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Friday, October 18, 2024
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“Have you gone insane? I asked for her picture and this is what you gave me,” Mr. Winfrey snapped immediately as he walked into the house

Laura who is in the kitchen covered her mouth

“What are you talking about? Didn’t you say that you needed her video and that is what I posted,” Anna replied innocently

Mr. Winfrey brought out his phone

“You mean this?” he asked pushing it forward

Anna’s eyes widened

“No…. .no way, delete that, oh no, who posted that? Delete that, how did that get there?”Anna screamed loudly

Mr. Winfrey left her there, walking over to the door

Anna picked up her phone and called someone instantly, the person picked up after the second ring

“I did it right? So when I’m I expecting my balance cos I haven’t seen it? Oh, it just came in,” a male voice came through the phone

“take it down,” Anna said instantly

“Why? You said….”

“Now!!!” she yelled into the phone

“Unfortunately it can’t be deleted till after 48 hours, do have a good day,” he said and ended the call

“AHHHHH, Danica you’re a witch,” she rugged her hair

“Okay! Anna calm down, take a deep breath, AHHH how can I calm down when my nude is out there?” she said, to herself

Just then her boyfriend call came in

“oh no, I’m done for,”

“Danica you have ki||ed me, white witch, you have finished me,” she started sobbing, balls of tears rolling down her eyes

Laura covered her mouth with her palms, beaming with smiles



“I just found out, we love the same thing and it was just too much, she doesn’t like ice cream much and nigher do I, she loves watching the fireworks and same with me, almost everything was the same so that was when the idea came into my mind, I ran the test at a local clinic and the nurse told me that she has little chances of getting pregnant so…” Rolando stopped, slowly lifting his head

He looked at Mrs. Winfrey before taking his gaze to his mom

“I’m so sorry,” he muttered with tears

Mrs. Winfrey has been silent ever since she came so she still didn’t say a word, her gaze fixed on the unconscious Summer

“Abort the child,” she suddenly said not taking her gaze off Summer

“Ma’am,” Joy called shocked

“You heard me,” she replied with a straight face

Joy nodded walking over to Summer

“When will the result be out?” Mr. Winfrey added

“It’s ready,” a nurse said coming in

“So,” Mr. Manchester muttered

Meanwhile, Justin was jumping up and down as he made his way into the hospital, a nurse mistakenly bumped into him

“Are you blind?” he yelled pushing her off him

“I’m sorry,” she apologized instantly

“Sorry for your poor life, cheap sl*t,” Justin snapped rudely

Everyone around exchanged glances

Even the nurse was more than shocked to hear that from him

“What did you just call me?” she asked going after him

“oh, yeah! she wants money,” Justin scoffed, he increased his steps, winking at all the pretty girls he came across

Back at the ward

The nurse passed the DNA test result to Mrs. Manchester

“It came out positive, and this one came out negative,” she replied softly, he passed the other one to Mrs. Winfrey

Mrs. Manchester was beyond surprised, Rolando is not hers

“Does that mean….”

“He’s not yours ma’am, both your blood and that of our husband didn’t match but hers does,” the nurse cut in staring at Mrs. Winfrey

“Justin is my son?” Mr. Manchester said, more like a question

Just then Justin busts in

“I heard Justin who called my name, Mom,” he said staring at his mother before taking his gaze to Rolando and his mother

“What are this two poverty doing in the same ward with you?” Justin asked rudely

Rolando made to stand but Joy pulled him back

Justin scoffed

“You wanna fight poor boy?” Justin laughed

Mrs. Winfrey passed the result to him, Justin chuckled and took it, the smirk on his face suddenly fade away, he looked at his mother and then back at the papers again

“What’s… Mom what’s this?” he stuttered, his head couldn’t process what was happening

“She’s your real mom and your family…….” Mrs. Winfrey didn’t finish her statement before he lost consciousness and started going down



“Don,” Danica called immediately after she came in

The prison guard let her in cos she was his lawyer

Donovan looked at the door and his face beamed with smiles

Danica started going towards him but before she could get close a lady carrying a baby rushed past her, pushing her out of the way

she staggered

The lady tried hugging Donovan but the cops inside held her back

“I came as soon as I heard what happened, how are you doing?” she asked all in one word

Donovan was shocked to see her, his couldn’t believe it, he was still lost I staring at her when the lady turned to Danica

“Who are you?” the lady asked rudely, turning to Donovan she frowned

“Who is she?” the lady asked again

Donovan looked at

“She’s my wife,” he replied, glaring at her as if she was a ghost

“What? You’re married?” the lady asked more like yelling

“Excuse me, who are you?” it was now Danica’s turn to asked

“Ashley.”, Donovan called shocked

She died, right? So what is she doing here?

“You heard that, I’m his girlfriend, the love of his life, he told me he will never forget me……”
TBC ????
As e dey hot ??

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