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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? Fake marriage ?

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Written by Rosy Johnson



EPISODES 43 & 44


Donovan looked at the phone, he didn’t believe it

“Nathan, you put my wife in a freezer? Donovan’s wife!” he asked to be sure, he could feel the anger building inside him.

Nathan’s laughter came through the phone, he laughed so hard and nodded

“Next picture will be her naked body, she has got some beautiful curves you know and I can’t believe that she denied me all that during the days that we dated, such a wonderful time to welcome pleasure,” Nathan ended the call

Donovan stood, walking over to his room

“Where are you going?” Anna asked and followed him

“Not now,” he said

“Donovan this could be a trap, what if she planned with him to destroy your life and you’re…..” he didn’t let her finish and entered his room

Donovan touched the head of his bed pressing a button on it, his bed dived into two places and the center came to view, the ground opened and stairs appeared from the ground

He walked in and touched the wall, his room returned to normal

Turns out it was an underground safehouse

He opened a door and entered the place that looks like a computer house, walking over to the single chair in the room he sat on it and plugged the phone into his hand

Tracking the location

“That son of a Ɓîtçh put my wife in a f***king freezer,” he mumbled and unplug the phone, he walked out, not even bothering to close the door

Donovan went to the garage where different cars were packed, expensive cars

He mounted a bike, putting on his helmet, his leg already on the speed pedal

Donovan drove closer to the gate and the door opened by itself, he came out by the riverside before reversing to the main road



Two of Nathan’s boys dragged Danica out of the freezer and pushed her down roughly

“Careful,” Alex shouted, glaring hard at them

“Shut up Ɓîtçh,” one of them snapped walking over to her

Nathan’s phone started ringing, he checked the screen to see Stabler and he chuckled and picked up

“You have 30 minutes to do wh@ťěver you want to do and get your @zz outta there, the government has reported to all units,” Stabler’s voice came on

Nathan could hear the sense the panic in his voice so he shifted away from there

“Danica,” Alex called, she looked back and two of Nathan’s boys were busy talking

“My stomach hurts, so bad,” Danica whined in pain, her body shaking as she speaks

“Oh baby I’m so sorry,” Alex slowly shifted her chair, she looked back and seeing that the two guards weren’t looking she knowingly fall off the chair

Danica gasped

“Argh!!” Alex screamed out loudly

“Can someone help me here?” she asked staring at them, her both hands were tied behind her back

They looked at her and rolled their eyes, not even bothered

Dragging herself towards Danica who is laying almost lifeless on the floor

“Danica baby,” she called gently

“I think I’m gonna die, it hurts a lot,” Danica replied, fighting to retain her strength, was losing it

“Help me lose this rope, come on baby,” Alex turned her back to her, staring at Nathan who is still busy

“I can’t, I just wanna sleep,” Danica mumbled and closed her eyes

Alex looked at Nathan again then she took her gaze to his boys

“You’ve got to do this, come on,” Alex said out loud

Nathan turned to them, she panicked she gulped nothing

Just then two of Nathan’s boys heard a noise from outside, they looked at each other before walking over to the door

Nathan ended the call, he put the phone in his trousers pocket while walking over to them

“What are you two doing?” he asked grabbing Alex roughly by her hair, he forcefully pushed her back to her sit

“Get your @zz here,” he snarled, going over to Danica

Alex whose hand was loosened by Danica grabbed the keyboard, hitting it at the back of his head, Nathan staggered, his hand went to his gun, and with a single kick the gun fly out from his hand and landed near a pillar few meters from them

Nathan smirked, folding up his sleeves

“You wanna do this the hard way, huh?” he said and threw a punch at Alex but she dodged it

“f-__-k you,” she spat and returned the punch

“ I see you have a death wish,” Nathan uttered with a long kick, the force from his leg made Alex go down to her knees, her hand holding her tummy

“Why…. why do you… think I become a cop?” she stuttered, dragging herself up

She positions herself

Nathan came forward and they engage in a serious fight, Alex punch his face but he dodged it and returned the punch, it met with her cheek, busting her lips

Blood spills out

He punched her stomach followed with an uppercut

“ARGH… f-__-k,” she groans in pain

“Alex,” Danica called with the little strength she has lift

Seeing Nathan going over to his gun, Alex rushed towards him just like flash and they went down, he pushed her off getting back to his feet, a sudden kick landed on his members

“f-__-k,” he shouted, stars coming out of his eyes, he bent slightly, his hand holding his Ďïčk

Alex kicked his face with her heels and he went down straight, she kicked his tummy twice before grabbing his head, Nathan suddenly punched her thighs making her let go of him

With blood face, he punched her face and she fell face down, her eyes getting blurry

Nathan stood walking over to her he grabbed her hand but a sudden plank landed on his neck, it came from Danica, touching his neck Nathan turned to her with fire in his eyes, he reached for her but Alex jumped on him and they both went down straight

Meanwhile, David has already disfigured the two guys that went outside in search of wh@ťěver made the sound, he ran into the place

Nathan was already unconscious cos of the plank and Danica fells down instantly, Alex tried to catch her but they went down, running over to them

“Are you two alright?” David asked staring from one person to another

”I’m fine just take her to the hospital,” Alex said weakly, her eyes closing as she speaks

“Sorry I came late, I was delayed by Stabler, he wanted to call back up but it was taking so long,” David said and carried Danica up

Just then Donovan rushed in

He rushed to Nathan, he dragged him up by his collar sending punches to his face as if trying to ki|| him

Cops ran in and tried pulling him away but he didn’t let go of Nathan, he only released him when he saw Danica in David’s arms, he went forward and took her from him

David shook his head before walking back to Alex, he carried her in a bridal style walking out of there


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