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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Alex got to her apartment only to see George waiting for him there, she stop staring at him with a blank look on her face

“AG,” George called softly

Without saying a word, she walked over to her door and opened it, George made to enter but she pushed him back going inside, he pulled her back by her arm, pinning her against the wall

Alex looked at him and said nothing

“I’m sorry, please stop avoiding me, I love you very much,” he said staring directly into her eyes, his hand holding hers tightly

Alex was silent

“AG please love me, I tried to stop this feeling but I couldn’t, it was just too much that I couldn’t control it and right now I’m going insane, I just want to have you close, no one else. I feel safe staying with you and I don’t think I will be able to do the same with another person. what can I do for you to love me?” he said, tears building up at the corner of his eyes

Alex was silent, she didn’t even blink and her face was blank, emotionless

George leaned forward and claimed her lips in a rough kiss, his hand held her tightly as he deepened the kiss, kissing her hungrily and tastily

She didn’t push him away or respond to the kiss, she just stood there like a statue

George broke the kiss after a while and looked at her, she was staring at him also

“AG,” he called, stroking her face gently

Alex was fighting back tears, pushing them back but they kept coming

“AG I’m sorry for making you have s*x with me….” she placed a finger on his lips shutting him up

Alex continues staring at his face, George leaned over again and kissed her lightly, he made to pull away but she suddenly opened up for him, his face lit up instantly

Wrapping his hand around her waist he deepened the kiss, his other hand went to her B-__-bs as he pressed them gently, she caught his hand and broke the kiss

He looked at her and blinked

“Please love me,” he said, in a sad voice

Alex shook her head negatively

“I can’t,” she replied gently

George held her hand and shifted closer, his body pressing against hers

“But why? I love you very much, I don’t care about anybody it’s you that matters,” he said, caressing her face

“George honey, someday you will find a teenage girl……”

“I don’t love teenage girls,” he cut in sharply

She became silent

“It’s you that I want, I’m sorry for the s*x…..” George was still saying but was interrupted by Joy’s voice

“Did you say s*x?” she asked and looked at Alex before shifting her gaze to George

“Danm,” Alex cursed, touching her forehead

“Did you f-__-k with my brother?” Joy asked, she didn’t want to believe what she heard

Alex gulped nothing

“Yeah, he f-__-ked me,” Alex replied in a low tone

“You promised me, so you have been lying to me all this while?” Joy scoffed and turned around, she couldn’t believe it

“I trusted you and you lied to me, you promised me Alex!” Joy said in a high pitch

“I tried but I couldn’t, I’m sorry,” Alex said gently, guilt eating her up

“Why are you apologizing? I love you, okay? It’s my…….”

“Shut up Jackass, what do you know about love? How can you even love someone you can’t be with? Wake up from this stupid dream of yours and see reality, she’s not meant for you,” Joy snapped, shutting George up

George frowned, he took a step forward but Alex held his hand, tapping it, George understood instantly that she wanted him to keep quiet so he did

“And you, I don’t ever wanna see you near me again, ever,” Joy said, meaning every word

She looked at George and without saying a word she stormed off

George looked at her


“You should go, George,” she cut in instantly


“George honey please,” she added, holding her head, George nodded and she ruffles his hair, he smiles lightly and left



“Okay, but you should hear my own part of the story,” Danica said, standing right before him

They are currently in his room

“What exactly are you going to say? That you weren’t there when your friend attacked her? and you couldn’t stop her but instead you stood and watch, or you’re gonna try to justify it?” Donovan said he was so furious

“That’s not what happened, okay? Just let me talk….”

“About what? Haven’t you done enough harm to me already? Just because I refused to send her out you choose to assault her, did you even think that she is my sister? You want me to send my family out of my own house, what if it was your sister?” he snapped angrily

“I have a family and I also have a sister, even cousin, and nephews, okay? But I can’t bring them here to trouble my home, Donovan for the sake of noodles we are married, your sister should stay in your father’s house or better still rent a house for her if you love her so much, she has been causing me so much pain ever since she stepped foot into this house…..”

“So you’re now saying that I can’t have my sister in my house?” he cut in

“Our house,” Danica corrected instantly

He scoffed

“What makes it our? cos I never married you, you whooped me off my manhood! You married me. marriage should be an agreement between two people but this isn’t in any way my idea, you ruined my reputation the moment you lied against me, and everyone believe it, now you can’t even submit to me as a wife should do, you keep challenging wh@ťěver I say. Don’t you know that you must submit to the kingship, to my leadership if you’re getting married to me, and wh@ťěver I say stand,” He said, pointing his fingers right at her face

Danica chuckled softly

“Unbelievable, you don’t need to keep reminding me that I married you so tomorrow I will get a divorce paper from the court,” she replied

Donovan scoffed, staring at her with disbelieve

“You’re talking about submissive when you don’t honor me, in case you have forgotten let me refresh your memories, they said “husband honor your wife and wife submit to your husband,” how come you’re not talking about the honor?” she asked, her voice low

“This is my house and I make the rules, my sister is not going anywhere and that stands, take it or leave it,” Donovan said, going over to his closet

“You know I always did everything you ask of me without objecting, do you even think of the possibilities that I’m a human being with emotions? Feelings that can be triggered. right now I just remember when you told me that you will make this marriage hell for me, I thought it was just you and I but little did I know that you brought your sister to make my life miserable…..”

“That is your business, you should have thought of miserable before ruining my life right in front of everyone,” Donovan cut in, walking over to the door

“Miserable,” he scoffed

“I’m sorry,” Danica suddenly said, loud enough for him to hear it

He stopped and turned around, she also turned to face him

“For what exactly, huh? For what?” he asked more like yelling

“For marrying you, tomorrow I will go to the media and tell them that it was all a lie and that our marriage is fake, I’m sorry for ruining your reputation, I’m sorry for trying to send your sister away from your house just so I could have peace, I’m sorry for not being submissive even after doing everything you asked of me, I’m sorry for causing you pain, I’m sorry for coming into your life, I’m sorry for starting to like you, I guess I was just stupid and still leaving in my fantasy world, I’m sorry for everything, I wish none of them ever happen, I wish to find someone just like you cos I have become a little bit attached to you and I wish you all the good things life will offer,” Danica said, by the time she finished endless tears were rolling down her eyes

She walked past him but stopped at the doorstep, turning to him

“Don’t forget me easily cos I will always remember you, if not for anything just try and remember that we once had a good day together, just the two of us,” she walked away

Donovan watch as she entered her room, he walked away also

Laura who is packing her things ready to go looked up to see Danica, without saying a word to her she walk past

“Are they fighting?” Laura mumbled

Anna who was watching a movie dropped her popcorn on the table and rolled her eyes then she scoffed and hissed

“Stupid witch,” she mumbled


“I’m so stupid to believe in the world of fantasy, the goody goody of fairy tails and the happily ever after, Danica wake up to reality, this is real life and there is nothing like happily ever after,” she said to herself, walking down the road bear footed

She didn’t even notice, she was so deep in thought, many thoughts running through her mind

Suddenly a black van double-crossed her, Two guys jumped down from it, one of them covered her head with a sack

they dragged her inside the Van and speed off instantly
TBC ????

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