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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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A MERMAID’S LOVE – Episode 9

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Judy just finished putting Starr to sleep.

He had the chest pains some hours ago and though it didn’t take long this time but she’s still scared.

“Doctor said he’s fine, if he’s fine then why the pains, my baby was even crying” she said, stroking his hair like a baby.

Davis is not back from work yet and no matter how many times she called, he won’t pick.

She placed her head on the bed beside Starr and slept off.


Starr opened his eyes to see her sleeping beside him.

He could still remember being in pains last night for some minutes before sleeping off in her arms.

He sat up and touched her hair fondly.

“Honey” she whispered when she opened her eyes.

“Mum I’m sorry, I scared you again” he said guiltily.

“It’s not your fault, not like you wanted to, so stop feeling guilty” she replied and he hugged her.

Davis came in immediately they broke the hug.

“Judy I’m so sorry, I was in the middle of an important conference last night, my phone wasn’t even with me, I missed your calls” he quickly said.

“Honey dress up for school, I’ll make you breakfast” she said and stood.

“It wasn’t my fault trust me” he said, trying to hold her but she just walked out without talking.

“Gosh!, Ion like when she’s angry with me” he said, sitting beside Starr.

“I’ll talk to her don’t worry” Starr said.

“I trust you buddy” Davis replied and they hit knuckles.

“But you….why the chest pains when it was confirmed medically that you’re fine?”

“I have no idea too, it’s actually my heart, it aches crazily, and dad I had the dream again last night, I wasn’t able to see her face again but I saw something” Starr said.


“There was a mark on her shoulder, the shape of my necklace” he said, touching the feather shaped necklace.

It was gifted to him by his grandmother last month when he turned eighteen.

“You mean the shape of a feather?” Davis asked.

“Yes dad” he replied and Davis laughed.

“Dad …”

“It’s just ridiculous, dreams can be tricky at times” Davis said and Starr stood.

“I h@ťě you dad!!!” He shouted and Davis laughed more loudly as he entered the bathroom.



“Thanks Nam-Ri” Lotus said when she got down from the car.

“Have a nice day” he replied through the tinted windows before driving off.

“Hey!” Martin’s voice made her look back.

“Martin!” She smiled.

“You didn’t come late today” he said.

“No I didn’t” she replied and he smiled as they both started walking to class.

She suddenly saw slight bruises on his knuckles, her sharp eyes detected it.

“Your knuckles!” She said, taking it, checking out the bruises

“It’s fine, I hit it on the wall” he lied and his voice made her ears itch.

“You’re lying” she said.

He kept looking at her.

“Did someone do this to you?” She asked curiously.

“Tell me and let’s go fight him, like this” she said, throwing punches in the air.

He smiled, bringing her fist down.

“I’m fine seriously” he said and she sighed.

“If you won’t tell me the truth, then I’m leaving” she said and started leaving but he held her.

“I’ll tell you, but not just now” he said seriously and she came closer.

She stood on her toes and touched his hair.

“I’ll hold on to that, if you fail to tell me, I’ll punish you ok?” She said like a mother to her child.

“Ok mother Lotus” he smiled.

“Let’s go to class” she said.

“Guys!” Starr’s voice called.

“Martin we’ll see in class!” She quickly said and ran off before Starr could get there.

“Lotus was here just now” Starr said.

“She left when she heard your voice” Martin replied.

“What!, Am I a masquerade or something?, Why is she avoiding me?” Starr said and Martin laughed.

“Let’s go” he said, hanging his arm on his neck.

They walked to class together and met Bluey in class already.

“Guys!” He waved.

“How many classes do have today?” Martin asked.

“Just two, and OH is on tonight” Bluey replied.

“Wow!, I can’t wait, are you performing?” Starr asked.

“Yes” Bluey and Martin replied.

“I’m performing too, with Constance” Starr replied.

“Ion have a partner yet, maybe when we get there, Rhythm will be my accompanist” Martin replied.

“I registered with Ophelia already” Bluey said.

“So Lotus, are you coming to OH tonight?” Yolanda asked.

“What’s OH?”

“Opera House, it’s like house of fun for students from various schools but Melody high students get to entertain by showcasing their talents” Constance explained, playing with Lotus’s hands.

“That’ll be fun, I’ll surely come” Lotus smiled.

“I’ll come to your house so we can go together, where do you live?” Rhythm asked.

“Just tell me he address of the OH, I’ll come by myself” Lotus said.

“Ok fine, just tell your driver you’re going to OH, everyone knows OH, it’s popular” Constance said and Lotus smiled.

“Gosh!, Your hands are soft like a baby’s, your nails are too white, you’re really flawless” Constance said again.

“I might just ki|| her at OH tonight, she annoys me” Ophelia muttered.

Lotus looked at the boys table and met Starr’s eyes on herself already.

Their eyes met but she quickly looked away.

“Why is she avoiding me?” Starr wondered .

Mr Roger came in and everyone settled.

“New student, why don’t you lead the songs this morning” he said, looking at Lotus.

“Her voice sucks Mr Roger” Ophelia said.

“It’s really bad sir” Lilac laughed.

“I’m better than her” Floyd added.

“Stop it you three!” Martin and Starr shouted at the same time and the three girls backed out.

“Lotus, why don’t you prove them wrong?” Mr Roger said.

“I…I… actually have a..sore throat” Lotus said, feeling bad for lying but she’s scared.

“What if I mess up again?” She kept thinking.

“She said that to cover up sir, her voice is bad, confirm from Miss Stacy” Ophelia said again.

“Ophelia can you just stop talking!” Mr Roger yelled, hitting his hands on the table.

Ophelia rolled eyes at Lotus.



“Be careful” Nam-Ri said when Lotus hopped out of the car.

“Thanks, come back by 10, I’ll be done by then” she replied and he left.

She was about to go in when someone held her.

“Starr!” She said.

“Are you gonna run again?, I thought we were friends?, Why does it seem like you’re avoiding me?” He said.

“I….I… I’m…

Lotus touched her hair, thinking about what to say.

“You were talking freely with Martin in the morning, why can’t you do same with me?” He asked

She finally looked into his eyes and started seeing herself again.

The pomelo scent filled the air again and she quickly looked away from him.

She took her hand from him and smiled before entering.

“Gosh!, Did I do something wrong?” Starr wondered.

“Are you now talking alone?” Martin appeared.

“I’m just worried” he replied.

“Ok the kings are complete” Bluey said, jumping in.

They went into the shinny big house where various students are already seated, having fun drinking juices, some are eating popcorn and sorts of snacks.

Lotus is standing in the middle of the place, obviously looking for her friends, all eyes are on her.

Students from other schools are obviously tripping too.

They won’t stop murmuring comments and she kept standing in confusion.

Starr made to go help but Martin went faster.

“Your friends aren’t here yet, come with me” he said and pulled her to a table.

“Pretty Angel!” Rhythm came in with the girls and Lotus smiled.

They all hugged her one by one.

“Wait your temperature is so cold, are you ok?” Yolanda asked.

“Of course” she quickly replied.

The girls sat round the table.

“I’ll be with the boys” Martin said and Lotus nodded.

“If Martin asks you out, don’t hesitate to say yes, he’s cute!” Constance said and Yolanda hit her.


“Stop saying nonsense” Yolanda said.

“Mean girl” Constance pouted.

“Everyone is looking at this table” Rhythm noticed

“What do you expect, Angel is here” Yolanda said, winking at Lotus.

Ophelia and her friends are in already, laughing and chatting with some boys from other schools.

“First performers!” Jason said over the speakers.

Jason is the director of the house.

Ophelia and Bluey performed first and her arrogance even showed in her voice.

Constance and Starr went next then Yolanda performed alone.

Martin went up next and Rhythm sat in front of the piano.

“Are you singing alone?” Jason asked as Martin took the microphone.

“Anyone who’s interested in singing with me?” He asked loudly.

Lotus folded her fist tightly, suppressing herself.

“What if I mess up?”

“Anyone?” Martin asked again.

“No Lotus” Lotus thought.

“Ok I’ll perform alone” Martin said.

“I’ll join you!” Lotus suddenly found herself talking.

She inhaled and stood.

“A round of applause for the worse singer in Melody musical high!” Ophelia said loudly and a lot of students laughed as Lotus climbed the stage.

Starr’s eyes followed her till she stood beside Martin.

Martin smiled.

“Thanks” he said.

“What are we singing?” She asked.

“IN MY DREAMS” he replied and she closed her eyes, trying to download it in her head.

“By Naomi Cindy Snow?” She asked when she opened her eyes.


She smiled and they faced the crowd again.

Rhythm played the piano and Lotus closed her eyes again before entering.

LOTUS: In my dreams, I see the future…
The bright one that awaits us..

All eyes widened and everyone stood immediately.

Apparently no one has ever heard such voice before.

Starr’s heart started beating fast and his head started tickling.

Ophelia’s mirror fell from her.

Her minions stared with wide mouths like everyone else.

MARTIN: In my dreams I hear your voice

The soothing one that calms me down

I find solace in you every night..

LOTUS: can’t wait to see your face….. your face!!!!!!!!!!… Oh yeah.

“Woooowwwww!!!!” Everyone screamed astonishingly

Starr’s eyes kept widening.

“That voice” he whispered to himself, his heart beating even faster.


LOTUS: In my dreams….you shine….so bright!!!!!!!!!!!

“Hold me hold me” Ophelia said.

“What?” Lilac asked but Ophelia was already going down.

She fainted for real.


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