn’t fathom the reason for tears. He did nothing wrong yet she felt the need to frustrate him

” Okay, wait… Argh f_ck” Dean groan frustratingly and ran his hands through his hair

” Jeez… It’s so loud, Who’s that? ” Collins complained coming to meet them in the sitting room

” Pretty Kaylan, why are you crying” he cowered Infront of her and she pointed at Dean at once

” Me?” Dean asked confusedly and she nodded

” Him,,, he took my popcorn” She whined like a child

” Why would you take her popcorn” Collins scolded and Took the bowl from Dean

“Here…. Your popcorn” Collins pointed the bowl at her but she didn’t take it. Instead she folded her hands and pouted angrily

” Why? What’s wrong?” He asked

“I don’t want it anymore” She pouted

“So what do you want? Just name it… Anything” He asked and her eyes brighten

” Anything?” She asked and he nodded with a smile

” I want tuna fish… The fish should be from the Atlantic ocean” She said and Collins jaw dropped immediately

“Wtf!!” Dean growled

“He’s growling at me” She resumed crying

” Don’t growl at her” Collins scolded and started wiping her tears

“What do you mean?… She’s just in her first trimester and she’s demanding for all this? C’mon man,, this is frustrating” Dean stated

” Shut up” Collins snapped and turn to her again

” It’s late already, there’s no way we can get to the Atlantic ocean this night” He said calmly

” Demand for something else” Collins added and she wiped her tears

” Dean has to snore for me for the whole night” She said

” Huh?”

” I want to hear you snore” she repeated staring at him innocently

“I should snore?” He asked unbelievably and she nodded

” But… But I can’t do that,,, how do you expect me to do that?”

” It’s either you snore or you get me the fish this night” She pouted and folded her hands

” Just snore for her that’s all” Collins nudge him

” Are you crazy? I should snore for her?” Dean exclaimed

” He doesn’t want to” She cried

“Just snore for her if you want peace man” Collins told him

” Wow, this is crazy…


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