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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? Fake marriage ?

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Written by Rosy Johnson



EPISODES 77 & 78


Everywhere was silent as Donovan awaits David’s responds

“You know I have always stood up for you, you kept shouting no one loves you, always fighting to be heard cos you think everyone turned a blind eye on you meanwhile you’re the one that turned a blind eye on yourself,” David said, he sniffed and looked down at his bleeding leg before looking up at Donovan

“You were gonna take my wife away from me, tell me is that looking out for?” Donovan asked angrily

“Well, I had to do what I has to do!” David yelled hot tears rolling down his eyes

He couldn’t take it anymore, if Donovan was gonna ki|| him then let him do it

“She is a good woman, a very rare one. You should be thanking me for always being there for her when you weren’t,” he fired back

Donovan scoffed

“Oh really,” he went closer

“I wanted to tell you that Anna and Dad were up to something but you never listen, you didn’t even give me the chance to talk, What about the day she was attacked in the elevator and I was there to save her @zz….”

“For yourself right, you save her like her knight that you’re or the superhero, you have always wanted to be Mr perfect, What about me?” Donovan shouted while pointing the gun at his face

David held his legs groaning in pain

“I did it all for you, everything was just for you and no one else, I wanted you to know what you were gonna toss away that’s why I choose to come into the picture, and without that, you won’t have realized how much she meant to you, okay? I loved her, yes! But after acknowledging that she was your wife I didn’t have much interest in her, I wanted you to see her differently, as a wife not as a tool….”

“I never saw my wife as a tool,” Donovan cut in angrily

David looked at his face, dragging himself up he staggered towards the chair and settled down

“Oh really…..”

“Shout up and stop talking about my wife,” Donovan suddenly snapped

“I know you have made up your mind to ki|| me and I won’t stop you but first I want you to see this,” David turned his back and lifted his shirt

Donovan’s eyes widened

“Remember that? You took Dad’s car and went on a race with it, crashing it by the bush you called me for help and I had to take the blame, he whipped me 48 times, what about this,” David turned his front to him

“You tore a deal documents and I had to take the blame, he kicked me so hard in the belly that I ended up at the hospital, what about this one,” David slowly bend and removed his shoes, he reached for his soaks and took it off, lifting his left feet to Donovan’s face

“he came to bring us back from school after you get in a fight with some student and on our way home you started a fight with him which made him so mad that when we got home, you locked him inside his room and hide the keys and I also have to take the blame, I got wiped 15 times under my feet and you think no one cares for you?” David asked tears rolling down his eyes

Donovan was silent

“Come on man, everybody doesn’t have to be crazy, some people have to be a saint so they can keep the crazy one in check, I always clean up your mess even when Ashley got pregnant, I was there!” David yelled at his face

Donovan lowered his head sobbing softly, he has no idea that David was being punished for all the things he did in the past, he was busy thinking no one loves him

“You can ki|| me now if you want, I guess that’s why you came here after all,” David added

“I’m so sorry man, I’m so stupid and an idiot, how could I $h00t my own brother who taught me how to ride a bike,” he said, using his palm to clean the tears in his eyes



Mrs. Manchester went into the car and Rolando entered from the other side, Summer rushed outside and Mrs. Manchester touched Rolando’s shoulder from the back seat since he was the one driving

He stopped the car

“Can I come along? You’re going for my mom, right?” She asked, staring at Mrs. Manchester

She nodded

“Of Course, You can sit at the front….”

“No, I will stay at the back with you,” She cut in sharply

Rolando gulped, staring at her from the small mirror

She went in and he drove off



“So, you’re saying he tried raping you….”

“He R@P£D me, don’t twist my statement,” Mrs. Winfrey said, she has a bandage around her head

“And he’s your husband?” another detective asked

She gave him that look that say’s “Are you high?”

“We are just trying to make sure your story is corresponding to your….”

“What is there to correspond? Can’t you see the big bandage on her head? Are you two that dumb?” Alex’s voice came from the door

Summer, Rolando, and Mrs. Manchester came in

“Detective, we are trying to find out what happened,” the first detective said

“Find out what? Isn’t it clear enough?” she asked, stopping right before them

Alex placed her both hands on the desk and looked at Mrs. Winfrey

“Detective she murdered her husband….”

“It’s called self-defense and there is no law that says we shouldn’t defend ourselves, he beat the crap outta her and she has to escape by doing what’s necessary,” Alex said, now facing the two men

“cut her lose,” she added before walking over to the door

Staring at Mrs. Winfrey all she could see was her mother being beaten like some punching bag, what she h@ťěd more than anything in this world was a man hitting a woman, no.1 reason why she became a cop

“Didn’t you hear when I say cut her lose,” she added, stopping by the door

They both exchanged glances

“We can’t do that detective, you do not have that power,” one of them said

“Then I’m calling the DA,” Alex replied, she dialed Danica’s line and waited for a second

It went straight to voicemail, she put it on her ear as if answering a real phone call and went outside, after a few minutes she returned

“Now it’s a direct order from the DA, cut her lose or get ready to lose your badge,” she walked out

They both exchanged glances

“You’re free to go,” one of the officers said

Mrs. Winfrey nodded and stood since she wasn’t handcuffed, Summer ran and hugged her tightly

Rolando ran after the officers, he caught up with them in the hallway

“EXcuss me, sir, sir…” they stopped

“Who is the DA? I mean what is DA?” He asked curiously, he clearly saw the look on their face when that name was mentioned

“Go home, kid,”


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