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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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A NIGHT WITH HIM – Episode 62

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Zeemah writes ?

?Chapter 62


Irene walked out of the scene and Alex was disappointed from where he was watching.

“Who told you all that Allysia?” Harold asked angrily.
“Who!” He yelled at her for the first time and she shifted back in fear.
“I..i…” She stammered,her eyes heavy with tears.
She never thought Harold would ever yell at her,she was more furious at Irene cause she had caused this.

“Speak up! Cause there’s no way you would ever know that i handled Mrs Neave surgery bills,you weren’t even around at the time. Who told you huh?” Harold asked and Allysia kept mute.
She couldn’t betray Alex,no matter what.
She had promised him and she won’t want him to lose his job.
He told her that because he cared for her.

Alex broke into cold sweat and his legs shook.
The look in Allysia eyes felt like she’s ready to say the truth.
Who wouldn’t spill the truth with the way Harold was glaring hard at her.

Allysia started crying and looked over to her mum for help and Mrs Nola sighed.
She was fed up with the whole thing!
Things keep sprouting from different directions and it has Allysia involved in it.

“I told her, Harold” Mrs Nola broke the seemingly endless silence.
“And i didn’t mean it the way she confronted Irene over it. It wasn’t even today i told her,it was a day after she returned from Paris. I told her how kind you were to pay Mrs Neave’s surgery bills.” Mrs Nola lied to Harold,for the first time in years.
She won’t want her daughter to get into Harold’s bad book, she still wondered who told Allysia though .. she’s going to find out from her later.

Alex sighed in relief from the top of stairs.
He smiled and wiped out the sweat off his face.

Harold stared at Mrs Nola, searching her eyes.
“You should know this Allysia…it is my money! And i would do wh@ťěver i want with it. Do never question wh@ťěver i use my money for again!” Harold warned and also walked out of the scene.

“Allysia,it’s time you stopped all these. Do not make your hatred for Irene and her family get you into Harold’s bad book, believe me, you’re not going to find it funny. Just quit troubling Irene, she’s not who we think she is,she’s far different, Allysia” Mrs Marshall said and Allysia stared at her in disbelief .
Mrs Marshall walked back to the living room to continue the movie she was watching with Harold.

Allysia can’t believe Mrs Marshall is starting to take Irene’s side too.
‘She must have enchanted her too’ Allysia thought and broke into another round of tears .
She’s not as strong as she behaves,she breaks down easily.

“Come with me to the kitchen. Now” Mrs Nola said sternly and Allysia limped after her.
She was still battling with the shock of Irene talking back at her.
She’s so gonna humiliate her brother tomorrow.

“There you are! Limping! But causing trouble all over the house” Mrs Nola obviously in disapproval of Allysia’s behavior.
“Sit down and tell me who the hell told you about Mrs Neave” Mrs Nola said and Allysia reluctantly sat down.
The aroma of the soup she was preparing waft through Allysia’s nostrils and she sniffed it,with her eyes closed.

“I’m waiting” Mrs Nola said, resting her back on the kitchen counter,with her arms folded beneath her Břě@šťs.
Allysia stared at her mum mutely, seeing the determined look on Mrs Nola’s face,she knows she can’t escape explaining. This is one of the few times Mrs Nola is being strict on her.

“Thank you for covering up for me mummy” Allysia said,her voice sounding like that of a kid .
She totally acts like a baby whenever she’s alone with her Mum.

“If you don’t tell me who told you,I’ll go back to Harold and tell him i wasn’t the one who told you about Mrs Neave and trust me,you’ll have so much fun telling him who did” Mrs Nola thr_@tened.
“Mum!” Allysia pouted.
“Speak up Allysia” Mrs Nola said and quickly checked on the soup she was preparing.

She had promised Alex not to tell Harold, so telling her Mum does not mean she broke the promise.
Her mum wasn’t Harold after all.

“Alex did” Allysia finally said.
“Harold’s personal bodyguard?” Mrs Nola was stunned and Allysia nodded.
“He did that because he cared about me, he was pained when i was called an opportunist cause im not, he wanted to make me see they are the real opportunists,not me” Allysia said.
All she said fell on Nola’s deaf ears.

She wondered what was going on.
What is Alex trying to do?
She remembered when Irene told her there’s something fishy about Alex but she had denied then.
Now, it seems Irene is right.
Why had he told Allysia that, knowing Allysia and Irene are not in good terms.
He wants to create enmity?
And he almost made Allysia fall into Harold’s bad book!

She really needs to keep a close eye on him from now just like Irene had suggested then.
There’s definitely something wrong somewhere.

“Do not listen to wh@ťěver Alex tell you from now on okay?” She said to Allysia.
“Okay Mum” Allysia nodded.
“And wh@ťěver he tells you, come to me first before doing anything okay?”
Allysia nodded again.
“You should be very careful around him, infact,i want you to stay away from him. He made Harold yell at you for the first time” Mrs Nola said and Allysia’s eyes was once again laced with tears.

Mrs Nola sighed and passed her her handkerchief.
She wiped her tears grumpily.

“Is he going to apologise for yelling at me?” Allysia asked her mum, hopefully.
“I can’t tell. He seems pissed” Mrs Nola said truthfully.
Allysia blew her nose into the handkerchief. “It’s all because of those people, he never yelled at me when they weren’t here. Irene and her family has enchanted you all”

“Com’on! Don’t say that. Irene has a natural charm,she’s a very nice lady who had looked so forward to meet you,i wonder why you do not like her” Mrs Nola said.
“Because she’s a gold digger Mum,she is. I’m so sure. Her niceness and smiles are all facade” Allysia said,like she was so sure of what she was saying.

Mrs Nola sighed softly. ” She’s not, can’t you see Mrs Marshall is starting to like her too. That’s because she’s a great person. And Irene really likes you, if you had been nice to her,you would have gotten dozens of beautiful dresses”
“I don’t want anything from her! She can’t win me over with dresses” Allysia said even though she’s starting to imagine how terrific she would look in those dresses. Irene’s really good at what she does.

Nola smiled, she hopes Allysia would see Irene for who she is soon.

“And how are you feeling?” She asked.
“Terrible! I can’t believe that nincompoop scarred my jaw!” Allysia blew out a shaky breath, she was pissed.
“No, your jaw isn’t gonna be scarred,the bruise is so little and once it heals,it’s gonna peel off. You’ll get back your smooth skin in no time” Mrs Nola assured.
“Really?” Allysia was ecstatic.
“Yeah” Mrs Nola said,the soup was ready and she brought it down from the cooker.

“Will you be able to go to school tomorrow?” Nola asked.
“Yeah, i need to get something done” Allysia said and Nola stared at her suspiciously.
“I don’t want you to do anything to Damien at school tomorrow,he apologized to you already” Mrs Nola said, knowing what Ally is capable of.
Allysia shrugged in response to what her Mum said.
She’s gonna do what she has in mind and no one can stop her.

“I want some soup Mum” Allysia said.
“Okay Ally”


Marlene almost jumped into Damien’s arms when she saw him approach her.
She was waiting for him in the school hallway just after she alighted from her Roll Royce.
It’s Monday morning and she had been excited all weekend because she got to speak to Irene who turned out to be a gem!
They spoke at length and it had felt like they had known each other for ages.

“Hey” Damien smiled.
“Hi” She blinked warmly at him,his heart melted.
She was looking more beautiful this morning…he noticed.
“How was your weekend” Damien asked as they headed to the class.
He felt happy,just being beside her.
“Great! And Irene is a gem! I totally enjoyed speaking to her” Marlene grinned .
“She had said the same” Damien smiled “And she refused to tell me what you both talked about. She told me you both talked about my black @zz.” Damien groaned and Marlene bursted into laughter,she held him for support and Damien smiled while he watched her laugh heartily.

Her beauty trapped him right on the spot, and he felt like he was on the air by just watching her laugh.
His heart danced to the rhythm of her laughter and he couldn’t even explain what he feels for her, he has never felt this way before.

Marlene stopped laughing and she blushed, seeing Damien stare at her.
She got to study his face closely then and gasped when she saw his bruised forehead. She hadn’t even noticed it,out of excitement.
Damien wondered what made her have this kind of expression.

“ your forehead!” She exclaimed.
“Ohh” Damien sighed.
“What happened?” Marl asked worriedly,she gently caressed the wound and he tried not to wince in pain but she could tell it hurts.
The plaster had gotten wet this morning while he was taking his bath and he had to remove it and he totally forgot to use another one before leaving the house.
Mrs Neave hadn’t seen him leave the house or she would have reminded him.

“What happened?” Marl repeated.
“I don’t want to lie to you. I’m not ready to talk about it now” Damien said and Marlene nodded in understanding.

“We’re late for class,let’s hurry” Damien took her hand and they both couldn’t ignore the feeling that swept through them.
It was too blissful to ignore.
They stared lovingly at each other for a while before running to class.


The teacher was not in class when they walked in.
Allysia stared at Damien with hatred as he walked to his seat with the buffoon beside him.
She realised she hadn’t loved him after all,she only had a crush on him and now it has ended,she feels raw h@ťě for him now.
She smiled, thinking about her plan.

Damien and Marlene ignored the usual comments from the students as they walked to their seats.
Some of the male students found Marlene attractive too but no one wants to go out with a girl whose father is an ‘infamous safecracker’
Damien turned his gaze to Allysia as he sat down and he could see the anger burning in her eyes, he felt disappointed she hasn’t forgiven him.
Irene had told him she found his apology letter in the thrash,shredded into pieces.
He’s gonna apologise to her again regardless.
Her jaw was still plastered and he felt bad, seeing it.
It’s so irresponsible to hurt a lady,he had lost control and he feels so bad now.

Marlene brought out her laptop and realised Damien did not bring out his.
She noticed his gaze was focused on something and she traced it to see he was staring at Allysia!
She noticed the plaster on Allysia’s jaw and wondered what it was about though she was mad she had caught Damien staring at her.

Jealous should be the right word.

Does he find her attractive?

“I’ll be back Marl” Damien said to Marlene and got to his feet.
He headed to Allysia’s seat and Marlene couldn’t believe how jealous she felt.
He was just her friend but what the heck is going on!?

“Allysia i’m so sorry to have hurt you, i lose control whenever it comes to Irene,i can’t stand anyone hurt her or be rude to her” Damien said apologetically.
“Leave my seat,i don’t have anything to say to you” Allysia said, her face emotionless.
“I know it was irresponsible of me to hit you back, i apolo..” Damien was saying.
“Leave me alone!” Allysia yelled loudly, banging her desk.
Everyone turned to them and immediately began whispering and mocking Damien.

?I can’t believe someone like him wants to date Allysia too” A girl said loudly and the class erupted into laughter.

Damien returned to his seat, greatly embarrassed.
Marlene felt embarrassed for him,she wondered what was going on.
She could tell Damien hadn’t gone to ask Allysia out or wh@ťěver, something more serious was going on.

“What’s going on?” Marlene asked as Damien sat down.
He looked pissed and embarrassed at the same time..
The teacher walked in before he could explain.

“During lunch break…” Damien said to her and she nodded.


“Woah…That’s gross!!” Marlene exclaimed after Damien explained the whole incidence to her.
They were on break and the students hadn’t left the class completely,some were still hanging around.
“And that was why i couldn’t return your call immediately, the house was heated at that moment” Damien said.

“I can’t believe Irene agreed to speak to me after all that and none of it even showed in her voice! She was extremely nice to me” Marlene said, still stunned by what Damien just narrated.
She now understands the whole reason behind Damien going to Ally’s seat, the wound on his forehead,her jaw,palm and foot.
Though Damien had omitted Harold’s name from the whole thing,he respected the fact that Harold Marshall is a public figure. Marlene doesn’t know yet that Harold Marshall is his sister’s employer.

“Allysia doesn’t deserve any of your apology! Yet,she shredded your apology letter and embarrassed you in front of everyone, she was defending her Mum and you were defending your sister,that’s equal. Besides, she hit you first,she’s wrong in every way and she should apologize to you instead” Marlene was upset.
“I know but i feel it’s still irresponsible of me to hit a lady” Damien said.
“You didn’t hit her! You both were throwing things at each other. Okay, agreed that you feel it’s irresponsible of you to retaliate. You apologized already. Twice! you already proved that you’re responsible which i feel it was unnecessary though cause i know you are. It’s up to her now” Marlene said, irritated with Allysia’s behavior.

She never knew Allysia was that mean.

“Don’t feel worried about it okay…” Marlene consoled Damien.
“I’m relieved i apologised though,it’s up to her to accept it or not” Damien said.
“Yeah! We shouldn’t talk about her. A mean person like her doesn’t deserve our precious time, let’s eat Damien and discuss better things” Marlene said and he smiled.


Lunch break was over and students walked into the class, Damien and Marlene noticed how they pointed at him,whispered and laughed out loud.
They always mock him but this seems different.

He glanced at Marlene and saw that she was worried too.

“What do you think is going on?” Damien asked.
“I don’t know, you should ask those two girls,your friends” Marlene said, referring to Danielle and Anna,she believes they’ll know something.

Everyone was in the class by then and the mockery had gone to the extreme.
Some were even sneering at him.
Damien definitely knew something was wrong.
He called on Anna and Danielle and they were reluctant to go to him at first.

“What’s going on?” He asked them.
They were also looking at him like they won’t want to associate with him anymore.
“I never thought you were this poor,i thought you might be middle class and that was why i was crushing on you but now it’s all over” Anna snorted and Marlene wanted to give her the reply she deserves but Damien stopped her.

“What is she driving at?” He asked Danielle cause it seems Anna is not interested in talking to him anymore.
“Well…” Danielle rolled her eyes.
“Allysia told everyone in the cafeteria that her brother is the reason you’re in this school,he’s your sponsor and that your sister coaxed him into paying your mother’s surgery bills,your sister took advantage of his weak spot for her! That’s manipulative and unfair!” Danielle groaned and Damien went numb and pale.



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