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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(?I Slept With A Billionaire ?)
By, Mha Rhy



“What was I thinking when I left her at home alone”Mrs DeMarcus muttered as she came out of her car

Walking inside the living room, she met no one

“Thank goodness that Devil is not back yet” she muttered referring to Alexander

But her relief was shorten as she saw Alexander going to his room angrily but what was more shocking is that he was coming from Charmaine’s room

“Hope it’s not what am thinking? She thought nervously and in fear climbing the stairs hurriedly to Charmaine’s room

Getting to Charmaine’s door, she opened it immediately

She stepped into the room fully, and she staggered back in shock seeing drops of blood on the ground

She Trace the blood with her eyes before they finally landed on the bed

A gasp escape her mouth seeing

“Charmaine! She scream out running to her

” Charmaine! Charmaine! She shake her body but Charmaine wasn’t moving

” Guards! Guards! She shouted



Vincenzo was busy having a discussion with his client when his secretary barged in

“How dare you barged into my office without knocking??? He yelled loudly in anger and his secretary flinch

” Am sorry sir, it’s your Mom calling, she needs to talk you urgently” the secretary said in panic

” Bring the phone” he ordered and the secretary walked to him giving the phone to him

? Mom,he said as he answered the call

? What??? He spranged up from his seat as Mrs DeMarcus break the news to him

? I’ll be there in few minutes” he hanged up and face his client

“Gentle men, this discussion will be continued another day, excuse me” he said and Ran out of the office hurriedly



Mrs DeMarcus pace around the ward as the doctor’s were busy attending to Charmaine inside

“It’s all my fault”

“I just pray she will be okay”she sniffed back her tears

” Mom” Vincenzo called as he walked to her


“How is she? He asked

“The doctor’s are attending to her inside”she replied wiping her tears

” What happened to her??

“I don’t know,I came back home only to find her unconscious in her pool of blood, and my instinct told me that Xander is responsible_

” Wait! You mean you left her alone despite knowing that that b***ard is around?? He asked aloud cutting off Mrs DeMarcus words

“I…I…” Mrs DeMarcus stutter not knowing what to say

“How could you be so careless Mom?! You know how devious that man can be and you left her alone in the Mansion?? He yelled at her angrily

“Am sorry

” Your sorry doesn’t change anything, just pray she is okay” he snapped

Just then the doctor came out looking exhausted and they rushed to jim

“Doctor how is she??
” Is she okay? The chorused impatiently

” She is okay but the foetus, she has a fragile womb and the impact of how she was manhandled resulted to her excessive bleeding,in one words her chances of giving birth to the baby is low, it’s either a cesarian section will be done on her delivery day or the baby will be born prematurely” the doctor explained

“What did you suggest we do? He asked

“Nothing for now until she wakes up” the doctor replied

“Ok thank you doctor”

“It’s my job” the doctor replied and walk away

” Just pray nothing happens to her and my unborn child cos i won’t forgive you if anything happens to them” he said to Mrs DeMarcus meaning every words

“And that bastard Xander! I’ll make him regret ever touching what is mine” he said void of emotions and left the hospital immediately



” I should be expecting Vincenzo soon” Alexander chuckled as he gulped down his liquor

“Which is good for me,” she replied taking her wine

” I can’t believe that Aphrodite will become mine soon” Alexander said with smile all over his face

“I really wonder if there’s anything so special about her”Camella muttered with hatred lacing in her voice

She was brought out of her thoughts when someone barged into the room

It was none other than Vincenzo

“Told ya” he smirked seeing how furious Vincenzo looks

” You bastard!! Vincenzo shouted angrily and charge towards Alexander giving a blow on his face

Alexander fell flatly on the ground, giving him no chance to retaliate,

“How dare you? *Punch* How dare you tried to force yourself on her??*Punch* “Because of you, she is fighting for her life together with my unborn child*

“She is pregnant? Alexander muttered in shock

” Charmaine you are giving me more chance to h@ťě you more” she said seething her teeth angrily

She brought out a bottle of injection with syringe attached to it from her purse

She draw out the injection from the bottle and threw the bottle aside

She walked consciously behind Vincenzo’s back who hadn’t stop throwing punches at Alexander

Alexander who was almost lifeless saw this and started laughing maliciously

Hearing his laughter got Vincenzo angry the more

“Son of a bîtch! He cursed and raised his fist to punch but stop halfway when he felt something injected into his arms

His eyes became drowsy immediately and he fell off Alexander’s body

“What did you do to me? He asked drowsily

” Simple! I injected you with aphrodisiac,am sure you know what it means” she replied with a chuckle

“What?? He muttered lowly as he started feeling hot and h***y

“Plan A successful” ” It’s time for plan B”she said with excitement

“Are you sure this plan of yours will work? Alexander asked

“Am on my ovulation period and as long as I have him to Com inside him, I’ll definitely get pregnant for him and that way, Charmaine Will be yours” she replied and he smile

“As long as Charmaine becomes mine, I f-__-kin care about what you do to him,

“Am leaving,I need to have my face treated” he added

” Ok” she replied watching him leave

She returns her glares to Vincenzo who was still half conscious and bent beside him

“I don’t wanna do this Vincenzo but you forced me to it” she muttered as she started undressing him while he tried hard to push her off but he was so so weak and weary

“If only you accepted to take me back,I wouldn’t be doing this to you” she added removing the last piece of his clothes leaving him all naked

Her eyes glitter in excitement as she saw his Ďïčk hard, she felt a tingling sensation in her middle making her more hornier than ever,

She quickly undress and now she was Stark naked

She straddle over Vincenzo and hold his Ďïčk

“Time to have you big man” she muttered and direct Vincenzo’s Ďïčk into her openings

” Ouh” she let out a Mõ@ɲ while he groan in pleasure

T. B. C

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