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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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A NIGHT WITH HIM – Episode 85

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Zeemah writes ?

?Chapter 85


“What the hell are you saying Ethan?” Carrle yelled, bursting into the room.

She was fully dressed for the party and only came to say bye to them when she heard Ethan mention Alex.


She was so busy with the dinner party preparation that she totally forgot Ethan spills informations when drunk.
She glanced at Irene and saw how shocked she looked.
Of course, Ethan had mentioned Alex! And the only Alex known is Harold’s favorite bodyguard!

“Hey, the Alex Ethan mentioned is my younger brother okay?” Carrle quickly said to Irene who nodded numbly.
She had hid the necklace,she couldn’t risk Carrle seeing it with her.

“And why are you bent over his drawer? What do you want there?” Carrle asked, walking closer to her.
“He..he wanted me to, i wanted to pick his body spray!” Irene said, sighting the spray laying on the floor.
She quickly picked it and rose to her feet.
“Ohh” Carrle said, looking at her suspiciously.

d@mn! How could she have left her with Ethan when he was drunk.
What got into her.

“What other thing did he say to you?” Carrle asked.
“Huh? Nothing..not a thing” Irene shook her head and it was so clear that Carrle didn’t believed her.
“He’s asleep now,you can leave” Carrle said and Irene turned to Ethan.
He was truly asleep.
“Okay..goodnight” Irene murmured.
“Don’t come back to his room until it’s morning okay?” Carrle said after her and she nodded.

She walked out of the room and headed to hers.
Christiana followed her gently.
“You can go to bed Tiana, goodnight” Irene said.
“ dropped this ma’am” Christiana said, stretching the necklace to her.
“” Irene gasped and quickly grabbed the necklace from Christiana.
She shuddered, thinking what might have happened if it was Carrle or one of her bodyguards who found it.
How could she be so careless.
“Thanks Tiana” Irene said and Christiana nodded.
“You can still call on me if you need me,i won’t be asleep yet” Christiana said.
“Okay and…can you please not tell.. anyone about the necklace” Irene said.
“I would never do that,you have my words. Goodnight” Christiana said.
“Goodnight” Irene said.

She walked into her room and closed the door behind her before letting out a deep breath.


She had almost thought it was Harold’s bodyguard but Carrle has said it was her younger brother.
What other reason would Ethan have mentioned ‘Alex’ for though.
Did she h@ťě Alex so much to the extent of thinking Alex might be acquainted with Ethan.
Good thing Carrle cleared the air .. The Alex Ethan had referred to was Carrle’s brother…yeah.

Ethan really wanted to ki|| Harold..she knew he was dangerous but never thought he would want to ki|| Harold who had once been his friend,she had thought he was speaking gibberish but for him to correctly know where Helena’s necklace was at that moment,that simply means all he had been saying was right.
He truly wanted Harold dead.

She hoped Cory had heard that, Harold needs to be protected immediately.
She sighed as she sat on her bed.
Maybe, this is more serious than she had thought.
She folded the necklace in her palm,she got what she wanted already,this was the main reason she was here but she wasn’t so happy like she had thought she would be when she finally found the necklace.
She did not only found out about the necklace but also something Ethan wouldn’t have said on a normal day.

And looks like he reveals some informations when drunk.
Or she would never have known his plan for Harold.
She can’t believe she’s staying under the same roof with someone who wants the only man she has ever loved deeply dead.
She’s into it now and can’t pull out, all she needs to do is help Harold.
She should call Tom but he might be asleep,she would never want to disturb him.

She stared at the necklace in her palm and smiled.
Harold would be so happy to have it back.
He would finally be able to visit Helena’s room with no feeling of guilt.

“Uhmm” She thought of where to keep it safe.
She doesn’t trust Carrle also, she’s capable of ransacking her room.

Okay..looks like the drawer has a lock.
She’s just going to put it in the drawer,lock it and keep the key in the bathroom.
She sat on her dressing chair and dried her hair after getting into her pajamas.
She can’t just wait for morning so she can give Tom a call and know what next to do.
They’ve achieved the first goal by getting the necklace,she can’t believe it was so easy but then it had come with a price,the uneasiness of knowing Harold is not safe any longer. Ethan always have his way around things.

She almost jumped when she heard her phone ring.
She got to her feet and walked to the bed, seeing the name on the screen,she quickly grabbed her phone and headed to the bathroom.

?Tom” She said, almost breathlessly.
“Irene, i was waiting for your call.
“I thought you’d be asleep” She said.
“No, i can’t be asleep without knowing how the search for the necklace went”
“I found it and i have it with me!”
“Great!” Tom smiled.
“There’s a problem though” She sighed, sitting on the toilet seat.

“What?” Tom asked, sitting up.
“Okay…Alex had too much to drink and apparently,he got drunk, i was asked to watch over him cause he tend to hurt himself when drunk and while i was with him. He spilled some things”
“Ohh… he’s the type that leaks informations when drunk. Go ahead, I’m all ears”
“He’s planning to have Harold ki||ed soon”
“What!” Tom sat up.
“Yes, once the result is out and it’s confirmed it’s Ethan’s baby, Ethan is going to ki|| Harold”

Tom sighed,a bit relieved it’s after the result is out.
He hope they would have gathered enough evidence to send Ethan to jail then before he can make a move on Harold.

“First, I’m glad it’s after the result is out, we have five more days to garner enough evidence before then and hopefully,we would send him to jail before he can make a move on Mr Harold.
“Why don’t you try to double the security around Harold?”
“Irene,even if we triple the security around Mr Harold,if Ethan wants to get to him,he will, easily. Ethan is smart. And are you sure he wasn’t speaking gibberish because he was drunk?”
“I thought that too but then he correctly showed me where Helena’s necklace was,it clearly means everything he had said was right.
“Ohh, I’m sure Cory would have filed what Ethan said about ki||ing Harold soon.

“Tom, what if Ethan decides not to wait till the result is out anymore?” Irene asked, deeply worried.
“That’s why you’re going to join him in the plan.
“Huh? I don’t seem to get you.
“Irene, you’ll have to join Ethan in the plan to protect Harold till then. Surely,by tomorrow,he’s going to know he spilled some things to you, you’ll make him earn your trust and tell him you want to be included in the plan too, you’ll remind him of how much you h@ťě Harold now and you’re also ready to do anything to hurt him. With that said,he’s going to trust you and fill you in on the plans he has for Mr Harold, you’ll have to make him believe you’re totally in, you’ll even make some suggestions’ll get back to me and I’ll pass the information to Cory,then we’ll know how to protect Mr Harold that day”

“Woah.. Tom” Irene smiled, intrigued.
“Why are you a bodyguard? You should apply for secret service immediately” Irene said and Tom laughed.
“I’m just a good planner, that’s all”
“Sure you are,i hope it goes as easy as you stated it”
“Nah, don’t expect it to go that easily, it won’t,he might not trust you so easily, you’ll have to apply all you can to convince him. Ethan is a rogue”
“You seem to know so much about him” Irene said.
“Well…i once worked for him, before working for Mr Harold” Tom said.
“Really?! How come you never mentioned it?” Irene was surprised.

“There was no need to. Ethan has gotten so many people ki||ed when i worked with him and I’m sure he hasn’t stopped,i can’t watch him keep ki||ing helpless victims and that was the reason i want to reveal his deeds and make him pay for the lives he has taken, he do not only ki|| people but swindle them,he’s a big time fraud and has caused a lot of people sadness,he doesn’t deserve to be happy too” Tom said and Irene sighed.

Her hatred for Ethan increased and she felt like pushing him to jail almost immediately.

“I knew he was dangerous but never thought he was this inhumane. I’m going to do all i can to fight for the helpless victims whose lives were wasted and didn’t had anyone to fight for them. And for the ones he’s planning to hurt,I’m going to make sure i stop him, and escort him to jail.
“Yes! That’s the spirit!” Tom smiled.
“I’m glad i got the main thing i came here for though,all thanks to Ethan’s drunken state” She laughed.

“I can’t wait for tomorrow, i can’t wait to be done with all this,i can’t wait to leave here,i can’t wait to whisk Ethan to jail and finally i can’t wait to be back in Harold’s arms” Irene beamed.
“Mr Harold is so lucky to have you,not everyone can go through the risk you readily went into just to make their loved one happy, you’re making a huge sacrifice for Mr Harold. I’m glad you came into our lives Irene,you changed everything for good” Tom said.
“I’m flattered” Irene grinned.
“I’m glad i have you all in my live also , everything changed for better the moment i stepped into that mansion. Merci Tom” Irene said and Tom laughed.
“You should go for French class after all these” He teased and she laughed.

“There’s something else, though i do not think it’s necessary.
“Com’on,you need to fill me in on every detail, whether it’s necessary or not”
“After Ethan showed me where the necklace was…He mentioned Carrle and Alex before dozing off”
“Alex?” Tom asked.
“Well..i thought that too but Carrle said the Alex he mentioned was her brother” Irene said.
“Brother?” Tom wondered. “Although I’ve not been here for so long but i do not think Carrle has a brother named Alex”
“Yeah, but we can’t be so sure. I’m going to ask Mrs Nola tomorrow and get back to you” Tom said.

“What if.. she doesn’t have a brother named Alex?” Irene said.
“Then there’s definitely something she’s trying to hide and we’re gonna dig into that too” Tom said.
“Okay, i should go to bed now so I’ll wake up early and sound tomorrow” Irene said, surprisingly feeling excited about her new task.
“And remember,be very careful. Carrle has people watching you” Tom said.
“Okay Tom. Merci” Irene said again and Tom laughed.
She wanted to ask how Harold was doing but she decided not to, she doesn’t need distractions.
“Mr Harold is fine” Tom said,as if sensing her thought.
She smiled..”I’m glad he is”
“Bonne nuit Irene” Tom said and Irene groaned,his voice sounded terrible in French.
“You’re the one who needs to go for French class” She teased and he disconnected the call, laughing to himself.

Irene smiled as she walked out of the bathroom.
She dropped her phone on her dressing table, she stared jumping, counting as she did so.
She needed to energise herself for tomorrow..she said to herself.
She dropped in bed on the twentieth count and sighed deeply.


“Fabulous!” Ethan commented with a smile as Carrle walked into his room, beautifully dressed.
It was 9:30am and he was just waking up, he’s hungover and doesn’t think he’ll get out of bed anytime soon.

“If Harold should resist you today,then he’s a bastard” Ethan said.
“He sure can’t” Carrle smiled, spinning to make Ethan take a full look at her.
“Woah.. you’re going to make me fall for you all over again” Ethan said and Carrle laughed.
“How was the dinner party?” Ethan asked.
“Great! Ethan,you really need to learn to curtail your huge mouth when drunk!” Carrle groaned.
“Wh..what happened? Did i spill anything?” Alex asked, trying to remember but his memory was blank.
That d@mn alcohol was really strong.

“You mentioned Alex to Irene yesterday!” Carrle hissed.
“Oh my God!” Ethan sat up.
“And you were ready to spill more,if i hadn’t walked in. But it’s nothing to worry about. I told her,the Alex you mentioned was my brother and she believed it”
“Ohh” Ethan sighed in relief.
“I’m not going to take that drink anymore..f-__-k!” He swore.
“I’ve heard that over a thousand times, good thing i walked in on time” Carrle said, checking out herself in Ethan’s mirror after spending minutes in front of her own mirror.

“But what if she finds out you don’t have a younger brother named Alex” Ethan said.
“She’s never going to find out except she has ulterior motive and i have people keeping watch on her, if she makes any suspicious move,I’ll look into it immediately” Carrle said.
“So far,she hasn’t made any suspicious move. I think she’s to be trusted” Ethan said.
“She’s only been here for three days Ethan. I don’t know what love is doing to you, when did you started trusting so easily,it took months before you finally trusted me, remember” Carrle said and Ethan sighed.

“Wh@ťěver..just don’t let your guard down, we’re not to trust any body okay?” Carrle said and Ethan nodded.
“I’ll get going” She said.
He glanced at the time..”isn’t it too early?”
“It is, but I’m counting on the morning god to make Harold trip for my charm. Now is the best time to go” Carrle winked.
“I should get going”
“Bye and i hope the morning god will make him yours back” Ethan said after her.
“Amen” She shouted and he smiled.

He was brought coffee few minutes later and Irene walked into his room as he sipped it.

“Ethan” She called smiling and once again,he was lost staring at her.


“What do you want to say about Ivory?” Harold asked Carrle with a straight face.
He had allowed her in because she mentioned Ivory.
“Well..there’s nothing to say about her,i only said that to make you allow me in” Carrle smiled softly.
She was sitting opposite him and he was looking more handsome that she could hardly take her eyes off him.

Harold sighed. “First, i think you should be ashamed of yourself for taking advantage of your daughter’s name,that’s very good of you as a loving mother”
Carrle rolled her eyes and set her red purse on his table.
“I’m not here for that Harold…see,I’m a changed person. I miss you and… ”
“And you want me back” Harold cut her short and she nodded like her head was going to fall off her neck.
“Yes!” She grinned,glad she’s getting somewhere,she never thought it’d be this easy.
Harold finally understood her!

“You want me back or you wanna seduce me back into your heart. Carrle,why on heart would you put on a dress that’s almost making your B-__-bs fall it part of your seducing trick? I will never fall for it..this is just so low of you to think you can make a man want you by exposing your body. You don’t have to do that,as a matter of fact,one doesn’t have to do anything to earn the love of another,love is just a natural feeling,we love who our heart choose and once our heart picks a particular person, it’ll be hard to love anyone else. My heart chose Irene already and there’s nothing i can do to it anymore” Harold said,much to Carrle’s chagrin.
She was seething and her fingers cut into her palm as she tightened her fist.

“I don’t know what on Earth Ethan did to you… Carrle,with the way you’re dressed right now,no one is going to respect you. You own two top magazine companies in San Francisco, you’re a mother,a wife, a successful business woman but your appearance doesn’t look any of those,you look like a slut,I’m sorry for being blunt but you really need to know. Do not damage the reputation of your companies with your appearance,trust me,when the reputation of a company is damaged, it’s so hard to put back in place. You’re d@mn beautiful, you’d steal a man’s breath without even exposing any sensitive part of your body,i don’t know when you turn this but this is very disappointing and shameful” Harold said and Carrle threw her purse in his face angrily.
The sharp edges of the purse tore his skin a bit and he felt blood drip from his forehead.

“Motherf-__-ker!” Carrle screamed angrily and Alex and Robbins rushed in.
“Get the first aid box” Alex said to Robbins who quickly did so.
Harold sighed,his forehead sting painfully and the blood didn’t even stop dripping.
“Go to hell! Son of a Ɓîtçh, the lady you so f-__-king love is getting screwed every night by Ethan whom you shamelessly lost to. Loser!” Carrle spat, grabbed her purse and walked out of his office.

Robbins returned with the first aid box.
“Im so sorry Mr Harold, I’ll make the security stop her and we’ll have her arrested immediately” Robbins said.
“No, let her go” Harold said.
Carrle walked angrily to her car with her escorts.
“Ma’am, you have a call”
“Throw the f-__-king phone away” She sighed.
“It’s from Ben and i think he has some information about Irene”
Ben is one of the bodyguards she had put in charge of monitoring Irene.

She grabbed her phone from her escort and received the call..

?Say wh@ťěver you wanna say!” She said into the phone.
?I was checking the security footage of yesternight and you really need to see this. Irene is not to be trusted”
?I’m on my way” Carrle dropped the call and told her driver to drive fast .


Thanks for reading ?

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