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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? Fake marriage ? BONUS EPISODE

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Written by Rosy Johnson



EPISODES 45 & 46


Danica and David saw Donovan coming toward them and stopped, David holding her tightly as if he didn’t want to let go

Donovan fixed his gaze on their interlocked hands, getting close he held Danica’s hand pulling her away from David

“Stay away from people’s wives,” he snarled pointing his fingers at him

David chuckled softly

He looked at Danica and nodded

“Have a good evening bro,” he said and winked at Danica

After he left Donovan turned to Danica

“What was that all about? Smiling with him as if he is your husband and playing with him, what is that?” he asked, staring angrily at her

She ignored him going over to his car

“Danica I’m talking to you,” he went after her, he held her hand and she looked at her arm which he was holding before staring at his face

“Stop acting like I belong to you cos I don’t! Marriage should be an agreement between two people and this marriage isn’t in any way your idea so please let me be,” she took her hand from him, walking away, right over to their car

Donovan stood there staring at her, he roughed his hair and swallowed, going over to their car



Rex entered his office to see Kristine waiting for him, she stood immediately after she saw him


“What do you want?” he cut in, glaring hard at her

“Baby I’m so sorry, please can we start over?” she asked gently, tears lingering at the corner of her eyes

He ignored her and went over to his desk

“Baby please,” she went over to him

Rex glared hard at her

“If you don’t leave right now, I will be forced to throw you out,” he said meaning every word

Kristine broke into tears

“it was all a mistake,” she sobbed

Rex picked up the office phone, it wasn’t long before a security man walked into his office

“Don’t ever let anything that looks like her come into this hospital, is that understood?” he said and the security man nodded

He went over to Kristine and held her hand, pulling her out

“Don’t touch me,” Kristine snapped, hitting his hand

He let go of her

“I know it’s because of that female doctor, there is a rumor that you’re having an affair with her, I will make her life miserable,” Kristine ranted evilly and left.


Joy is with other doctors as they talked about the election between doctors, who will be the chief surgeon

“Celebrity doctor already has 20000 plus votes and Brandon has 18910,” Charles said, he looked at Joy she just rolled her eyes

“She’s just higher in the mean time, with time I will overthrow her,” Brandon said proudly

“Your wish,” Joy muttered

“Why are you two always fighting?” a female doctor ( Ruby) asked, staring from one person to another

“Because she’s a black witch,” Brandon said sharply

“Or because you’re jealous that am better than you, white fowl,” Joy replied glaring at him

Just then a nurse came in

“Dr. Phillip……”

“It’s joy,” she snapped

Everyone exchanged glances

“The Vice President wants you to report to his office right now,” the nurse said gently moving back, she turned around and rushed out

Joy looked so scary


Joy entered Rex’s office to see him going through some papers, he looked up and they locked eyes

“Prepare yourself, we will be going to Washington tomorrow….”

“What? Why?”

“Our hospital in Washington is in a big crisis and they need two professionals to come over and help out, I already get all the things we will be needing, it’s a two day’s journey,” he added and face his PC

“Yes sir,” she uttered and walked out



David is laying on his bed face up, he can’t seem to forget the way Danica was smiling all through the day

“She’s beautiful,” he muttered and chuckled softly

His mind went to her lips, her dimples even her lashes that looks so natural

He took his phone and dialed her number but he immediately ended the call and roughed his hair

“Gosh, how can one person be just perfect, her beauty is just beyond compare, what about those B-__-bs and her perfect b*tt?” he thought silently

“David come out of it he’s your brother’s wife,” his subconscious mind said

“She’s so pretty like a goddess,” he replied as if talking to someone

Just then he heard a knock on his door, David sat up before going down from his bed, he walked over to the door and opened it only to see Justin standing there

“David did you block my credit card?” he asked instantly

“Did you steal another money from the company?” David returned the question

Justin scoffed

“Listen, Donovan is the only thief we have in this family and everyone knows that so stop accusing me, why not just ask him?” Justine said, more like yelling

David was silent

“You even changed the company code, David you of all people should know what Donovan can do, and I’m not the one that took any money so fix my credit card back,” Justin said, staring at his face

“Are you done talking?” David asked calmly

Justin looked around to see if he was talking to another person but he didn’t see anyone there, it was just the two of them

“David don’t test me,” Justin said, his fingers pointing at David’s face

“Do you think the company will stand if you keep stealing millions from it….”

“David you’re pushing me, David,” Justin yelled

Their parents heard the voices and came out

“What’s going on here?” Mrs. Winfrey asked confused

“Mom tell David to unblock my credit card cos if he don’t I will pull down this house, Mom he’s asking for war and I will give it to him, why the f-__-k will he block my credit card, who the h*ll does he think he is? What right does he have to block my credit card? David, you’re pushing me,” Justin ranted roughing his hair

“David, what’s the meaning of this?” Mr. Winfrey asked

David scoffed

“Go to sleep mom, Justin will return the money he steals from the company, and by the time he does that then I will give him back his money,” David replied gently

“Are you crazy? What has gotten into you, David? Who Doesn’t know that it’s Donovan……”

“Thanks, dad, David is trying me, Mom I will do something we both will regret,” Justine shouted cutting in

“Unblock his credit care,” Mr. Winfrey said with authority

“I won’t do that,” David replied staring blankly at his face

Mr. Winfrey was shocked at his response, he looked back to be sure if David was talking to him

“David I said….”

“Goodnight mom,” David slammed his door at their face

Mr. Winfrey looked at his wife then at Justin before staring at the closed door

“What just happen? David slammed the door in my face? No, it can’t be, that must be another person and not my son,” Mr. Winfrey asked no one in particular


Justin walked outside where a man was waiting for him, the man opened his palm expecting him to put money in it but Justin roughed his hair

“I don’t have it now,” he said gently

“What do you mean kid? I told you I don’t work without payment so complete the payment,” the man yelled at his face

“I said I don’t f-__-king have your balance now, besides you didn’t waste him as we agreed, so I will complete your payment once you finish what you started,” he fired but, turning around to leave the man grabbed his hand and pulled him back

“If you mess with me kid, I will f-__-k with you,” the man yelled into his left ear, pushing him off, he walked away

Justin took out a cigarette from his trouser pocket, he lit it up and started smoking

“f-__-k you, David,”


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