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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“George, what happened to your gun?” Tyler asked, not taking his eyes off the road

“AG took it,” he replied simply

Tyler looked at him and returned his eyes to the road again

“Why would she do that? It’s yours right?” Tyler asked staring at him

“Don’t take your eyes off the road you might get us ki||ed,” George scolded

“Oh, That’s right, but why did she take your gun am curious,” Tyler replied, he slows down a little

“She said it’s not registered that I could get in trouble for using an unregistered gun and that I don’t need a gun cos of my ASD, she doesn’t want me to ki|| somebody and be a murderer and she’s right, I could have ki||ed Joy but don’t worry, I will buy another one if Joy makes me angry again,” George replied, not showing any emotions

Tyler looked at him

“Really…. argh, George come on, I only took my eyes off the road cos I wanted to hear what you were saying,” Tyler complained sadly while rubbing his left hand against his head

George actually used a belt on him

Tyler drove into the Phillps compound and parked at the lot, George went down and he followed, getting inside he saw his mother laying on the couch, her face upward

“Mom,” George called going toward her

She quickly sat up

He stood before her without saying a thing making her wonder what he was up to, maybe to remind her it was her fault that he was sick.

“AG said I was wrong, it’s not your fault and I shouldn’t say bad things to you, I’m the bad person here for making you feel bad, I’m sorry,” George said gently

Mrs. Phillips stood there staring at him

“I was wrong, only a bad mother will want her kids to be bad but you have been a good mother except you didn’t attend any of my school ceremonies and it’s bad and I’m sad for that,” he said, his both hands crossed together as if he was giving a speech

Tears fighting their way out of her eyes

“I’m sorry for not attending them, I was too busy with work…”

“It’s okay, AG also works but she never missed any of does days so I’m not sad anymore,” he cut her short

Mrs. Phillips blinked back tears and before she could know it, he pulled her into a hug, her eyes widened, nearly popping out from its socket. Did George just hug her?

Just then Mr. Phillip and Joy came in, their feet glued to the floor immediately they saw them

“That can’t be George,” Mr. Philips mumbled

“It’s him,” Tyler replied more in a whisper

Joy wanted to talk but words refused to come out

Reaching for his back Mrs. Phillip stroke his back gently, hugging him so tight as if she wanted to suffocate him

You won’t blame her, he never let anyone touch him

George disengaged from the hug, he didn’t even look at her twice before going over to his father, he pulled him into a tight hug also, Mr. Phillip didn’t know when tears slide down his cheeks, the first time

“My boy,” he called happily

George disengaged from the hug shocking the whole family, what exactly got into him?

“My baby, can I touch you again?” Mrs. Philip asked she took a few steps forward and he shifted backward

“No, I only practiced for 20 minutes and that’s how long I can last, bye,” he opened the door and walked away, George suddenly stopped and looked at Joy

“I would have practiced for you but I’m mad at you and I do not like you,” he walked away

Joy blinked

Mrs. Phillip made to go after him but her husband held her back

Tyler ran after him

“Dude, what was that? You just let someone touch you?” he asked shocked, he still don’t want to believe it even though it happened right before his eyes

“AG said physical touch makes people happy and it’s true cos I like s*x a lot…”

“Can we not talk about s*x?”

“Why? Have seen you with Lara, Quinn, Sofia, Jordan, Lim….”

“George please,” Tyler snapped cutting in

“But it’s….”

“I’m outta here,”



“You like it?” Mrs. Manchester asked staring at Summer

She nodded

“It’s delicious, you should try it, Justin,” she replied and took another spoonful

Justin rolled his eyes and looked away, how did they expect him to eat that? Poor food! What if he gets sick?

Staring at the way Summer was dealing with the food he couldn’t help but gulp from time to time

Mrs. Winfrey left a few minutes ago


“I’m not your son,” Justin cut in rudely

“Look who we have here,” Mike shouted from the door

Everyone took their gaze to the door only to see Oprah, Dustin and Mike, Justine’s face beamed with smiles immediately after he saw Oprah

“hey, heard our Superman got sick while trying to save the day,” Oprah said walking in fully

“I will leave you all,” Mrs. Manchester said

“Of course, you should,” Justin scoffed

“Justin!!!” Summer called more like yelling

“I don’t like them,” he fired back at her

She actually gave him one of her kidneys

“She’s your mother, try and be nice even though you don’t mean it,” she scolded him

Justin rolled his eyes

But he nearly got up from the bed when another person entered the ward, anger written all over him and Summer as they stared at the person.



“GO… GO… GO, come on run faster,” Danica shouted, pressing her gamepad while staring at the big screen

They are currently playing a car race, a big tray of chicken wings was in front of them, Laura came in and dropped two glasses of juice on the table

Shifting a little, she settled down on the couch and watch the interesting game that is making Danica scream so much like she wanted to pull down the house

“You need to undergo practice before you will be able to beat me,” Donovan said proudly

His car reached the deadline and he dropped his pad

“Told you,” he uttered and winked at her

“Oh, poor me,” Danica took one chicken wing

Donovan stared at her, she didn’t even spare him a glance as she took a bite, she was about to take another bite but he quickly held her hand

“Are you kidding? We agreed that the winner will eat one wing so why are you eating it? Are you the winner?” he asked staring at her, his hand still holding her tightly

She looked at the chicken wing, it was calling out to her so she licked her lips

“This one is for losers,” She blurted out trying to take a bite but he pushed her head backward

“Laura, is there any gift for losers?”

“Nope,” she replied simply

“you’re not being nice, how can you give a winner and not a give a loser? Bad child,” she pouted sadly

He sighed and let go of her

“Laura, are you in? I’m kicking ladies’ b*tt,” he said proudly

She smiled and went closer

“Oh boy, show me what you have got,” Laura replied and took the gamepad

“Yes, go…. go..” Danica took another wing, licking the sauce on her fingers

It wasn’t long before she finished that one and took another one

“Laura go…. reverse… no…” She took another one while moving her b*tt from one angle to angle to another

“You need practice to be able to win me,” Donovan said, his car is currently leading

“Jump… yes jump…… step on the speed… step… step speed!!” she screamed, nodding her head as she licked her fingers, she took another chicken wings

Her hand continues going from her mouth to the tray, she finished all of it without her knowledge

“Woman power, go girl,” she shouted happily and made to take another one but the tray was empty

Danica looked at Donovan before then she returned her gaze to the tray

“I’m dead,” she mumbled gently rolling her eyes like a three years old kid

“whoo,” Laura dropped the gamepad dancing around the room

She stocks hands with Danica and smiled happily

“Woman power,” she shouted

She won

Both Donovan and Laura stared at the empty tray in front of them, they looked at Danica and she also looked at them as if she did nothing

“Where is it?” He asked staring at her

She pouted sadly, she licked her fingers while slowly taking a bite from the one in her hand

“I’m asking and you’re still asking, what happened to it? It was like 28….”

“48,” Laura corrected

“Maybe they went to the gym can you check?” She replied innocently

“Fried chicken wings went to the gym?” Donovan asked, he took a step forward

“RUNNNNN!!!” She took to her heels and he went after her

Danica haven’t gotten to the door when she collide with Anna who was just coming in, and they both fall with Danica on top of her

TBC ????

As e dey hot ??

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