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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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A NIGHT WITH HIM – Episode 16

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Zeemah writes ?

?Chapter 16


Alex, you’ll be the one to join Tom” Harold announced.

“Huh?” Irene darted her eyes to Harold and everyone turned to her.
“What?” Harold asked.
“Uhm.. nothing” Irene said.
“Are you sure you are fine? Will you go back to rest?” Harold asked.
“I think i will go back” Irene said,her heart suddenly beating fast when she saw the stern look Alex gave her.

She has been right all along.
There’s something about him.

“I can go by myself” Irene said when Harold offered to help her.
“You sure?”
“Yeah” Irene said and started walking towards the stairs.

“What’s with this lady looking suspiciously at him every time, does she knows he’s a spy or what?” Alex wondered as Irene walked to her room.
And she had appeared unhappy when Mr Harold announced that he’s gonna be the back up bodyguard.
Seems she’s starting to suspect him but he has not been acting suspicious. He has been very careful over the years and no one have ever suspected him.

Even Harold trusts him so much.
But this little thing suddenly comes from nowhere and changed everything!
What if Harold notices her behavior towards him, he’ll definitely start watching him too.

He must start watching her every move from now on cause he doesn’t like the look of things.

Maybe they should eliminate her before Harold.
Cause she might blow his cover.
He’s gonna tell Ethan about it.

But he’s glad he’s now gonna join Tom.
It’s gonna make everything much more easier.
The informations will flow freely.
Though he h@ťěs Tom, the guy do behave like he’s better than anyone else and it hurts to see Harold cherished him too and even Ivory who rarely likes anyone.
There are so many people on his death list and of course Tom is one of them.

“So, Alex. Starting from tomorrow, you’ll be joining Tom. Please make sure you and Tom protects everyone.” Harold said.
“I’ll do my best sir” Alex said.
“I trust you both to do a good job.” Harold smiled.

He didn’t noticed the look exchange between Tom and Alex.
Tom h@ťěd the fact that Alex will be joining him.
They both know they don’t like each other .
Tom has always had a bad feeling about him,he wanted to tell Mr Harold several times but he had no proof.

Joining him isn’t bad after all, he’ll finally get to study him and confirm if his thoughts about Alex are true.

“You can all leave now, i have to go fill Ivory in ” Harold said.
“Okay Mr Harold” they said and left.

Harold sighed and walked towards the stairs.


Irene breathed out loudly as she tossed in her bed .
She’s yet to fully recover from the shock.

Why Alex?
Did Mr Harold trust him that much?
Why is she finding it so difficult to trust him.

Why’s she so bothered even when there’s no proof that the guy is actually bad like she thought but the look he had given her before she left the living room almost confirmed her thoughts about him but that’s still no proof.
Her mind do seem unsettled whenever he’s around and that happens to her whenever someone has a bad aura.

Alex sure does but she doesn’t think Harold noticed.
Should she ask Tom what he feels about Alex?
No. She shouldn’t do that.
She resumed just few days ago, she shouldn’t go about prodding.

Her mind trailed back to the incidence.
She had been so shocked to the bone when gunshot echoed in the car.
She didn’t know when she passed out.
Wh@ťěver it is, someone is obviously after them.
Harold had said he’s the one they are after and that means everyone around him is not safe.
She’s just so glad Ivory hadn’t been in the car then.

Why’s all these suddenly happening few days she got here.
It’s sincerely making her feel bad even after Harold had assured her that she’s not responsible for it.

Damien and her mum mustn’t hear this or that’ll be the end of her work here.
Especially Damien, if he hears she was nearly shot, he’ll do everything to get her out of here and her mum’s surgery bill isn’t even complete yet.

Everything was going fine and this incidence just have to spoil everything.
Now they’re not safe anymore.
Knowing herself, she’s gonna start panicking at every little thing .

She hoped the gunshot thing had been a mistake and it wasn’t really aimed at their car…

But who was she deceiving?
It had been aimed at their car!


“No! No! Dad” Ivory shook her head.
“Com’on princess” Harold said.

He was sitting beside her on the bed.

“I don’t want Alex to join Tom. I’m okay with Tom alone” Ivory said.
“Alex needs to . Just allow him please” Harold said.
“Why does he need to join Tom. What’s wrong?” Ivory asked, dropping her candy.
“Nothing, absolutely nothing. I just feel like tightening your security”
“Why? You were satisfied with just Tom alone” Ivory said.
“I was but now I’m not” Harold said.
“Is there anything you’re hiding from me again?” Ivory asked furrowing her brows.

“Well… there’s nothing. But having two bodyguards is not bad . So many kidnappers are all over the city now” Harold said.
“Okay but not Alex!” Ivory frowned.
“Why?” Harold asked in surprise.
Ivory never had issue with Alex and she has never complained about him.

“ see him with Betty then. They were always together” Ivory said.
“Yes dad” Ivory said.
“Is that why you don’t want him?” Harold asked.
“Yes, Betty is a bad person and anyone who associates with her is one also” Ivory scoffed.

“Com’on Ivory, they might be spending time with each other cause they’re both bored. That doesn’t make Alex a bad person too. He’s a very good guy and you know how much i trust him” Harold said and Ivory shrugged.

“So…?” Harold asked.
“Fine, he can be my second bodyguard” ivory rolled her eyes and picked her candy.
“That’s my baby girl! I’m sure you will really enjoy his presence” Harold smiled.
“I can’t, i only said yes to obey you.” Ivory said plainly.
“Thank you” Harold sighed.
“I don’t want my car getting stuffy and all!” Ivory complained.

“I should change your cars to bigger ones then” Harold said.
“No, it’s fine. We’re having ballet class tomorrow and i need to practice” Ivory said.
“Ohh…i should leave you to it then” Harold pecked her cheeks and rose to his feet.

“Is Irene still asleep?” Ivory asked.
She was missing her nanny already.
She had selected her wears herself when she got back from school and she didn’t feel so excited like she feels whenever Irene selects her wears.

“Yeah, i think she’s a bit ill. She needs a lot of rest” Harold said.
“Really? But you didn’t told me she was ill. You only said she was asleep” Ivory said worriedly, getting to her feet.
“Where to?” Harold asked.
“I need to check on her” ivory said and Harold watched as his daughter hurried through the adjoining door.


“What do you want for dinner? will you come downstairs?” Harold asked Irene as he walked into her room.
He saw Ivory with her and sighed,she had refused to leave Irene’s room since then and it looks like they were both working on her homework.

“No, i think I’ll just have fruits” Irene said.
“You sure? You didn’t have lunch too” Harold said worriedly, he doesn’t like the new Irene, she looks weak and bothered.
Well…who wouldn’t look bothered after what happened.

“Ivory, i think i left my wristwatch in your room” Harold lied.
“Really?” Ivory asked.
“Yeah, go help me search your bed for it”
“Okay dad” ivory said, she got down from Irene’s bed before hurrying to her room.

“If you’re bothered about what happened earlier then there’s nothing to worry about, I’ll make sure everyone is safe okay?” Harold said reassuringly and Irene nodded.
“I trust you to do that” She smiled and Harold was glad.
“Now that’s what I’m talking about! You just smiled, your face has been sad all along” Harold said, smiling too.
“Yeah” Irene blushed.

The sudden lightness of her mood amazed her.
The weakness she was feeling was slowly diminishing..
She knew it was because of Harold.
He had lightened her mood only with his presence, she had been feeling so down that ivory noticed and the little girl have asked what’s wrong severally.

“If you’re still feeling weak by tomorrow, then don’t bother going with Ivory to school okay?” Harold said.
“No, I’ll be fine. Like, I’m fine already” Irene said.
“You sure?”
“Of course Mr Harold, thanks so much for your care” Irene said, deeply touched.
“Com’on you were almost hurt in my possession, and I’m still so sorry about that, I’ve checked on Tom and Eric too and they seem fine” Harold said.
“I’m glad” Irene said.

“So should we go eat dinner now?” Harold asked.
“Yes” Irene nodded.
“Great!” Harold smiled.

The adjoining door opened and Ivory stepped into Irene’s room pouting.

“What?” Harold asked.
“I searched everywhere for your wristwatch but couldn’t find it. Definitely it’s not in my room” Ivory frowned.
“Ohh..i must have left it in my private living room then” Harold said scratching his head.
Irene smiled knowing he had deceived Ivory.

There was no lost wristwatch anywhere.
He only told her that so she could excuse them.

“ should we go to the dining?” Harold asked Ivory.
“No, I’ll just have fruits” Ivory said, sitting back on Irene’s bed.
“What?” Harold asked.
“Yeah” she confirmed.
“Okay then , sit here alone and have your fruits. Irene and i will go to the dining” Harold said and Irene laughed.

“What! Isn’t she also taking fruits?” Ivory frowned.
“I changed my mind Ivory” Irene said.
“Huh?” Ivory asked, glancing at her dad.
“Yes” Irene said.
“Let’s all go to the dining room then” Ivory bit her lips.
“You said you’re gonna stay here and have your fruits. It’s not bad” Harold teased.
“I changed my mind” Ivory rolled her eyes and got down from the bed.
She slide her tiny feet into her slippers and walked out of the room.

“Copy cat” Harold laughed and Irene joined him.


Irene walked out of the door with Ivory and saw Tom and…

She had even forgotten Alex will be joining them.

Tom stretched his hand to open the car door but Alex beat him to it.
He opened the car door with a fake grin which annoyed Irene so much.
Ivory entered the car and Irene got beside her,then Tom.

Alex got in the front and Eric started driving.
The car seemed tensed and
Irene noticed no one had said good morning.
Alex presence is such a bad one .
Her mind is starting to get unsettled.

“And why is Tom watching Alex that way?” Irene wondered.
She noticed Ivory doesn’t look happy too.
Even Eric that do make them laugh just kept mute.



They got to Ivory’s school after long minutes of tensed silence..

“I’ll take her to her class” Alex offered.
“No! Tom will” Ivory said, grabbing her backpack.
Tom grinned and held Ivory’s little hand in his.
He winked mockingly at Alex before leading Ivory to her class.

Irene and Eric saw what happened and Irene couldn’t hold her laughter.
Eric did a good job in hiding his though.
Alex wore a visible angry look and Irene could see how cruel those eyes looked at that moment.

Like, that’s the real him.

Tom returned,still grinning.

They all got into the car.
Irene and Tom at the back seat.


Irene smiled as she saw Damien’s incoming call.
“But, shouldn’t he be in class?” She thought.
They were still in the car, on their way home.

?Hey Damien” she said and thought she saw Alex shifted in his seat but she shrugged it off.

?Sis” Damien said.

?How are you? Why’s your voice down? Shouldn’t you be in class? is anything wrong?” Irene asked.

?One question at a time sis. Okay, i think I’m fine Irene. I’m actually on my way to school but i have something to tell you.

?You have something to tell me?” Irene asked and Alex suddenly turned in his seat but Irene had not noticed.

She was worried about her brother.
Damien doesn’t sound this way except if something is extremely wrong.

?First, i hope you and mum are fine?” She asked.

?Yes we’re perfectly fine” Damien said and she sighed in relief.

? Okay,so what do you want to tell me?” Irene asked and silence followed.

?Dam” She called and noticed the call was suddenly disconnected..

What’s going on!


Thanks for reading ?

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