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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Son, who did this to you?” Mr Brooks asked staring at Nathan

He came to visit

Nathan has a big bandage around his neck, his left leg hung up with a rope and his hand bandaged, his face wasn’t left out

“Donovan did,” Nathan said but it came as a whisper

“What? That son of a Ɓîtçh,” Mr. Brooks yelled folding his fist tightly

“He came with his band of thugs and they attacked me, he said he was never my friend that he was only using me, dad he said he will ki|| me and my entire family…..” his father didn’t wait for him to finish before rushing out of the room

Nathan smirked

“Enjoy her while she lasts cos once I come out here you will know what I can do, don’t think because you gave me all this wound that it has finished, Donovan the war just started and I will stop at nothing till I Fůçƙ Danica senselessly then tell the world who you are,” Nathan said gritting his teeth



Donovan burst into his father’s office and before Mr. Winfrey could know it a punch landed on his face, as if that wasn’t enough Donovan pulled his collar sending seven consecutive punches to his face

Mr. Winfrey threw his hand off and returned the punch, Donovan blocked it and punched his face again and with that, they engage in a serious fight

Just the two of them in the office, Mr. Winfrey’s secretary who was coming in to drop a file saw the scene and rushed out instantly

it wasn’t long before Mrs. Winfrey entered, rushed forward she held Donovan giving Mr. Winfrey the access to punch him, Donovan shoved her aside attacking his father instantly but David entered and blocked his way

It was the secretary that called them and thankfully they were still in the company

“have you finally gone insane?” David yelled and pushed him back

“Yes, if your father touche my mother again I will bring down this company, I will pull it down and by then you will know what Donovan Cooper can do,” he yelled, rage dripping like a running tap

Cooper is actually his grandpa’s name, his mother’s father though

“You see this prodigal son I will deal with you, you don’t know what you’re messing with,” Mr. Winfrey yelled, he took out his handkerchief and cleaned the blood stain in his mouth

“Touch her again, just touch my mother again and I will k*ll you and go to jail,” Donovan snarled, his hands pointing at his father’s face

“Don calm down……” David was still saying but Donovan didn’t let him finish

“Don’t tell me to calm down, don’t tell me that! He hit my mother, he hit her and you’re telling me to calm down?” he yelled, Rage washed through him like the wave of the ocean

“Look, Winfrey, if you want a punching bag then go to the gym, if you want the one that will cry for you then buy a robot, if you want a human being then come let’s do it man to man, come on!!” Donovan yelled moving forward

“I said stay back,” David suddenly yelled with a punch bursting his lips

Without wasting a second Donovan return the punch but his hand hanged in midair when his mother quickly stood in the way

“Move away mother, move!!!” he shouted staring at his father before taking his gaze to David

“What is your problem Don? Why are you the headache in this family? What made you think Father will ever hit mother? Do you always have to bring disgrace to this family?” David yelled, the first time seeing him talk

“Ask him, a prodigal son,” Mr. Winfrey shouted

“I have eyes, okay? The moment I saw those scars on her neck I instantly knew that there is only one dog, mad enough to give her those scars and guess what? She tried to hide it but I’m Donovan, nobody can fool me,” he yelled loudly

“Donovan please, it’s just a little scar I told you I scratched myself,” his mother said softly, her eyes filled with tears

“Even as that do you have any right to fight your own father.…”

“He is not my father! He doesn’t have any right to hit her, okay?” Donovan fired cutting in

“Just watch your back cos what happened to Ashley might happen to your new wife,” Mr. Winfrey, an evil grin appearing on his face instantly

Donovan charged toward him at full speed, his mother tried to interfere but he walked past her and launched at his father, they both went down straight

“If you touch my wife I will strangle you with my bare hands……”

“AHHHH!!” Mrs. Winfrey suddenly held her chest

Everyone looked back at her

“Ahhhh!!!” she shouted again

Before anyone could know it she went down, her hand on her chest, she was feeling a sudden pain right there

“Mom!!!” Donovan screamed and rushed towards her

David has already carried her in a bridal style rushing out, he didn’t bother to use the elevator, he ran down the stairs and all the employees stared at them shocked

“Mom,” he mumbled staring down at her, tears fighting their way out from his eyes

Donovan rushed out from the company going over to his car but two cops blocked his way

“Mr Donovan Winfery…..”

“It’s Cooper,” he correct instantly

“You’re under arrest for attempted Murder of one Mr Nathan Brooks, you have the right to remain silent for anything you say or do will be used against you in the court of law, you have the right to an attorney and if you can’t afford it, one will be provided to you,” One of the cops said and cuffed his hand behind his back

Donovan looked forward but David’s car has already left

Mr Brooks actually called the cops



“Mom please can you leave George alone? It’s not his fault that he is autistic, he didn’t ask for it,” Joy said calmly

She was preparing to go to work

“He let a woman touch him joy, don’t you get it?” her mother shouted, she was so mad at him

Joy who was facing the mirror turned and looked at her

“You should be happy Mom, maybe he finds comfort staying around her, so please leave the innocent boy alone,” Joy replied and face her mirror again

“Happy? Happy that my son is….”

“Mom please!!!” Joy screamed loudly

“I need to go to work, allow me,” she added, her voice loud

Her mother was about to reply when Joy’s phone rang, picking up her phone she saw Danica and Alex on the screen then she accept the call

It was actually a group video call

“Joy am dead, my enemies have finally caught up with me, joy am dead!!!!!” Alex screamed into the phone

Joy raised her brows and her mother looked at her

The phone was on speaker out

“What happened?” joy asked confusedly

“I didn’t want to go, I never wanted to but it was all you and Danica’s idea, you both have finally ki||ed me, joy and Danica has finished me,” Alex’s crying voice came through the phone again

“Is that not the dirty cop?” Mrs. Philip asked curiously

Joy looked at her

“Mom you know Alex was never like this, she was once your reverend father’s daughter, that’s what you use to call her back then,” Joy said and her mother hissed

“So I thought,” she muttered

“Mom! she was never like this in high school, something made her this way and all you should wish is for her to come out of it someday in the future,” Joy replied, going over to the door

“Danica what happened?” she asked curiously glaring at her phone

“She won’t tell me that’s why I called you hoping she will say something,” Danica replied softly

Joy went into her car

“Where are you going?” Alex managed to ask

“Work,” she replied instantly

“Good thing you’re coming here cos am waiting for you here,” Danica said

Joy’s eyes widened

“Can any of you tell me what happened? Or are you two planning to ki|| me with high blood pressure?” Joy suddenly snapped

“Joy you know that therapist you told me about?” Alex asked and she nodded

“You know I never wanted to go but Danica said it was good for me, joy I went there because you supported her, I never wanted to go but you two forced me and when I got there she told me to try something new, Joy I went and try something new and now my spinal cord is broken, my waist Joy!” Alex said, sobbing

“What do you mean broken? Who broke it?” Joy asked curiously

“Joy!!! my enemies broke it, I never wanted to but it was the both of you that pushed me,” Alex cleaned her tears with the back of her palm

”Alex, what did you do?” Danica asked, she still don’t understand a thing

“There is this style they call it “Rotate the wheel” my therapy said I should try something new so I went and do rotate the wheel, My waist bone is broken Joy ohhh, Joy my waist and spinal waist, everything is broken, Joy I’m broken…..”

“Alex wait, what is rotate the wheel?” Joy asked confused, she looked at Danica and bit her lower lips preventing herself from laughing

Danica covered her mouth with her palms, trying not to laugh out loud too

“It’s a new S£x style…….” Danica didn’t let her finish cos her laughter covered the whole place

“Alex did you rotate bicycle wheels or car wheels??????


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