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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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A NIGHT WITH HIM – Episode 74

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Zeemah writes?

?Chapter 74


Harold arrived at Irene’s house in minutes and he almost fell as he rushed out of the car when his driver wasn’t even fully parked.
He got into the house in a flash and Robbins thought Mr Harold could beat Usain Bolt at that moment.

?I..I’m in my room. The first one on the left” Irene said.
Harold threw his phone at Robbins who caught it like he had been expecting it.
He headed to Irene’s room and almost tore the door open.
He walked in and met her writhing in pain on the floor, with her white robe messed with blood.
Her eyes had gone red with tears and she was looking ashen.

“OMG!” He exclaimed, picking her up.
“I..i ” She was saying.
“Don’t say anything” Harold said, rushing out of the room with Irene in his hands.
Robbins and Alex were shocked to see her in that condition.
They hurried after Harold.

He helped her into his car and Robbins and Alex quickly got in too.
No one told the driver before he started driving at a full speed to Doc Fern’s hospital.
Irene cried knowing she had once prayed for a miscarriage which would be the solution to their problems but suddenly she didn’t want that to happen anymore.
“God is punishing me” She cried and Harold insisted she shouldn’t say anything.
He was scared.

Doc Fern was waiting outside the hospital with some nurses before they got there, Harold had called him.
They quickly led her into the hospital and took her to the examining room.
Harold paced the hall, deeply worried.
He doesn’t even care if the baby is his or not at this moment, the baby deserves to live.

Robbins quickly handed a face cap and sunglass to him.
He sighed before taking it.

“I’ll go get him a new shirt at home” Alex said to Robbins and made to walk out of the hospital.
“Alex” Harold called him back.
“Yes Mr Harold” Alex said.
“You don’t have to go home,I’ll send my driver to pick a new shirt for me” Harold said.
“Allow me go Mr Harold, the driver won’t be so fast with it” Alex said, he needed to call Ethan to inform him of the recent happenings.
“Robbins,send my driver to go bring me a new shirt” Harold said, ignoring Alex’s request.
“Okay Mr Harold” Robbins said.

Alex was bothered but he didn’t show it.
Mr Harold has never refused him to do things for him.
Could it be that he’s starting to suspect him?

Harold let out a deep sigh…he was scared.
He wants the baby and he would be so pained if they lose the baby but Irene’s health comes first.
Robbins returned back into the hospital and handed Harold’s phone to him.
Mrs Neave was calling.

He received the call and placed the phone on his ear.
?I got home now and decided to check Irene in her room. All i saw was blood! Irene has been hurt and kidnapped by Ethan. Help me out!” Mrs Neave cried over the phone.
?She wasn’t kidnapped Mrs Neave, she was bleeding. I’m with her in the hospital now.
?OMG! I’m on my way” Mrs Neave said.
? Please bring along some fresh wears for her” Harold said.
?Okay” Mrs Neave disconnected the call.
Doc Fern examined her and he could see she was still bleeding but not so heavily.

“Let’s get a sonogram done and see what’s going on?” He said peeling off his gloves.
Irene kept crying.
“You need to stop crying Miss Irene, it might make the situation worst” Doc Fern said.
The nurses put her in a wheelchair and she was rolled down the hall.
“What’s happening?” Harold asked, looking so worried as he followed them.
“We don’t know yet, go back Mr Harold” Doc Fern said.

They took her in for a sonogram right away while Harold waited outside.

A technician ran the wand over Irene’s belly,they could see the baby on the screen,it was moving and seemed peaceful.
Irene’s heart melted at the sight, she has never seen anything look so beautiful, her heart went out to it and she bursted into tears again.

“There’s a clot but just a small one” The technician said.
“This happens sometimes,it can cause bleeding, it’ll probably resorb all by itself,the baby may have bumped it” Doc Fern said, relieved it was not something serious.
“When i fell?” Irene asked.
“Yeah, you should cool off for a week or two and take things easy and give the clot a chance to dissolve,this won’t hurt the baby” Doc fern said.

Irene gaze was fixed on the screen, staring at her baby.
She started sobbing “I thought I’d ki|| it because i didn’t want it”.
“How do you feel now?” Doc Fern asked.
“Scared. I’m not going to be losing it right?” She asked.
“No” Doc Fern smiled.

“Do you want Mr Harold to see it?” Doc Fern asked.
Irene nodded and a nurse went to fetch Harold.

“I need to use the restroom” Alex said to Robbins after Mr Harold left with the nurse.
Robbins nodded, thinking something was suspicious about Alex but he shrugged off the thought.
Alex walked into the restroom, almost breathless.
He grabbed his phone and quickly called Ethan.

?You need to come to Doc Fern hospital now, Irene’s bleeding and she has been admitted”
?! I’m on my way” Ethan said and quickly told the driver to get the car ready before going in to change.

Alex tuck his phone back in his pocket,washed his face before stepping out.

They had switched the screen to the bigger,brighter screen in 3D before Harold came in so he could have a better look.
The baby was still moving when Harold walked in,he took one glance at the screen and tears rushed to his eyes.
“I love you so much” He said to Irene, leaning to kiss her.
“I love you too” She smiled and kissed him back tenderly.

“I was so scared” She said.
“Me too” Harold said and they both stared at the baby in silence and with joy in their heart.
Harold felt the baby was his but he doesn’t want to get so excited.
He rubbed Irene’s hair,she wouldn’t stop staring at the screen.
“Look at it’s tiny legs” She laughed and Harold smiled.

“Do you want to know the segz?” Doc Fern asked and Irene shook her head.
“Until the test is done” She said, holding Harold’s hands tightly.
“Are you fine? Do you still feel pains?” Harold asked.
“No,I’m fine now” She said.
“Yeah,she’s fine. She can even leave for home today” Doc Fern said.
“Really?” Harold asked.
“Yes,it’s nothing so serious” Doc Fern smiled.
“And she needs to take it easy for a week or two,I’m glad you both are back together but no make up segz,please” Doc Fern said and they laughed.

Mrs Neave was around already and she gave one of the nurses Irene’s wears.
Irene got dressed after that and they were handed two copies of the photo of their babies.
Irene hugged it to her chest tightly and Harold stared at it tenderly.

They both seemed like blissful parents,not two people who were worried about the paternity of the baby.

“Can she leave now?” Harold asked.
“Yes and always remind her to take a rest ” Doc Fern said.
“Thank you so much Doc Fern and the nurses” Irene said gratefully.
They walked out and Mrs Neave rushed to Irene.
“Are you okay?” She asked worriedly.
“Yes mum, I’m fine. The baby bumped the clot when i fell down” Irene smiled.
“, I’m so sorry i wasn’t there Irene, I’m not going to leave you alone at home starting from now” Mrs Neave said.
“No, you only need to be taking your phone with you wherever you go” Irene said.

“Thank you so much Mr Harold, thank you for always being there” Mrs Neave said and they noticed he didn’t respond.
He wasn’t even looking at them.
“Wh..what’s Ethan doing here?” Harold asked and they both turned to where his look was fixed.
Ethan approached them with more than six bodyguards behind him.

What the f-__-k!

“What the hell are you doing here?” Irene asked harshly.
“Are you fine? i heard you were bleeding. I hope you’re fine now? Is my baby fine too?” Ethan asked.
“It’s not your baby!” Irene stated clearly.
“It’s mine” Harold said coolly.
“You must be joking! The baby is mine!” Ethan yelled and they were starting to cause a scene when Ethan quickly summoned them to his office.
He explained the NIPP test to Ethan after they got into his office.

Irene clung to Harold and that deeply pissed Ethan off.
Mrs Neave couldn’t help but send glares his way.
He looks as mean as they had said.

“So,when do we start the test?” Doc Fern asked.
“We can start now” Harold said.
“Excuse me?” Ethan asked with a frown.
“You heard me right, i don’t know if you’ll be needing antibiotics for your ears” Harold said.
“You think I’ll allow this poor thing to conduct the test? Hell no! He’s not going to. I know you built this hospital for him and he would definitely want to turn the result in your favor, I’m not dumb!” Ethan said.

“Wow!” Irene hadn’t known Harold built this hospital for Doc Fern, Harold never mentioned it.
But Mrs Neave was aware, Doc Fern told her himself during her treatment in India.

“You’re not mistaken, Mr Harold built this hospital for me and if i turn the result of the test in his favor,he deserves it. He never for once bragged about gifting me this hospital,he pays for wh@ťěver treatment he gets despite owning the hospital, he’s still the most kind-hearted man I’ve ever seen. Trust me i would gladly turn the result to his favor but i would never do that, even Mr Harold would never allow that. I’m always free and fair with my patients regardless of wh@ťěver relation we have” Doc Fern said.

“Wh@ťěver! We’re not conducting this test in your hospital. We’ll do it in mine” Ethan said.
“You say?” Harold asked, arching his brow.
“You heard me right” Ethan said.
“You must be joking” Harold laughed.
“You refused the test to be conducted in my personal hospital and want it to be conducted in yours? You’re a joker, man. I would never allow that!” Harold said.

“I would never allow it to be conducted here also” Ethan said.
“You better accept it!”
“I won’t!”
“You better do!”
“I won’t!”

They are starting to yell at each other.
“I’m going to recommend another hospital for you!” Doc Fern shouted amidst their yelling and they stopped.
“I’m not going to allow that also” Ethan said .
“You must be crazy” Harold said.
“You’re mad!” Ethan replied hotly.

“Enough!” Irene yelled.
“I’m going to choose the hospital we’re to conduct the test” She said.
“Which hospital are you choosing?” Ethan asked.
“I don’t know yet, I’m going to inform you once i decide. Let’s leave Mum,Harold. Goodbye Doc Fern” Irene said and they all walked out of Doc Fern’s office.

“You need to inform me immediately you choose a hospital” Ethan said to Irene.
“Of course” Irene said, and didn’t even gave him the chance to speak any further before walking away.

Harold smiled, seeing the bodyguard he had gifted money secretly thank him.
He was glad to see him looking more happy.

They left the hospital and went home in Harold’s car.

“Ethan said he had heard i was bleeding. It’s now confirmed that there’s a spy” Irene said.
“Yes but I’m not worried about that for now, I’m worried about the result of the test” Harold said.
“Com’on Harold. The baby might be yours” Irene said.
“What if it’s not” Harold said worriedly.
“We should do the test quickly then” Irene said.
“Do you have any hospital in mind?” Harold asked.
“Yeah. Start up hospital, It’s a big hospital and I’m sure they’ll be conducting NIPP test” Irene said.

Alex quickly texted the name of the hospital to Ethan.

Ethan smiled on receiving the text.
“Arrange a meeting with the head doctor at start up hospital” He said to one of his bodyguards.

“Okay boss”

The baby is his already,he’s so sure of it.

?And, it seems they already know there’s a spy.

?Do not worry about that, I’m going to handle it” Ethan texted back.

“You should tell him it’s Ethan Weston” Ethan reminded the bodyguard who was to arrange a meeting with the head doctor of start up hospital.
“Okay boss”

He sighed, feeling so irritated they are back together despite everything he did to ruin their relationship.
It’s just so annoying!

“Contact Marie immediately” He said to another of his bodyguard.


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